#(ma.) — task 011.
thatdarkdivide · 4 years
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mordred abbott / task 011.
Name: mordred abbott Nicknames: mor Birthday: 24 aug  Age: seventeen Pronouns: he/him Sexuality: bisexual (closeted)  Siblings: none Other Family: madoc abbott (father) & verity abbott (mother)
Wizard Fun:
Hogwarts House: slytherin Year: seventh Clubs: astronomy, frog choir, divination Favorite Class(es): potions, astronomy  Least Favorite Class(es): history of magic Pet: hyperion Blood Status: muggleborn Species: human Patronus: fox  Boggart: his father  Wand type: elm, mermaid scale, firm Affiliation: death eaters
Height: 5′8″ Hair Color: black, sometimes blond Eye Color: brown Typical Hair Style: cropped, curly Fashion Style: he wears a lot of dress clothing, mostly in blacks and blues. very simple, but classy.  Distinguishing Features: his smile 
Biography: abuse tw, alcoholism tw 
Mordred Abbott’s life began with a bottle of firewhiskey. Madoc Abbott’s family would have never picked Verity Ramez as a match for their son—and technically, they didn’t. They were never really a couple, one of those on again, off again type situations. They were the couple at school that everyone just wished would break up and be done with it—but they didn’t, much to everyone’s dismay. Barely a year after graduating, Verity got pregnant. Madoc’s family was furious when they found out. He could have dumped Verity without a second thought, but the Abbott family was traditional and not long after finding out she was pregnant they were wed. It wasn’t a huge affair either, like Madoc’s brother’s wedding the year before. They were wed quickly and quietly, regardless of their own wants, and that was that. Mordred was born seven months after his parent’s wedding—and by the time that seven months had rolled around, his parent’s marriage was already in shambles, though they knew better than to show that to the world. Mordred grew up with a father who found solace at the bottom of a firewhiskey bottle and a mother who found comfort with anyone else.
Unfortunately, things didn’t improve for Mordred as he got older. His father blamed his mother for his own unhappiness, his mother blamed his father and his family for her unhappiness, and the Abbotts blamed Mordred. His home life was awful at best, unbearable at worst. As long as Mordred stayed quiet, they typically left him alone. Though his home situation was bad, his parents kept up appearances—after all, they needed to be seen as a happy loving family. It was only behind closed doors did things get ugly. Mordred got used to it: a public face versus a private one. There were some things a person just kept hidden and appearances, in a world like his, they were everything. He wouldn’t dare defy the expectations that were placed upon his head because he knew he’d be the one that got hurt in the end. Mordred learned he was good at it too—but maybe he was only good at it because he knew that if he wasn’t, the alternative was his father’s wrath. He kept quiet, didn’t make waves, and tried his hardest not to be seen, not heard—and for the most part he was successful.
Mordred was relieved when his Hogwarts letter came, if only to have it be an excuse to get out of his house for most of the year. He was the first of his peers to be called for sorting and a hatstall. Nearly six minutes passed before the hat finally called Slytherin. So Mordred took his seat with the rest of the snakes, and didn’t look back or think about all the things that maybe he could have been if he’d chosen a different path. Mordred made friends fast in Slytherin—he had to, really—with his family ties and the pureblood society being close knit. He’d always been more of a follower than a leader though, content with letting the rest of his friends tell him how he should act and what he should say. Mordred never really questioned the behavior of his pureblood friends. If there was another way to live, then he’d never been made aware of it. No, he was content with the abuse and ugliness that came along with pureblood society because being different made a person bad and Mordred Abbott never wanted to be a person that got cast aside for making a scene.
By fourth year, Mordred has had enough of his family and the people that were supposed to be his friends. He closed himself off from them a little bit at a time, not particularly caring if he lost friends along the way. It was easy to explain that he wanted to focus on his education, not being a terror around the school. Even by then, he was too afraid to say he was beginning to question the path he was supposed to be following. While he couldn’t outwardly defy the pureblood society, he did begin allowing himself to listen to the rhetoric of the people who did openly defy his society. That’s how he found himself involved with Lily Evans. He somehow convinced himself that he could somehow have something of his own, away from that life that was planned for him. Still afraid of what it would look like, they kept their relationship secret. Mordred thought that maybe if he kept this hidden from the world, that he could keep it safe—shield the small spark so it could become a fire. He stupidly allowed himself to fall for her, stupidly planned a life away from pureblood society, stupidly thought he was worth something.
In the end, it was his desire for things to stay the same that broke them up. They’d been walking a tightrope the whole time and as much as he wanted to, Mordred couldn’t take the leap. He hadn’t been ready for it then. After getting caught and his parents finding out about Lily, his family told him he couldn’t make any more mistakes. With his relationship over, Mordred hoped that things would go back to normal. He’d wanted everything to happen quietly and he hadn’t been afforded that. He could have chosen a different path, but he chose to end things. He picked his family—duty and honor to them—above a romance. Mordred tried to tell himself he did the right thing, though as time wore on, he stopped believing in his ability to make decisions.
Finally in his seventh year, Mordred has begun to realize that he has some decisions to make on his future. He can’t procrastinate anymore. His family expects him to be a certain way and that’s not particularly the path he wants to go down, though it is the easier one—or he can choose the path that maybe he should have all those years ago, even if the bridges might have been burnt along the way. Mordred isn’t sure he’s ready to make these decisions yet either. He’s hoping that something will happen that will push him towards the path he’s meant to take.
