#verse: main | the mayor
stageplayhero · 1 year
Continued from here | @blueheartedmayor
The way the other him insists this 'Mark' might have an involvement in this was doing nothing to change the Mayor's mind and bring a sudden sense of revelation. The Pied Piper could have caused this strange coincidence for all Damien cared. All he wanted to do was figure out why someone thought this practical joke needed to go on as long as it had.
And then the reaction the other him had to the date was so out of left field that Damien found that there was a bigger mystery on his hands. It did explain why the other suit looked nice, but didn't fully match the current fashion trend. He had assumed it was a mockery of Damien's own preferences, but if it was genuinely an article from a 'vintage' era...
"I assure you, the year is correct. Here." Handing over his phone would have been an unneeded culture shock. Fortunately, there was a small desk calendar that could be lifted and offered instead. It fit in the palm of Mark's hand, with a landscape painting on the top half, and the date written out in full on the bottom. While Mark examined that, Damien leaned forward in his chair, resting his left elbow on the sturdy desk and his chin on the hand.
"So you mean to tell me that you were going into your office, something happened, and now you're here? Something isn't adding up here..." Damien was musing out loud, though his next statement returned his attention to the stranger. "Are you implying that, somehow, there's a Mayor that goes by the name of 'Damien' a hundred years ago?" It would truly be impossible if they were the same person - Damien was a rather common name, at least. "I suppose I should remove the logical solution: would walking back out of the office return you to wherever you ought to be?"
Mark isn't panicking. He is definitely not. Well, maybe only a little. And the calendar Damien hands him makes it difficult to deny that the year has changed, for him. Mark accepts it carefully, as if it might blow up in his face, and squints at the date for longer than should have been needed.
"That's… concerning." It's terrifying. Everything he knows is gone, left in the past. He sets the calendar on the desk, and returns his attention to Damien. "I agree. None of this is adding up."
Yes. There was another you a hundred years ago. I don't know how you could possibly exist.
"I am. I'd like to say it's a coincidence, but it's strange that I would end up in your office, specifically." He rubs his eyes. "I'm not entirely convinced that this isn't a dream, anymore."
Walking back out of the office? "I don't know. It's worth a try, though." He stands, and makes his way to the door. It's obviously not his door, and the building beyond is not his City Hall, even when he crosses the threshold. A turn off his head, and - yes, there's the other Damien, still sitting at his desk. Mark quickly steps back into the office and away from the newer environment. Who is doing this? Dark? The Entity? Why would anyone-
"The logical solution doesn't seem to work." He places his hands on the back of the opposite chair to steady himself, but can't sit down, nervous energy spiking. "And I'm assuming if you had the technology to time travel in the future, you would have told me by now." Tapping a finger against the chair, he forces the next words out. "My sister was familiar with the arcane arts. It may seem a ridiculous suggestion that this is the result of magic, but I don't know what else to think."
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It almost seems too uncanny. A young, bright-eyed man, mayor of a city at a surprisingly young age. Had time fallen back on itself? No. This was still the twenty-first century, and yet there was a shadow of the past in the strangest way possible. The mayor frowned at the prolonged silence. "Pardon me, sir...? Are you alright? You've been staring at me..." (blueheartedmayor. I throw a timeline anomaly at you >:D )
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MARK HAS BEEN STARING AT HIM FOR LONGER THAN HE WOULD LIKE TO ADMIT. He had to be seeing things, right? Damien? In the flesh? In his prime? In this day and age?
But... He didn’t seem to recognise Mark. And not in the way that Mark’s confrontation of Damien in the void all those years ago was. He’s confused. Why doesn’t he recognise Mark?
It catches Mark so off guard that he doesn’t even have the time to start his usual ramblings. In fact, it shuts that part of him down entirely, for the moment. This is different, and Mark doesn’t understand it. 
“I- yes, sorry, you just-” he lets out an awkward half-cough-half-laugh, a hint of a blush creeping onto his cheeks as he realised that he’d been caught staring.
“You just look like someone I know.”
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peacockpenis · 7 months
a quick lighting analysis of npmd: while we normally associate green lighting with wiggly's influence, i don't think that carries into this show (aside from his appearance). the main palette for this show is blue lighting, but almost every major max moment has red lighting: his verse in "literal monster", his entire sequence for "nerdy prudes must die", his death moment (the red distinctly fades as he dies!), even when he appears near the end of the show to kill mayor lauter. we also see purple and pink mainly used for romance and for pete and steph. we also see a mix of light blue with red for grace's final turn in "dirty dudes must die". all of this to point out the one strange use of green lighting is the "fuck you clivesdale" sequence in "go go nighthawks". i saw a post comparing it to wiggly's light, which brings us to the question: is that wiggly's influence?
probably not, actually! the green is likely used for two reasons: 1) we can't use red for an angry moment like most designers might normally do, because red is associated with max specifically and with the monsters of the show and 2) the colors of the rest of the song (and hatchetfield high) are notably blue and yellow. as a team that came from u of m and as a current umich theatre student, it clearly reads very umich colors! and the green adversaries read as the spartans, michigan state's team (and colors). but why not ohio state's colors, since that is michigan's real rival? cause they use red! and we've already established why we can't use red!
anyways, it's neat how all three hatchetfield mainstages use a specific color to signify their villains: blue for the apotheosis in tgwdlm, green for wiggly in black friday, and red for max/monster grace in npmd!
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ivystoryweaver · 11 months
Decadent chapter 9
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prev next || Fic Masterlist || My Masterlist
Summary: A company formal. Your red dress. You dance with Jackson. Miguel is watching.
Pairings: Miguel O'Hara from the film Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse x female reader
Word Count: 5.3k+
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, cursing, jealousy, arguing, angst, the yearning, fingering, oral -m rec. creampie, not beta'd
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PREVIOUSLY on Decadent...
"What was that?" You asked him, wondering why he looked so flustered. Lyla popped in all the time, although, in fairness, this interruption was a tad dramatic - sudden and noisy.
"I programmed Lyla to...make sure I'm not a dick to you."
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Miguel didn't ask about your date. Or hangout. Whatever.
He didn't look up any information regarding your whereabouts over the weekend. He didn't engage Lyla in any off-hours reconnaissance.
He didn't listen out for any office gossip.
Nope, he was an absolute professional about the whole thing.
"How was your weekend?" Your sweet voice chimed as the two of you entered the lab Monday morning.
"Uneventful," he shrugged. "So, about these numbers we ran..."
He kept his mind on the task at hand. He was definitely, for sure not at all distracted by your gorgeous legs peeking out of your fitted skirt.
He didn't stop by your office that afternoon. Or Tuesday. Or Wednesday. He was moody as hell though. Probably hungry.
On Thursday evening, he asked you to accompany him to a charity event on Friday evening. His company was being recognized - the mayor would be there. It was a big deal.
"I'm already going," you chuckled. "Remember, our whole department was invited."
Oh. Right.
"Besides forgetting I'm already going, did you actually just ask a girl to attend a formal event with one day of notice?" You teased him.
He had no answer. Because if your whole department was going, then Jackson would be there. Damn him.
"Is he going?" Miguel practically spat, folding his massive arms over his chest as he stood (safely) in your office doorway.
Rising from your desk chair, you started gathering your items to go home for the night.
"Is...who going?"
His fang sank into his bottom lip - this, you could see from across the room.
"No one. Want me to walk you out?" He deflected.
"Sure," you nonchalantly shrugged.
As you strolled out of the building, you thought the tension in his muscles might literally, physically split his shirt where his biceps bulged. He must be starving: what else could have him this agitated?
He said nothing else until you were outside the main entrance.
"Get in," he ordered, nodding to his car. "We'll take you."
"It’s okay. I - "
"Are we going to have this damn argument every night?" He huffed, referring to the fact that his driver had driven you home every evening this week. The ride you had taken with Miguel last Friday - the night you were almost certain he was going to kiss you - had spawned a bit of a new tradition.
"Just get in," he added, a little softer.
So you did. You always wanted to be around Miguel, any chance you could get. But his hunger thing was really getting to a breaking point. And there was no winning with him. If you expressed your concerns, then he accused you of not staying objective about his condition. Or assumed you were asking him to feed on you. But if he didn't feed soon, he was going to quite literally tear someone's head off.
Plus you had to deal with his grumpy ass every single day. Enough was enough.
So as you sat in the back of his car, beside him, his leg tapping impatiently, you tried to figure out how to broach the topic.
"Miguel?" You spoke his name softly, initially hoping to stay as far away from an argument as possible.
If he heard you, he didn't answer, staring straight ahead, practically vibrating with tension.
Slowly stretching your fingers out, you tentatively brushed his forearm, bare where he'd rolled his sleeves up to his elbows.
He flinched. "What?" He snapped, jerking his arm away, as if your touched burned his skin.
"I'm sorry," you squeaked, withdrawing your hand, your eyes wide and worried.
His jaw clenched as his eyes flashed red.
Right then, the Don't-Be-a-Dick Lyla alarm sounded, which he quickly silenced, muttering, "Shut the fuck up," and, "I wasn't doing anything," in the process.
You gave him a moment to collect himself before you spoke again - this time without touching him.
"Are you all right?" You softly asked, gazing at his profile. His hair was disheveled - dark waves carelessly falling over his eyes. His strong jawline twitched and he was breathing rather dramatically through his nose.
"Fine," he muttered, not even sparing you a glance. "Almost there."
"Can't wait to get rid of me?" You shot back. "Then why did you ask me to get in? I could've taken the train if I'm such a pain in your ass."
He didn't answer.
"And you asked me to the gala tomorrow night? Are you serious?" So maybe you were picking a fight, which was a terrible idea. Then again, was it starting a fight or just expressing yourself? You'd always been a blunt person - it was one of the first things Miguel admired about you. You were sick of stifling your opinions in hopes of not pissing him off.
That was bullshit abusive behavior and you were not going to stay in that cycle with him - walking on eggshells like a victim.
