#(jokes aside i love you straight people please don't shout at me haha-)
@lcst-at-5ea said,
Could I have a matchup please? I'm kinda short, I have dark eyes and short, straight black hair in a pixie cut. I'm a pretty chill ambivert, and I like art! I like to think that I'm funny, haha, but I'm also a massive procrastinator. I don't really have a type, other than dumbasses. I love them. I LOVE cuddles!! I'm obsessed with pirates, and I like acting and mythology, and drawing. I'm a Taurus, a Ravenclaw, and I'm an INFP, I think. Also, I'm a minor!
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✧ Thank you for requesting a matchup, love. Stay safe and positive! 💞
✧ WARNING: there will be spoilers about Tenma’s backstory in ‘How You Two First Met’ part. Read at your own risk.
I’d match you with: . . .
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➜ HOW YOU TWO FIRST MET ; Your first encounter with each other was in your elementary school. You weren’t close with each other though. In fact, he didn’t even know you existed back then. You, on the other hand, knew the name Tenma Sumeragi. I mean, who wouldn’t? Even from such a young age, it was possible to see his face on TV. His acting abilities were far from normal for a boy in his age. From his gestures to his facial expressions to his voice, everything was as good as it could be. So, needless to say you were not surprised when you heard that he got a major role for his class’s play for the the school festival. Something you were very excited for. Not only you were going to be free from some of the classes, you’d also get to see a play. Basically two birds with one stone. Even from such a young age, you were interested in the art of acting. So it really wasn’t that surprising when your friends found themselves getting dragged to somewhere near the stage the school put out. You really wished your class would do a play too but sadly, that wasn’t the case. After a while, the play started and you found yourself getting sucked into the story. That was until a boy with orange hair got to the stage. Tenma Sumeragi, to be more exact. You’ve seen the movies he was in before so you excitedly waited for him to say his line, just like everybody else did. To your surprise though, he was standing still, his purple eyes full of fear and panic. The red curtains closed on the other children who were on stage, indicating that the play was not to continue. A disappointed sigh escaped from your lips as everyone around you started to murmur about the poor boys accident. If you haven’t clearly seen the look in Tenma’s eyes, you would be probably whining just like everyone else. You really didn’t want to leave the school without checking up on the boy so you ran towards one of the cotton candy stands, leaving your friends behind and confused, and purchased two fluffy, sweet confections. With both of your hands full, you tried to make your way towards the backstage. It was now nearly empty, with a few students still talking with each other and some teachers. Your eyes immediately locked on the boy who was sitting on a box, head hung low. His orange hair covered his face but there wasn’t any people who could have that bright hair color. Putting on a smile, you ran towards the boy and sat down on the floor, giving him a little hello. The boy looked at you without saying anything and looked back down, clearly ignoring you. Getting up, only to sat down next to Tenma, you offered one of the cotton candies to him. His eyes shot back at you, surprised to receive something from a total stranger to him. Regardless, after hesitating for a second, he took the spun sugar confection from you, mumbling a thank you. You two ate the cotton candies in complete silence before you grabbed his hand and dragged him outside. On the way, he was shouting at you out of surprise, asking you what you were doing but you didn’t pay any mind to him. That day was spent going from one activity to another with each other. After that day, even if he wouldn’t admit it, he was stuck to you like a glue at school. He would occasionally come and visit your classroom on the breaks and you two would spend the entire break together or sometimes, you were the one who visited his classroom. With the blink of an eye, you two were very close friends, best friends even. Yeah, after graduating from elementary, you went to different middle and high schools but Tenma, despite his hectic schedule would always make time for you. You knew about the stage fear he developed, so in your second year of high school, when he told you he was going to try and get over his phobia, you were delighted and gave him your %100 support. Needless to say, you were given a ticket from the first row to Water Me!, his first stage play since elementary.