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flarechaser · 6 years
Bibliography for my term paper on evolutionary studies of homosexuality
A large part of this paper was critiquing how these studies were being done, and that included citing some pretty egregious examples of using out of date and discriminatory language. Some of those words are included in the titles. Please take care of yourself when reading these. A lot of it is interesting, and there are a lot of resources here for producing better, community oriented, respectful research that's applicable across the humanities. But it can get overwhelming. Bailey, J M, and P Bell (Bailey and Bell 1993, 313-322) 1993 Familiality of female and male homosexuality. Behavior genetics 23(4):313–22. DOI:10.1007/BF01067431. Bailey, J. Michael, Michael P. Dunne, and Nicholas G. Martin (Bailey et al 2000, 524-536) 2000 Genetic and environmental influences on sexual orientation and its correlates in an Australian twin sample. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 78(3):524–536. DOI:10.1037/0022-3514.78.3.524. Bailey, J., RC. Pillard, MC. Neale, and Y. Agyei (Bailey et al 1993, 217-233) 1993 Heritable Factors Influence Sexual Orientation in Women. Arch Gen Psychiatry 50(3):217–223. Barber, Nigel (Barber 1998, 387-401) 1998 Ecological and psychosocial correlaties of male homosexuality. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 29(3):387-401. Bentler, P M, and P R Abramson (Bentler and Abramson 1981, 225-251) 1981 The science of sex research: some methodological considerations. Archives of sexual behavior 10(3):225–251. DOI:10.1007/BF01543077. Blackwood, E. (Blackwood 1985, 1-17) 1985 Breaking the mirror: the construction of lesbianism and the anthropological discourse on homosexuality. [Review] [74 refs]. Journal of Homosexuality 11(3–4):1–17. DOI:10.1300/J082v11n03. Blanchard, Ray (Blanchard 2012, 551-556) 2012 Fertility in the mothers of firstborn homosexual and heterosexual men. Archives of Sexual Behavior 41(3):551–556. DOI:10.1007/s10508-011-9888-0. Bobrow, David, and J Michael Bailey (Bobrow and Bailey 2001, 361-368) 2001 Is male homosexuality maintained via kin selection ? Evolution and Human Behavior 22:361–368. DOI:10.1016/S1090-5138(01)00074-5. Buhrich, Nell, JM Bailey, and NG Martin (Buhrich et al 1991, 75-96) 1991 Sexual orientation, sexual identity, and sex-dimorphic behaviors in male twins. Behavior Genetics 2(I):75–96. Byne, William, Susan Bradley, Eli Coleman, Evan Eyler, Richard Green, Edgardo J Menvielle, Heino F L Meyer-Bahlburg, Richard R Pleak, and D Andrew Tompkins (Byne et al 2011, 1-35) 2011 Report of the APA Task Force on Gender Identity and Gender Variance. Am J Psychiatry(July 2011):1–35. DOI:10.1037/e516782010-001. Camperio Ciani, Andrea S., Lilybeth Fontanesi, Francesca Iemmola, Elga Giannella, Claudia Ferron, and Luigi Lombardi (Camperio-Ciani et al 2012, 2878-2887) 2012 Factors Associated with Higher Fecundity in Female Maternal Relatives of Homosexual Men. Journal of Sexual Medicine 9(11):2878–2887. DOI:10.1111/j.1743-6109.2012.02785.x. Camperio Ciani, Andrea, and Elena Pellizzari (Camperio-Ciani and Pellizzari 2012) 2012 Fecundity of Paternal and Maternal Non-Parental Female Relatives of Homosexual and Heterosexual Men. PLoS ONE 7(12). DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0051088. Camperio-Ciani, A., F. Corna, and C. Capiluppi (Camperio-Ciani et al 2004, 2217-2221) 2004 Evidence for maternally inherited factors favouring male homosexuality and promoting female fecundity. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 271(1554):2217–2221. DOI:10.1098/rspb.2004.2872. Catania, Joseph A., David R. Gibson, Dale D. Chitwood, and Thomas J. Coates (Catania et al 1990, 339-362) 1990 Methodological problems in AIDS behavioral research: Influences on measurement error and participation bias in studies of sexual behavior. Psychological Bulletin 108(3):339–362. DOI:10.1037/0033-2909.108.3.339. Camperio-Ciani, Andrea, Francesca Iemmola, and Stan R. Blecher (Camperio-Ciani et al 2009, 449-455) 2009 Genetic factors increase fecundity in female maternal relatives of bisexual men as in homosexuals. Journal of Sexual Medicine 6(2):449–455. DOI:10.1111/j.1743-6109.2008.00944.x. Dawood, Khytam, Richard C. Pillard, Christopher Horvath, William Revelle, and J. Michael Bailey (Dawood et al 2000, 155-163) 2000 Familial aspects of male homosexuality. Archives of Sexual Behavior 29(2):155–163. DOI:10.1023/A:1001955721992. Denmark, Florence, Nancy Felipe Russo, Irene Hanson Frieze, and Jeri A Sechzer (Denmark et al 1988, 582-585) 1988 Guidelines for Avoiding Sexism in Psychological Research. American Psychologist 43(7):582–585. Fenton, K. A., A. M. Johnson, S. McManus, and B. Erens (Fenton et al 2001, 84-92) 2001 Measuring sexual behaviour: Methodological challenges in survey research. Sexually Transmitted Infections 77(2):84–92. DOI:10.1136/sti.77.2.84. Forrester, Deanna L., Doug P. Vanderlaan, Jessica L. Parker, and Paul L. Vasey (Forrester et al 2011, 339-352) 2011 Male sexual orientation and avuncularity in Canada: Implications for the Kin selection Hypothesis. Journal of Cognition and Culture 11(3–4):339–352. DOI:10.1163/156853711X591288. Herek, Gregory M., Douglas C. Kimmel, Hortensia Amaro, and Gary B. Melton (Herek et al 1991, 957-963) 1991 Avoiding Heterosexist Bias in Psychological Research. American Psychologist 46(9):957–963. DOI:10.1037/0003-066X.46.9.957. Hershberger, Scott L (Hershberger 2016, 212-222) 2016 A Twin Registry Study of Male and Female Sexual Orientation. The