Besides that - you weren't actually afraid of him. You liked all the unhinged and violent things he'd done to you. You wanted that side of him too. It was Miguel who could not accept himself, and had been punishing you for it.
Well you were fucking done.
"I didn't realize you already had a date when I asked," he coolly responded, completely throwing you for a loop with his change of attitude.
"A date - what? What are you talking about?"
He finally granted you a glance, briefly, before turning back to stare out the car window. "Jackson. You're going with him, right?"
You scoffed. "What the hell gave you that idea?"
"You didn't say yes to me," he reasoned, more with himself than by actually conversing intelligently with you. "And he's in your department, so...I guess he asked you already."
It took you a moment to digest how incredibly thick your brilliant boss was being. "I'm sorry...what? First of all, I didn't say no to you. I just said I'm already going to the event."
Shifting in your seat, you turned your body to face him. "And secondly, you're assuming that a woman who says no to you must have another date? I am perfectly capable of taking myself to the gala. Or going with a friend, or another co-worker. I don't need a man to take me."
Miguel rolled his eyes, turning to to face you. "Are you done?" he asked, infuriatingly. "Because I just wanted to ask you to save me a dance. Unless you had a date."
That comment left you a little speechless. But he wasn't getting out of this so easily. "I'm not worried about the gala anyway. I'm worried about you." Reaching for his arm again, you squeezed gently. "You're hungry. And no bullshit, Miguel. I'm really worried about you."
Shrugging your hand off his arm he shook his head firmly. "You're off the clock. We can talk about it in the lab."
God you were going to rip your hair out of your head. Then his hair out of his. And then...you weren't sure what, but he was driving you crazy. His complete dismissal for your concern, combined with his arrogant treatment of you possibly having a date. Your fists clenched by your sides as you fought with all your might not to shout at him or punch him or something.
Finally, mercifully, your building appeared and you practically sprinted out of the car and up to your apartment.
You barely made it through the door when you got a message on your phone.
'I'm sorry. You're right, I'm hungry. I'm trying. I'm sorry.'
Squeezing your eyes shut, you sank down on the edge of your couch, wondering if you should even bother with a reply. Your heart ached for him, but would he ever be able to, or someday want to give you even a piece of his?
You waited so long to reply that you finally gave up, not knowing what to say. You showered and got ready for bed, tossing and turning agitatedly. What you wouldn't give to use Miguel's body for some stress relief. Or just some fun.
After staring at your ceiling for a half hour, you felt your phone buzz beside you.
Another message. Jackson this time.
'Can't wait to see you at the gala. Save me a dance, ok?'
Well, there it was. You were dateless for the gala, but now scheduled for two dances with two different men. Fun. Truth be told, you had a great time with Jackson last Friday, but it did honestly feel like an after-work hangout and not a date. He didn't make any moves, and you didn't feel anything but friendly affection.
Every other feeling you could possibly muster was wrapped up in Miguel O'Hara.
You typed out a quick response, letting Jackson know you would definitely dance with him. Right as you hit send, your phone buzzed again. Miguel was calling in.
Of course you instantly answered. He almost never called.
"Miguel?" You answered with his name, assuming something was wrong.
"Hey. I hope it's not too late," he answered slowly, sounding uncertain.
"No. No, I'm awake," you gently responded, sitting up in bed. "You okay?"
A long silence followed, prompting you to call his name again.
"I'm here," he sighed. "I'm...I...I'm hungry. I almost killed someone."
Your skin prickled with heat. "Did you feed?"
You heard nothing but the sound of him breathing in and out, heavily.
"I didn't. I stopped an attack - I...I saved someone and then...but I didn't feed or anything. Roughed him up though. He's in the hospital."
"Shit," you huffed, now pacing your bedroom floor. "What do you want to do? You're not going to stay out there, are you?"
He kept pausing infuriatingly long between questions.
"I...I was hoping you could talk me out of it," he confessed, his voice strained and a little desperate. "You're the only person who doesn't take my shit. Tell me to go home. I should go home, right?"
Shaking your head, you laughed out, somewhat bitterly. "I feel like the last person you listen to lately. Everything I say to you is wrong. I honestly can't believe you're even asking me anything."
"I know, I know, I'm sorry," he sighed over the line. "This whole...lifestyle change is a lot harder than I thought it would be."
Ugghh, you knew it. "Just come over," you offered, without thinking too hard about it. "Come over and we'll figure it out, okay? You need to get off the streets."
He waited so long to answer this time, you thought maybe your phone dropped the call.
"Miguel - "
"I'm outside your window," he finally admitted, his voice muffled, as if he might be trying to keep his voice down.
You whirled around, glaring at your closed curtains. "What the hell...how long have you been there?"
Even as you interrogated him, you rushed over to let him in, ending the call and tossing your phone on the nearest chair.
Miguel's bulky form squeezed in the window rather gracefully, actually, clad deliciously in his dark blue spider suit.
He held up his hands defensively, assuming you were going to tear him a new one. "I know I shouldn't be here. I'm an asshole, I know. I just...I'm not...I don't really feel well..."
"Come on," you urged, wrapping your arm around his waist to urge him to join you in walking to your bed.
He sat down on the edge, letting out a weary sigh as his elbows hit his thighs. He pushed his fingers through his hair in frustration before resting his head in his palms.
You attempted to ignore the fact that Miguel had come to you for help - that he was in your home, in your bed. Just a few weeks ago, you would already have climbed across his lap and fused your lips with his. The two of you wouldn't have slowed for a second until you were both sated and he was full of your blood.
But now...what could he need from you?
"Let me get you some water, okay?" You softly offered. "Then I want you to try to get some sleep."
Miraculously, he didn't argue, and he allowed you to help him lie back on your bed. When you returned with water, just a minute or two later, his eyes were closed.
You didn't actually believe he was asleep, but he seemed, at least, peaceful. So you carefully set the glass of water on the bedside table and left him alone, trying to ignore the delicious fit of his skin-tight suit.
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Miguel didn't actually fall asleep when you went to get him some water. But, in your home, with you, he felt safe. Steady. True, there was the temptation to sink his fangs into your neck, especially if he could have your body too, but he kept his eyes closed, focusing on simply being off the streets, here with you.
His spunky, brilliant, beautiful guardian angel.
He wasn't going to touch or harm one hair on your head. Lyla would help make sure of it, and he certainly didn't want to have her chiming in at a time like this.
He felt terrible for taking your bed, but eventually, you lay down beside him. His heart thundered at the thought of sharing your bed, but still, he remained a statue.
"You're safe here, Miguel," he heard you faintly whisper. "I won't let anything happen to you."
God, if he wasn't a monster, he would roll over and kiss you breathless.
But he remained perfectly still, his eyes glued shut until he heard your breathing slow and relax. Even then, he waited longer, until he was certain you were out cold before he finally turned onto his side.
Tucking his hands under his cheek, he smiled at your adorable, sleeping form. His heart burned in his chest. Sometimes it was difficult to even look at you.
"I miss you so much," he whispered, the words rushing out of him before he could think to stop them. Squeezing his eyes shut, he rolled all the way over and stared at the wall so he wouldn't do anything stupid, either in or out of this apartment.
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When you woke up the next day, Miguel was gone. Of course.
But once you got into the lab, he pulled you aside for an unprecedented in-lab personal conversation.
"Listen...I wanted to thank you for last night," he sincerely voiced, ducking down closer to your eye level. With a gentle smile, he went on. "I know I'm not an easy person to work with, but...you have no idea how much you helped me last night. It meant so much to me."
His warm, crimson eyes roved over your features, skimming their way down to your mouth, your throat, your chest, and finally, back up to lock onto your gaze.
"Sometimes I feel like you're my guardian angel."
You were floored. Swallowing hard, you nodded, your eyes wide.
"Of course, Miguel. I'm always here for you. Anytime. Anything you need."
He regarded you with the most tender smile you'd ever seen. "You'll save me a dance tonight?"
"Yeah," you laughed warmly. "I would love to dance with you."
Then he was back to business. You didn't speak about anything else personal for the rest of the day.
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You arrived at the gala in a killer dress. Your aunt and your neighbor/friend had helped you pick it out and you were excited.
It was a deep ruby color, like Miguel's eyes. That's exactly the shade you envisioned when you first laid eyes on the gown. It was sleeveless, with a deep V cut down the middle past your breastbone, and a laced, corset back.
If you were completely honest with yourself, you could imagine Miguel sliding his hands into the fabric covering your breasts, or using his talons to slice open the tight corset ribbons on the back.
The skirt was a high-low style, with the front, center hem being the shortest, and the fabric billowing down to the floor behind your ankles.
Since your promotion, you were easily able to afford the dress, after saving a little for it first.
You arrived at the gala alone, demonstrating to yourself, and to Miguel, if he cared, the you did not in fact need a man to escort you around for the evening.
The event was huge, and you had a little trouble locating co-workers from your department, but you finally did, and grabbed a drink in the process.
Jackson arrived a few minutes later and made a beeline for you. "Look at you!" He marveled, reaching in to give you a quick hug. "You look amazing - I could see you all the way across the room!"
You thanked him and returned the compliment, relieved, honestly to see a such a friendly, familiar face. You and Jackson shared a drink before he led you out to the floor for a dance.
You were a little nervous about dancing, but Jackson insisted you would be fine. "My mom made me take lessons for five years," he explained. "I hated it then, but it comes in handy sometimes."
He wasn't wrong. The two of you glided around the floor for a few songs in a row, and you were having a good time. But as the hour drew near for the presentation to Miguel for his company, you started to wonder where your boss could be.
Honestly, you had one eye peeled for him the entire time. You liked Jackson, but the room felt empty without Miguel there. You were dying to see him, and you could only imagine how delicious he would look in his suit or tux.
Not only that - you hoped he would like your dress. You knew red was one of his favorite colors.
You never saw him until his name was called and he was presented his award on a small stage at the front of the ballroom. He was charming and engaging and gave a lovely, but brief speech. You and your coworkers clapped animatedly. He had made you all proud. And it felt good when he recognized your department.
