#(it's been crashing a lot lately and I don't know if it's firefox or the new laptop but it's really annoying :/ )
bistaxx · 2 years
k!Fargan is back and he wants to confess to k!Alexby ^_^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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"I've never been to the Internet Archive before.." Abyssal mutters softly, eyes twinkling with amazement as she strolls in with CPU by her side. He smiles up at her, clearly endeared by her amazement.
"Only accessible through the Hub," he informs her with a hum. "The Browsers were strict about that."
"Browsers?" She blinks.
"You know, Google, Firefox, those guys." The older Admin answers as they get to the large doors. He pushes them open with practiced ease, and she follows him inside. "They have their own spaces they govern, but this is the one place they all have a hand in."
Abyssal nods as she follows him, marveling at the grand library. Large bookshelves with what she could tell were filled with many reports. She didn't really envy those who had to write it down.
"Is this a part of your job?" She asks. "I thought you focused on all the capturing and stuff."
"This is an unofficial part." CPU shakes his head. "My job entails termination on the spot, Abyssal. Crash handles capture and recapture, while Antivirus handles those bigger threats fit for Computer Hell. I handle those that needed to be terminated on the spot since Crash doesn't really have permission to terminate."
"So.. I've been doing similar to Crash? Except I've been bringing Worms's viruses to Computer Hell or similar?" Abyssal asks.
"Pretty much." He nods, waving to some Archivists.
"Feels like I'm one of you guys now," she jokes, "with how I'm doing that and universe clean ups."
"It fits you." He says simply, making her look surprised before he waves down a Program. "RAM, over here."
"Oh, C-CPU!" The program is a blue ewe, though with horns akin to a ram's. With a green sweater and skirt flowing as she floated over, hooves gently clack as she stands on the ground. Her eyes shift over to Abyssal, and momentarily, her expression falls. "O-oh.. is this..?"
"This is Abyssal," CPU spoke quickly. "A very good and close friend of mine, and one of the younger Admins at the Adminspace. Abyssal, this is RAM. She's the Lead Archivist here at the IA."
RAM blinks. "She is.. a lot taller than you."
"I've been getting that lately.." Abyssal smiles sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck. She glances at all the command boxes around RAM, a bit shocked.
RAM claps her front hooves together, smiling. "We-well! What do you need?"
"Just entering some new data about Viruses." CPU waves his hand, and some data boxes appear. They float over to RAM, and she nods gratefully.
"Thank you so much!" She smiles before glancing away shyly. "Uhm.. is there.. anything else I could help you with?"
"No, thank you. Have a good day." CPU waves goodbye before turning and walking off. Raising an eyebrow, Abyssal waves goodbye as well and follows.
"Why'd you end the conversation so quickly?" She tilts her head. "She seemed nice."
"Only because you were with me." CPU sighs. "RAM.. she's a good Program, don't get me wrong, kid. But she's just.. she's clingy and way too affectionate. She keeps trying to flirt with me, too."
"But you're single?" Abyssal tilts her head more.
The older Admin drags a hand down his face and mutters something softly before looking up at her. "Look, the bottom line is, I just don't like her like that. She's not my type, and never will be. So I always keep it short with her."
"Ooh.." The younger Admin nods, following him out of the Internet Archive building. "Okay, I get it."
"Good." He stretches his arms before sighing. ".. you feel up to seeing the others?"
Abyssal grins. "I'm not the one suggesting it! Yes!"
CPU snorts, though there's a smile on his lips. "Don't let it get to your head, kid."
"No promises!"
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sangrefae · 1 year
2,8, and 25 for EliGuydeSan
sorry my firefox crashed in the middle of me answering this and deleted everything so. take Two (sobs)
2. Do they have a dynamic trope? (enemies to lovers, sunshine x grumpy, etc?)
it's hard to pick a specific trope bc most of them are for two characters, but the most approximate one for them is Rivals to lovers but with elinor as the neutral third party tired of their shit ghjkl;'
8. Do they have any favorite activities to do together?
yes!!! the most obvious one is Playing music together (i feel like elinor would teach sanson to play an instrument, maybe the flute, so he didn't feel left out but it turned out he was pretty good at it) and singing, but. i also feel like they'd do pvp together (i make pvp canon bc its funny to me the implications) and elinor would drag both of them to the gold saucer during make it rain campaigns
25. What is their dream home? Do they buy a place together? Who plans the decorations and who does the heavy lifting?
IVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT THIS ONE A LOT LATELY if only bc i want to upgrade to a medium in game and don't know where to get it but im like. the most obvious choice is the lavender beds and the one i default to, but maybe they'd move after a while to kind of broaden their horizons? idk if sanson Has to live in the shroud to be a part of the adders anyway but who knows!!! in any case, sanson is the mastermind of decorating while elinor is a happy little omnicrafter making everything he wants fjhjkfdf guydelot helps plan + move stuff around but every once in a while throws out a wild suggestion just to see if sanson notices (he does, every single time)
ask game
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