Journal of Sex Research 34(2):212–222. Hoffman, Louis, and Justin Lincoln (Hoffman and Lincoln 2011) 2011 Science, interpretation, and identity in the sexual orientation debate: What does finger length have to do with understanding a person? [References]. PsycCRITIQUES 56(15). DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/a0023178. Idani, G. (Idani 1991, 83-95) 1991 Social Relationships between Immigrant and Resident Bonobo (Pan paniscus) Females at Wamba. Folia Primatologica 57(2):83–95. DOI:10.1159/000156568. Iemmola, Francesca, and Andrea Camperio Ciani (Iemmola and Camperio-Ciani 2009, 393-399) 2009 New evidence of genetic factors influencing sexual orientation in men: Female fecundity increase in the maternal line. Archives of Sexual Behavior 38(3):393–399. DOI:10.1007/s10508-008-9381-6. Jensen Krige, Eileen (Jensen Krige 2017) 2017 Woman-Marriage, with Special Reference to the Loυedu. Its Significance for the Definition of Marriage. Journal of the International African Institute, Vol . 44, No. 1 44(1). Kirkpatrick, R. C. (Kirkpatrick 2000, 385-413) 2000 The Evolution of Human Homosexual Behavior. Current Anthropology 41(3):385–413. DOI:10.1086/300145. LeVay, Simon (LeVay 1997, 172-193) 1997 Chapter 9 Genes. In Queer science: the use and abuse of research into homosexuality, pp. 172–193. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA Manson, Joseph H, Susan Perry, and Amy R Parish (Manson, Perry, and Parish 1997, 767-786) 1997 Nonconceptive Sexual Behavior in Bonobos and Capuchins. International Journal of Primatology 18(5):767–786. DOI:10.1023/A. Melton, Gary B. (Melton 1989, 933-940) 1989 Public Policy and Private Prejudice Psychology and Law on Gay Rights. American Psychologist 44(6):933–940. DOI:10.1037/0003-066X.44.6.933. Melton, Gary B., Robert J. Levine, Gerald P. Koocher, Robert Rosenthal, and William C. Thompson (Melton et al 1988, 573-581) 1988 Community Consultation in Socially Sensitive Research: Lessons From Clinical Trials of Treatments for AIDS. American Psychologist 43(7):573–581. DOI:10.1037/0003-066X.43.7.573. Morin, Stephen F. (Morin 1977, 35-58) 1977 Heterosexual bias in psychological research on lesbianism and male homosexuality (1979-1983), utilizing the bibliographic and taxonomic system of Morin (1977). Journal of homosexuality 13(1):35–58. DOI:10.1300/J082v13n01_03. Murphy, Timothy F. (Murphy 1998, 1-11) (Murphy 1998, 13-48) 1998 Introduction. In Gay science: the ethics of sexual orientation research, pp. 1–11. Columbia University Press, New York. 1998 Chapter 1 Scientific Accounts of Sexual Orientation. In Gay science: the ethics of sexual orientation research, pp. 13-48. Columbia University Press, New York. Parish, Amy Randall (Parish 1994, 157-179) 1994 Sex and food control in the “uncommon chimpanzee”: How Bonobo females overcome a phylogenetic legacy of male dominance. Ethology and Sociobiology 15(3):157–179. DOI:10.1016/0162-3095(94)90038-8. Rahman, Qazi, Anthony Collins, Martine Morrison, Jennifer Claire Orrells, Khatija Cadinouche, Sherene Greenfield, and Sabina Begum (Rahman et al 2008, 962-969) 2008 Maternal inheritance and familial fecundity factors in male homosexuality. Archives of Sexual Behavior 37(6):962–969. DOI:10.1007/s10508-007-9191-2. Rahman, Qazi, and Matthew S. Hull (Rahman and Hull 2005, 461-467) 2005 An empirical test of the kin selection hypothesis for male homosexuality. Archives of Sexual Behavior 34(4):461–467. DOI:10.1007/s10508-005-4345-6. Rind, Bruce (Rind 2016, 397-407) 2016 Biased Use of Cross-Cultural and Historical Perspectives on Male Homosexuality in Human Sexuality Textbooks. 35(4):397–407. Roscoe, Will (Roscoe 1987, 81-172) 1987 Bibliography of Berdache and Alternative Gender Roles Among North American Indians, Journal of Homosexuality, 14:3-4, 81-172 Schroder, Kerstin E E, Michael P Carey, and Peter A Vanable (Schroder et al 2005, 96-99) 2005 Methodological Challenges in Research on Sexual Risk Behavior: III. Response to Commentary. Annals of Behavioral Medicine 29(2):96–99. Smuts, Barbara, and John M. Watanabe (Smuts and Watanabe 1990, 147-172) 1990 Social relationships and ritualized greetings in adult male baboons (Papio cynocephalus anubis). International Journal of Primatology 11(2):147–172. Strassberg, Donald S., and Kristi Lowe (Strassberg and Lowe 1995, 269-382) 1995 Volunteer bias in sexuality research. Archives of Sexual Behavior 24(4):369–382. DOI:10.1007/BF01541853. Vasey, Paul L (Vasey 1996, 539-551) 1996 Interventions and alliance formation between female Japanese macaques, Macaca fuscata, during homosexual consortships. Animal Behaviour 52(1991):539–551. DOI:10.1006/anbe.1996.0196. Vasey, Paul L., and Doug P. Vanderlaan (Vasey and Vanderlaan 2012, 209-215) 2012 Sexual orientation in men and avuncularity in Japan: Implications for the kin selection hypothesis. Archives of Sexual Behavior 41(1):209–215. DOI:10.1007/s10508-011-9763-z. Williams, Walter (Williams 2001) 2001 Benefits for Nonhomophobic Societies: An Anthropological Perspective. In Ed. Warren Blumenfeld Homophobia: how we all pay the price. Beacon Press, Boston. Wiederman, Michael W. (Wiederman 1999, 59-66) 1999 Volunteer bias in sexuality research using college student participants. Journal of Sex Research 36(1):59–66. DOI:10.1080/00224499909551968. Wilson, Edward O. (Wilson 1975) 1975 Sociobiology: the new synthesis. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA. Wrangham, Richard W. (Wrangham 1993, 47-79) 1993 The evolution of sexuality in chimpanzees and bonobos. Human Nature 4(1):47–79. DOI:10.1007/BF02734089.
