#(let’s not talk abt my ‘‘sleep’’ ‘‘schedule’’ which is. DEEPLY gefuckt at the moment)
aeide-thea · 10 months
wow SUCH a vivid dream abt hooking up with a Nice Young Man i’d gotten to, i think, coach me thru writing a paper (lol. lmao.) but then it turned into us making out and me realizing he was stunningly delightfully subby actually???? so then i got to like. hold him down and nuzzle-nip-kiss-grope him a bunch. honestly very satisfactory.
hilarious that even in the dream i was punting on my paper—realism!!—but. whatever. it was a nice dream iykwim. :D
also for some reason i was telling him abt poems that like. lay out a problem and then resolve it but in, like, an anticlimactic way where the problem was more compelling than its resolution? except the only example i actually remember citing was that sayers sonnet from gaudy night (lay on thy whips, o love, that we upright…) which like. on waking i feel is a decidedly unfair characterization of that poem so like. disappointed in dream K’s thesis statement, lmao. however maybe they existed in a mirror world whose version of that poem WAS like that, who knows. i like to think they wouldn’t have misrepresented the one i know like that! [also apologies 4 quoting the volta(?) instead of the actual first line, it’s what comes 2 mind offhand 4 me and i didn’t do a google bc i’m just thumbtyping.]
however. can’t complain abt getting 2 dream abt queer makeouts (pretty vividly too, honestly! hazy but suggestive memory of sensations and even sounds!) AND pome analysis. like. VERY on-brand really. :D
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