#(no popular “snri withdrawal” tag lol)
fitgothgirl · 4 months
Just saw my psychiatrist; after over three years, I'm going to finally* see how I am with weaning off my Effexor. I started it February 2021 and had gradually ended up at the max dose of it. But last July I started Wellbutrin (along with the Effexor, since they're different kinds of meds), and that's where things really changed for me I think. I've still been on the Effexor this whole time too because it helped me decently the first year or two, so I've been nervous about stopping it for a little while, just being unsure if it's somehow working in tandem with the Wellbutrin (which is a possibility). But I know I'm in a better place now and I'm taking much better care of myself and have learned things in therapy, etc., so I feel like it's a good time to at least give it a shot, and if it's not right for me then we'll just stop/go back.
But man would I love fewer pills lol. My Effexor is two pills too because I take 225mg and they don't make 225mg pills, so I take a 150mg and a 75mg every day. 🙄 Annoying and costly (I have insurance so we're talking less than $20 a month, but that's still $20 a month and I have money problems lol). Also Effexor is the one medication that will cause physical symptoms if I take my dose late, even just barely (it has such a short half-life and some people, like me apparently, process it extra quick).
TMI: Also I feel like Effexor still has some minor effects on my libido. Wellbutrin honestly helped it/made my orgasms stronger & last longer (hell yeah brother), but if I've recently taken my Effexor, reaching an orgasm in the first place is more difficult. I do take it in the evening though so sleep takes care of a lot of that, but still.
Anyway. Here we go! 🤞🏼
*"Finally" sounds like it's something that already "should" have been done or is something to be strived for, but that's not my meaning; I'm very pro-stay-on-an-antidepressant-forever-if-it-works-for-you. I just mean "finally" in that I've been on it for a while and have been considering weaning for a bit now too.
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