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juudgeblog · 7 years
Top ten places in Delhi to intern for content writing
In this article, Arnav Srivastav elaborates on Top ten places in Delhi to intern for content writing.
Writing isn’t as easy as it seems. Just ask me, and I’ll cry a thousand rivers! But those tears reflect a heavy metric of hard-work and due diligence, which also give you divine satisfaction. In simple and plain words, writing is a form of expression, a tool to relay to the reader your feelings and opinions on a subject. It isn’t just anyone’s cup of tea. At times it can be really hard and tedious to conjure up words and form cohesive sentences. Writing, at best is an art, and like everything else, to learn something, you need someone to learn it from. Content writing, as a profession, is picking up at a brisk cadence in contemporary times. Many companies are now deferring to the learned ambit of professional content writers to get the job done. The emphasis is exclusively on getting the most high-quality, yet, appealing articles for their websites. As a culmination of the same, the demand for young, hard-working interns has also augmented. Internships are an amazing opportunity for youngsters to get hands-on experience, and also earn while they learn and have fun. Delhi is a melting pot of eclectic cultures and burning new ideas. It is the ideal place for a young and ambitious individual to learn, while also having the time of their life. Here we present to you the 10 best places in Delhi to internship for content writing.
Learning Brothers
Learning Brothers specialize in the development of custom learning solutions, content digitization, and implementation of learning ecosystems. [1]The firm uses industry, domain, and technology experience to quickly identify needs and develop a learning solution plan. It is quickly becoming a leading hotspot for aspiring writers to come together and share their enthusiasm for writing. Apart from the great learning experience, the internship also entails eye-catching stipend, ranging from Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 10,000. Their sole criteria for accepting applications are content writers who are specialized and have the capability in providing relevant content. A prefect destination for you to grow!
Qualification:  English (Hons) , BBA ,MBA ,MA , BA.
Legal drafting is perhaps the most important asset for a lawyer. Superior drafting skills ensure an inherent advantage over other competitors. One thing is for given: if you intern at ClikLawyer, you’ll come out a drafting paragon. Out of many tasks appointed, few are preparing drafts on Criminal Complaints, Copyright and Trademark registration along with SAAS and T&amp, C agreements for websites. The torrential research work that awaits you is beyond your comprehension! Even though it is a lot of work, you get to learn in tremendous amounts the skill that is required to draft legally sound and correct verses. A great learning experience for you!
Know more about ClikLawyer internship. Click here ClikLawyer
Contact:  011-395-85700
Charming Label
If there’s one thing that embellishes your personality, it is charm. The efficacious power to woo people with your words is rare, and takes a lot of hard-work to develop. This place has charm even in its name! Charming Label offers a paid internship to willing students and professionals. The experience is research-oriented, with an extensive job for the interns to learn about different commodities, which should be complimented with excellent writing skills. The pay is anywhere around Rs. 3,000 to Rs. 4,000.
Women on Top
Magazines are a fun and interactive way to converse with your reader. With glossy pages and alluring images, they become an effective tool to impart your opinion of the society. The Women on Top magazine is an emerging magazine in Delhi, all set to launch its first e-magazine launch. The not-for profit organization seeks to revolutionize content writing for its female readers. It is looking for eager individuals who have a passion for creative writing and think out of the box. In a fun-learning environment, you are bound to have the time of your life, with the firm also providing you with a Work Certificate. Don’t miss this chance!
The Viral Stuff
The Viral Stuff is the home of the most viral content on the web. Right from new and cool gadgets, to the latest happening around the world, the Viral Stuff is an all compassing milieu for an inquisitive reader. Their vast horizons require a heavy metric of writers, which is why they open up internship chances for budding writers. Founded by alumni of prestigious technical colleges of India like IITs and DCE, the firm offers a paid internship program, which can be availed by almost anyone willing to write.
Tidings Central
In the information burden age, the team of young journalists at Tidings Central aims to put the news in a broader context, provide in-depth analysis of a wide range of issues that matter to the electorate and educate the masses, from a bird’s eye view. With social media now entrenched in the minds of young and old alike, the way influx of new technology is influencing our lives, with everyone being able to voice their opinion, it has become imperative to objectively identify the tectonic shifts in the social development of our country, unlike many who indulge in be fooling and cajolery of any particular ideology.[2] Even though the internships are unpaid, the experience you have working and collaborating with people from different walks of life is priceless.
HT Digital Streams Limited
What if someone told you that you could earn as much as Rs. 10,000 just writing for a reputed institute like Hindustan Times? You would think they are bluffing. But I am not! HT Digital Streams Limited provides multi-media content management services. They indulge in various forms of content writing, and handsomely pay you a bucket load of money. Selected intern’s day-to-day responsibilities include selecting and submitting relevant tags/keywords against each article present on the online panel. A brilliant opportunity for you to earn money and invaluable learning experience!