➜ PERSONALITY COMPATIBILITY ; Did you say you love dumbasses? Here, you can have him. Jokes aside, since you didn’t include that much of your personality, I’m going to base this part on your MBTI. I hope you don’t mind. Tenma is what you would call a 'tsundere.' He is a confident, arrogant boy who is not afraid to tell other people what he thinks but despite that cocky and self-centered attitude of his, he often feels pressured by the success of his parents and fears of disappointing them. Most INFP’s don’t just want to find a partner– they want to connect. So when Tenma tells you about his worries, which is harder for him than usual people, it’s your duty to make him feel safe and welcomed. Make him feel like he can tell you everything. Since he generally has trouble connecting with other people, he appreciates it and it means so much for him more than you can guess. INFP’s respect their partner’s independence, which is very important because Tenma is definitely not your usual high school boy. He’s always auditioning for a movie or a series, maybe even a commercial. On top of that, he has both school work and theater. Needless to say, he is a very busy person. Sometimes, this can lead you two not seeing each other for weeks, only some texts here and there. The reunion is always something you can look forward though. Don’t worry about being a procrastinator because Tenma will constantly remind you do to the things you have to do. Maybe he’ll even put a prize at the end, something like “If you manage to finish your assignments until Friday, I might take my precious time to come and visit you.” Listen, I know Tenma’s generally easily flustered but if he is able to say "You want attention that bad? Then practice a kiss scene with me." without any problems then he can easily say the former. No I don’t take criticism.
➜ SHARED ACTIVITIES ; Public and Tenma don’t exactly go well together since his face is basically everywhere so your dates are usually indoor ones. From watching each of your favorite childhood movies to making plans for the future, although the later is usually only when he’s particularly feeling soft. Movie nights are a classic for at-home dates, but one way to give it a particularly fun and connective spin is to pick out movies that mean something to each of you. For example, you take turns watching each person's favorite movie from when they were ages 5, 10, and currently. It's a great way to learn more about each other and can spark some interesting conversation and rediscovered memories to share. Planning for the future gives you something to look forward to, makes you feel more in control, and can make you feel closer as a couple because you're spending time thinking about a shared future together. You can also make other kinds of plans. For example, what if you spent an evening thinking through what you want to be doing one year from now, five years from now, and 10 years from now? You can write down what you come up with so you can reflect on it later. You love cuddling?? Ask this boy for some! He will try to be smug about it but deep down, he just wants to feel you close too! His arms would wrap around your shoulders, his chest pressed firmly against the muscles of your back. Slowly he would rub his hands up and down your arms, warming your skin, yet leaving more goosebumps than there had been previously. He wouldn’t always insist on conversation, it‘s enough for him usually to just have you in his arms. Both of your breathing would start to grow steady with sleep. Before you knew it, both of you were in the dreamland in each other’s arms.
➜ ZODIAC COMPATIBILITY ; Tenma’s birthday is on June 21th which makes him a Gemini. This pairing of consecutive signs frequently works out because the two share similarities by season, while still bringing different elements to the table. Taurus and Gemini are spring signs, and when they combine forces, we can discover a lot about how the world works and why life blooms on this planet to begin with. Both of you are content with time spent away and time spent together. Try using this cycle to your advantage. Know when to nurture each other and when to give each other space. By putting your best effort into this, you can strengthen your relationship ties. Taurus should not give up or get annoyed with Gemini for having too much flexibility in their mind. Taurus needs to be patient when possible and comfortable being more decisive. Neither of you can manipulate the other. Work to compromise and balance out your strengths. In a healthy Taurus-Gemini relationship, this combination will be a major team. They both have strong mental focus and, together, they can accomplish whatever they want. Bring about world peace? Sure! Bring about the world's end? Sure! They have the skills to link up and become truly united without feeling as though they are losing themselves.
