#(mark: they're suspicious quick call a doctor [???])
stageplayhero · 2 years
Continued from here | @fearlesscxptain
“ I — ” Their movements halt. They want to tell him, they know they should, but their body doesn’t want them to. Still midair, their hands curl into loose fists, and draw closer to their torso. The way that the tears well in their eyes, burning their vision, it hurts more than it should have any right to. Slowly moving their hands again, they try to force them to stop shaking. “ I fell, ” they sign, unable to look at Damien. “ William, he — ” Will their mind even allow them to think about it ? Much less address it ? To state it into reality ? “ . . . I’m sorry, I can’t tell you right now. Not here. ”
They need to address the other problems at hand. They know that. There are other matters to address, aside from themself. Steadying themself, they lean against the desk beside them in an effort to stay upright, to not collapse. They want to take Damien’s offered hand, but something doesn’t let them. “ I don’t know if they could have. ” Asher saw it. They saw Abe. They saw William, broken and walking off. Damien had reappeared, but the mourning in his voice when he said Celine’s name made Asher worry that something had happened to her which he wasn’t going to tell them.
“ I want to believe you, but, ” they pause to quickly reach up and brush away the tear they’ve realized has fallen down their numb cheek, “ I don’t know if it’s possible. I don’t even know how I’ve managed to be here. ”
"I understand. We can talk about it later." Mark folds the cane close to his chest. "I'm sorry, I don't want to push you. This all must be such a shock."
The first time he was brought back, he was a mess. Pain and confusion and fear. Maybe Asher is experiencing something similar. It will pass, he has no doubt. It hadn't taken him long to see that this is a nightmaregift!
"I want to believe you" puts him on high alert, eyes too focused on their face. He hopes they appear brown. It takes a moment for it to sink in that they're referencing the possibility of the others being alive, not his identity. But they had been avoiding looking at him. They had moved to the desk instead of his hand. He withdraws it, tries to proceed with caution.
"You mean something…did happen to them?" He sucks in a small, shaky breath. Theatrics, as always. "I see. Maybe we should talk about this somewhere more private."
Their tears make him shift forward slightly, but he catches himself, unsure what he had been about to do. He glances away instead. "You said you fell. I could contact a doctor, if you need one."
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kalliefangirl · 1 year
Doujin Aftermath // Three Man Cells
Intended for viewers 18+
Harsh Language, Mentions of sexual assault, Rape.
Chapter 1:
This Morning would be just like any morning, or So Sakura Thought. She was just expecting to Get ready for the day, eat breakfast and be out the house by 8:00 Am
But she had just used the bathroom when she heard Noise from her front door, Like a Baby Whining.
At first, Sakura thought it was her Neighbor's Baby. However, it was loud. But to clear her suspicions, She took a quick look outside her Door.
Sakura didn't notice anything until she looked down, At her feet, there was a baby in a basket, on top there was a Note.
Sakura didn't think about the note, The Baby was the first priority. She Carried the basket with the baby in it and brought it inside.
She Held the Baby, And Checked to make sure it was Okay. While looking at the baby, Sakura noticed some features that were Familiar to her.
"Big, Beautiful blue eyes, Black Hair Fading into blonde, Whiskers on the cheeks. "
Sakura was a little Suspicious, so she Read the Note.
The Note Read:
"If you are Reading this, You've found My Newborn Daughter, and I trusted you in Taking Care of her. I know I could trust you with Anything. "
🌸: So, You're a Girl Huh?
Sakura took some time to put All the pieces together, and Looked more closely at the Baby Girl's Features.
🌸💭: She Strangely has a Nose Similar to Sasuke's, her Eyes remind me of Naruto's. In Fact, the Marks on her Cheeks do look like The ones on Him.
Then she Realized everything.
🌸💭: Wait- this is... Their Daughter!
Chapter 2:
Sakura Confused in it all, Called over Her Sensei, Kakashi. Hoping he'd Know a Thing or two.
🍆: Hey Sakura, How are you?
🌸: I'm Alright, but I'm in quite the Situation Right now.
🍆:What Kind of Situation?
🌸: Well, Come in and I'll show you.
Sakura Showed him the newborn baby girl and By looking at her Face, Kakashi knew pretty much everything.
🍆: That's Sasuke and Naruto's Daughter, isn't it?
🌸: Yes, I suppose she is, Do you have an idea on what might have happened?
🍆: I'm not certain, I haven't seen or talked to them in a while.
🌸: I haven't seen Sasuke in a while. I did see Naruto though.
🍆: When?
🌸: Last weekend, I wonder what happened...
Sakura picked the baby up, looking at the Her Cute Face, and starting loving her, Falling in love with the baby girl's Face
🍆: What are you going to Name Her?
🌸: I don't have an Idea, at first I was thinking of asking someone else to take care of her.
🌸: However, I have more than enough time to take care of a baby on my own.
🌸: I think, her name would be Vanessa.
🍆: That's perfect, but the last name part?
🌸: Uchiha, No Doubt about that. She looks a lot like Him right?
🍆: Yea, Almost his twin right?
🌸: Girls tend to look like they're Dads Right?
🍆: but she has Two dads, haha.
🌸: Maybe Sasuke will be her Favorite dad haha!
🍆: ha, maybe so.
Chapter Three:
*Three Years Later
" Vanessa keeps asking about Her Father (Naruto), it Breaks my heart when she gives me letters she wrote and Asks me to give them to her father. I know deep down that he doesn't want anything to do with her due to the circumstances. "
Sakura had so much to learn and Think about while Raising Vanessa, Especially from her first Doctors appointment.
She learned Vanessa was the product of Three Man Cells, Some sort of Genjustu that Changes a Man's Cells to a Female's Cells for a Certain amount of time.
And a Gestational period for this Justu is 1-3 Months if they were impregnated.
And it was Determined Who Carried Vanessa, she was the product of rape which Sakura knew it'd affect Vanessa.
But she didn't want her to know until she was old enough to understand, Vanessa started walking at 11 months I, Was a Talker since One years old and could write.
Sakura wanted Vanessa to have a great chance of living a successful life, so she started teaching Vanessa at a young age, and The little girl learned a lot and loved to ask questions.
The little girl was a child prodigy, she already knew basic Jutsus and was fast in movement
Vanessa was a Well behaved Child, she rarely was Scolded for bad behavior. But due to the circumstances, She was constantly upset that her Father never wanted to see her.
But ever since Kakashi became hokage, it seems he's keeping things from Her, although Sakura Questioned it, she never actually asked him.
Behind the scenes, Kakashi Began to corresponding with Sasuke, and had been for about two years, but never told him about Sakura taking care of his child.
Although, he wanted Vanessa to have at least one of her biological parents to be in her life.
Kakashi decided to finally tell him, Sakura wanted him to tell Sasuke.
Chapter 4:
🍆: Thanks for taking the time to meet me here.
🍅: What is it?
🍆: I've been meaning to tell you this, but you Have a Daughter
🍅: A Daughter?
🍆: Yea, with Naruto.
🍅: I expected that would happen, What's he doing? Being a Stay at home Father, waiting for me to come back? That idiot would do something like that.
🍆: He's not Taking care of her, because of you. He doesn't want anything to do with the poor girl.
🍅: so, he just abandoned the kid?
🍆: yes, he abandoned her at Sakura's Door, She's been raising her ever since.
🍅: Why are you telling me this?
🍆: Your Daughter needs one of her fathers to be in her life
🍆: sometimes Sakura needs to work at the hospital, everyday can't be "Bring your Child to Work day"
🍆: I can't Watch her all the time, she needs you.
🍅: God Dammit, I don't have the time to do that either, Just ask that Idiot.
🍆: you don't know how much hell Sakura went through trying to persuade Naruto? He still ended up saying No.
🍅: It's his kid.
🍆: It's Your Daughter too.
🍅: Do you think I need that kind of responsibility?
🍅: I have too much to do Just like The two of you, I Have a life myself.
🍆: Let her know She has another Dad.
🍅: No matter what, you will always be a nagging bastard Kakashi.
🍅: I'll go see her then.
🍆: heh, maybe you are gonna be a good father.
Chapter 5:
🌸: Vanessa my dear, can you start cleaning up your toys?
🦋: Okay Mama!
🌸: Thank you dear, I'll go clean the dishes.
It was After Vanessa's Birthday, February 9th. And She and Sakura had much fun that day, they stayed inside as it was cold out.
They baked a cake, Had Hot chocolate and danced and sang karaoke together. And they spent the whole day sharing memories.
Sakura was Five minutes into washing dishes when the doorbell rang, Sakura was a bit suspicious, it was 6:00 PM, she wasn't expecting a visitor.
🦋: mama, the Door!
🌸: I heard my birthday girl! , I'll get it.
Sakura opened the door, and who she saw immediately took her by surprise.
🌸: Huh?! Sasuke?!
🦋: hm?
🍅: Hey Sakura.
🌸: I- I... What Are you doing here?!
🍅: well, Kakashi Told me I had a Daughter, and that I had to see her.
🌸: Of Course! You came at the perfect time! It's her birthday today!
🍅: Really huh?
🌸yeah, Vanessa, can you come here?
🦋: Sure Mama!
🍅: Vanessa?
🦋: Yea! Vanessa, Vanessa Uchiha!
🍅: Uchiha?
🌸: Well, She looks a lot like you.
He took a Glance at the girl, her smile illuminated the room, he started developing a love for her.
However, Hearing Sakura say That Vanessa looked like him disgusted him. She looked nothing like him, if anything she looked like Naruto.
All her features resemble him, Eyes, face and smile, the only thing she got from him was the ability to possess the Sharingan.
He immediately fell out of love with her, and started to hate her, but not because of that. He just had too much hatred in his heart to love her.
But he would never blame Vanessa, he blamed the women who named her, Sakura. She doesn't deserve to be named Uchiha.
Then, he Thought about Vanessa's Conception, and realized if he were to produce offspring with Sakura. he'd have a pure blooded Uchiha.