Happily Unmarried
Happily Unmarried is India’s coolest youth lifestyle brand. This super-awesome site is looking for interns in the fields of content writing and design. If you use clichés and are not creative, this internship is not for you. Happily Unmarried is offering a paid internship if you are willing to work for long hours.[3] The opportunity awaits you, with its arms open. Your move now, chief.
Contact: 0172 519 1555
Wedding Affair
The wedding game is pretty strong in India. Almost everything is associated with weddings, which apparently the miser uncles and aunties don’t abstain from spending on. It is surprising to know, that there is an organization that is employing writers to make the most important day of a person’s life worth every memory that have associated with it. The internship is a paid one, with a suitable opportunity for you to earn some fine buck and embellish your CV with an internship at one of India’s emerging wedding magazines!
Contact: (011)41650833/34/35
Orange Octopus
Orange Octopus – an after School Activity Centre for Children is a bridge between your child’s home and school, comprising of out of the box fun and “learning through play” activities to boost every facet of a child’s overall development. Orange Octopus holds the vision to pioneer the concept of bringing the best to children in a unique way and to help each child master various skills in a fun filled way. They are offering exciting internship opportunities to young and ambitious interns to get valuable experience and knowledge of content writing. They expect the following from their interns:
Update and write content for the Social Media platforms.
Form mailers and customized messages for the clients.
The candidate would be involved in developing promotional activities and organising events/ summer camp for the Centre.
The internship is a paid one. So pull up your socks and get ready to have an experience of a life time!
Contact: 8527770736
iPleders is an initiative which is drastically moving toward its goal of providing good quality legal education. iPleaders teaches you essential practical tools which are not taught in a law school. iPleaders blog is one of the most read legal blogs in India. One way or the other you must have come across the term, “Access to Justice,” iPleaders blogs is converting this term into practicality. Started in 2011, the online blog has catapulted to national fame, becoming one of the most read legal blogs in the country. Its professional and adroit team of skilled individuals has worked day and night to make iPleaders a household name in the legal arena. They offer paid internships for willing content writers, upto Rs. 5000. Do not miss this glorious opportunity to live your dreams!
Contact: 011 3313 8901
Know more about iPleaders internship. Click here –> iPleaders
[1] At, http://ift.tt/2xSWEs3
[2] At, http://ift.tt/2ysbse6
[3] At, http://ift.tt/2xTgvr0
The post Top ten places in Delhi to intern for content writing appeared first on iPleaders.
Top ten places in Delhi to intern for content writing syndicated from http://ift.tt/2vKNZDn
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loyallogic · 7 years
Top ten places in Delhi to intern for content writing
In this article, Arnav Srivastav elaborates on Top ten places in Delhi to intern for content writing.
Writing isn’t as easy as it seems. Just ask me, and I’ll cry a thousand rivers! But those tears reflect a heavy metric of hard-work and due diligence, which also give you divine satisfaction. In simple and plain words, writing is a form of expression, a tool to relay to the reader your feelings and opinions on a subject. It isn’t just anyone’s cup of tea. At times it can be really hard and tedious to conjure up words and form cohesive sentences. Writing, at best is an art, and like everything else, to learn something, you need someone to learn it from. Content writing, as a profession, is picking up at a brisk cadence in contemporary times. Many companies are now deferring to the learned ambit of professional content writers to get the job done. The emphasis is exclusively on getting the most high-quality, yet, appealing articles for their websites. As a culmination of the same, the demand for young, hard-working interns has also augmented. Internships are an amazing opportunity for youngsters to get hands-on experience, and also earn while they learn and have fun. Delhi is a melting pot of eclectic cultures and burning new ideas. It is the ideal place for a young and ambitious individual to learn, while also having the time of their life. Here we present to you the 10 best places in Delhi to internship for content writing.
Learning Brothers
Learning Brothers specialize in the development of custom learning solutions, content digitization, and implementation of learning ecosystems. [1]The firm uses industry, domain, and technology experience to quickly identify needs and develop a learning solution plan. It is quickly becoming a leading hotspot for aspiring writers to come together and share their enthusiasm for writing. Apart from the great learning experience, the internship also entails eye-catching stipend, ranging from Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 10,000. Their sole criteria for accepting applications are content writers who are specialized and have the capability in providing relevant content. A prefect destination for you to grow!
Qualification:  English (Hons) , BBA ,MBA ,MA , BA.
Legal drafting is perhaps the most important asset for a lawyer. Superior drafting skills ensure an inherent advantage over other competitors. One thing is for given: if you intern at ClikLawyer, you’ll come out a drafting paragon. Out of many tasks appointed, few are preparing drafts on Criminal Complaints, Copyright and Trademark registration along with SAAS and T&amp, C agreements for websites. The torrential research work that awaits you is beyond your comprehension! Even though it is a lot of work, you get to learn in tremendous amounts the skill that is required to draft legally sound and correct verses. A great learning experience for you!
Know more about ClikLawyer internship. Click here ClikLawyer
Contact:  011-395-85700
Charming Label
If there’s one thing that embellishes your personality, it is charm. The efficacious power to woo people with your words is rare, and takes a lot of hard-work to develop. This place has charm even in its name! Charming Label offers a paid internship to willing students and professionals. The experience is research-oriented, with an extensive job for the interns to learn about different commodities, which should be complimented with excellent writing skills. The pay is anywhere around Rs. 3,000 to Rs. 4,000.
Women on Top
Magazines are a fun and interactive way to converse with your reader. With glossy pages and alluring images, they become an effective tool to impart your opinion of the society. The Women on Top magazine is an emerging magazine in Delhi, all set to launch its first e-magazine launch. The not-for profit organization seeks to revolutionize content writing for its female readers. It is looking for eager individuals who have a passion for creative writing and think out of the box. In a fun-learning environment, you are bound to have the time of your life, with the firm also providing you with a Work Certificate. Don’t miss this chance!