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lovely-angst · 7 years
Okay, you want angst, I'll give you angst, for both your happiness and mine! ;) How about a scenario where the boys are not paying attention and don't see a car coming when they cross the road and their s/o pushes them out of the way, only to get hit instead and a sad ending where the s/o gives up her life for her love? You wanted angst and I delivered! ;) For Noya, Lev, Oikawa, and Bokuto, please? 😈 Thanks! ❥
This is super long because I love angst scenarios like these ;u;
I tried my best to not make it too repetative, but they kinda are.
“Haha, wait for me Noya!” You laughed as you ran after him who was laughing along with you. “Maybe if you can catch me!” He exclaimed as he continued to run around town with you. 
You loved this, running around town fooling and joking around with Nishinoya. You loved the rush that went through your body as you ran with no care in the world like you were flying away leaving all your problems behind.
The breeze felt nice in your hair as you watched Nishinoya’s back, trying to catch up to him. He’s always had so much energy and you loved that about him. 
There was a stop light ahead and Nishinoya waited briefly until it had turned green again and signaled for pedestrians to cross, you still trying to catch up to him.
Your breathing was heavy as each foot landed on the sidewalk, one after the other. Nishinoya was still far ahead of you and he ran so carefree and happy, you wanted to catch up.
But something was off.
All you could hear was your breathing as you watched the truck speed down the road, not stopping for the red light it had. Any minute it would head straight for Nishinoya and there would be nothing you could do about it.
“Noya! Stop running!” You screamed as you forced your body to run passed its limits. Nishinoya didn’t understand though, he continued to run forward, “What are you saying?” 
Your heart stopped beating and your breath was caught in your throat as you ran your fastest and finally caught up, throwing your arms in front of you to push the male out of the way,
“Yuu! Look out!”
It seemed as if time had stood still as he felt his body hit the ground. All he could hear was ringing around him and everything looked blurry as he sat up and looked around for you, “(Name)?” 
“Sir are you okay?!” People came running by to the scene to help, some running over towards Nishinoya to help him onto his feet. “I’m fine, just a little scratched.” 
He looked around for you, but couldn’t seem to find you. What had just happened?
Something seemed to have sparked in his mind as his eyes widened in shock. He remembered you pushing him out of the way before the truck slammed into you, throwing you a few feet before you continued to tumble and roll onto the street.
Gasping, he ran over towards the truck and found you surrounded by multiple people trying to keep you alive. Blood pooled around you and the street as you tried your best to stay awake.
“She’s my girlfriend!” Nishinoya cried as he pushed his ay through the crowd reaching over to hold you, “(Name)! (Name)!” He cried as you slowly opened up your eyes to look at him.
“You’re okay.” You say happily as you brought your hand up to caress his cheek, “I’m so..glad..you’re okay.” It took you multiple breaths to be able to spill your words out to him. 
You retracted your arm back as you closed your eyes to take in another breath, but it was extremely difficult to do so. Nishinoya grabbed your hand in his and squeezed it.
You felt rain drops on your face before they rolled off your cheeks. Opening your eyes again, you saw Nishinoya crying over you as he held you. “I’m so sorry,” He sobbed, squeezing your hand so more, “It’s all my fault.” 
You smiled gently at him, “I just…want you safe..Don’t forget that..I love you, Yuu.” Your eyes gently closed as your head fell back into his arms, Nishinoya shook his head before leaning down to hug your body.
“I love you too.”
“Woah, it’s a little slippery here isn’t it?” Lev laughed as he held your hand tightly to stop himself from slipping and sliding away. Chuckling you squeezed his hand and nodded, “That’s winter for you.”
You hummed gently to yourself as you and Lev walked home from school together. It was always nice to have him by yourside because it got pretty lonely without him around and he was generally always warm.
“You know, the snow makes you look really pretty.” Lev compliments as he turns to look at you. Your cheeks heat up and you give him a big smile, “Thanks Lev, that’s really sweet of you.”
A couple minutes passed and you noticed the fresh snow coming down from the sky. Holding out your free hand, you let the snow fall down onto your hand before it melts away.