You tried to make your way through the crowd to the stage, to at least congratulate Miguel, but by the time you squeezed through the party-goers, he had vanished.
He owed you a dance, and you were honestly hoping to spend some off-duty time with him tonight, with or without Jackson hanging around nearby.
Feeling frustrated, you grabbed another drink before moseying back to your colleagues. You danced with a couple of other co-workers, and even did some fun dances with a few of the girls. Jackson asked you for another turn around the floor, and you accepted, silently wilting inside at the thought that Miguel wasn't even going to show his face, let alone dance with you.
A slow dance with Jackson came to a close and you decided to go find the restroom. You didn't really need to go that badly, you just wanted a breather.
You rounded a corner to head toward the restroom, when out of nowhere, a strong hand covered your mouth while a massive arm pulled you through a darkened doorway.
Your first instinct was to scream, but Miguel's voice fell on your ear -warm and husky - his breath tinged with a bit of alcohol.
"It's me. It's okay. It's me."
Slowly removing his hand from your mouth, he expected you to turn around and smack him or at least curse at him, but you remained in your current position, facing away from him and simply wilted in his embrace.
"You're here," you sighed, nuzzling the back of your head against his chest. "I was waiting for you."
He wrapped both arms around your waist from behind and pulled you close. "Didn't seem like you were. You looked busy."
You should have been pissed. But he was holding you, so you didn't care. It struck you then, that he would always be the one your eyes would search for in a room. That he was the one who filled an empty room, just like he filled your heart.
God, you loved him. It burned the heart out of you, but it couldn't be helped.
"W-were you watching me?" You finally managed, thrilled, instead of angry at the idea.
"How could I not?" He breathed on your ear, his fingers tracing patterns on your stomach, through the fabric of your dress. "I mean, look at you. You're stunning. How could I look away? Tu eres mi hermosa angel de la guardia."
"I-I thought you might like the color of my dress," you confessed in a rush. "It reminds me of your eyes."
A growl rumbled in the expanse of his chest. "You thought of me when you picked it out? Mi corazón..."
His lips left your ear, attaching themselves to the smooth column of your neck.
You shivered. Was he actually kissing you? "Of course I was thinking of you. I'm always thinking of you." You gasped out as one hand slid over your stomach, between your breasts, to the expanse of exposed skin. Miguel's fingers gently traced your collarbone, the tips of his talons teasing you, before his fingers wrapped around your throat.
"I saw him dancing with you," he growled, giving you the slightest squeeze. Gripping your jaw, he forced your head to the side, exposing more of your neck, which he tauntingly scraped with his fangs.
Your knees gave a little as you gasped for air. "You didn't dance with me," you breathlessly accused. "I was waiting all night for you. But you weren't there. So I danced with him instead."
"Are you sure you didn't wear this for him?" He snarled, slipping his hand back down your chest. "Because his eyes were right here the entire time." As he said the word 'here', he slid his hand into the easily accessible fabric covering your breast and squeezed the soft flesh.
You gasped as his one talon grazed your hardened nipple. "Maybe his eyes were looking," you gasped, relishing the feel of him fondling you after so long apart, "but you're the one touching me."
"That's fucking right," he husked, both of his strong hands caressing your breasts as he thrust into you from behind. Even through the layers of fabric between you, you could feel his hardened length.
It made you moan so loud that he covered your mouth again.
"Shh, baby," he darkly chuckled, nibbling on your ear.
You quickly nodded, indicating you would be quiet and his hands returned to their task. Still positioned behind you, his left hand slid inside the easily-accessible right panel of your dress, caressing your breast, kneading the flesh. It felt so fucking good - you had been desperate for his touch for too long.
As if reading your mind, his right hand snaked down your stomach, over the curve of your hip to the conveniently high hem of the front part of your dress. Without a second of hesitation, and without express permission, he dragged the fabric upward with this thumb and first finger, tauntingly sliding his other fingers over the bare flesh of your inner thigh.
He stopped when he arrived at your warm center. Your warm, bare center. He rattled off a string of curses in Spanish before cupping your mound and growling on your ear.
"You didn't wear fucking panties?" Another string of Spanish followed, but you were too distracted by his hand cupping your cunt, and his erection rubbing insistently against your ass.
"Was this for him?" He spat, dragging one finger through your slick folds, talon extended, although not pressing down enough to tear flesh. You almost shrieked in pleasure as he thrust that finger inside you. "Is this for him too? I'll fucking tear out his throat."
"Unh, Miguel," you panted, pushing your hips down on his finger. "Your eyes, baby. The dress...matches your eyes."
He knew that. You already told him, but he wanted to hear you say the words. "And the rest?" He pressed. "Tell me why you're soaked - why your cunt has been bare all night."
"For this," you gasped, as he slid another finger inside you, retracting his talons and curling his fingers forward. He groaned as you rotated your hips, fucking yourself down over his hand. "Wanted this. Wanted you."
"Good girl," he panted, pushing his cock against the delicious swell of your ass. "My beautiful girl. Always so good for me. Always wet and ready for me."
"Yes...Miguel..." You gasped as his thumb pushed firmly over your needy clit. "Feels so good. Please...please don't stop."
"Not gonna stop, angel," he purred, working you faster, groaning as you rolled your hips so vigorously, you might as well have been riding cock. "You've been perfect for me. Gonna make you feel so good tonight."
His words alone sent you careening right over the edge. Your knees completely gave out, you were gasping and moaning so loudly, you were sure it would draw unwanted attention at any moment. Your cunt gushed over his hand, your walls fluttering around his fingers as he worked you through your release.
You were trembling, the release felt so good. You hadn't been with anyone else and he had been driving you completely crazy. It was such a relief, but it only lit a fire, leaving you desperate for more.
Finding your footing, you reached down and pulled his hand out of your cunt so you could turn around.
"Hold on a second," you instructed, yanking open his belt and unfastening his pants.
"Baby, what are you - "
He moaned out as you pushed his clothing down roughly to his knees, allowing his hard cock to spring free.
"Touch yourself," you commanded, gripping his wrist and pushing his hand toward his cock.
He groaned, sliding the hand coated in your juices over his flushed length. You wet your lips at the sight, sinking to your knees.
He was already gasping for air as you stroked his balls with your fingertips.
"Fuck. Baby...you don't have to - " he started.
"Shhh," you interrupted, wrapping one hand around his shaft and starting to gently stroke him. "Want your cock."
And you did just that, using your grip on him to set him on your hot tongue, waiting until his fiery red eyes locked onto yours as you rubbed the tip of your tongue over his slit, tasting the salty wetness collecting there.
Pulling back for a moment, you relished the slight and rare shred of power you held over him. "Ask me," you ordered.
His jaw clenched, but he wasn't about to argue with you at a time like this. Not with you on your knees, so pretty for him.
You teased him with a few kitten licks to his tip, tickling the base of him with your fingertips. "Ask me."
"Open," he commanded. His version of asking was likely going to be to tell you what to do. "Wanna fuck your pretty mouth."
"Mmm, that's not asking," you playfully chided, fingertips still toying with him. This was dangerous ground and you knew it. "You can do whatever you want to my mouth, baby. You can come down my throat, but you need to ask me."
He roughly grabbed your jaw, squeezing your cheeks and forcing them open. "I said...I'm gonna fuck your mouth." Then he shoved his cock deep inside, all the way back to your throat, causing you to gag.
"Good girl," he purred as you struggled to regain your composure. "Gonna make a mess of you, hermosa. Want to see you cry for me."
You jerked away, gripping his shaft with force with both hands. "Fuck you," you spat. Then you took him in your mouth anyway and sucked hard.
He growled in protest, holding your face still as he started to fuck your mouth.
Fuck, you loved being used by him. As he thrust in and out, filling up your mouth over and over, all the way back to your throat, you breathed through your nose and hollowed your cheeks to make it good for him.
With both hands, you twisted and pumped his shaft - every bit that wouldn't fit into your mouth, encouraging him to fuck your face faster and harder.
He was right - he did make you cry. Tears stung the corners of your eyes, mingling with your mascara to track down your face. As soon as he saw the mess he was making of you, he snarled in triumph.
"Fuck, you look pretty like this, crying on your knees for me. Want you to swallow me."
So you did. With a few more violent thrusts, he shot his hot load down your throat, his thrusts growing sloppy as he emptied himself in your hot cavern.
He didn't leave you on the floor for long. As soon as you were done swallowing, he dragged you to your feet and pushed you up against the nearest wall.
Without a word, he licked into your mouth, kissing you deeply, his tongue lustfully rolling over yours. He groaned at the taste of himself, loving that you sucked down every drop he gave you - his perfect girl.
Wrapping his arms around you, his lustful, filthy kisses soothed into something a little more sensual. He pulled you against his chest, using his strong hips to pin you in place against the wall.
"Come home with me," he whispered, between sweet, soft kisses to your mouth - your cheeks, your chin, your forehead. "Let me take care of you tonight. Need you so bad."
Your senses were completely overwhelmed. You would be lying if you even tried to pretend you didn't wish for a sexy interlude like this with Miguel tonight. But reality was starting to set in, and all the words he'd thrown back in your face seeped into the moment, poisoning it.
"We...I shouldn't," you finally managed, halfheartedly attempting to pull away from his embrace. "You asked me not to."
He knew you were right, but he was desperate for you. The realization he'd had last night in your bed - the sight of Jackson dancing with you again and again...he was at his breaking point.
He kissed you again, tenderly, his lips caressing your own as his arms held you close.
"Will you at least let me make you come one more time?" He murmured temptingly. "Want to hear those pretty sounds you make. Want to feel you squeeze my cock. I'll make it good, baby. I"ll make you feel so good."
"Oh god," you gasped, realizing his hands were already wandering, pushing up your dress. "Miguel, wait, please, wait."
He did stop, leaning down to touch his forehead to yours - your breath mingling with his as you panted. "I want you," you admitted, grasping his arms, trying to focus. "I'll always want you but - you won't feel the same on Monday. You'll shut me out, you'll blame me."