The Viral Stuff
The Viral Stuff is the home of the most viral content on the web. Right from new and cool gadgets, to the latest happening around the world, the Viral Stuff is an all compassing milieu for an inquisitive reader. Their vast horizons require a heavy metric of writers, which is why they open up internship chances for budding writers. Founded by alumni of prestigious technical colleges of India like IITs and DCE, the firm offers a paid internship program, which can be availed by almost anyone willing to write.
Tidings Central
In the information burden age, the team of young journalists at Tidings Central aims to put the news in a broader context, provide in-depth analysis of a wide range of issues that matter to the electorate and educate the masses, from a bird’s eye view. With social media now entrenched in the minds of young and old alike, the way influx of new technology is influencing our lives, with everyone being able to voice their opinion, it has become imperative to objectively identify the tectonic shifts in the social development of our country, unlike many who indulge in be fooling and cajolery of any particular ideology.[2] Even though the internships are unpaid, the experience you have working and collaborating with people from different walks of life is priceless.
HT Digital Streams Limited
What if someone told you that you could earn as much as Rs. 10,000 just writing for a reputed institute like Hindustan Times? You would think they are bluffing. But I am not! HT Digital Streams Limited provides multi-media content management services. They indulge in various forms of content writing, and handsomely pay you a bucket load of money. Selected intern’s day-to-day responsibilities include selecting and submitting relevant tags/keywords against each article present on the online panel. A brilliant opportunity for you to earn money and invaluable learning experience!
Happily Unmarried
Happily Unmarried is India’s coolest youth lifestyle brand. This super-awesome site is looking for interns in the fields of content writing and design. If you use clichés and are not creative, this internship is not for you. Happily Unmarried is offering a paid internship if you are willing to work for long hours.[3] The opportunity awaits you, with its arms open. Your move now, chief.
Contact: 0172 519 1555
Wedding Affair
The wedding game is pretty strong in India. Almost everything is associated with weddings, which apparently the miser uncles and aunties don’t abstain from spending on. It is surprising to know, that there is an organization that is employing writers to make the most important day of a person’s life worth every memory that have associated with it. The internship is a paid one, with a suitable opportunity for you to earn some fine buck and embellish your CV with an internship at one of India’s emerging wedding magazines!
Contact: (011)41650833/34/35
Orange Octopus
Orange Octopus – an after School Activity Centre for Children is a bridge between your child’s home and school, comprising of out of the box fun and “learning through play” activities to boost every facet of a child’s overall development. Orange Octopus holds the vision to pioneer the concept of bringing the best to children in a unique way and to help each child master various skills in a fun filled way. They are offering exciting internship opportunities to young and ambitious interns to get valuable experience and knowledge of content writing. They expect the following from their interns:
Update and write content for the Social Media platforms.
Form mailers and customized messages for the clients.
The candidate would be involved in developing promotional activities and organising events/ summer camp for the Centre.
The internship is a paid one. So pull up your socks and get ready to have an experience of a life time!
Contact: 8527770736
iPleders is an initiative which is drastically moving toward its goal of providing good quality legal education. iPleaders teaches you essential practical tools which are not taught in a law school. iPleaders blog is one of the most read legal blogs in India. One way or the other you must have come across the term, “Access to Justice,” iPleaders blogs is converting this term into practicality. Started in 2011, the online blog has catapulted to national fame, becoming one of the most read legal blogs in the country. Its professional and adroit team of skilled individuals has worked day and night to make iPleaders a household name in the legal arena. They offer paid internships for willing content writers, upto Rs. 5000. Do not miss this glorious opportunity to live your dreams!
Contact: 011 3313 8901
Know more about iPleaders internship. Click here –> iPleaders
[1] At, http://ift.tt/2xSWEs3
[2] At, http://ift.tt/2ysbse6
[3] At, http://ift.tt/2xTgvr0
The post Top ten places in Delhi to intern for content writing appeared first on iPleaders.
Top ten places in Delhi to intern for content writing published first on http://ift.tt/2gOI9L4
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bccoalition · 8 years
What You Can (and Should) Do about the Dakota Access Pipeline
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From YES Magazine:
The Dakota Access pipeline is funded directly by 17 banks, many of which—Citibank, Wells Fargo—are ones you’ve probably heard of or do business with.
Banks are more susceptible to public pressure than the oil and gas giants.
Researchers with the nonprofit Food & Water Watch found that 38 banking institutions are involved in funding the proposed Bakken pipeline, which would stretch from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. A section of this project is the Dakota Access pipeline, where the Standing Rock Sioux and thousands of allies have physically put themselves in the path of the pipeline to protect their reservation and a stretch of the Missouri River.
Bill McKibben, founder of 350.org, recently wrote an article for YES! suggesting that banks are more susceptible to public pressure than the oil and gas giants, which depend on bank loans and lines of credit to build their pipelines. “It’s probably sustained public pressure that will do the most good,” he wrote.
Wondering what to say to a bank executive?Food & Water Watch researcher Hugh MacMillan: “Ask these banks to clarify whether funds they are providing are being used, in any amount, to pay for the heavily militarized response to the Standing Rock Sioux, including the attack dogs, sound-cannon trucks, heavily armed officers.”
“People should also ask these institutions why they are sinking so much money into maximizing the amounts of oil and gas that can be brought to the surface and burned at a time when climate science is clear we have to maximize what we keep in the ground instead,” said MacMillan.
Wells Fargo*
CEO Timothy J. Sloan [email protected] [email protected] 866-249-3302
Corporate Office: Wells Fargo 420 Montgomery Street San Francisco, CA 94104
BNP Paribas*
CEO Jean-Laurent Bonnafe [email protected]
Corporate Office: 3 rue d’Antin 75002 Paris, France 00-33-157-082-200
U.S. Office: 787 Seventh Avenue - The Equitable Tower New York, NY 10019 212-841-3000
CEO William H. Rodgers Jr.