Chapter 6 🔞🔞🔞:
🍅: Vanessa, Me and Your Mother need to talk, Privately.
🍅: Because It's something us adults need to talk about.
🦋: but it's my birthday Daddy! I'm a Big girl now!
🍅: Vanessa, Alone.
🦋: okay Daddy...
🌸: You Just met her! You can't just start Ordering her around!
🍅: But isn't she My Daughter?
🌸: That still doesn't make it okay!
🍅: I don't Listen to the bitch that gave that brat my last name.
🌸: I-
🍅: you said she looked like me?! If anything she looks more like Naruto
🌸: You Fathered Her! -
He Ignored her, He pushed Sakura on the couch and Laid her on her stomach and held her down.
🌸: Stop Sasuke! are you crazy?!
🍅: Keep your mouth shut, or the kid gets hurt.
🌸: Okay Fine! Just don't hurt my baby...
🍅: Your Baby?
🌸: Yes you Bastard, My Baby!
🍅: Shut up, or else I'll really hurt "Your Baby"
🌸: !...
Sakura Listened to him, she didn't want to do whatever he wanted, but He threatened to hurt her baby girl, Vanessa. And she didn't want him to hurt her.
🍅: is this your first time?
🌸: please, don't do this.
🍅:Answer The Question!
🌸: Yes! It is!
🍅: Huh, I thought you'd have Sex with Naruto just so he'd be a father to the brat
🌸: He already has a-
He pulled her pants down and put it in, and Started thrusting hard. Not taking consideration about the fact Vanessa was watching.
He knew she was, and he didn't care. The point was to impregnate Sakura, Not about the Whiny little girl who's apparently his Responsibility.
Vanessa didn't deserve the name Uchiha, but he'd get back at the person who named her, And Sakura happened to give her that name.
So he did the same thing he did when he conceived Vanessa, Force her against her will to carry his child.
Her screaming and begging for him to get off of her alerted Vanessa, and She ran over.
🦋: Daddy, Get off of mommy! Please!
🍅: Shut up, you little shit.
🌸: don't talk to her like that!
🍅: Do You Think I care about her? Do you even know why I'm doing this?
🌸: I-
🍅: Of Course you don't, You and Naruto were just too dumb for your own good.
🍅: It seems that girl who's apparently my Daughter, Took after his Stupidity.
🦋: Daddy... That was mean.
🍅: You think I care about your tears? Do you think I care about Sakura's Tears either?
🦋: ...
🍅: And it's best to be Quiet, I need to concentrate.
🌸: Vanessa... Baby, just close your eyes... It'll be over and Everything will be fine...
🦋: ...
🍅: No, She can Watch, so she can learn what happens to an annoying bitch like you
🌸: Vanessa! Don't listen to him please!
🦋: Mama, he's my daddy... I'm *Sniffles* Supposed to listen to him...
🍅: She's already learning from your Mistakes, Listening for once.
Vanessa softly started crying, occasionally wiping away tears as he was Raping her mother, Sakura trying to Calm her down while crying herself.
His Thrusting got harder, At this point, Sakura Held Vanessa's hand, And Kept reassuring Her that everything is alright and she'd be fine.
🍅: Sakura, Look at me.
🌸: I... I don't want to!
🍅: Do as I say, Cause I make a promise.
🌸: Fine! Just don't Hurt her!
🦋: Mama...
🌸: It's ok baby...
They held hands as he Thrusted in her, Vanessa covering her eyes, Crying heavily. Constantly muttering " I don't know what to do " and " I can't save her".
🌸: ahh~! Stop I'm-!
🍅: Shut up
He finished inside her, and got off her, zipped his pants and started walking to the door.
🦋: Daddy... Why did you hurt her?
🍅: You wouldn't understand, Maybe when you're older, you'll understand.
🦋: daddy...
🦋: I thought you loved me...
🍅: little girl, you don't understand why I'm like this, you'll never understand
Chapter 7:
It was a Month after the assault and Sakura fell pregnant with Sasuke's child, It was devastating to both Her and Vanessa.
Sakura always told Vanessa babies were made out of love, but since the baby she was carrying wasn't made from love.
she thought she'd tell Vanessa how she wasn't made from love, but she was loved. That was Vanessa's favorite part of the explanation.
Aside from Watching her mother and caretaker being assaulted by her father, she had her Heart already broken by her Other Dad.
Because he didn't love her or want her And Vanessa saw that, Because When he stared into her eyes and told her that. She saw a lack of Compassion and Sympathy for her.
But, She knew she was loved, but just not by her Fathers, but still, she couldn't help but love them still, but she secretly resented them.
She only had Sakura, her Adoptive mother. Vanessa Admired Her Strength after the Rape, but she didn't know that Her Mother Suffered Trauma too, not as much as Vanessa.
But Sakura knew she had to tell Kakashi about the rape, otherwise she'd just get more and more pregnant with no explanation whatsoever.
Chapter 8:
🍆: Hey Sakura, It's been a while huh? how are you?
🌸: ...
🍆:Sakura? What's wrong?
🌸: He Raped me...
🍆: WHAT?! WHO!?
🌸: Sasuke...
🍆: What? He did?
🌸: Yes...
🍆: When did he?
🌸: A Month ago...
🍆: ...
🌸: What's wrong?
🍆: I sent him to you, a week before that day.
🌸: You sent him to Me? why?
🍆: I wanted him to meet Vanessa, I had good intentions when I sent him.
🌸: I know you did, Master Kakashi...
🍆: I want him to see her on her Birthday.
🍆: I'm really sorry, Sakura.
🌸:it's Alright, I'm fine Other than the fact he got me pregnant...
🌸: Yea...
🌸: Have you spoken to him?
🍆: Yes, yesterday actually... I didn't know he did that to you.
🌸: well if you speak to him, tell him I want to speak with him...
🍆: Of course, but By yourself?
🌸: I can't let Vanessa look him in the face after that.
🌸: she doesn't need to relive that, she spent a lot of time crying in my arms... She's depressed and I'm scared he still has the same intentions to hurt her.
🌸: I can't lose her, she's all I have...
🍆: I'll talk to him... I'm sorry Sakura.
🌸: T-thank you...
As she walked out the room, He couldn't help but feel mad at himself For this. He needed to do something that'd heal those girls...
Vanessa was a daughter he never had, and he spoiled her rotten, cause she deserved it. Cause she and her mother deserved to be happy.
Chapter 9:
🍅: What is it?
🍆: I'll make this short and simple.
🍆: I know you raped Sakura. I know what you did to Her and Nessa
🍅: Hm, maybe Sakura isn't as Stupid as she seems.
🍆: What makes you say that?!
🍅: Naruto didn't tell a soul, You both had to put the Pieces together of what I did to him.
🍅: but still, he didn't give a shit. Especially about that girl.
🍅: I knew it all along, He left the little girl on her doorstep like I Recommended.
🍆: So, You don't care about the fact Sakura is carrying your Child?
🍅: That was My Fucking plan,What you both believed I did it for nothing?
🍆: So You're going to do the same thing Naruto did to Vanessa, Abandon your Child?
🍅:Unlike that son of a bitch, I didn't leave it on the doorstep. I left it in that whore.
🍆: ...
🍆: Sakura wants to talk to you.
🍅: She Wants more?
🍆: No, she didn't Give a Reason.
🍅: Hm... Fine, Tell her to meet me here next week.
🍆: Alright then.
Chapter 10:
Sakura was 6 weeks pregnant when she met with him, of course, They had eyes on them in case he'd harm her again.
🍅: What is it?
🌸: I want to talk, please listen.
🍅: Fine, What?
🌸: Why'd you rape him?
🍅: I didn't have a reason in particular, but for you, I needed a pure blooded uchiha.
🍅: I don't want my genes intertwined with any of these low lifes. I wanted you.
🍅: you were the only attractive female I'd have sex with.
🌸:why didn't you ask?
🍅: you were desperate I bet, but not that desperate for me.
🍅:you were busy with Vanessa, I knew you wouldn't open your legs for me like that.
🌸: you threatened to hurt Vanessa, you son of a bitch.
🍅:Yea, That was my exact plan.
🌸: I know you're capable of something fucked up like that!
🍅: no matter how much I hate her, I wouldn't hurt her.
🌸: Cause you know what I'm capable of.
🍅: That's true.
🌸: But how did Vanessa end up with me?
🍅: I told him to leave The child with you.
🍅: how far along are you?
🌸: 6 weeks Pregnant.
🍅: hm.
🌸: Are you going to be in the baby's life?
🍅: I'll be honest, I won't.
🌸: Because of Vanessa?
🍅: No, because Naruto would get jealous.
🌸: He has a Wife and Son, And a baby on the way...
🍅: He Moved on from Vanessa huh?
🌸: He already had a Son when Vanessa was Born.
🍅: I see.
🌸: I'm sorry for everything...
🍅: Sakura, Don't.
He walked away from her, he felt like he should be there for his children, but he couldn't, cause he didn't want to face those depressed faces.
He didn't Want to apologize to Vanessa, he had ruined her birthday, he couldn't forgive himself for that, and he would understand if she didn't either.
Chapter 11:
4 Months Later...
Sakura was 5 Months pregnant with what she and Vanessa found out was another girl. Which they both decided on the name 'Isabella'.
While they still were healing from the assault, They distracted themselves by setting up the baby's nursery in a Room that used to be Vanessa's play room.
They wanted a Butterfly and floral theme in the Nursery, many people didn't know Sakura was pregnant.
They hadn't seen neither one of Vanessa's Father's in months, Which was devastating to Vanessa, she just wanted to see them.
"She still loves her dads, She just doesn't know how to approach them when the situation comes."
It was hard for Vanessa to adapt to the fact she wouldn't be the only Child anymore.
She was having a hard time overall. She felt so lonely, as she spent more time without Sakura and more time with Kakashi.
