#(later on Ace falls for the AlteMarco and AlteSabo but then is ripped away from them to his own world)
marcoacesabo · 6 years
MAS WEEK Day 1:  Alternate Universe
To tell you the truth he didn’t really think it would work. See, Ace had always assumed his so-called “powers” were a lie made up by a guilt-ridden Garp. Just something the old man could give him from his dead mother, something that didn’t need physical proof. 
When Ace was small and angry he took those words for face value. Sure his powers sounded far-fetched even to him back then but that was all he had. He clutched to the notion that those words, those promises of resting powers were true beacuse it was a way to connect him to the woman formally known as Portgas D Rouge. 
As he got older he realized that it was impossible. Just another white lie told to children, like the tooth fairy or the gift baring Marine Boy- that last one he never believed but why tell Garp to stop bringing him presents?- it was just a thing said to keep his childlike wonder alive.
For if it had been true then why had his mother died?
He never mentions his powers to anyone- well maybe Sabo once when he was still alive- and for a long time he even forgot about them. They were pushed to the back of his head, part of his childhood which he never really thought about until someone else brought it up. He lived his life as free and as daring as any pirate could, all up until the point he was captured then thrown into a war over his life.
It was ironic, that those powers were there all his life and they only awake when his life ended. It was only three seconds before he breathes his last that his body started to glow and Ace was able to access the power of the Portgas family.
It’s much like his fire so he reaches for that sensation and doesn’t let go. Not even when it feels like he’s buring inside out. 
It was terrifying waking the first time. 
He had just had his chest blown apart, lava eating away all his internal organs and the smell of burnt flesh was still in his nose, sitting like a long unwanted guest.  Honestly, who could blame him that the first thing he did was scream?
Scream as if though he was dying- is dead? He had died right?- thrashing about in a panic attempt to get the pain to stop. The pain that felt so real only seconds ago but now wasn’t there- even if he could still feel it.  
Beacuse his chest wasn’t ripped apart, it was whole perfect besides the beating of his panic heart. 
Ace didn’t know what to do, he hurt but he wasn’t injured- at least he hopes so- and his death was so fresh, too close to not have been real why wasn’t-
“Ace!?” A voice yells right before tiny hands land on his shoulders. It was the wrong thing to do. Ace didn’t react well- don’t touch me don’t touch me don’t touch me- his hand shooting up to snatch the offending hand thinking only of lava and pain.  
He didn’t even register the loud snap, not until a young male’s voice scream in agony. It was imminently followed by crying, and pain gasps- a child's voice. 
Ace was many things, but as a former abused child, he could not ignore when a child screamed like that. It took everything he had but the WhiteBeard Commander forced his mind to calm down, take control of his fear and think. 
He snaps his eyes open, ones he hadn’t been aware he had close and came face to face with a sobbing Sabo, tiny and young just like he remember him being. The little blond was holding his arm, crying horribly his face twisted in pain, his wrist twisted in the wrong direction.
“Oh fuck! Sabo!” Ace screeched springing up. Despite the confusion, the fear, or the questions he could never ignore Sabo in pain. Even though his death had been years ago, Ace could never think of anyone that he hadn’t cared for as much as Sabo....well there was Marco but that was a dream of a desperate eighteen-year-old who never got the courage to try and let the other know about his feelings. 
Sabo though? Sabo was the one person who took the chance on Ace, in a time when no one else would have and for that reason alone he would always remain as the true holder of his heart.  
“Sabo?! Oh, Sea I’m so sorry! Let me help-”  He tries to reach out but the other flinch from him shaking his head. It pretty impressive that he hasn’t passed out yet, tough kid. 
“No! I’ve seen you use Healing Magic- you’ll make it worse! You can barely even hover!” Sabo gasps between sobs. His voice wavering with pain  “Get your mom to fix me! Hurry it hurts!”
Healing Magic? Hover? His mom? 
“I don’t-”
“Ace it really really hurts! Please! You said- ow ugh - you said you would take care of me! You said I wouldn’t be a slave to you!” Sabo sobs a plea in his tone like he is hoping Ace will confirm something for him as he is leaning on the ground body curling over his injured arm and that’s when Ace notices it. 
At first, he hadn’t really paid attention, not really. Everything happening too fast for him to care about the long blond bunny ears that were randomly attached to Sabo’s top hat but with the boy leaning over the soft white little ball sitting near his tailbone gave him pause.
Sabo shirt had lifted up allowing Ace to see that the ball wasn’t part of his blue shirts- no it was part of Sabo’s skin. That means it was his tail. Sabo had a tail.
what in all the blue fucking seas!?
“Boys what is going-Sabo! Sweetie, what happened?!” A woman shouts. She had been opening the door, a frown on her face until she caught sight of the kneeling child. 
Ace watches her come in with the grace of a season killer, steps fast but silent. Her long blue dress barely makes any noise as she rushes forward one of her hands glowing an odd blue- kinda similar to Marco’s flames.  She places her hand on the crying boy’s back and she mumbles soothing words to him until he unfolds. 
She gently takes his injured hand, sweeping her strawberry sunshine hair out of her face as she chants short words and the glowing blue fire starts to heal the boy’s broken wrist. Sabo’s whimpers start to die down and he is left sniffing, his wrist twisting back into place.
It’s kind of sicking to watch. 
 He doesn’t know who she is, much less what devil fruit she is wielding but she isn’t hurting Sabo. He doesn’t do anything but watch her work, and then when she finishes he gives her a hard glare.
One she easily matches- in fact, Ace is shocked to see it’s exactly like his. Down to the freckles placement too. 
“Young man you will explain to me why your familiar's wrist is broken.”  She demands, hugging the shaking Sabo to her bosom.  Ace watches her tap a collar that is around Sabo’s neck and it light ups under her fingertips  “You just made a pack with him. Don’t you dare tell me you lied about protecting him”
“What are you talking about?” Beacuse no really, what is even going on? Is he even dead?
She squints at him, her entire face too much like his own that it makes him highly uncomfortable before it clears and she looks shocked. Maybe a little pale when she whispers  “Ace? Honey is that you or is that....another you?”
Here Ace jerks. No one knows. No one is supposed to know, not beside him and Garp.
“Oh, honey.” The woman says sadly. She looks at him like she understands everything and Sabo peaks at him looking almost curious “How old are you? My Ace is only ten.”
Ace doesn’t answer and she nods  “Okay. I can tell you don’t know me. My name is Portgas D. Rouge. I’m a mage, and this is the 98th dimension. Where are you from?”
Ace swallows. No his powers weren’t real. They weren’t-
“This boy here is Sabo. He’s a half-familiar hybrid- my son made a pack with him recently. He’s a mage in training.”  She continues when all Ace does is stare.  She pets the boys head- his top hat having been knocked off and leaving behind two long bunny ears that shouldn’t be there.  “Today, he was going to be engaged to the Whitebeard’s eldest. But I’ll send them a letter and let them know you aren’t feeling well.”
Ace can’t breathe. He really can’t- his body doesn’t feel right. Tiny. Small. Weak He’s dead. Just died in battle in Luffy’s arms.  
Rogue smiles sadly at him  “Jumps are scary. Don’t worry we will help you back. After all, you may be an alternative version of my Ace but you’re still my son.”
 Ace wonders if he can tell Garp that he believes him now. That his power to jump into his other lives, isn’t as made up as he thought. Or maybe he can tell him that he’s gone completely and utterly insane. That works too. 
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