Corporate Office: 303 Peachtree Street NE Atlanta, GA 30308 800-786-8787
Chief Communications Officer: Sue Mallino 404-813-0463 [email protected]
The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ*
Chairman Nobuyuki Hirano
CEO and President Takashi Oyamada
Corporate Office: 2-7-1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo, Japan 81-3-3240-8111
U.S. Office: 1251 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10020-1104 212-782-4000
Mizuho Bank*
President and CEO Nobuhide Hayashi
Corporate Office: Otemachi Tower 1-5-5, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8176, Japan 81-3-3214-1111
U.S. Office: 1251 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10020 212-282-3000
Citibank (CitiGroup)*
CEO Michael Corbat [email protected] 212-793-1201
Corporate Office: 388 Greenwich Street New York, NY 10013 Phone: 800-285-3000 and 212-793-0710
TD Securities*
Chairman, CEO, and President Bob Dorrance
Corporate Office: P.O. Box 1, TD Bank Tower 66 Wellington Street W Toronto, Ontario M5K 1A2
Investment Banking: 416-307-8500 Equity Research: 416-307-9360 Trading Floor Enquiries: 416-944-6978
U.S. Office: 31 West 52nd Street New York, NY 10019-6101 212-827-7000
Credit Agricole*
CEO Jean-Paul Chifflet
Office: 12, Place des Etats-Unis Montrouge, France 92545 33-1-43-23-52-02
U.S. Office: 1301 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10019 [email protected]
Intesa SanPaolo*
CEO Carlo Messina
Corporate Office: Piazza San Carlo, 156 10121 Torino, Italy 39-011-555-1
Corporate Social Responsibility Unit: 39-02-8796-3435 [email protected] [email protected]
ING Bank*
CEO and Executive Board Chairman Ralph A.J.G Hamers
Wholesale Banking, Operations & IT, Sustainability, Corporate Governance: Carolien van der Giessen [email protected] 31-20-576-63-86
Head of Media Relations: Raymond Vermuelen [email protected] 31-20-576-63-69
Corporate Office: Amsterdamse Poort Bijlmerplein 888 1102 MG Amsterdam The Netherlands 31-20-5639111
Mailing Address: ING Bank N.V. P.O. Box 1800 1000 BV Amsterdam The Netherlands
U.S. Office: ING Financial Holdings LLC 1325 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10019 646-424-6000
CEO Pierre Servant
Corporate Office: Natixis Global Asset Management, S.A. 21 quai d’Austerlitz 75634 Paris Cedex 13, France 33-1-78-40-90-00
U.S. Office: Natixis Global Asset Management, L.P. 399 Boylston Street Boston, MA 617-449-2100
CEO Johannes-Jorg Riegler
Head of Communications: Matthias Priwitzer [email protected] 49-89-2171-21255
Corporate Office: Brienner Straße 18 80333 Munich 49-89-2171-27176
U.S. Office: 560 Lexington Avenue New York City, NY 10022 212-310-9800
BBVA Securities*
CEO Carlos Torres Villa
Executive Chairman Francisco Gonzalez Rodriguez
Corporate Office: Calle Azul, 4 28050 Madrid, Spain
DNB Capital*
U.S. office: 200 Park Avenue, 31st Floor New York, N.Y. 10166-0396 212-681-3800
ICBC London*
CEO and Managing Director Jin Chen
Corporate Office: 20 Gresham Street London EC2V 7JE, United Kingdom 44-203-145-5000
U.S. Office: 520 Madison Avenue 28th Floor New York, NY 10022 212-407-5000
SMBC Nikko Securities*
President and CEO Yoshihiko Shimizu
Corporate Office: 3-1, Marunouchi 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8325, Japan 81-3-5644-3111
Societe General*
CEO Frederic Oudea https://www.linkedin.com/in/fredericoudea
Phone: 33-1-41-45-9825 (Paris number)
Chairman of the Board Lorenzo Bini Smaghi
Phone: 33-14-21-30941 (Paris number)
Corporate Office: 29 boulevard Haussmann 75009 Paris, France 2.0@societegenerale 33-1-42-14-20-00
U.S. Office: 245 Park Avenue New York City, NY 10167 212-278-6000
The following banks are involved in funding for the entire Bakken pipeline:
Royal Bank of Scotland
CEO Ross McEwan [email protected]
Director of Media Relations: Chris Turner 44-20-7672-4515
Corporate Office: Gogarburn 175 Glasgow Road Edinburgh, United Kingdom 44-131-626-3263
U.S. Office: 600 Washington Boulevard Stamford, CT 06901 203-897-2700
ABN Amro Capital
Chairman of the Board Gerrit Zalm
Corporate Office: ABN AMRO Bank N.V. Gustav Mahlerlaan 10 1082 PP Amsterdam The Netherlands 31-10-241-17-23
U.S. Office: 100 Park Avenue, 17th floor New York, NY 10017 917-284-6800
Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank)
CEO and President Brian J. Porter
Corporate Office: Scotia Plaza 44 King Street W Toronto, Ontario Canada M5H 1H1 416-866-6161 [email protected]
U.S. Office: 250 Vesey Street, 23rd and 24th floors New York, NY 10281 212-225-5000
Scotia Howard Weil (“Energy Investment Boutique”): Energy Centre 1100 Poydras Street Suite 3500 New Orleans, LA 70163 504-582-2500 and 800-322-3005 [email protected]
Citizens Bank
Chairman and CEO Bruce Van Saun
Head of Media Relations: Peter Lucht [email protected] 781-655-2289
Consumer Lending, Business Banking, Wealth Management, Corporate: Lauren DiGeronimo [email protected] 781-471-1454
Corporate Office: 1 Citizens Plaza Providence, RI 02903 401-456-7000
Comerica Bank
Chairman and CEO Ralph W. Babb Jr.