Vanessa just didn't know how to talk about her feelings, and Didn't know what to say. That ended up in pent up emotions that Manifested into Guilt.
But She Resented her fathers more and more overtime.
Chapter 12:
🌸: Vanessa, can you get the door?
🦋: Sure Mama!
🍥: Hey Vanessa, It's been a while huh?
🦋: ...
Vanessa Slammed the door, walking away Upset.
🌸: Baby girl, Who was at the door?!
🌸: Vanessa?
Completely unaware, she went to go open the door.
🌸: Naruto? I-
🍥: You're Pregnant?
🌸: Yea, Sasuke knocked me up.
🍥: oh, I mean I know he raped you but I didn't know he got you pregnant.
🌸: That was what he wanted, he wanted a pure blooded Uchiha.
🍥: oh, So I presume Vanessa was made for no reason huh?
🌸: While yes, She's here for a reason.
🌸: but We weren't expecting you anytime soon.
🍥: Why is that?
🌸: You haven't came around, I mean., You haven't thought to speak to your daughter after I Told you She Watched Sasuke Rape me?!
🍥: I was busy! you know Hinata is Pregnant!
🌸: You went through what I went through!
🍥: Ugh, Sakura That's why I don't see her!
🌸: You can't Blame her or yourself for that! She didn't ask to be born Naruto!
🍥: I didn't ask for her to be born either.
🍥: Vanessa, You have to understand.
🦋: I already understand I'm unwanted..
🌸: Vanessa! Don't Say that! Why would you say that?
🦋: Because it's true, neither of my daddies want me...
🌸: It's doesn't matter if they love you, they were the ones that Abandoned you!
🌸: but I love you, Naruto isn't taking care of you, Sasuke isn't Either! I am, Master Kakashi is.
🌸: You're my Baby girl, You're wanted and Loved.
Vanessa Starting Crying uncontrollably, Sakura got down and consoled her, whispering to her "I love you my Baby"
She told Vanessa to wait in her room so they could talk, so she could finish her conversation.
🌸: She's been crying enough, over the rape and everything else.
🍥: I wasn't trying to make her cry.
🌸: That must've been from what you told her.
🍥: what? About the fact that I told her I didn't love her and never will?
🌸: YES!
🍥: I Was Being honest with her.
🌸: did you even tell Hinata About her?
🍥: No, If I'm not raising her, what's the point?
🌸: So I should Tell her?
🍥: Whatever, I don't care.
🌸: Leave then.
Chapter 13:
*4 months later
"Congratulations on the new Baby, I hope you and your girls stay happy and healthy.
Sincerely, 6th Hokage "
October 7th, born 5 Pounds 6 ounces, Via Natural Birth.
The Baby Girl was Named Isabella Uchiha in her own right. And was a Darling to look at. A Natural blush to her cheeks, Dark Eyes and Light pink hair.
As she was rocked by Sakura, Vanessa was brought into the room by a Doctor.
💉: Here's Vanessa, she was very behaved during the Delivery.
🌸: Vanessa! I'm so happy to see you.
🦋: Mama!
🌸: Hi Doll, how were you.
🦋: I was a Good girl! I got a lollipop!
🌸: that's great baby!
🌸: Do you want to see the Baby?
🦋: Yes Mama!
Vanessa Held the baby gently, and the baby opened her eyes. They looked at the baby. And for once in the past 9 months, they were happy.
Chapter 14:
It was 7 Weeks After having the baby, Sakura was up early that morning with Bella. Vanessa was still asleep.
She had just put the baby down when someone knocked on the door, Sakura Quietly went to go answer the door.
🌸: Yes, may I help yo-?
🍅: Sakura, hey.
🌸: ...
🍅: I didn't know you'd be up this early.
🌸:Well, you know I had the baby and I don't particularly get to sleep in haha!
🍅: I bet you miss that huh?
🌸: yeah haha, me and Vanessa used to sleep in together.
🍅: yea.
🌸: you're here to see the Girls?
🍅: Yea, I am actually, Kakashi told me you had the baby.
🌸: well, come in but be quiet, she's a light sleeper.
🍅: she gets that from me.
🌸: haha~ I guess so.
Sakura walked Sasuke to the living room, where the baby was asleep, and Vanessa had just woken up and waited next to the baby.
Watching her Sleep and Staying on alert.
🌸: Well Look who's awake?
🍅: hm...
🦋: Bella was alone and I just wanted make sure she's alright.
🌸: Well thanks for that Pennie, you're a great big sister.
🍅: Hey, Vanessa.
🦋: hi, Mama when are you going to make breakfast?
🌸: In a few My dear. I just need to talk to your father okay?
🦋: hm.
🌸: Vanessa?
🦋: it's okay for him to come around after he called me and you all those bad things.
🌸: He's just here to see Bella my dear.
🦋: and he never apologized for what he did to you?
🌸: Your Father, He-
🍅: Sakura, don't make excuses She's Right.
🌸: hm. I'm really sorry Vanessa, you don't have to talk to him.
🌸: just let him See Your baby sister, she's his daughter too.
🦋: ...
🌸: please hon.
🦋: Okay then, but I want to tell Daddy how I feel.
🌸: Yes Vanessa, Do you mind that?
🍅: I don't mind, I want to hear her.
🌸: alright then, thank you both.
He held Isabella, the first time he held one of his daughter's. The love showered on Isabella melted Sakura's Heart.
However, Vanessa felt left out, she never got the chance to open up, as He was busy loving the baby girl.
Vanessa Walked away, and Sakura noticed, so she followed her, She knew why, her Younger Daughter was Occupied by her Father.
🌸: Vanny, I know.
🦋: Leave me alone, You wanted him, NOT ME!
🌸: I- He Wanted to meet his Daughter.
🌸: ...
🌸: I'm sorry, I'll talk to him.
🦋: No, I want to go with Mr. Kakashi.
🌸:... Vanessa...
🦋: please.
🌸: Alright, I'll call him honey.
Sakura walked out and closed the door behind herself and cried, She blamed herself for Vanessa's pain.
Vanessa never asked about her Dads, Sakura wanted them to be in her life, she never even thought to validate with Vanessa or even talk about the rape with her.
Chapter 15:
Lately, Vanessa had been spending more time at the Hokage Offices with Kakashi. He didn't mind it as Vanessa was Quiet and kept to herself while he worked.
But he questioned on why she spent so much time at the office. But it never bothered him. He just questioned it.
🍆: Hey Ness.
🦋: hm?
🍆: I've been meaning to ask, Why do you spend almost every day here?
🦋: Cause Daddy spends almost everyday at home with Bella.
🍆: What?!
🦋: I didn't mean to make you mad.
🍆:no Sweetheart, I'm not upset.
🦋: He Loves her more than he loves me.
🍆: I'm sorry sweetie.
🦋: That's alright.
🦋: If he's not there for me and there for just Bella, What's the point...
🍆: hm, I'll Talk to your mom and father about this.
🦋: If you really want to.
It was later in the day, Kakashi took Vanessa out to lunch and then brought her back home.
🌸: Hi nessy, did you enjoy your time?
🦋: yea.
🍆: Hey, is Sasuke here?
🌸: not at the moment, he took Isabella for a Walk.
🍆: alright, mind if I come in?
🌸: of course not! Come in!
🍆: So, he's spending time here correct?
🌸: yes, he wants to get to know Bella.
🍆: Bella is just a baby, maybe he should start to get to know Vanessa, she actually has a well developed personality.
🍆: I'm not favoring Vanessa due to the circumstances, but I'm not favoring Isabella either.
🍆: He Fathered both girls after all you know?
🌸: yes, I understand, but this is my fault, I should stop making excuses for him.
🍆: You haven't Talked to Vanessa about the Rape, you think that she needs to understand the topic better?
🌸: I know, something stops me every time. I don't want to bring back the trauma but I feel in order to move on, we need to talk about it.
🌸: I constantly blame myself for her pain, that didn't need to happen, if I just asked her instead of assuming, her life would be better.
🌸: while I don't want to keep Sasuke from seeing Isabella. I want him to be with his daughters but he chooses to focus on just Isabella.
🌸: I want to do a better job at understanding and supporting Vanessa's Feelings. I know I wasn't really doing that well before...
🍆: I see it now, I understand.
🌸: I still want her at home, however if she isn't comfortable with him being here than she has every right to get away from him.
🌸: but I need to talk this through with him, Vanessa is his first born, not Isabella.
🍆: you're doing good, you're trying.
🌸: I'm not saying Vanessa is wrong, She's 100% Right.
🍆: Yes, of course.
🦋: ... is it true?
🌸: That he doesn't love you?
🦋: yes...
🌸: I don't think that Vanessa, but I don't Doubt it either.
🦋: well, it's okay. I have you and Mr. Kakashi Right?
🌸: Of course Nessa.
🍆: Definitely, we'll always be here for you.
🌸: Right.
🦋: Thank you
Vanessa Smiled for the first time in a while, A Genuine Smile, which surprised them both. Her Smile was a sign she was healing.
Vanessa knew now things would get better.
Chapter 16🔞🔞🔞:
3 years later-
Everything was better, and The girls were adjusting to this new life.
While not everything had been resolved between Vanessa and her fathers, Some things were mended.
Lately, The girls had been out of the house more often, They were spending time with Kakashi, So Sakura had more time either to focus on work, or to have Time to herself.
And She Started Mending Things Between Herself and Naruto, And They were as close as they was when they were kids.
She Thought it'd be good so he can bring His Children over to play with the Girls While they Caught up. Which worked out.
It was a Day When the Girls went out with Kakashi, So it was just Sakura and Naruto together, And They were Drinking.
Then they got Drunk And one thing led to another and a One Night stand occurred. After that, Sakura Cried feeling guilty for what she did, but She didn't tell anyone, he didn't either and kept it to themselves.
That is Until Sakura Found out she was Pregnant with his Child, But She was Worried about being a Home wrecker.