“Hey, it’s snowing!” Lev shouted as he let go of your hand to spin around under the fresh snow. Giggling, you walk over and spin with him under the snow; it was quiet aside from the laughter that filled the air.
Hearing car tires skid somewhere close by, you stopped your movements and looked around just to see a car slipping and sliding in the street from all of the ice coming straight for you and Lev.
Your eyes widened as you grabbed his sleeve, “Lev, hey, move out of the way.” Lev looks up and notices the car speeding his way and just as he’s about to move out of the way, he slips on some ice that was hidden under the snow.
“Ah!” Lev falls onto the ground and you try your best to help him up before the sliding car hits him. Your heart races as you hear the loud honking of the car, but it doesn’t seem like enough time.
With all of your might, you run and push slide Lev just far enough for him to move out of harms way, but Lev saw everything.
His green eyes widens as he watches your body slam onto the hood of the car before smashing into the windshield cracking it. The car slides a few feet before it gets stuck on a large patch of snow, your body sliding of the car and onto the white snow.
“Oh my gosh, (Name)!” Lev cries as he runs over towards you, occasionally slipping. He notices the whote snow around you being dyed red beneath you. Grabbing his phone, he dials the police and hold the phone close to his ear, “Hello what is your emergency?”
“My girlfriend just got hit by a sliding car! Please come quick! She’s losing blood!” The operator tries to calm Lev down but he’s shaking so much it’s hard for him to even hold the phone.
Eventually Lev’s able to give the information and he disgards his phone somewhere in the snow as he cradles your body. His eyes are watery and you blink the tears away that he drops onto your face.
“Hey, don’t be scared.” You try to calm him down because you can feel him shaking, but it doesn’t seem to help. “How can I not be? You just took the hit for me..” 
You cough some blood out and it scares Lev even more, his grip on you tight, “Th-the ambulence is coming! Just..Just hold on for a little while longer!” He cries as his tears continue to land on your face.
The ambulances quickly arive and Lev’s hand is holding yours with every movement the paramedics do, until they place you on the stretcher and load you onto the ambulance. 
“(Name)?” Lev says worridely as his hand slips away from yours. You use all your energy to raise your head and look at him with a smile, “I’ll be fine Lev..”
Slamming the doors shut infront of Lev, the drive off towards the hospital while he stands in the snow without you.
That was the last time he ever saw you.
Didn’t this only happen in movies? Why was it happening to him now? To his girlfriend? Why?
He couldn’t grasp reality as he grips the car with the strangers around him, trying their best to remove the car that was pinning you to the ground. “Come on!” Oikawa yells as he tries again to lift the car from you. 
He doesnt realize it but he’s crying. Crying because he’s scared of losing you. It happened in a split second. The two of you walking together and suddenly people yell and scream and Oikawa feels himself being roughly pushed before he sees the car crash into you. 
How you made the effort to take the hit instead of him, he’ll never forgive himself for not being a better partner for you. Oikawa wanted to erase the pain on your face as you felt the impact of the moving vehicle.
He should have taken the hit for you. 
“Don’t die, don’t die, don’t die.” Oikawa curses as the people around him try again to lift the car. It takes more than five tries before they flip the car, pulling you out from under the vehicle.
The ambulance rushes over and parks near by before paramedics rush out and quickly help you onto the stretchers. “I’m her boyfriend!” Oikawa yells as they pull you up onto the ambulance. 
“You’re fine, you can get on,” A paramedic says as they use their head to gesture him on. Oikawa jumps on and sits besides you, watching your unconcious figure laying on the stretcher as they try to help you.
“Please move back sir,” They say gently pushing Oikawa back as he watched in fear. You weren’t waking up and it was scaring Oikawa, “You can’t leave me yet.”
It had been almost a day since you’ve been admitted into the hospital, Oikawa never leaving your side. The heart monitor beeps steadily in your hospital room, quiet besides the soft breathing or the two in the room.
Your eyes flutter open and you look around your surroundings, adjusting to your current location. Your gaze finally focuses on Oikawa who was laying beside your legs. Smiling, you place a gentle hand in his hair. 