Investor Relations: 214-462-6831
Corporate Contacts: Wendy Bridges [email protected] 214-462-4443
Wayne Mielke [email protected] 214-462-4463
Corporate Office: Comerica Bank Tower 1717 Main Street Dallas, TX 75201 800-521-1190
U.S. Bank
Chairman and CEO Richard K. Davis [email protected]
Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications Dana Ripley [email protected] 612-303-3167
Brand, Corporate Social Responsibility, Sponsorships: Susan Beatty [email protected] 612-303-9229
Corporate Office: U.S. Bancorp Center 800 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN 55402 800-685-5065 and 651-466-3000
PNC Bank
Chairman, President, and CEO William S. Demchak
Media Relations: Fred Solomon [email protected] 412-762-4550
Investor Relations: Bryan K. Gill [email protected] 412-768-4143
Corporate Office: 300 Fifth Avenue The Tower at PNC Plaza Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412-762-2000
Chairman John McFarlane [email protected] CEO Jes Staley
Corporate Office: Barclays Bank PLC 1 Churchill Place London E14 5HP, United Kingdom 44-20-7116-1000
U.S. Office: Barclays 745 7th Avenue New York, NY 10019 212-526-7000
Press Office: 212-526-7000 [email protected]
JPMorgan Chase
Chairman and CEO Jamie Dimon [email protected] 212-270-1111
Corporate Contacts: Andrew Gray [email protected]
Jennifer Lavoie [email protected]
Brian Marchiony [email protected]
Corporate Office: 270 Park Avenue New York, NY 10017-2014
Bank of America
President, CEO, and Chairman Brian Moynihan
Executive Relations, Office of the CEO: Matthew Task 813-805-4873
Corporate Office: 100 N Tryon Street Charlotte, NC 28255
Deutsche Bank
CEO John Cryan
Corporate Contact: Renee Calabro [email protected] 212-250-5525
Corporate Address: Deutsche Bank AG Taunusanlage 12 60325 Frankfurt Am Main (for letters and postcards: 60262) Germany 49-69-910-00
U.S. Office: Deutsche Bank AG 60 Wall Street New York, NY 10005 212-250-7171
Compass Bank
Chairman and CEO Manolo Sanchez
Director of External Communications: Christina Anderson [email protected]
Communications: Al Ortiz [email protected] 281-433-5640
Corporate Office: 15 S 20th Street Birmingham, AL 35233 205-297-1986
Credit Suisse
CEO Tidjane Thiam
Board Chairman Urs Rohner
Suisse Banking Ombudsman: Bahnhofplatz 9 P.O. Box 1818 CH 8021 Zurich, Switzerland 41-43-266-14-14
Corporate Office: Uetlibergstrasse 231 P.O. Box 700 CH 8070 Zurich, Switzerland 41-44-333-11-11
U.S. Office: 650 California Street San Francisco, CA 94108 Phone: 415-249-2100
DNB Capital/ASA
CEO Rune Bjerke https://www.linkedin.com/in/rune-bjerke-04714639
Chairwoman of the Board Anne Carine Tanum 47-915-04800
Executive Vice President Communications Even Westerveld 47-400-16-744
Corporate Address: Dronning Eufemias Gate 30 0191 Oslo, Norway
Sumitomo Mitsui Bank
President and CEO Takeshi Kunibe
Corporate Office: 1-1-2, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo, Japan 81-3-3282-8111
U.S. Office: 277 Park Avenue New York, NY 10172 212-224-4000
Royal Bank of Canada
CEO David I. McKay
CEO and Board Communications: Paul French [email protected] 416-974-3718
Corporate Media Relations: Catherine Hudon [email protected] 416-974-5506
Corporate Address: 200 Bay Street P.O. Box 1 Royal Bank Plaza Toronto, Canada 416-974-5151 and 416-842-2000
CEO Sergio Ermotti
Head Group External Communications: Mark Hengel [email protected] Phone: 41-44-234-32-21
Chief Communication Officer-Americas: Marsha Askins [email protected] 212-713-6151 office and 917-226-4743 cell
Corporate Office: Bahnhofstrasse 45, CH-8098 8001 Zurich, Switzerland 41-44-234-11-11
U.S. Office: 1285 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10019 212-713-2000
Goldman Sachs
Chairman and CEO Lloyd C. Blankfein [email protected] 917-743-0939 and 212-902-0593
Media Contacts Americas: 212-902-5400
Corporate Address: Goldman, Sachs & Co. 200 West Street New York, NY 10282 212-902-1000
Morgan Stanley
CEO James P. Gorman [email protected] 212-761-4000
Corporate Office: Morgan Stanley 1585 Broadway New York, NY 10036 212-761-4000
Origin Bank (formerly Community Trust)
Chairman, President, and CEO Drake Mills https://www.linkedin.com/in/drake-mills-554a3a20 www.ctbonline.com 318-768-3048
Corporate Office: 3921 Elm St. Choudrant, LA 71227
Chairman Douglas Flint
Group Chief Executive Stuart Gulliver [email protected]
Corporate Address: 8 Canada Square London E14 5HQ, United Kingdom 44-20-7991-8888
U.S. Office: HSBC Headquarters 425 5th Avenue New York, NY 10018 212-525-5600
Head of Media Relations, HSBC USA: Rob Sherman 212-525-6901
The information compiled here is from the latest information from Food & Water Watch research, Bloomberg data, and contact information reported by the banks. If there are corrections or additions that we should consider, please let us know. This information will be updated as needed.
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