🌸: Hey Naruto, is she here? We need to talk...
🍥: No, She took the kids to see her father.
🌸: Okay...
🍥: You Can Come in.
🌸: No, it'll be quick.
🍥: Alright, What's up? Something with Ness?
🌸: No I'm Pregnant and I'm sure you're the father, you're the only person I slept with...
🍥: Oh....
🍥: I'm Sorry Sakura.
🌸: No, Don't worry about that...
🍥: What are you going to do?
🌸: I don't know, Did you tell her?
🍥: Yea, even though i know It'd hurt her.
🍥: It Killed me to keep it from her, I truly love Hinata and I don't want to hurt her y know?
🌸: I understand the Love between you two is Deep, How She React?
🍥: She Understood I was Drunk, But I Swore to her I'd never cheat on her again.
🌸: That's Great, I just hope she'd be willing to talk to me...
🍥: She's not upset at you, She would like to talk Too.
🌸: Okay, Whenever she has a chance, and Um... The Baby.
🍥: I'll try to be Present, but You know I'm going to be Hokage Soon y know?
🌸: Hm, I forgot, this wasn't a good time I guess.
🍥: Are you going to tell the girls?
🌸: After I talk to Hinata.
🍥: Alright, Thanks for Telling me.
🌸: You're welcome.
Chapter 17:
It was the day where Hinata wanted to talk with Sakura, While it was a Little nerve racking for her, Sakura could Trust her.
🌸: I'm sorry for what I did, I'm really not proud of what I did, I was drunk and-
☯️: It's alright, You Two were Drunk. not that it mattered anyway.
🌸: What?
☯️: even if he wasn't drunk with someone, he'd still Cheat.
🌸: I'm so Sorry Hinata, I didn't know.
☯️: No, don't be. He cheats on me with my sister most of the time.
🌸:why are you two still together? Even after all that hurt he put you through
☯️: doesn't look good for him the Future Hokage to get divorced for being unfaithful to his Wife.
☯️: That's his Dream, I'm letting him live it.
🌸: Wow...
☯️: He didn't want Vanessa Because she's a Bastard and in his words "a Bastard child doesn't look great with the Hokage. "
🌸: I, didn't know...
☯️: Besides all that, what is it you wanted to talk about?
🌸: I'm pregnant with his Child...
☯️: I see, what are you planning on doing?
🌸: I'm keeping it, it'll be nice having a baby again.
☯️: well, if you don't mind, I would love to have the baby around my home as well.
🌸: of course! let them get to know their siblings!
☯️: Thank you Sakura.
🌸: No, Thank you for your forgiveness.
Chapter 17:
9 Months Later:
The Baby Was Born A Girl On July 23. Looked Just like her father, with her Mother's Eyes.
The Girl was named Naomi Uzumaki in her own right, with Green Eyes and Strawberry Blonde hair With Whiskers on her Face
She was labeled the "village's cutest Baby" because of her cuteness, She and Sakura got so much Attention from the media.
Everyone knew Who her father was as Naruto confirmed that she's his Daughter. No one thought of an Affair when it came to her conception.
But he did his best to protect Naomi from any unwanted attention towards her, Not because of his public image, he wanted as much privacy for her as possible.
That's what any father would do.
Chapter 18:
Sakura was home with Naomi and Isabella. She arranged For Vanessa and Sasuke to spend time together, And Hopefully would have time to talk one on one.
🦋: ...
🍅: what do you think about the weather?
🦋: fine.
🍅: You know, we can talk about this. You aren't going to keep giving me the silent treatment.
🦋: We Had multiple Opportunities! But you chose to Ignore me!
🍅: You should've gotten my attention Vanessa
🦋: I've TRIED! I try so hard!
🦋: You always go to Naomi before me!
🍅: Well-
At this point, everyone in the park was staring at them, some people completely stopped what they were doing cause they were distracted by the argument.
🍅: Me and Naruto made an agreement on this.
🍅: yes, while I'm not in the village, he treats Isabella like how I'd treat Naomi, like his own.
🦋: So You only care about Isabella and Naomi? That's Not Fair!
🍅: how isn't that fair?
🍅: Vanessa...
🦋: You Forgot about me?
🍅: I didn't.
🦋: of course you did, if you hadn't you would've talked more about me...
🦋: And I'm Right In front of you!
🦋: I want to go home.
🦋: I'm finished talking to you and I'm Finished Trying with both you and dad.
Chapter 19:
A few months after, Vanessa started closing herself off from everyone. She Valued Her Alone time and rarely talked to anyone.
And she stopped talking and stopped caring for her fathers, they never cared about her or cried for her, why should she?
But it was an occasion where both her fathers were over and spending time with their Daughters and Catching up with Sakura.
Leaving her left out, She decided to try and get her mother's attention.
🦋: Mama...
🌸: Not right now Ness, I'm feeding Naomi.
🦋: Well afterwards, can you spend time with me?
🌸: Sorry honey, I can't. I have to make tea and lunch.
🦋: what about afterwards?
🌸: Vanessa... No
🦋: Why?
🌸: Vanessa! Stop annoying Me!
🍥: Sakura? What's wrong?
🌸: Vanessa! Just get out of my sight and go to your room!
🦋: Mama...
🌸: VANESSA! Just go God dammit!
Vanessa ran to her room, crying quietly, she slammed her door.
🍅: Sakura, what happened with her?
🌸: I just don't know how to control that girl anymore! Ever since Bella and Naomi were born!
3 notes · View notes
voidfairy8008 · 2 months
Doujin Aftermath // Three Man Cells
Harsh Language, Mentions of sexual assault, Rape.
Chapter 1:
This Morning would be just like any morning, or So Sakura Thought. She was just expecting to Get ready for the day, eat breakfast and be out the house by 8:00 Am.
But she had just used the bathroom when she heard Noise from her front door, Like a Baby Whining.
At first, Sakura thought it was her Neighbor's Baby. However, it was loud. But to clear her suspicions, She took a quick look outside her Door.
Sakura didn't notice anything until she looked down, At her feet, there was a baby in a basket, on top there was a Note.
Sakura didn't think about the note, The Baby was the first priority. She Carried the basket with the baby in it and brought it inside.
She Held the Baby, And Checked to make sure it was Okay. While looking at the baby, Sakura noticed some features that were Familiar to her.
"Big, Beautiful blue eyes, Black Hair Fading into blonde, Whiskers on the cheeks. "
Sakura was a little Suspicious, so she Read the Note.
The Note Read:
"If you are Reading this, You've found My Newborn Daughter, and I trusted you in Taking Care of her. I know I could trust you with Anything. "
🌸: So, You're a Girl Huh?
Sakura took some time to put All the pieces together, and Looked more closely at the Baby Girl's Features.
🌸💭: She Strangely has a Nose Similar to Sasuke's, her Eyes remind me of Naruto's. In Fact, the Marks on her Cheeks do look like The ones on Him.
Then she Realized everything.
🌸💭: Wait- this is... Their Daughter!
Chapter 2:
Sakura Confused in it all, Called over Her Sensei, Kakashi. Hoping he'd Know a Thing or two.
🍆: Hey Sakura, How are you?
🌸: I'm Alright, but I'm in quite the Situation Right now.
🍆:What Kind of Situation?
🌸: Well, Come in and I'll show you.
Sakura Showed him the newborn baby girl and By looking at her Face, Kakashi knew pretty much everything.
🍆: That's Sasuke and Naruto's Daughter, isn't it?
🌸: Yes, I suppose she is, Do you have an idea on what might have happened?
🍆: I'm not certain, I haven't seen or talked to them in a while.
🌸: I haven't seen Sasuke in a while. I didn't see Naruto either...
🍆: I see.
Sakura picked the baby up, looking at the Her Cute Face, and starting loving her, Falling in love with the baby girl's Face
🍆: What are you going to Name Her?
🌸: I don't have an Idea, at first I was thinking of asking someone else to take care of her.
🌸: However, I have more than enough time to take care of a baby on my own.
🌸: I think, her name would be Vanessa.
🍆: That's perfect, but the last name part?
🌸: Uchiha, No Doubt about that. She looks a lot like Him right?
🍆: Yea, Almost his twin right?
🌸: Girls tend to look like they're Dads Right?
🍆: but she has Two dads, haha.
🌸: Maybe Sasuke will be her Favorite dad haha!
🍆: ha, maybe so.
Chapter Three:
*Three Years Later
" Vanessa keeps asking about Her Father (Naruto), it Breaks my heart when she gives me letters she wrote and Asks me to give them to her father. I know deep down that he doesn't want anything to do with her due to the circumstances. "
Sakura had so much to learn and Think about while Raising Vanessa, Especially from her first Doctors appointment.
She learned Vanessa was the product of Three Man Cells, Some sort of Genjustu that Changes a Man's Cells to a Female's Cells for a Certain amount of time.
And a Gestational period for this Justu is 1-3 Months if they were impregnated.
And it was Determined Who Carried Vanessa, she was the product of rape which Sakura knew it'd affect Vanessa.
But she didn't want her to know until she was old enough to understand, Vanessa started walking at 11 months , Was a Talker since One years old and could write.
Sakura wanted Vanessa to have a great chance of living a successful life, so she started teaching Vanessa at a young age, and The little girl learned a lot and loved to ask questions.
Vanessa was a Well behaved Child, she rarely was Scolded for bad behavior. But due to the circumstances, She was constantly upset that her Father never wanted to see her.
But ever since Kakashi became hokage, it seems he's keeping things from Her, although Sakura Questioned it, she never actually asked him.
Behind the scenes, Kakashi Began to corresponding with Sasuke, and had been for about two years, but never told him about Sakura taking care of his child.
Although, he wanted Vanessa to have at least one of her biological parents to be in her life. Kakashi decided to finally tell him, Sakura wanted him to tell Sasuke.
Chapter 4:
🍆: Thanks for taking the time to meet me here.
🍅: What is it?
