#(me standing in dover staring down an unfenced cliff)
patrice-bergerons · 1 year
One of the many things Exeunt gets so damn right is its treatment of change that is foisted upon you against your will.
When you aren't particularly adaptable and happy in your little enclave, external forces uprooting your life can and does feel like the end of the world.
But Endeavour isn't the end of Morse’s story--sitting at that churchyard he may not know it yet but he will meet people who will come to mean so much to him; there will be so many more concerts and drinks with friends and convoluted puzzles to solve.
And still that doesn't (and won't) negate the grief of what he has lost, of the now past he can never return to again. It's such a hard balance to get right--to let us sit with that grief without sugarcoating it and yet with the knowledge that neither is it the end.
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