"No," he protested, brushing his fingers temptingly over your cheek, tracing down your neck. "I won't. I need you."
"You don't," you insisted. "Not all of me, not really. You only put up with me for your research. You don't need me. You don't need anyone."
"Mi corazón, por favor," he breathed, desperately grasping at your hips to pull you closer. "You're the one person I need more than anything. You have no idea how much I've missed you."
He whispered your name, brushing his lips over yours. You kissed him back - you couldn't help yourself. His tongue rolled over yours - his hands sliding up the curve of your back. He swept you up into his strong arms, pulling your feet off the floor, kissing you endlessly.
When you parted for air, he brushed his nose against your cheek.
You had a decision to make - your heart and your body wanted nothing more than to spend the night with Miguel, in his arms, in his bed, with him inside you. But your mind was trying to protect you.
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@deputy-videogamer @toecurlingstories @zephyrixx @wordacadabra @juleshadalittlelamb @thexsanctuaryx @tsukkie-daisuke @minigirl87
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alexandra-scribbles · 4 months
So I was listening to Taylor Swift as one does when the song Castles Crumbling came on and I think that once I said that it was a Maedhros coded song… and I was very wrong. Upon listening to it several times in a row I’ve realized that song is entirely about Feanor (if he were to get a 150k words redemption arc in a fully developed fic and not my scrambled thoughts)
Like, lets dissect the song
First verse:
Once, I had an empire in a golden age
I was held up so high, I used to be great
They used to cheer when they saw my face
Now, I fear I have fallen from grace
Like, Feanor was born at the height of Aman, peaceful tree light bathed paradise where nothing went wrong and was actually the beloved prince of his people, referred to as the greatest of the elves and he basically free fell from grace without a parachute.
The chorus:
And I feel like my castle's crumbling down
And I watch all my bridges burn to the ground
And you don't want to know me
I will just let you down
You don't wanna know me now
I am pretty sure that Formenos was destroyed by Morgoth and that was a physical castle crumbling but like, Feanor’s metaphorical castle crumbled too. And he did burn all of his bridges, with his half-siblings, the vanyar, the teleri, the valar, the mayority of the Noldor. My main man was burning everything in his path including his son sorry Telvo so we can asume that he also let a lot of people down in his path.
The second verse:
Once, I was the great hope for a dynasty
Crowds would hang on my words, and they trusted me
Their faith was strong, but I pushed it too far
I held that grudge 'til it tore me apart
Power went to my head, and I couldn't stop
Ones I loved tried to help, so I ran them off
And here I sit alone, behind walls of regret
Falling down like promises that I never kept
This kills me, because he was supposed to be the guiding light of the Noldor, the flame imperishable come alive, and it is also known that Feanor was a great orator and could command crowds and that people followed him out of devotion and like he pushed it was past too far with the Kinslaying.
The grudge part, we all know who it would refer to. He disliked and mistrusted his half siblings so much that it was one of the main causes of his defeat. He thought that with his host and his anger he’d be able to destroy Morgoth and get back his Silmarils.
And he certainly ran his siblings off (and Maedhros too to a degree) when they tried to help and he ended up alone somewhere in Mandos never to be able to return to the world.
He also broke his promise to Nolofinwe so…
The bridge:
My foes and friends watch my reign end
I don't know how it could've ended this way
Smoke billows from my ships in the harbor
People look at me like I'm a monster
Now they're screaming at the palace front gates, used to chant my name
Now they're screaming that they hate me
Never wanted you to hate me
The first line speaks for itself, everyone who was there watched how Feanor died and im sure even he was surprised by it.
Then the line that screams Feanor… who’s ships are burning? People being horrified by the ships burning? That checks out.
People that once used to if not love, respect Feanor, now openly hating him and scorning everything to do with him….
… and perhaps, if Arda hadn’t been marred as it was… perhaps no one would have hated him.
So… yeah, thats about it. If you’ve read this far, thank you. Now please go listen to the song and think about our favorite extra crispy Noldor king.
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srbachchan · 1 year
DAY 5519
Jalsa, Mumbai                Mar 27,  2023                Mon  11:58 PM
Birthday  EF - Ambar Nath Mukherjee .. Ef Pratik Vora .. Tuesday, 28 March.. all good wishes for this day and the well being of all from the Ef family ..
 🪔 .. March 28 ..  birthday wishes to Ef Ambar Nath Mukherjee from Dubai .. Ef Dr. Pratik Vora .. and Ef Sushmi Bhaduri from Kolkata .. love and 🙏🏻🚩
.. a quiet day of thoughts and verse .. of the multiple decisions to be taken and made .. nightmare for the Libran, who are astrologically challenged by the factor of making or taking decisions .. even ‘Ike’ Eisenhower , a Libran I am told, took quite a while before saying yes to the operations that marked D Day during the 2nd WW ..
we are in delightful and most supreme company .. 
but it needs to be agreed and admitted that management is a supreme art and one that the ‘moi’ has failed often enough for him to take an assist .. and the assist doth come in the form of the format of this great game the boxing of the kick .. which is very well when you watch , but in the ring it is just you and the other .. generally stronger and superior than yourself  ..
it is also well past the hour and the deliberations that have been practised for in the past few days has just flown out of the window .. the need to eat and sleep in time has defaulted tonight .. and for this there is only the ‘moi’ to blame ..
but .. the presence of the Ef in my life has eased the feelings of disappointment, with regard to management .. given the clarion call , several would readily come forward and  assist in the makings of a good manager or the special private assist .. of this I need not even consider .. it would be an honour anda delight to be in their company and see how they contribute to my living .. 
one day some day it shall happen .. 
dramatis personae .. yours truly in the  Sherwood magazine and the contribution from Ef of the winning of the Cup for best actor :
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the Kendal Cup, for best Actor , Sherwood 1957 .. for Nikolai Gogol’s ‘Government Inspector’ , where I played the Mayor .. and where Ma and Babuji had come for the Founder’s Week to witness it .. at the shool hall .. Milman Hall .. 
Hollywood made a film of the play calling it Inspector General .. and Danny Kaye, an exceptional talent ,  played the main role .. 
Also then was announced a best actor for the Hindi play , a cup donated by Babuji .. calling it the Bachchan Paatr .. paatr is cup .. in Hindi .. the first of its kind in Sherwood .. the play was the ‘Bishop’s Candlesticks’ ..
Kendal Cup was donated by Geoffrey Kendal, the leader of the theatre group called the Shakespearana .. they played, the bard’s plays all over the country .. he was the Father of Jennifer Kendal , wife to Shashi Kapoor .. 
So much so long ago and so much in remembrance ..
My love and the night of good rest ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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A little detail i notice from both the movie and show
That ryder, in show call mayor humdinger in full title. Mean while in movie , ryder just call him humdinger
Idk is this show that movie from alternative universe or something else in change personality in movie
I've observed that too...
I wouldn't go as far as saying it's a personality change. Honestly, during the events in the movies, I wouldn't call him Mayor either, like wtf. Those are so NOT things a Mayor would/should be doing to their city or citizens at all.
Also, they're in Adventure City. If we take the movies as same verse from the series (which we can't at all but let's play pretend here for a second), Humdinger has been the Mayor of FOGGY BOTTOM for quite some time now. Why the heck did he go to Adventure City? Did he want bigger fish? Did he lose re-elections in Foggy Bottom? Did he leave Foggy Bottom with someone else to rule there? What are the rules for someone to run for Mayor in Adventure City, they probably need to be RESIDENTS of the city for that, or at least own property there for some time?
The movies are a different take on the franchise anyway. They're not the same verse as the show, since there was a rewrite for the Mighty Meteor arc stuff. It branches off of the show, but is to be taken as a different verse. Think of it as a tree. The main show is the trunk, with several branches coming out of it: Every subseries, every special, every movie, that thing with the Live At Home or whatever it was called, I didn't check that one yet. Rubble & Crew. And so on XD Liberty made it into the show, sure, but I can't say anything for sure about that because the episodes where she shows up post-second movie aren't available for me to watch anywhere.
We got a PawMultiver pretty much like the Spiderverse, or if you wanna go farther back in time, the Ninja Turtles Multiverse which is also acknowledged in canon several times, be it in movies, shows or comics, with the characters meeting each others even:
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We can easily take the movies as a different verse just for the whole Meteor lore thing, if you'd like to go for something more subtle, notice the pups HAVE GROWN UP A BIT since the first movie to the second! They even mention it, mostly about Chase, but if you put Zuma pics from first and second movie side by side, you'll notice he's grown a bit too.
Anyway yeah, not really a personality change, it's most probably just a whole different verse and I would automatically refuse to call him Mayor too XD
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quitealotofsodapop · 8 months
[Someone like Erlang (all seeing eye) peaks in and is like "Whoa. That monkey came *out* of a tree of immortality. Thats new. Wonder if anyone else knows about this... Best not say anything and cause a fuss."]
God, this guys gonna get it for not telling anyone. Like, gonna need to ask Nuwa to make him a whole new body level of gonna get it.
Although, coming OUT of a Tree of Immortality is hell of an idea!
I've had thoughts of Rin-Rin coming out of a flower - but one of those really big ones, shaped like a rafflesiaceae, maybe even.
I've had thoughts she'd be a hippy like character - like the hippies in ATLA in the Cave of Two Lovers episode - playing her instrument and going with the flow with what life throws at her.
Though, I did think the Smash Legends version could be one of three things:
part of a ghost hunting crew ala Ghost Files with Rin-Rin being the Shane (but make her really short to give the idea that she's got raging chihuahua energy even when challenging demons to kill her)
a commentary channel ala PenguinZ0 who also makes big documentaries about big things ala SWOOP
anarchistic punk rocker who gets into fights and wields her guitar as a blunt weapon and uses music to do actual damage
[After all, losing someone you think will be there forever makes you think about what "forever" really means....]
*Looks at the various SWKs and LEMs* Well, their story does differ, so maybe hers can differ as well.