🍆: I've been meaning to tell you this, but you Have a Daughter
🍅: A Daughter?
🍆: Yea, with Naruto.
🍅: I expected that would happen, What's he doing? Being a Stay at home Father, waiting for me to come back? That idiot would do something like that.
🍆: He's not Taking care of her, because of you. He doesn't want anything to do with the poor girl.
🍅: so, he just abandoned the kid?
🍆: yes, he abandoned her at Sakura's Door, She's been raising her ever since.
🍅: Why are you telling me this?
🍆: Your Daughter needs one of her fathers to be in her life
🍆: sometimes Sakura needs to work at the hospital, everyday can't be "Bring your Child to Work day"
🍆: I can't Watch  her all the time, she needs you.
🍅: God Dammit, I don't have the time to do that either, Just ask that Idiot.
🍆: you don't know how much hell Sakura went through trying to persuade Naruto? He still ended up saying No.
🍅: It's his kid.
🍆: It's Your Daughter too.
🍅: Do you think I need that kind of responsibility?
🍅: I have too much to do Just like The two of you, I Have a life myself.
🍆: Let her know She has another Dad.
🍅: No matter what, you will always be a nagging bastard Kakashi.
🍅: I'll go see her then.
🍆: heh, maybe you are gonna be a good father.
Chapter 5:
🌸: Vanessa my dear, can you start cleaning up your toys?
🦋: Okay Mama!
🌸: Thank you dear, I'll go clean the dishes.
It was After Vanessa's Birthday, February 9th. And She and Sakura had much fun that day, they stayed inside as it was cold out.
They baked a cake, Had Hot chocolate and danced and sang karaoke together. And they spent the whole day sharing memories.
Sakura was Five minutes into washing dishes when the doorbell rang, Sakura was a bit suspicious, it was 6:00 PM, she wasn't expecting a visitor.
🦋: mama, the Door!
🌸: I heard my birthday girl! , I'll get it.
Sakura opened the door, and who she saw immediately took her by surprise.
🌸: Huh?! Sasuke?!
🦋: hm?
🍅: Hey Sakura.
🌸: I- I... What Are you doing here?!
🍅: well, Kakashi Told me I had a Daughter, and that I had to see her.
🌸: Of Course! You came at the perfect time! It's her birthday today!
🍅: Really huh?
🌸yeah, Vanessa, can you come here?
🦋: Sure Mama!
🍅: Vanessa?
🦋: Yea! Vanessa, Vanessa Uchiha!
🍅: Uchiha?
🌸: Well, She looks a lot like you.
He took a Glance at the girl, her smile illuminated the room, he started developing a love for her.
However, Hearing Sakura say That Vanessa looked like him disgusted him. She looked nothing like him, if anything she looked like Naruto.
All her features resemble him, Eyes, face and smile, the only thing she got from him was the ability to possess the Sharingan.
He immediately fell out of love with her, and started to hate her, but not because of that. He just had too much hatred in his heart to love her.
But he would never blame Vanessa, he blamed the women who named her, Sakura. She doesn't deserve to be named Uchiha.
Then, he Thought about Vanessa's Conception, and realized if he were to produce offspring with Sakura. he'd have a pure blooded Uchiha.
Chapter 6 🔞🔞🔞:
🍅: Vanessa, Me and Your Mother need to talk, Privately.
🍅: Because It's something us adults need to talk about.
🦋: but it's my birthday Daddy! I'm a Big girl now!
🍅: Vanessa, Alone.
🦋: okay Daddy...
🌸: You Just met her! You can't just start Ordering her around!
🍅: But isn't she My Daughter?
🌸: That still doesn't make it okay!
🍅: I don't Listen to the bitch that gave that brat my last name.
🌸: I-
🍅:  you said she looked like me?! If anything she looks more like Naruto
🌸: You Fathered Her! -
Angered, He pushed Sakura down on the couch, She fell on the couch and was Surprised but Upset.
🌸: Stop Sasuke! are you crazy?!
🍅: Keep your mouth shut, or the kid gets hurt.
🌸: Okay Fine! Just don't hurt my baby...
🍅: Your Baby?
🌸:Yes You Bastard! My Baby! I was basically the only one raising her! while you and Naruto didn't do shit!
🍅: Shut up, or else I'll really hurt "Your Baby"
Sakura Listened to him, she didn't want to do whatever he wanted, but He threatened to hurt her baby girl, Vanessa. And she didn't want him to hurt her.
🍅: is this your first time?
🌸: please, don't do this.
🍅:Answer The Question!
🌸: Yes! It is!
🍅: Huh, I thought you'd have Sex with Naruto just so he'd be a father to the brat
🌸: He already has a-
He pulled her pants down and put it in, and Started thrusting hard. Not taking consideration about the fact Vanessa was watching.
He knew she was, and he didn't care. The point was to impregnate Sakura, Not about the Whiny little girl who's apparently his Responsibility.
Vanessa didn't deserve the name Uchiha, but he'd get back at the person who named her, And Sakura happened to give her that name.
So he did the same thing he did when he conceived Vanessa, Force her against her will to carry his child.
Her screaming and begging for him to get off of her alerted The Girl, and She ran out of her room to see her Father raping her Mom.
🦋: Daddy, Get off of mommy! Please!
🍅: Shut up, you little brat!
🌸: don't talk to her like that!
🍅: Do You Think I care about her? Do you even know why I'm doing this?
🌸: I-
🍅: Of Course you don't, You and Naruto were just too dumb for your own good.
🍅:  It seems that girl who's apparently my Daughter, Took after his Stupidity.
🦋: Daddy... That was mean.
🍅: You think I care about your tears? Do you think I care about Sakura's Tears either?
🦋: ...
🍅: And it's best to be Quiet, I need to concentrate.
🌸: Vanessa... Baby, just close your eyes... It'll be over and Everything will be fine...
🦋: ...
🍅: No, She can Watch, so she can learn what happens to an annoying bitch like you
🌸: Vanessa! Don't listen to him please!
🦋: ...
🦋: Mama, he's my daddy... I'm *Sniffles* Supposed to listen to him...
🍅: She's already learning from your Mistakes, Listening for once.
Vanessa softly started crying, occasionally wiping away tears as he was Raping her mother, Sakura trying to Calm her down while crying herself.
His Thrusting got harder, At this point, Sakura Held Vanessa's hand, And Kept reassuring Her that everything is alright and she'd be fine.
🍅: Sakura, Look at me.
🌸: I... I don't want to!
🍅: Do as I say, Cause I make a promise.
🌸:  Fine! Just don't Hurt her!
🦋: Mama...
🌸: It's ok baby...
They held hands as he Thrusted in her, Vanessa covering her eyes, Crying heavily. Constantly muttering " I don't know what to do " and " I can't save her".
🌸: ahh Stop it, That hurts!
🍅: Shut up!
He finished inside her, and got off her, zipped his pants and started walking to the door.
🦋: Daddy... Why did you hurt her?
🍅: You wouldn't understand, Maybe when you're older, you'll understand.
🦋: daddy...
🦋: I thought you loved me...
🍅: little girl, you don't understand why I'm like this, you'll never understand
He walked out the door, And Vanessa just kept crying, Sakura looked at her and started growing cold towards the girl, Vanessa went to hug her but Sakura just put her hand out to stop her.
🦋: Mama?
🌸:Ness, Don't.
🌸: I need... A shower.
Chapter 7:
It was a Month after the assault and Sakura fell pregnant with Sasuke's child, It was devastating news,
Sakura always told Vanessa babies were made out of love, but since the baby she was carrying wasn't made from love.
she thought she'd tell Vanessa how she wasn't made from love, but she was loved. That was Her favorite part of the explanation.
Aside from Watching her mom being assaulted by her father, she had her Heart already broken by her Other Dad.
Because he didn't love her, and Naruto told her that himself, that he'll never love her, and Even if he did, it wouldn't be the same as his Son with his wife.
But, She knew she wasn't loved by her Fathers, but still, she couldn't help but love them still, but she secretly resented them.
She only had Sakura, her Adoptive mother.  The Girl didn't know that Her Mother Suffered Trauma too, But Sakura didn't make it obvious that she did.
But Sakura knew she had to tell Kakashi about the rape, otherwise she'd just get more and more pregnant with no explanation whatsoever.
Chapter 8:
🍆: Hey Sakura, It's been a while huh? how are you?
🌸: ...
🍆:Sakura? What's wrong?
🌸: He Raped me...
🍆: WHAT?! WHO!?
🌸: Sasuke...
🍆: What? He did?
🌸: Yes...
🍆: When did he?
🌸: On Nessa's Birthday....
🍆: ...
🌸: What's wrong?
🍆: I sent him to you, a week before that day.
🌸: You sent him to Me? why?
🍆: I wanted him to meet Vanessa, I had good intentions when I sent him.
🌸: I know you did, Master Kakashi...
🍆: I wanted  him to see her on her Birthday.
🍆: I'm really sorry, Sakura.
🌸:it's Alright, I'm fine Other than the fact he got me pregnant...
🌸: Yea...
🌸: Have you spoken to him?
🍆: Yes, yesterday actually... I didn't know he did that to you.
🌸: well if you speak to him, tell him I want to speak with him...
🍆: Of course, but By yourself?
🌸:Yes, I want this to be a private affair, I want this to be between the Five of us...
🌸: I told Naruto... i just thought he'd need to know...
🍆: I'll talk to him... I'm sorry Sakura.
🌸: T-thank you...
As she walked out the room, He couldn't help but feel mad at himself For this. He needed to do something that'd heal those girls...
Vanessa was a daughter he never had, and he spoiled her rotten, cause she deserved it. Cause she and her mother deserved to be happy.
Chapter 9:
🍅: What is it?
🍆: I'll make this short and simple.
🍆: I know you raped Sakura. I know what you did to Her and Nessa
🍅: Hm, maybe Sakura isn't as Stupid as she seems.
