#(normal activity will resume tomorrow! 😊)
thebigshotman · 2 years
I’m sorry everyone, but once again my muse is failing me and I’m having trouble sitting down and writing anything in character. Replies will come tomorrow though, so you won’t have to wait forever like last time!
However, I will leave you all with some ramblings that are inspired by me having finally seen the original Aladdin yesterday. And those ramblings being the thought that the Genie and Spamton have a strange amount of similarities. Mainly between the voice acting of original!Genie and most vocal interpretations of Spamton (mostly Alex), but also other things!
I feel the voice acting for both are founded on the same ideas: A loud, distinctive, showy and mostly charismatic voice wrapped around all of these “bits” where the voice actor does his best to sound like something or someone else. Whether it be a Peter Lorre impression to emphasize you can’t bring people back from the dead or a reference to the way a certain version of Ganon says “die”, I think they’re quite similar. Course with Spamton it’s all under the dressings of the “bits” being different voice clips being spliced together and censoring his speech, whereas with Genie it was Robin being Robin and recording 10 hours of improv like that. But seriously, the similarities are too good not to note.
There’s also more obvious stuff like how they both desire for freedom. Though obviously Spam is a bit more malicious about his lol. But both-at least my take on him-hide how lonely they are and how much they want their freedom behind layers and layers of showmanship, comedy, and other nonsense. And finally, there’s a parallel between both of their introductory scenes somewhere in there, I feel. What with how in the universe of the world, the protags are trying their hardest to comprehend what the hell is happening, but we the audience are laughing our asses off because we understand their zaniness more than they do.
Plus, there’s that one fanart out there that puts Spamton into the “phenomenal cosmic powers, itty bitty living space” scene and it works GREAT. It’s definitely getting a reblog if I find it.
Long story short after this event PLEASE someone M!A him into a genie I need to explore this more, both of these guys are fighting for hyperfixation space in my head and it would just be an amazing combo anyway-
One final thought-Spaul singing (or trying to) Friend Like Me to Eileen 😆 Ok I’m done!
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