Although, the picture of a hippy, commentator or anarchist versions of Rin-Rin meeting up would be bizarre - like, they would be way more different than either SWKs or LEMs.
Would be hella sad times for the one that lost their Rin-Rin.
referencing the Rin Rin post here; and how she might be a supernatural monkey in her own right.
[I've had thoughts of Rin-Rin coming out of a flower - but one of those really big ones, shaped like a rafflesiaceae, maybe even.]
Oh gosh she's just born from it like Thumbelina. Some of the largest flowers like rafflesia actually grow on/parasitize trees! Maybe a unexpected result of a rafflesia attaching itself to a Tree of Immortality or Enlightenment (Bodhi tree) is a very confused little celestial monkey popping out of it.
Rin Rin in most of the universes is like the cabybara of the mystic monkeys. She likes everyone and wants them all to get along. Ends up joining the strangest of gangs depending on what verse.
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In TMKATI-au Rin Rin is like the monkey village's leader, and tries her best to keep any conflict from cropping up. Think of a monkey leslie Knopes (Parks & Rec). Actually a political rival for The Mayor by the time of the main series. She def takes over running Megapolis during and after S3. She's also the first person Wukong goes to for "boy advice" cus she's like his big sister with this stuff, and Marshal Ma is useless with anything regarding romance. Is like teh kids' older cool aunt.
I love the thought of her Smash counterpart being a commentary youtuber with a decent follow count, mostly cus she has a straight forward and unbiased opinion on whatever issue she tackles. But she does ghost-hunting on the side with Smash!SWK & LEM/Starfruit & Lilac, when they ask her. She gets along weirdly great with more punk-rock/rebelious types in the Smash Legends verse, despite looking like she crawled out of a 1960s flower power magazine.
I offer the idea of New Gods!Rin Rin being the hard anarchist punk of the variants. She's an older lady (same age as Ace and Joker) and she is Tired of late-stage capitallism in Donghai City. The NewGods monkeys agree that she's the scariest of them.
If the different Rin Rins ever met, it would be a little confusing since the biggest thing they share is their grey fur and some flower accessories.
And very sad for which SWK lost their Rin Rin :(
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mastcrmarksman · 3 months
616 / main verse + divergence.
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Finally writing my 616 verse up. Most 616 centric comics up from Clint's original appearance in the 60s up until the 2016 era of comics are canon and then from 2016 onwards, we start going heavily canon divergent from Civil War 2 and after. Instances of my 616 verse are specific and separate between rp partners, each post, and ships but some things remain always canon.
-> CW2 is handled very different and leans more into Government/Corrupt Politicians versus Superheroes. Clint does kill Bruce Banner, he does go on trial, and his reasoning is a lot more personal to himself and his long friendship with Bruce Banner; no one but Bruce and him truly know why he did it.
-> Occupy Avengers is vastly divergent, but the team of Red Wolf, Clint Barton, Nighthawk, Tilda, and Wheels going around solving problems does happen.
-> We ignore Secret Empire's existence and other marvel events from 2016 to Devil's Reign.
-> Kate's West Coast Avengers does happen and is mostly the same.
-> Carnage event with Clint, Cap, Spiderman, Logan, and Thing does happen.
-> Hawkeye: Freefall is canon and mostly untouched in changes made
-> Thunderbolts 2022 is largely changed that should it even count as happening? Clint is not leader of this TBs, but he is on the team
-> The jury is out on Black Widow & Hawkeye (2024), but signs point to non-canon or heavily divergent.
-> The rest of this post is detailing the this blog canon-divergent events from 2016 comics to 2022 comics.
Following the events of his acquittal for the killing of Bruce, Clint Barton goes on a long trip across the country. He travels from state to state, bar hopping, and trying to solve every day problems of average citizens. He ends with small team of lost souls along the way. His roadside hero days end when Kate Bishop calls for his help in setting up her own West Coast Avengers. Eventually, the call comes in for him to help Captain America with a crisis which lands him back in New York, which he had been staying away from.
This goes poorly as the city has changed, such as Wilson Fisk is now mayor. New York and what has happened to Superheroes is a big trigger for him, and it leads to excessive drinking and vigilantism. The pardoning of a known crime boss he had just busted leads to Clint starting guerilla warfare, while masked as Ronin himself, against the Hood. After his defeat of the Hood, Clint flees New York ago and goes on another soul searching journey, now a pariah amongst many of his friends.
Leaving NYC, his Avengers card, and cutting himself off from everyone due to what comes out about him after Freefall. He goes back to bar hopping across the country, feeling ashamed, lost, questioning how far was too far, what was worth it, and waiting out the end of Mayor Fisk's time in office. While in Ohio, Clint gets kicked out of a bar for disorder, and ends up crashing his motorcycle in a farmer's field in the middle of the night. When awakens, he's still hungover and hurt. Clint ends up in the hospital and refuses to contact anyone about this. This is his bottom, evident he has an alcohol problem. He ends up listening to a nurse who suggests he seek help, check out aa or rehab, and confront the fact he's an alcoholic. Any of this time, is not something that Clint talks about but it leaves to him returning to New York.
Things have hopefully cooled down in the City, moved on from his Ronin stunts and Clint's trying to fix his life, cut back on drinking, go sober (he's barely managing four months), and make a real change with himself. Make amends with his friends, with the Avengers, and find his place back in superhero society. Luke Cage is now mayor and offers him a way to do superheroics by the book as being part of the reclaimed NYC Thunderbolts, in hopes to repair New York's relationship with superheroes.
After a relapse early on with his new Thunderbolts team and a very heavy phone call with Bobbi, Clint attempts going sober fully again and this time with help. Present day Clint is struggling still with everything, trying to get back on good diet and workout routine, manage sobriety and self care, as well as battle with the internal war of his feelings about being on a super team and pondering if street level vigilantism may be his path in life now, and making amends with his friends and the avengers.
-> To keep with his sobriety, Clint has the help of his friends, and one of who he calls his sponsor, @danversiism
-> Lucky is with him most of the team instead of Lucky being with Kate; the dog has been trained by him after all to be a disability aid (hearing dog), given Lucky tends to let him know when someone at the door as well as helps him feel secure in his home (dog will alert to intruders if he is sleeping) or comes with him on when he goes out in the world without his hearing aids in
-> Clint has three therapists in total since trying to put his life back together, manage his depression and adhd, cope with his trauma, and stick to sobriety. The first one was Lynette, who eventually he had move on from, a second one who shall not be named because he was not a good fit, and this third, most recent one is Johanna.
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stageplayhero · 1 year
Continued from here | @fearlesscxptain
Damien offers, and Asher looks to him with wide eyes and a few blinks of surprise. Their eyes don’t hold that light anymore. Dull blue, no longer shining like they used to in even the darkest moments.
Absently wringing the handkerchief between their fingers, there’s a delay before Asher communicates anything. Before they can bring themself to sign anything.
“ I … I don’t, no. That … would be really nice. Thank you … ”
Something about it feels wrong. Something about Damien feels wrong. Everything in them begs them to set that aside, but something in their heart won’t buy the whole act.
Damien reassures them, and Asher chokes on a stifled sob. Looking away, they meekly nod. A small gesture, but an affirmation that they heard him. A thanks that he reminded them, that he proved to them that they were there, that he quelled the fear that they had been wrought with since they’d awoken.
Something within them still doesn’t believe him.
“ … I was so scared I’d never see you again. I didn’t even really expect you to be here … ”
… Why are you here, really ?
They accepted the offer. They accepted, and Mark feels lightheaded. Spotlight burning on his neck; lines? What are his lines again? Of course they accepted. Why wouldn’t they?
They have nowhere to go. They just returned from a harrowing experience. And it’s Damien offering.
“You’re welcome, little monster. It’s the least I can do.” His voice may sound fond and reassuring, but he retrieves the cane from the desk nervously. “We’ll see about getting you back on your feet.”
They shouldn’t be on the stage. Not now.
“I… I’d lost hope that I would see you at all. I’m here for the same reason as you.” He sets the cane on the floor and leans against it with a genuine tiredness. “After everything, I didn’t know where else to go. There’s a murderer on the loose, and the city needs me to be here.”
The city needs its mayor. Asher needs their friend. Both will have to make do.
“However, I do think it will survive if we take the rest of the day off. If you’d like, I can help you get settled in the guest room. You deserve to rest.”
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god-usopps-preacher · 6 months
One Piece: Cat Verse
Romance Dawn (Part 1)
- Luffy is a cat that is determined to find the One Piece and become King of the Pirates (not just cats, every pirate). All devil fruit users still have their fruits as cats, so Luffy's a stretchy cat and still learns his fighting moves. Yes this cat throws punches often, no this is not normal even for the cats of this world.
- (he also has opposable thumbs! Just a little something I gave him to help him with his punches and fit him more as a 'freak')
- Dadan is a human in this AU that was made to look after two dangerous kittens, Ace and Luffy, by Garp (who is also human), and eventually the kitten Sabo too. Dadan and the bandits are the only humans that Luffy says a proper goodbye too before he leaves, since they raised him and he knows they won't stop him.
- Unlike in the original, no human (outside of the grand line at least) would think it was safe to let a cat travel by themselves out to sea on a boat, even a devil fruit powered cat. So Luffy leaves discreetly before any of the humans on his village see him go. The cats of the village, like Makino the bar cat, the Mayor's cat, and other village cats are the only ones to see him off.
- Since cats can't actually sail or row boats, Luffy mainly just let's the waters decide where he goes. He left on a windy day so that the waves could get him off the island and into the main sea. This also unfortunately, leads him to a whirlpool.
Enter Koby
- Koby was kidnapped as an older kitten by Alvida, since she wanted a cat on her crew to help her get to the Grand Line. Koby didn't know how to do this, since unlike what the rumours say cats don't have a built in sensor to where the One Piece is. She keeps him now as her property, but abuses him and doesn't let him leave until he proves himself to be useful to her.