🍆: What makes you say that?!
🍅: Naruto didn't tell a soul, You both had to put the Pieces together of what I did to him.
🍅: but still, he didn't give a shit. Especially about that girl.
🍅: I knew it all along, He left the little girl on her doorstep like I Recommended.
🍆: So, You don't care about the fact Sakura is carrying your Child?
🍅: That was My Fucking plan,What? you both believed I did it for nothing?
🍆: So You're going to do the same thing Naruto did to Vanessa, Abandon your Child?
🍅:Unlike that son of a bitch, I didn't leave it on the doorstep. I left it in that whore.
🍆: ...
🍆: Sakura wants to talk to you.
🍅: Why is that?
🍆: she didn't Give a Reason.
🍅: Hm... Fine, Tell her to meet me here next week.
🍆: Alright then.
Chapter 10:
Sakura was 6 weeks pregnant when she met with him, of course, They had eyes on them in case he'd harm her again.
🍅: What is it?
🌸: I want to talk, please listen.
🍅: Fine, What do you want?
🌸: Why'd you rape him?
🍅: I didn't have a reason in particular, but for you, I needed a pure blooded uchiha.
🍅: I don't want my genes intertwined with any other clan, I wanted you for that reason.
🌸:why didn't you ask?
🍅:you were busy with Vanessa, I knew you wouldn't open your legs for me like that.
🌸: you threatened to hurt Vanessa, you son of a bitch.
🍅:Yea, That was my exact plan.
🌸: I know you're capable of something fucked up like that!
🍅: no matter how much I hate her, I wouldn't hurt her.
🍅: I have my reasons, I'm not saying.
🌸: But how did Vanessa end up with me? 
🍅: I told him to leave The child with you.
🌸: I see...
🍅: how far along are you?
🌸: 6 weeks Pregnant.
🍅: hm.
🌸: Are you going to be in the baby's life?
🍅: I'll be honest, I'll try but I'm not sure i will be.
🌸: Because of Vanessa?
🍅: No, because Naruto would get jealous.
🌸: He has a Wife and Son, And a baby on the way...
🍅: He Moved on from Vanessa huh?
🌸: He already had a Son when Vanessa was Born.
🍅: I see.
🌸: I'm sorry for everything...
🍅: Sakura, Don't.
He walked away from her, he felt like he should be there for his children, but he couldn't, cause he knew how Vanessa felt about him.
he couldn't forgive himself for how he treated her, and he would understand if she didn't either.
Chapter 11:
4 Months Later...
Sakura was 5 Months pregnant with what she found out was another girl. Which she decided on the name 'Isabella'.
While they still were healing from the assault, They distracted themselves by setting up the baby's nursery.
It was hard for Vanessa to adapt to the fact she wouldn't be the only Child anymore. 
She was having a hard time overall. She felt so lonely, as she spent more time without Sakura and more time with Kakashi.
She Never had the chance to talk to her mom about the rape, as She'd just push off anything Vanessa try to say.
The girl just didn't know how to talk about her feelings, and Didn't know what to say. That ended up Building emotions that turned into Guilt.
Chapter 12:
It was just like any other day, Sakura and Vanessa were doing their normal routine, Sakura was getting dressed for the day while Vanessa was eating breakfast.
and Then the door bell rung, Sakura wasn't expecting any visitors so it was pretty strange to her.
🌸: Vanessa, can you get the door?
🦋: Sure Mama!
🍥: Hey Vanessa, It's been a while huh?
🦋: ...
Vanessa left the door open, but she Stormed off, It was her Dad, and after the events that took place on her birthday, she didn't want to see him or her Father.
🌸: Vanessa? Baby girl, Who was at the door?!
Completely unaware, she went to go open the door.
🌸: Naruto? I-
🍥: You're Pregnant?
🌸: Yea, Sasuke knocked me up.
🍥: oh, I mean I know he raped you but I didn't know he  got you pregnant.
🌸: We weren't expecting you to visit anytime soon.
🍥: Why is that?
🌸: You haven't came around, I mean., You haven't thought to speak to your daughter after I Told you She Watched Sasuke Rape me?!
🍥: I was busy! you know Hinata is Pregnant!
🌸:So is Kakashi, But He makes Time for her, I'm pregnant too, and I'm basically on My own Naruto! I'm making time for her aren't I?
🍥: I have a another child to take care of Sakura!
🌸: You went through what I went through!
🍥: Ugh, Sakura That's why I don't see her!
🌸: You can't Blame her or yourself for that! She didn't ask to be born Naruto!
🍥: I didn't ask for her to be born either.
🍥:... This isn't a good time for this.
🌸: Why are you here anyways?
🍥:I came by to see how you were, Kakashi asked me to check on you for him.
🌸:Well, I'm fine. I don't need help.
🍥:Alright then.
🌸: Ness, are you okay?
🦋:... yea...
🌸:Do you want to stay?
🍥:Yeah, for some tea if you don't mind.
🌸:Yes Nessa?
🌸:Go Finish eating okay? I don't want your food getting cold okay?
The Girl went to go sit at the table to eat her breakfast, she didn't know how to tell her mom that she didn't want her Dad to be there but she didn't want to be a bother.
Chapter 13:
The Baby Girl was Named Isabella Uchiha in her own right. And was a Darling to look at. A Natural blush to her cheeks, Dark Eyes and Light pink hair.
She was Born October 7th, born 5 Pounds 6 ounces, Via Natural Birth.
As she was rocked by Sakura, Vanessa was brought into the room by a Doctor.
💉: Here's Vanessa, she was very behaved during the Delivery.
🌸: Vanessa! I'm so happy to see you.
🦋: Mama!
🌸:Did You Behave For Mr. Kakashi?
🦋:Yeah! We went out to lunch and i got a present for the baby.
🌸: that's great baby!
🦋: Thank you.
🌸: Do you want to see the Baby?
🦋: Yes Mama!
Vanessa Held the baby gently, and the baby opened her eyes. They looked at the baby. And for once in the past 9 months, they were happy.
Chapter 14:
It was 7 Weeks After having the baby, Sakura was up early that morning with Bella. Vanessa was still asleep.
She had just put the baby down when someone knocked on the door, Sakura Quietly went to go answer the door.
🌸: Yes, may I help yo-?
🍅: Sakura, hey.
🌸: ...
🍅: I didn't know you'd be up this early.
🌸:Well, you know I had the baby and I don't particularly get to sleep in haha!
🍅: I bet you miss that huh?
🌸:Yes, but it's worth it to see such a precious face in the morning.
🍅: That's good.
🌸: you're here to see the Girls?
🍅: Yea, I am actually, Kakashi told me you had the baby.
🌸: well, come in but be quiet, she's a light sleeper.
🍅:  she gets that from me.
🌸: haha~  I guess so.
Sakura walked Sasuke to the living room, where the baby was asleep, and Vanessa had just woken up and waited next to the baby.
🌸: Well Look who's awake?
🦋: Bella was alone and I just wanted make sure she's alright.
🌸: Well thanks for that Sweetie, you're such a great big sister.
🦋:Thank you Mama.
🌸:Oh, Ness, Your father wants to see Bella.
Vanessa Got up and let her Mom and Father Hold Isabella, and She saw how compassionate He was being with Bella and she realized that he'd never love her the same as he loves Bella.
and she saw that in her mom too, She walked off, Sad, She knew that no one couldn't love her like she was their daughter.
Sakura Noticed Vanessa Had Walked off and went after her.
🌸: Vanessa?
🦋: it's okay for him to come around after he called me and you all those bad things.
🌸: He's just here to see Bella my dear.
🦋: and he never apologized for what he did to you?
🌸: I- He Wanted to meet his Daughter.
🌸: ...
🌸: I'm sorry, I'll talk to him.
🦋: No, I want to go with Mr. Kakashi.
🌸:... Vanessa...
🦋: please?
🌸: Alright, I'll call him honey.
🦋:... Thank you...
Sakura walked out and closed the door behind herself and cried, She blamed herself for Vanessa's pain.
Vanessa never asked about her Dads when she was growing, Sakura wanted them to be in her life, she never even thought to Talk with Her about what had happened.
Chapter 15:
Lately, Vanessa had been spending more time at the Hokage Offices with Kakashi. He didn't mind it as Vanessa was Quiet and kept to herself while he worked.
But he questioned on why she spent so much time at the office. But it never bothered him. He just questioned it.
🍆: Hey Ness.
🦋: Yes?
🍆: I've been meaning to ask, Why do you spend almost every day here?
🦋: Cause Daddy spends almost everyday at home with Bella.
🍆: What?!
🦋: I didn't mean to make you mad.
🍆:no Sweetheart, I'm not upset.
🦋: He Loves her more than he loves me.
🍆: I'm sorry sweetie.
🦋: That's alright.
🦋: If he's not there for me and there for just Bella, What's the point...
🍆: hm, I'll Talk to your mom and father about this.
🦋: If you really want to.
It was later in the day, Kakashi took Vanessa out to lunch and then brought her back home.
🌸: Hi nessy, did you enjoy your time?
🌸: ...
🍆: Hey, is Sasuke here?
🌸: not at the moment, he took Isabella for a Walk.
🍆: alright, mind if I come in?
🌸: of course not! Come in!
🍆: So, he's spending time here correct?
🌸: yes, he wants to get to know Bella.
🍆: Bella is just a baby, maybe he should start to heal the relationship he has with Vanessa. And you're Overstepping Her Boundaries to begin with.
🌸: I never realized that...
🍆: You Bring Naruto Around alot too, You don't realize that you're making her uncomfortable because he told her he'd never love her Sakura.
🌸: She's never said that she felt uncomfortable...
🍆: That should've been Common Sense. And you're bringing Sasuke around after all of that? Ness Told me everything he said to the both of you and you forgive him?
🌸: I...
🍆:Sakura, Did He Ever say sorry?
🍆: But I'm not interfering with that, what goes on between the three of you is no longer my business.