“Oikawa?” Hearing your soft voice call his name, he lifts his head and looks at you, bandaged everywhere with monitors hooked up to your frail body. His eyebrows furrow as he leans over and gives you a gentle hug, “I didn’t think you would ever wake up.”
“Don’t be silly. I’m awake now aren’t I?” Your hand contimues to tread through Oikawa’s hair as he lays his head on your legs, staring up at you. “Are you…Are you feeling well?”
“I’ve been better. My body still hurts.” You respond honestly; Oikawa frowns and looks at all the medical wire connected to you. “I’ll be good as new, promise!” 
Oikawa smiled at your words and he leans up to give you a kiss on the forehead. “I’ll be keeping that promise.” 
But as the days passed by, your injuries worsened and you were always in pain. Oikawa stopped by every single day, as much as he could just to see you because you always told him, “ Seeing you just makes me feel better.”
Oikawa came to the hospital one day with flowers in his hands, ready to see you and try to ease your pain,but when he walked into the room,
You were no longer there.
“Bokuto? Where are you?” you shouted outside as you ran from street to street, corner to corner looking for Bokuto. Your eyes were rimmed red from previously crying and your breathing was uneven as you inhaled.
Bokuto had stormed out after an argument the two of you had half an hour ago and you couldn’t take it anymore being mad at him. Grabbing your soft blanket, you ran outside as fast as you could and looked everywhere for him as you shivered in the cold night.
“Bokuto, I’m sorry! Please come back!” You tried again, but no reply was heard. Furrowing your brows, you turned around and tried to search for Bokuto in his favorite spots or your date locations. 
After running around for ten minutes, you plopped yourself down on a bench and sighed, wiping away the tears that eascaped your eyes. Wrapping your blanket around you more, you snuggled yourself into the blanket as you closed your eyes trying to rest a bit before continuing your search for Bokuto. 
A couple minutes passed and you could feel the cold breeze blowing through your blanket making you shiver as you opened your eyes in the dark night. Deciding that it was best you go home for the night, you looked around a little bit before leaving.
To your luck, you see a familiar multi-colored hair male walking in the distance; your eyes light up as you quickly get up onto your feet running after him. Your hot breath forms white clouds as you run after him, you needed to appolagize.
“Bokuto!” Hearing you shout his name and he stops in his place. He doesn’t see you or the car racing towards him. Glancing towards the side where the car was coming from, you turn back towards Bokuto. “There’s a car! Watch out!”
Bokuto finally turns around, but misses the car and all you can do is pray that you’ll reach him in time. 
His mouth opens to say something but the impact of your push knocks him down on the other side as he crashes onto the ground. Your body smashes against the winsheild and as the car comes to an abrupt stop, you fly off the car and tumble onto the street.
Even in the seconds that Bokuto holds himself there, he still vividly remembers your crying face as you push him out of the way. It haunts him. 
He runs over towards your injured body and it scares him when he doesn’t see you move. He’s scared to touch you because he doesn’t want to hurt you anymore than he already has.
“(Name), why did you- why did you do that?” Bokuto asks pained as he kneels beside you, placing your head on his legs. “Why?”
Your eyes open and you look up at him, “Because I’m sorry.” 
His eyes widen in shock as you smile weakly at him, your hand reaching up to caress his face, “I’m not going to make it.” Bokuto shakes his head before reaching over to grab your hand, “You are! Don’t say that! You’re going to make it alive and we can live happily together again!”
Frowning, your eyes droop and you stare into his golden eyes, asking for one last request, “Hey, can you kiss me one last time?” 
Bokuto’s lips quiver as he stares down at you, almost lifeless. Nodding, he leans down and places a kiss onto your lips, you pushing back gently before he leans back to look at you.
“Thanks, take care Kou.” Bokuto knows you had passed and he lets out a sob as he turns away to cry. “Come back..”
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