- Koby tells Luffy that he wants to be a Marine. Because of the rise in Pirate cats, the Marines actually started recruiting and training cats themselves to combat this. There are certain things only cats in this world can do. For example, only cats can possess the will of D, and there are certain types of Haki that only cats can use, and for the other types cats can use them in ways more powerful than what people can access.
- Alvida finds Koby with this stray cat that she's never seen before, and unlike in the original she initially intends to keep Luffy trapped there with them. Some pirates believe the more cats you have on your crew the more powerful you are. Luffy however isn't a fan of being a pet, so when Alvida picks him up by the scruff of his neck to look at him more and intimidate him he bites her.
- She drops him and starts chasing him round the ship with her club to teach him a lesson for being disobedient. He's slippery and surprisingly bouncy though and keeps dodging her hits as she keeps wrecking her own ship.
- Since cats can only communicate directly with people in rare circumstances with haki, Koby doesn't make Alvida mad by insulting her this time. Seeing Luffy jumping around the ship being chased makes Koby unsure what to do, but in a moment before Alvida catches Luffy with her club, Koby jumps towards her and bites one of her ankles hard.
- Alvida kicks him off and he gets up after skidding across the ship, disorientated and confused at himself for acting against her. With nothing left to loose now, he hesitantly stands his ground and hisses at her as she stares at him with rage. She calls him a little traitor and aims her next hit with her club to him. Before it can get to him, Luffy knocks him out of the way and takes the hit. Luffy can't be seen from under the club, and for a brief moment, Koby and the crew think he's dead. Until the club bounces back towards Alvida, and a completely unharmed and inflated Luffy is standing there.
- Alvida, after being hit with her own club and furious over the fact that this stray cat survived her club, tells her crew to shoot him. Some of the crew are hesitant to shoot a cat, but a good few shoot immediately once they believe that this animal is a freak of nature. The bullets stretch through his flesh and bounce back to the crew. The crew are reasonably freaked out, and then to top it off Luffy stretches one of his front legs as far as he can, and as he's rounding it back he inflates the paw to the size of a human fist and knocks Alvida straight into the air and ocean.
- Luffy turns to the rest of the crew, who are stood in shock as far away from him as they can get. He jumps up onto the edge by one of the spare boats, and stares at the crew with a wide grin. They get the message, and soon a boat is prepared for Luffy and Koby and they set off, with one unlucky crew member being forced to row their boat for them.
Enter Zoro
- The pair enter the marine town, with their new friend/captive going with them to the local bar to get some food.
- The two cats start talking about a deadly feline, the pirate hunter Zoro, who's rumoured to have been caught in this town. Every cat in the bar jumps at the mention of his name, and the humans around them all look confused at the sudden reaction. This repeats when the Marine captain's name is mentioned too. Koby and Luffy leave to go find this 'Zoro', and their new friend is left with the large bill from Luffy's meal.
- They climb up and look over a wall, and there in the middle of the prison yard they see a green cat. His paws are clamped in metal casings and tied with rope into the ground, with more rope around his throat, body, and a muzzle around his mouth. He's tied down more in the way a dog would be than a cat. He's sitting perfectly still, but his aura of intimidation still radiates.
- a young human girl appears and climbs over the wall, a plate of rice balls with her. She goes up to the tied down cat, not at all intimidated. She crouches down in front of him and tells him she made him food. The cat just glares at her, not moving any closer even to sniff it.
- the gates open, and a snobby man walks through followed by Marines. He tells the girl that she's in trouble for interacting with a wanted criminal, and throws her food on the ground and stomps on it. He orders one of his men to throw her over the wall, and Luffy expands himself like a balloon in order to catch her before she hits the ground.
- The girl stays by the wall, trying to be quite so that the Marines don't know she's still there and trying to hold back angry tears. Luffy and Koby stay by her, and Luffy watches over the wall until the Marines leave. Koby lets the young girl pet him as an attempt to comfort her. Even if he's not used to being pet, he'd rather comfort the young girl than focus on his own comfort.
- Once the Marines leave, Luffy jumps the wall and goes towards Zoro. Luffy asks Zoro to join his pirate crew, but he declines, and says that he won't be tied up in this yard for much longer anyway as he's made a deal with the marine, Captain Morgan.
- Before Luffy leaves, Zoro tells him to scoop up what he can of the food on the floor with his paw and put it between the slots of his muzzle. After struggling to eat the mostly dirt covered food that was smooshed into his muzzle, he tells Luffy to let the little girl know that it was delicious. The young girl had already been watching though, just barely peeking over the wall, and was happy to see the cat eating the food she made for him.
- Once Luffy goes back over the wall to them, the young girl tells the two cats that she's gonna go back home and make some more food so that Zoro can enjoy some proper none dirt covered food, and so that he can actually taste the care she put into it. The two cats follow her back to town, Luffy excited at the prospect of food and Koby following behind.
- in the town, the little girl starts talking to the cats as she prepares the food. She tells them about how the green cat is actually good, since he saved her from Helmeppo's wild dogs. Even with his smaller size compared to them, he managed to kill one of them too.
- in the town, Helmeppo is already there. He's bragging about how awful cats are unlike his precious dogs, and how that mangy feline his father captured is going to be executed soon and rid the world of one more horrid cat. Luffy hears this, and with no hesitation goes up to Helmeppo and lunges at his face. After getting one clean swipe at his face, Luffy stands on top of a fallen Helmeppo glaring at him.
- Koby panics and grabs Luffy by his neck scruff with his teeth, dragging him off of Helmeppo and away from him before he cause anymore damage. Helmeppo yells at the cat as his Marines help him get up and leave, and tells him that he'll have his father put him down.
- Luffy goes back to Zoro and tries to recruit him again, and once again Zoro refuses. Luffy doesn't accept Zoro’s refusal, and tells him that he's gonna sneak into the base to get the key for Zoro’s paw locks and muzzle to free him.
- Captain Morgan is having a statue of himself hoisted up on the roof of the marine base. Luffy slingshots himself up there, and ends up breaking the statue after grabbing it and accidently snapping it in half. Captain Morgan tells his men to capture that cat and kill him. Luffy stretches out his tail and wraps it around Helmeppo, then drags him as a hostage while he runs into the marine base to look for the key.
- Meanwhile, Koby is with Zoro trying to bite through his ropes. Koby is telling Zoro about his dream to be a Marine and Luffy's dream to be king of the Pirates. He gets shot by one of the Marine's on the roof. Zoro tells Koby to leave, but he tells Zoro about what Helmeppo said on Zoro being put down and how Luffy attacked him for it.
- after dragging Helmeppo around, Luffy finds the key to Zoro’s locks, and looks out the window to see a firing squad aimed at Zoro and Koby with Captain Morgan leading them. Zoro thinks about how he can't die yet, because he still has a promise he needs to complete.
Zoro’s backstory
- as a cat, his 3 sword style is instead the fact that he uses his claws and Teeth as a unit in fighting, his claws becoming teeth and his teeth becoming claws.
- Zoro was a stray cat that lived near a dojo. As a kitten he'd often watch the kids train to be swordsman and he ended up picking up on their techniques. He would regularly challenge the other stray cats, and eventually started challenging the human kids that were training in the dojo. The owner of the Dojo found it interesting how passionate this kitten was in the art of swordsmanship, and made him an official member of the dojo. He wasn't too surprised, considering Zoro wasn't the first cat to enroll. That would be Kuina, the Dojo owners own cat who he'd been raising since she was born.
- When the Dojo owner picked Kuina from the litter, he picked her for the potential he saw. He wanted to train a pet to stand by his side as head of the Dojo, and trust that maybe a strong animal could help train his students in the same way a sheep dog excells at herding sheep. At the time, he hadn't realised she was a girl. He felt disappoint at the realisation since he saw a female cat an unfit example to guide young boys into strong men, but by then it was too late and he couldn't simply return a kitten that had bonded to him.
- Kuina was the only one who Zoro could never beat in a fight, despite how much he challenged her. She carries the same insecurities about being weaker as a girl, and they make the same promise that one of them will be the world's greatest Swordscat. Kuina still dies from 'falling down the stairs', and despite how much more it looks like she was thrown down, it's not bought up (yeah I believe the theory that her dad killed her tbh).
- In the past Zoro didn't use his claws as carefully as he should've, so they ended up breaking and he'd have to get replacements. For 'swordsman' cats, this isn't too uncommon, and some cats even choose to have their claws replaced for more powerful ones. The only ones he willingly replaced where two of his front fangs, which were originally Kuina's. He promised to use her fangs to become the greatest Swordscat for them after her death.
Back to the plot
- Luffy let's go of Helmeppo and slingshots himself out of the window to land right in front of Koby and Zoro. He stretches his body out long, flat and wide and catches the bullets that were aimed at them, then catapults them back at the Marines. He starts laughing as Zoro yells at him asking him what the hell he is??? Luffy just tells him he's the cat who's going to be king of the Pirates. Before Luffy frees Zoro, he mentions that if he does free him and Zoro chooses to fight, then he'll be an enemy of the navy. Zoro accepts those conditions, and also accepts Luffy's earlier request of joining him as a pirate.
- Luffy and Koby use the keys to unlock Zoro’s cuff and muzzle as quick as they can. The Marine's charge at them with swords and surround Zoro. Not a single scratch gets on him though, as he's blocked the hoard of swords just with four lots of long sharp claws on each front paw and his even sharper teeth. He starts growling lowly while holding this position, scaring the Marines with their swords still to him.
- Zoro talks to Luffy while holding his position, telling him that even if he's joining his crew he's still going to follow his own dream. Luffy wouldn't have it any other way.
- The two cats fight off the Marine's together, and Luffy even starts fighting Captain Morgan.
- Helmeppo yells at them to stop, as he's holding Koby by the scruff of his neck and pointing a gun at him. Koby yells at Luffy and tells him not to worry about him, he's not afraid. Helmeppo takes Koby's yowling as pleads for his life (as he can't speak cat) and starts mocking him.