🍆:But Nessy, she's my business, and Tell her she's free to come to the office to spend time with me whenever she wants okay?
🌸:Yes, I'll Tell Her.
🍆:Thank you. tell Nessy I'll get her tomorrow.
🌸: Okay, I will...
Chapter 16🔞:
3 years later-
Everything was better, and The girls were adjusting to this new life.
However, Vanessa's relationship with her Dad and Father was not better, But Vanessa pretended things were Fine and never said anything when they came around.
Cause She knew her Relationship with her Mother was Deteriorating. due to everything that had happened and ever since Isabella was Born.
Lately, The girls had been out of the house more often, They were spending time with Kakashi, So Sakura had more time either to focus on work, or to have Time to herself.
And She Started Mending Things Between Herself and Naruto, And They were as close as they was when they were kids.
She Thought it'd be good so he can bring His Children over to play with the Girls While they Caught up. Which worked out.
It was a Day When the Girls went out with Kakashi, So it was just Sakura and Naruto together, And They were Drinking.
Then they got Drunk And one thing led to another and a One Night stand occurred. After that, Sakura Cried feeling guilty for what she did, but She didn't tell anyone, he didn't either and kept it to themselves.
That is Until Sakura Found out she was Pregnant with his Child, But She was Worried about being a Home wrecker.
🌸: Hey Naruto, is she here? We need to talk...
🍥: No, She took the kids to see her father.
🌸: Okay...
🍥: You Can Come in.
🌸: No, it'll be quick.
🍥: Alright, What's up? Something with Ness?
🌸: No I'm Pregnant and I'm sure you're the father, you're the only person I slept with...
🍥: Oh....
🍥: I'm Sorry Sakura.
🍥: What are you going to do?
🌸: I don't know, Did you tell her?
🍥: No, I barely remember anything from that night.
🌸:Yeah, I didn't either until after i realized after i Found out...
🍥:Are You Going to tell the girls?
🌸: Not until i tell Hinata...
🍥: Don't worry, I'll tell her for you.
🌸: I just... I don't want her to think i intentionally did this...
🍥: I'll tell her everything okay?
🌸:Promise me?
🍥:I promise.
🍥:Are You Keeping it?
🌸: Yes, I would love to have a baby again.
🌸:Are you going to be in the babies life?
🍥: Yeah, of course. I'll try to be as much as possible.
🌸:Okay Thank you...
Chapter 17:
9 Months Later:
The Baby Was Born A Girl On July 23. Looked Just like her father, with her Mother's Eyes.
The Girl was named Naomi Uzumaki in her own right, with Green Eyes and Strawberry Blonde hair With Whiskers on her Face
She was labeled the "village's cutest Baby" because of her cuteness, She and Sakura got so much Attention from the media.
Everyone knew Who her father was as Naruto confirmed that she's his Daughter. No one thought of an Affair when it came to her conception.
But he did his best to protect Naomi from any unwanted attention towards her, Not because of his public image, he wanted as much privacy for her as possible.
That's what any father would do.
Chapter 18:
Sakura was home with Naomi and Isabella. She arranged For Vanessa and Sasuke to spend time together, And Hopefully would have time to talk one on one.
🍅: what do you think about the weather?
🦋: fine.
🍅: You know, we can talk about this. You aren't going to keep giving me the silent treatment.
🍅: You should've gotten my attention Vanessa
🦋: I've TRIED! I try so hard! You just keep ignoring me! And I have No Clue why!
🦋: You always go to Naomi before me!
At this point, everyone in the park was staring at them, some people completely stopped what they were doing cause they were distracted by the argument.
🍅: Me and Naruto made an agreement on this.
🍅: yes, while I'm not in the village, he treats Isabella like how I'd treat Naomi, like his own.
🦋: So You only care about Isabella and Naomi? That's Not Fair!
🍅: how isn't that fair?
🍅: Vanessa...
🦋: You Forgot about me?
🍅:I never did.
🦋:Yes you did, cause when Naomi was Born you completely forgot about My existence.
🦋: I want to go home.
🦋: I'm finished talking to you and I'm Finished Trying with both you and dad. .
Chapter 19:
A few months after, Vanessa started closing herself off from everyone. She Valued Her Alone time and rarely talked to anyone.
And she stopped talking and stopped caring for her fathers, they never cared about her or cried for her, why should she?
But it was an occasion where both her fathers were over and spending time with their Daughters and Catching up with Sakura.
Leaving her left out, She decided to try and get her mother's attention since she felt lonely.
🦋: Mama...
🌸: Not right now Ness, I'm feeding Naomi.
🦋: Well afterwards, can you spend time with me?
🌸: Sorry honey, I can't. I have to make tea and lunch.
🦋: what about afterwards?
🌸: Vanessa... No
🦋: Why?
🌸: Vanessa! Stop annoying Me!
🍥: Sakura? What's wrong?
🌸: Vanessa! Just get out of my sight and go to your room!
🦋: Mama...
🌸: VANESSA! Just go God dammit!
Vanessa ran to her room, crying quietly, she slammed her door.
🍅: Sakura, what happened with her?
🌸: I just don't know how to control that girl anymore! Ever since Bella and Naomi were born!
🍥:She's become Stressful to deal with?
🌸:Yes! I feel like I'm constantly walking on egg shells because of all of these outbursts she has!
🍅:I'll Handle it, where's her room?
🌸:Down the hall, then to the right.
He walked down the hall to Vanessa's room, He knocked and she let him in, Vanessa thought it was her Mom but when she saw that it was her father she froze up in fear.
🍅:Vanessa, can we talk, just the two of us?
🍅: Now I don't understand why you think it's okay to Disrespect your Mom, after all the sacrifices she made for you.
🦋:I didn't disrespect-
🍅:Shut Up and Listen!
🍅:You're being so Ungrateful to her, after all the things she did for you!
🍅:Now if it were me, you wouldn't be acting this way! You would be put in line immediately. because I don't tolerate this bullshit.
Before Vanessa could Say Anything, She Was Slapped by her Father, really hard and she started to cry cause it hurt her.
🍅:Oh Stop Crying, I won't tolerate your bullshit anymore, if Sakura tells me you're being disobedient again I could do worse, do you understand me?!
🍅:Good, now sit in here and think about what you did, and when you're ready, Come out to apologize, do you understand?!
🦋:Yes Sir..
🍅:Good, Now Stop Pestering your Mother.
As Soon as he left the room, Vanessa started sobbing loudly, and She kept crying for 10 minutes straight.
She came out of her room, her Face red and Tears still running down her face. Sakura looked at her and Got Worried.
🌸:Vanessa, What happened?
🦋:... nothing... Can I go to Mr. Kakashi please.
🌸:... Sasuke what did you tell her?
🦋:Mama, Please call Mr. Kakashi, I don't want to be here anymore!
🌸:... Alright dear...
🍥:Vanessa? Are you okay?
🦋:I'm going to my room...
🌸:Nessa Baby, Talk to me.
Vanessa, gave her mother a Forced but tearful smile. And walked back to her room, Sakura Called Kakashi, and She felt awful for her.
🌸:Sasuke, what did you say to her?
🍅: Simple, I told her to stop misbehaving.
🍥:But why was she crying like that?
🍅: That girl always cries that way.
30 Minutes passed and Kakashi eventually came to get Vanessa.
🍆:Hey Sakura, Ness wanted me to get her correct?
🌸:Yes, but Can you talk to her please? She came out crying asking for you and she's not talking to me but I know she'll talk to you.
🍆: Of course, thank you for telling me.
He walked to Vanessa's room, and knocked softly, Vanessa let him in and Kakashi Saw that she had been crying for a while.
🍆:Vanessa, What's wrong Sweetie?
🍆:Do you want me to close the door?
🦋: Yes...
🍆: Alright, it's closed, what happened?
🦋:Daddy Hit Me!
🍆:What? Who Sasuke?
🦋: I wanted to spend time with Mama, but she kept on saying she was busy, I kept asking if she would be free later on today but She yelled at me to get out of her sight....
🍆:She didn't tell me that!?
🦋:And I heard her talking about how I had outbursts and I was uncontrollable...
🦋:Then Daddy came to talk to me, he started to yell at me saying how disobedient I was... Then he hit me...
🍆:... Pack some things, you'll be staying with me for a while.
🍆:While you're doing that, I'll be talking to them.
He left Her Room and closed the door behind him, He knew that Isabella and Naomi were Napping so he could really rip into them.
🍆:Why were you talking to Vanessa like that?!
🌸:Like what?
🍥: A While ago, How you were yelling at her?
🌸: oh... I didn't mean to yell at her, I was a bit frustrated... I didn't mean to.
🍆:And You let Sasuke go into her room? Without Being in there?
🌸:What happened? Vanessa didn't say anything!
🍆:Of course she didn't say anything! he hit her and she thought if she said something he'd hit her again or you'd believe that he didn't!
🌸:Why Would...
🍆:That doesn't matter, She's going to be staying with me for a while, because it seems you need a break.
🍥:You Hit Her?!
🍅:all the other times Sakura Tried to discipline her, it didn't work did it? I'm sure it'll work now.
🍥:I get how much you hate her, That Doesn't mean you should hit the girl!
🌸:... Why would you hit my baby?
🍅: So Now She's your Baby? you keep telling everyone Vanessa isn't your Daughter, but Naomi and Isabella are. Stop playing this act for Kakashi, he isn't falling for it anymore Sakura.
🍥:Sakura, why are you doing this to her? I trusted you'd take care of her, why are you mistreating her?
🦋:Mr.Kakashi... I'm ready to go now.
🍆:You have everything?
🦋: I want to go now...
🍆:Alright, I'll bring her home when she's ready to come back.
Chapter 20:
It was close to a week when Kakashi brought Vanessa home, Vanessa didn't really talk about the three, but didn't say anything positive nor negative about them.
When she came back, only Sakura was home, the girls with their fathers, She didn't hug Vanessa, just in case she was still upset after the events of a couple of days ago.
The girl smiled at her and walked past, silently going to her room.
🌸:How was she?
🍆: She was fine, but she'll be a bit upset for a while, I told her I was Retiring.
🌸: Oh, I understand.
🍆:here, I washed her clothing to save you the trouble.
🌸:Oh My! Thank you Sensei! You didn't have to do that!
🍆: It wasn't an issue, I figured I'd do it.
🌸:Did she... Talk?
🍆:About it? no she was pretty quiet, in fact she wasn't her usual self, what he did Fucked her up.
🌸:I know...
🍆: Next time you're frustrated by her, just call me okay?
Chapter 21:
It was a couple of months after that, Vanessa was now even more Reserved than before, not being a bother, no longer complaining, no longer asking for anything and she just dealt with anything.
She didn't complain when her least favorite dish washer made, she just ate it and didn't complain. Sakura noticed but didn't bother her, cause she already lost Vanessa's Trust and She felt Vanessa didn't feel comfortable talking to her.
Vanessa was staying with Kakashi every other week, Sakura decided it would be better for her, as Vanessa felt more comfortable around Kakashi.
One day, both her fathers joined for Dinner.
🍥:this food is great Sakura!
🌸: Oh Thank you, I figured I try to put something together for y'all, and I'm surprised the girls were patient.
🍅:Well, I always tell Bella to be patient, not everything is going to come immediately you know?
🌸:yeah, She always tells me that, what a sweetheart.
🍥:Where's my girl Naomi?
🌸:sleeping, I fed her early because she was a bit cranky.
🍥:She gets that from me eh?
🌸:haha yeah.
Vanessa stayed silent, Inside she felt sad they weren't talking about her, She was Their Child Too. She didn't want to stay at the table so she wouldn't feel that way.
🌸: Yes Vanessa?
🦋:can I be excused to eat in my room?
🌸: why? It would feel empty at the table without you.
🦋:Isabella's Here, and She's a better conversation starter than I am honestly.
🌸:Vanessa, Please not tonight.
🦋:oh, sorry...
🍅:No, it's fine if she wants to leave, I'd understand if she wants to leave. And she's right you know?
🌸:Nessy, if you stay, We'll talk about you alright?
🍥:It's Alright Sakura, let Her go to her room, it's clear that she doesn't want any issues.
🌸:ugh, Fine Go to your room.
Vanessa reluctantly smiled at her Mom and Ran off before she was yelled at, Sakura looked at her, Cold. Naruto noticed the expression on her face but didn't want to say anything.
After Dinner, he went to check on Naomi and figured he should see how Vanessa was, He knocked on her door and She let him in.
🍥:Hey Nessy, How are you?
🍥: I know how much you don't like me and I understand that, I just want to see how you're doing.
🦋: It's your fault Mama Hates Me...
🦋: It's his fault first, after Sasuke hurt Mama, she started hating me because he blamed me for making him hurt her, Then You got her Pregnant with Naomi and then she stopped caring about me All together.
🍥: I'm sorry Vanessa, I didn't know- Wait did you call your father by his name?
🦋: What's wrong with that? He doesn't act like much of a father to me.
🍅: Oh, This is where you were, Sakura was looking for you.
🍥: Oh, Tell her I'll be there soon.
🍅: Alright, Everything Okay?
🍥:Yeah, me and Ness are Talking.
🦋: I don't like him.
🦋:He made you and Mama Hate me.
🍥: I don't hate you.
🦋: But you said You don't love me, and you never will... Because I'm a constant reminder of him hurting you.
🍥:That's not...
🦋: I bet you only Got Mama Pregnant with Naomi just to rub it in my face that you love your other children more than me.
🦋: if you want to leave now, you can.
He Sat on the edge of her bed silently for a minute and got up and walked out of her room, closing the door behind himself. He stood outside her door. Realizing everything she said was true. And that broke him.
But no matter how much Naruto wanted to change and to actually be there for Vanessa, he couldn't. She got used to being Hated by her "Parental Figures". and just randomly coming into her life would make her uncomfortable.
But he never gave up on trying his best to not only be present for Naomi, but For Vanessa too, She was reluctant to do this but slowly warmed up but in a Distance way.
Chapter 22:
6 years later:
Vanessa, 12 years of age, Started the academy a bit later than anyone else, But since her skill was impressive, she was close to becoming a Genin.
Her Dad Became the 7th Hokage, that means he was busy and didn't really spend time with her, or Naomi or His other children for that matter. But she had to deal with Naomi begging her to take her to see her Father Weekly, and he somehow made time for her.
He completely forgot about Vanessa's existence, She knew this which is why she Kept her Distance from him, but it still hurt.
Her Younger Sister, Bella Always had her Father around, he would take her shopping, Go for ice cream, normal Father Daughter things.
Vanessa was alone a lot, but something that filled the void was her Dad's Family, She had an Older Brother by 11 Months, and a Younger sister who was a Month older than Bella. And his Wife was just very warm and welcoming to her.
She met all of them when she was 9 years old, and she loved how welcoming they were, She enjoyed being there and Was given her own room if she wanted to stay, same with Naomi.
Chapter 23:
3 years later (TW WARNING)
It was Naomi's 9th Birthday party and everyone came to it, during this time, Vanessa was living with Kakashi but was staying with Sakura for the night because Naomi wanted her to.
Vanessa was staying in her old room, just getting some quiet time from the party, Sasuke entered the room.
🍅:Oh, Hey Ness.
🦋: What do you want?
🍅:I was looking for Bella, do you know where she is?
🦋: No, I don't. Please leave.
🍅: Why are you Coming off rudely? Did I ever Speak in a rude tone?
🦋: I just don't want you near me!
He silently locked the door and walked towards the bed and sat Down beside her, Vanessa Visibly shaking with Fear Asked him to leave. He pinned her on the bed and put his hand gently on her Thigh.
🦋:Get off!
🍅:shh, if you do what I want, then maybe we can mend things between the two of us and I promise to make up for lost time.
🦋: No I Don't want this!
🍅: you don't want me to be your father?
🦋: Kakashi, He- mmh!
🍅: Shut Up, or I'll make it hurt more than it probably would.
🦋: Daddy please, you don't have to do this...
🍅: That's adorable, you should call me that more.
He Ripped off her Pants and Performed Oral on her, Vanessa Begged him to stop, but he told her that he has to do this or it wouldn't go in easily and hurt more.
she stayed silent, tears ran down her face. She took it as she felt weak and didn't want to be hurt.
After a while, he came up, and unzipped his pants and pulled it out. Vanessa didn't do anything but cry, and tried to look into his eyes to guilt him into not doing anything.
He just smiled, and pulled her closer and put it in. Her screams of pain were silenced by him choking her, and he started thrusting fast. This went on for over 30 minutes.
After he came, he got up and zipped his pants.
🍅:That was unsatisfying, I thought the tighter it was, the better it'd feels.
🍅:Hm, You did your research on Three Man Cells, did you?
🍅:good,I think you should fix yourself up before anyone thinks of anything suspicious.
Vanessa looked up at him, he was no longer her Father, he was her Rapist. She just did as he said.
As they were singing happy birthday, He Grabbed her Butt and Whispered in her ear to not tell anyone. She shivered at that, as soon as Naomi Finished blowing her candles out.
Vanessa ran into her room and got her stuff, She ran to the front door.
🌺:Where are you Going?
🦋: Naomi, please don't be upset at me, I know I promised you but I really have to go.
🍥:Vanessa, What Happened?
🌺:You Promised for my birthday! You never break your promises!
🍥:Naomi, calm down, Okay?
🌺:I Hate You! You Ruined my Birthday party!
Vanessa Glanced At her Dad, Teary Eyed and red. Naruto then realized what happened as he looked over at Sasuke, and saw his cold expression.
Vanessa ran out the door. She made it to a cliff which was really high up, but she didn't have the willpower to actually end it all, so she Cried.
It was a little while she was there, She at this point stopped crying, sitting on the edge with her legs hanging. She contemplated throwing herself off before her dad came.
🍥:Hm, look at what I got here.
Vanessa looked over at him, and he had a 6 pack of beer with him.
🦋:Oh I can't-
🍥:Ness, I was your age too, trust me.
🦋:but, would it hurt my baby?
🍥: No, Three Man cells makes it so nothing can't effect the Fetus.
🦋:Crack one For Me.
🍥:That's the Spirit kiddo.
They both drunk together, in silence for a while.
🦋:How did you deal with it?
🍥:the rape?
🦋: Mhm.
🍥:Distractions, I kept myself busy.
🍥: I had To Take care of Boruto, So I just blocked it out. when you were born he recommended I give you to Sakura and that's what I did. I just wanted any reminder of that day to go away.
🦋: I understand...
🍥:If I knew the way she was treating you, I would've given you to Kakashi.
🦋:No, you wouldn't have known.
🍥:But I want to be here for you, You went through what I went through.
🦋:... Why are you letting me drink?
🍥: I want to let you get drunk, so you can take your Mind off of this, okay?
🍥:There you are.
🦋:Open another one for me please?
🍥: Alright, no problem!
🦋:Papa, I'm not ready for a baby...
🍥: I know, but you have to remember, you have People to help you you know?
🦋:... Please don't tell anyone else, I want to tell Kakashi and That's it okay?
🍥:No problem! Whenever you're ready, I can tell Hinata for you, okay?
🦋:Thank you...
Vanessa leaned on her Dad's Shoulder, He Put his arm around her and told her everything would be alright and that he'd do his best to take care of her and his Grandchild. She teared up, she wasn't ready to be a mother, she was only 15.
chapter 24:
3 Months Later
Vanessa was staying with her Dad for a while since Kakashi was out on a business trip and he really didn't want her to be alone.
She was Cooking with her Dad's Wife, and She was Teaching her other things about taking care of Babies, and for the day, Vanessa was okay.
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