- while Helmeppo is distracted, Luffy rounds up and stretches his front leg, and swings it at Helmeppo to hit him with a human sized fist, knocking him back and letting Koby land on the ground. Captain Morgan had been aiming to attack Luffy from behind, but before he could Zoro had slashed his back quickly and hard enough to knock him out.
- with Helmeppo and Morgan defeated, the Marine's cheer at their freedom from their horrible boss.
- Luffy, Koby and Zoro end up in the kitchen of the little girl, being served food on the house by her mother as a thanks for freeing their village. The three talk about the future, until the Marines show up at the door. They thank them, but ask them still to leave as they've been informed the cats are still pirates.
- Luffy and Zoro start to leave, and Koby is left by the table. The Marine asks Koby if he's with them, and Koby sits stock still as he shakes his head and refuses to look at the two heading out the door behind him, trying not to let his care for the two show.
- The marine that approached Koby has a Marine cat with him on his shoulder, one that couldn't show itself before as Helmeppo was a fan of dogs and didn't want to see any cats even if they were Marines.
- Luffy turns back around and starts asking Koby what he's talking about, and if he doesn't remember where he was before. The Marine cat perks up at this, but before Luffy can say Alvida's name Koby swipes at him to get him to shut up. Luffy smirks, and then gets into a cat fight with Koby.
- Zoro grabs Luffy by his neck scruff with his teeth and pulls him off of Koby, who's now lying on the floor. The marine declares that they clearly aren't friends and yells at them to get out of here.
- After they leave, Koby gets up and bows to the marine cat, asking to join them. The Marine cat tells Koby that he's hesitant to let someone with an unknown past enlist, so Koby yells with urgency that his dream is to be a Marine and he'd do anything to achieve it.
- The Marine cat gestures to the man who's shoulder he's on, and the man tells the young cat that they've already figured out his past as a pirate, but they'll allow him to enlist as long as he's ready for the training that he'll have to endure. Koby stands tall and yells 'YES SIR! THANK YOU SIR', which only the other cat hears, but the other Marines make a good guess of what he's yelling.
- Their friend/captive is already making plans to kill the two cats that forced him to go with them. He could just leave, but he's spiteful and his pride is at stake. He can't go back to his ship after fleeing from a couple of little cats! Once he sees them again, he notices that it's not the pink cat with the rubber one but a different green one instead. He decides to go through with it anyway since he's sick of cats in general at this point, but Zoro picks up on his killing intent and quickly intimidates him into abandoning his plan and getting back on the ship to sail them to their next location.
- Koby runs up to them before they leave, thanking Luffy for everything and saluting to him. The Marines follow behind, saluting to Luffy as well and thanking him for saving their town, as they sail off in their small boat.
End of Romance Dawn (Part 1)
Next up, Romance Dawn (Part 2), featuring Nami's entrance and Buggy's fight.
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izzysarchivedblogs · 9 months
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AFFILIATE VERSE / Into the Mel-verse if you are feeling groovy
set in a heavily canon divergent 616 timeline w/ spiderverse movies worked in / some of this like the leonard stuff is canon across all verses @thefleetsfinest / @crisispider / @hopeburns
anyways, here's a bunch of headcanons and notes that i have for what i have developed with MEL MY BELOVED BESTIE; and if it's chill, i will probably default to this verse being my main / primary. so if you're groovy, i'd like to write in this verse.
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💜💙 freefall happens a little differently, in that linda and clint never dated, but they are friends mostly because linda is dating @thefleetsfinest and leonard adopted a stray alcoholic (clint) that is how that is going
💜💙 linda and clint still attend the gala together, or more linda runs into clint at the f.e.a.s.t. charity thing (leonard is probably in attendance too / linda still calls tony small dick energy and then kisses her doctor boyfriend) and both are squinty eyes at him the entire time
💜💙 Clint is actually injured going to Linda's clinic when Spiderman and Captain America confront him, and Linda still goes to defend him; partly because she will not have that happening right outside of her clinic. it definitely one of the leading causes where she wants some space from clint
💜💙 Clint still brings Bryce to Linda's apartment, and Bryce dies, and that's why Clint gets banned from her apartment. Linda calls Leonard to help with clean up, and Leonard helps Clint in the direct aftermath
💜 He goes to Leonard all injured after The Hood, and than he decides to go sober with the help of Leonard
💜💙 clint is still currently banned from linda's apartment, but she has mostly forgiven him for covering his ass and the whole dying kid in her house; it's fine he is leonard's friend, she can forgive him over time
💜 leonard mccoy is clint's aa sponsor, across all open verses, when post freefall happens; clint's living on leonard's couch as he gets sober and starts to put his life back together, there may have been some snuggling involved, because when you are sad and pitiful, sometimes being held is nice and lenny is a good friend.
💙 Clint and Leonard tend to go to aa meetings in Brooklyn, but if ever needed they have popped into the usual place that Tony and Carol end up. The first time that happened was so awkward for Clint.
💜 The first four people, on Clint's long list of amends and apologies, is to Kate, Bucky, Natasha, and Peter Parker.
💜 Now let's get on to talking Peter Parker ( @crisispider ). After apologizing to Peter, the two had always been friends over the years, but they become closer friend again. Clint is surprisingly there as Peter is going through the details of a divorce, or co-parenting, and being a single dad.
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💜 Clint is roughly one year sober, and only doing small investigative, vigilante/hero work, not always directly in NYC (legal troubles), and that is when Luke has become Mayor (tbh i do not know the timeline between 2020 to 2022/23 comics well) when he gets the offer about the Thunderbolts, he is not at all sure about it and still has major issues with this
💜 Clint and Peter have been becoming closer friends, since Clint apologized, and it's once Clint has joined the Thunderbolts, that is when Clint and Peter start to flirt a little more, and one thing leads to another, that leads to feelings and a relationship. Clint's been a Thunderbolt for the city for some time now, in a relationship with Peter for some time. About a year probably.
💜 Peter and part-time Mayday move in with Clint at some point down the line, making the Spiderman and little Bug mainstays in Bed-Stuy Brooklyn. The neighbors at Bed-Stuy absolutely love Peter B. Parker, and he's a big help at fixing things and making thee apartment labeling make sense
💜 Clint and MJ are buds, pals, friends; he loves her. The Barton-Parker-Watson family is so good and wholesome. Kate Bishop is also a part of that, DUH, Peter gets Kate in Clint's will. Kate and Peter have such a funny friendship.
💜 Eventually, Clint does get back in good graces with the Avengers, and even returns to the Avengers in the time of emergencies. He can be both a TB and an Avenger sometimes as a treat.
💜 Clint's even visited Spider-society once, because Peter vouched really had for a bring-your-boyfriend to work day.
💜 Clint's best friend, outside of his other best friends. His non-superhero friend if he has to be specific is Leonard, he loves harassing his doctor, needs him as his sponsor. has become more of brother to him than barney is, and is his best friend. they just get each other. and he swears if leonard gets hurt.
💜 Leonard makes Clint cry more than he'd care to admit to, like when Leonard and the Mccoy family adopt Clint as their own, and treat him like family. It makes him cry and stop he knows it's okay to cry Peter, he's till crying though and its ugly. He also just loves Leonard a lot.
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💙 Linda and Leonard start dating before Freefall takes place exact timeline uncertain. this happens after Leonard wises up. She cares a lot about him, and was just giving him space to adjust to moving to New York and involving himself in superhero lives. They are so close with each other, and really it was a matter of time.
💙 The Night Nurse Network is a thing, with Linda's clinic being a whole location, and she's got her rolodex of associates. She's got help now, she's not the only doctor/physician acting as more than half of NYC's hero population's pcp and emergency doctor. She has @thefleetsfinest and @hopeburns (when she's not in space) who both can be ran into and seen around the clinic, as well most importantly, everyone's favorite waiting room buddy, Leonard's corgi Luna. there's three doctors/nurses are the night nurse clinic now.
💙 As Clint would put it, the crush era between Linda and Leonard was unbearable (and since clint was drinking at the time / he drank to that) as Leonard would deny any time he got jealous that Linda was trying to date and get out there. Linda absolutely hated that time, as most dates were just not interesting or went poorly, and she did not really want to be "getting out there", plus Leonard was right there and really they were both unbearable and oblivious to each other's interest in the other!
💙 Linda always ends up back at the clinic after her dates (the one time with the lizard girl), and most of that she ends up hanging out with Leonard after all her dates, cause he's more interesting (and the ideal guy)
💙 Linda's friends include Jessica Drew (and Carol by extension), Stephen Strange (they get coffee, he's a pest once he knows about leonard too absolutely awful), Laelynn (by extension her girlfriend Luce), and Leonard (by extension clint and peter are around a too), and than there is Danny and Luke as well.
💙 Speaking of Jessica Drew, Linda absolutely adores babysitting Gerry when given the chance. To add to that, she starts watching Mayday Parker as well which she really doesn't mind, because of Leonard doing a favor for @crisispider and Clint.
💜🧡 Clint and Peter watch Greer's kid William sometimes, which naturally Clint is like "Oh my pal leonard can watch him too" which sorry Leonard you didn't like those curtains did you anyways. So Greer has Clint or lets Clint's friend Leonard watch William.
💙💜 So Linda and Leonard babysit, just as Clint and Peter will baby sit all the super kids they know.
💙 Linda was more nervous about Leonard meeting her mother, than about meeting the Mccoys or Leonard meeting the rest of her family. This is mostly because of the fact that her mother was unpredictable in how her opinion could be swayed. It wouldn't change anything, but it'd be preferrable if she was Leonard-favorable.
💛 Wasps and spiders may be natural enemies (which may not be true), but Nadia has said she has arguably warmed up to @crisispider but like Miles is still the cooler Spiderman
❤️ Luce (i know i need to add her) is absolute buds with @crisispider it happens mostly because she quips back to at least half of Spiderman's jokes with quotes in specific voice, and they usually grab a bite after a tough day of heroing. That and they get the whole secret identity.
❤️ Luce is Newark's vigilante, but she'll end up wherever a lead will take her which is more often than not over the water to NYC. She tries to avoid being in Manhattan, minus the Night Nurse clinic which is currently in Manhattan, because every superhero and his mom defends Manhattan. She'll go defend Staten Island if she has to over Manhattan (that's a joke she'll kick names and take ass anywhere, wait a minute)
❤️ LUCE ABSOLUTELY CAN NOT PROVE LEGAL ADVICE ! She knows why are asking @crisispider so go pester a lawyer! She is just a paralegal, and it's in her opinion that like hawkeye should not.
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💜 THE WURM -> don't worry about :) -> it's not a cosmic threat :) -> all in your minds :) -> it's my blog, so of course, this would happen in a meddium length hawkeye run :)
💜 A few relapses for Clint, superhero shit is tough but he always gets back on and it never lasts long. his sobriety lasts longer.
💜 Oh about that Wurm ;) The avengers are clint's team :) oh and Clint plus the team save the day :) so you think :) and things are fine until the Wurm comes back to eat Clint I mean what :)
💙 Linda has to relocate the clinic, which actually ends up being more upsetting than she'll care to admit. It happen, it's happened before, she's always moved when needed. This time it's more because Danny Rand had bought the last building to remove rent as an issue for her. She knows it was a give back thank you gift, these things happen, it is still absolutely a stressful and massive plan when she moves her clinic out of the Lower East Side. She tries to find a place near the same area and still in Manhattan, but rent is a bitch. She manages to find a place in Turtle Bay, between 2nd and 3rd.
💜 Clint and Peter get married ! There is going to be a wedding. The proposal? Has not been worked out. But there is, of course it's gonna end up a big thing, spiderman and hawkey are big heroes!
💜 Clint's best man is . . . complicated. It ends up being co-best man Kate and Leonard. He had to narrow down groomspeople to a limit number of four. Figuring out who is. . . . still tough.
💙 The meeting of the Carters and Mccoys was something, which to date may be the most stressed that Linda has ever been to date. It goes well, mostly.
💙 Linda and Leonard will get married too, and Linda wants it family and friends, and keep it small and quiet. As much as it can be when there are already a few superheroes who have to be on the list ( stephen plus clint and peter)
💜 Clint is Leonard's best man for his wedding with Linda. IT IS VERY EMOTIONAL. and Clint's speech is great (awful)
💙 linda's dress is a little decade inspired, just below the knee in leg, with some umpf to the skirt, off the shoulders or at least neck bare, good for dancing, very simple. the more exciting part of this is really the lace she is wearing underneath.
💜 Peter is gonna have a second kid with Clint. They are gonna be girl dads time two.
and just. so much more. so much. i love this affiliate verse. so much. also like. peter has the whole of spider society stuff. going on. and clint can't even wrap his head around some of it.
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powderblueblood · 4 months
a biography for Ronnie ecker please
16 + 22 for your ronnie
the only correct ronnie there is
interrogate me about my characters
when i finally just really start fuckin honest to god writing my ronnie ecker vs the world verse...... Then You Will Realize
no but i love u so much thank u
so, we're aware that ronnie's mom and dad aren't in the picture. she's a card carrying member of the dead parent club, alongside eddie munson. since her dad passed from a hemorrhage at too young of an age, ronnie's feared two things that she keeps extremely close to the chest-- number one, ending up like her dad. number two, ending up like her mom. dead, or locked up in the ward. her dad's whole thing was a freak misunderstanding with god, who she still kinda believes in-- god, not her dad. her dad's way dead. but, her mom's whole thing... talking to the walls, hearing voices, locking ronnie in the bathroom to keep her from people that were 'coming to take her', wasting away in bed for days on end... there are some days when feelings like that, paranoia or anger or listlessness, where those feelings don't feel entirely out of ronnie's reach. when the riotous rhythm of ronnie's mind halts, sometimes out of nowhere, she can understand the pointlessness of it all. the bottomless sadness. she's never told anyone the full extent of what her mom was like when she got bad. not even eddie; barely scratched the surface there because, as much as she loves him, she doesn't think he'll get it. ronnie just really hopes that he'll never have to witness it firsthand, seeing it in her.
i mean, john bonham, max roach, betty davis (this one not that one), robert crumb, animal from the muppets, the list can go on and on and on but! but. number one with a bullet, the crown jewel, her very namesake is veronica 'granny' ecker senior. granny ecker is something of a jack of all trades if you ask anyone of a certain age in hawkins. retired now, but in her day she cut her main trade on mccorkle's farm, driving a tractor and balancing the books. she's had her hand in every business in town in one way or another; helped a young and pregnant joyce byers score a job in melvald's, helped bev take over ownership of the hideout after her husband mysteriously passed away. granny even sold the house that's been in her family for generations in order to make sure that her daughter had the best psychiatric care possible and moved to forest hills trailer park without even thinking twice about it. she took a tiny eddie munson in for dinner when ronnie dragged him to her trailer like a mangy stray cat, and made sure that both he and wayne were kept in food from that day onwards. people have often told her she should campaign for mayor but she's batted her hand and mumbled something about the people of hawkins having to get cool with a lot of leftie shit real quick. granny ecker is a bottomless well of goodwill and kindness, held seamlessly together by a tough-as-nails exterior and ronnie wants nothing more than to grow up to be exactly like her. even more than that, ronnie wants to make good in her life so she can ensure granny is as well taken care of as the people she tirelessly takes care of. she's way overdue it.
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mewtwo-verse · 10 months
Welcome to Mewtwo-Verse!
This is a place where every mewtwo can come and go whenever they want no matter from what universe they are. You can even decide if you wanna live here! So, for the orientation, heres the map of Mewtwo-Verse:
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And of course here are some famous locations and the mewtwos who live there from Mewtwo-Verse:
🏔Mt.Frostiville (ice type):
-Frost, 40 , female
🏖Sandy Beach (ground type)
-coconut guy, 20, male
🏘Mewth City (any type)
-Sam, 19, male, salesperson
-Mewth, 20, female, Mayor
-Cole, 17, male, Gangster
-Dadtwo, ???,male
-Mumtwo, ???, female
🪦 Graveyard (ghost type)
-Gerd, dead, non-binary
🌊poke ocean (water type)
-Welmar, 50, female
🌳dark forest (grass type)
-Patricia, 35, female
-Selena, 14-25, female, @secret-mewtwo
☁️flyline (flying type)
-Chris, 21, male, supplier
🌋lava volcano (Fire Type)
-Fierce, 43, male, volcano guardian
And of course here is the paper where you can write your Information to be an official resident (dunno what that means) of Mewtwo-Verse:
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You don't have to get a job you can be unemployed too. Lol.
Is it open?: Yes
You are creative! You can draw the locations on your own.
My main blog: @vanessa-the-mewtwo
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Plumb3r!Verse: THE TOWN
//Since I moved to a new blog, I should probably explain some things about my verse’s main setting and how all my muses are acquainted with each other!//
THE TOWN, aptly named by it’s Mayor ‘Iamaslime’ and his daughter, ‘Iamaslimetoo’, is a not so secret town above the clouds, that can be reached by any local air plane, or the local TOWN roller coaster ride that takes you there, for free. These roller coasters can be found in any town on earth, conveniently.//
THE TOWN, itself, is a location that prides itself on its reputation of being home to absolutely no sense of common sense, and the fact that literally ANYTHING can happen there. Volcanos can erupt at any point, alien invasions can suddenly occur, home renovating ground moles can suddenly cause entire homes and locations to disappear for five minute periods, before bringing them back in prime condition, and much much more.
Some of the locations in THE TOWN include THE SCHOOL, THE FAIR, THE LOCAL POOL, THE ARCADE, THE TORTURE CHAMB- I mean THE LIBRARY, and plenty more, all named in the same exact way.
As for where the muses of this blog reside, they all stay at Mario and Luigi’s apartment that they built here. The apartment, itself, is tall enough to far past space, and even into other dimensions/universes. Past the atmosphere, it has a gravity and oxygen field so that those who go to the roof don’t have to worry about space being…well, space. At the very top, there’s also a roller coaster ride that will take anyone on the roof all the way back down to ground level, if they want a more fun experience going down, than the teleporting elevators on every floor.
Mario and Luigi pay for ALL the expenses in the apartment. Especially the repair bills, which are often high due to the constant shenanigans and, sometimes, fights that occur in the hallways. The most infamous reason for repairs being needed is due to the cursed bathroom that will explode in the case that somebody wishes to use it for it’s intended purpose, and is in the room for more than ten seconds. As a result, almost all of the apartment residents use the Bathroom of the local McDokas’s, which is conveniently located right across the street.
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teddybeartoji · 9 months
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— i'm 22 and go by she/he pronouns! all gendered terms are welcome!!
— i am autistic 😎 and i have adhd 😎 and social anxiety triple kill baby
— i am also bi and a switch; virgo sun, leo moon & scorpio rising; istp
— english is not my first language
— biggest kins: gojo (jjk), dazai & chuuya (bsd), ellie (tlou), hinata (hq)
— main fandoms: jjk, bsd, hq + mp100!
— main blorbos: satoru, toji, suguru, shoko, yuuta, dazai and chuuya!
— favourite ships: satosugu, soukoku, itafushi, tojigo, sashisu, satoshoko, kunizai, fyozai :33
— more favourite characters: jason todd, miguel o'hara, jj maybank, abby anderson, ellie williams
— favoruite films: snatch (2001), the favourite (2018), spider-man: into the spider-verse (2018), blade runner 2049 (2017) and everything everywhere all at once (2022)
— favourite shows: mindhunter (2017), you (2018), the walking dead (2010), maniac (2018), arcane (2021)
— favourite video games: the last of us part two, ghost of tsushima, until dawn, red dead redemption 2, resident evil 2, uncharted
#mayor of loserville - me yapping. have fun!
#mickeycore - get to know me through shitposts
#mickey's magazine - pics hehe:3
#rec list - movies!!!! and soon video games and shows and stuff!!!
☆ this is a side-blog!!! meaning i follow back and like from a different acc!!
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