#(oh to be a fly on the wall of my google docs and the graveyard of several 10k one shots too)
ghost-proofbaby · 10 months
Ghostttttt, I never have messaged an author before I’m actually a ghost myself - just cruising through liking as I go but never commenting 😳 BUT I’m dying to know if you’ve planned any other series’ for the Eddie lovers such as myself? 24 hours was phenomenal seriously. Can’t wait to see what else you do!!
helllooooo fellow ghostie!!!
i do! i’ve got coffee shop blues (barista!eddie), mordor (which is an oc story), and then maroon! maroon was one i was so excited to post and i can’t wait to drop that very first chapter, i just wanna sit down and edit properly tomorrow before i post it <3 (and probably make a taglist? i should probably make a taglist. maybe. idk.)
planning wise, i can reveal i have two different kas!eddie concepts im playing with, and a fic i’m very excited to start on eventually. don’t wanna jinx myself but… let’s just say, it’ll do more damage than any venom ever could 🥰
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jeminy3 · 6 years
FIRESIDE - Chapter 3
3. I'm not sure if I should show you what I've found.
has it gone for good?
or is it coming back around?
WARNINGS: suicidal talk/thinking, death mention, closeted feelings, yelling, callouts
Read on AO3 
Read on Google Docs
Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5
- Back in the Present -
"...So, it was alright, I guess. She was alright, I mean. Don't know if I can say the same for myself."
"I mean, I tried. But she didn't seem into it as it went on. Dunno, maybe she could tell. At least she was nice enough not to say anything."
"...Not nice enough to at least leave me a note, or something. Just... poof, gone. Didn't even wake me."
"I'm not hung up. It was one night, I'll live. Not like it's the first time it's happened anyway."
"Hah, that's true. Look who I'm talking to."
Roy looks down from the horizon to what's in front of him: the grave of Brigadier General Maes Hughes. He's left another rose on it, alongside the other flowers and bouquets he's brought over the past two years. The grief's still there, but at least it's a more distant, empty feeling now.
He lets out a long, tired sigh. "...I know what you'd say. That I deserve better, right?"
He takes a swig from the small metal flask he's brought. It's some cheap gin, nothing special. Just something to take the edge off.
"You used to say that all the time. Didn't really help, but I guess it was better than nothing. We all know what I really deserve."
"Yeah? Wish I didn't."
"I guess so, yeah. It's nice while it lasts."
"Hah. You always made it look so easy. You were kind of an ass like that, y'know? Telling me to get married and all. But you didn't know, to be fair, so."
"Like I said, I'll live. This is nothing, compared to everything else I've been through."
"Well, it's looking like I'll be promoted soon, so... maybe it's not too long, now."
"I'll be fine. I'm kind of looking forward to it, actually. Maybe I'll see you again. See my parents, even. You'd better introduce me if they're there."
"I was a child, Maes. I'm practically a stranger now."
Roy glances back at the horizon, where the sun's dipping further and further from its high-noon position, the glare long-since faded from the surrounding clouds. He guesses that it must be getting close to two o' clock now. Break's almost over.
"It's getting late. Better get back to it, then."
"Yeah, I'll try. It's just... hard. You know."
He glances back over his shoulder as he turns to leave. "See you later, Maes."
Then he makes his way down the hill and out of the graveyard, away from the silence.
Breda approaches the break room door with some trepidation. It's quiet in there - too quiet. But he knows why. He sighs long-sufferingly, and pushes his way inside.
As soon as he enters, Havoc glares at him from the couch at the back of the room. And as Breda predicted, he's still in that mood. Leaning forward, arms draped over his knees, gritting his cigarette between his teeth, bouncing his foot vigorously. He's a ball of tension wound too tightly, ready to snap at any moment.
He's way too obvious at this point.
The others know as well, but are still keeping their distance from him. Riza in a chair near the center of the room, Fuery at the coffee pot in the corner, Falman by the water cooler to the left of the door. Safe positions.
Havoc meets Breda's eyes, jerks his chin. "He's at the graveyard again, isn't he?" he growls.
Breda shrugs. "Probably, yeah. His car wasn't out there when I looked."
"Tch..." Havoc clicks his tongue so harshly he almost hisses. With the smoke from his cigarette he looks every bit like the lit fuse of a bomb. He leans back, trying too hard to relax, crushing himself into the couch's back cushion.
He tears his cigarette out of his mouth, breathes out a uneven plume of smoke. "Typical. Talkin' to dead men when there's real ones right under his goddamn nose."
"You know how he is," Riza says evenly, but doesn't look at him.
He glares severely at her. "Yeah, but I don't have to like it."
Riza just shrugs at him. Breda can confidently say he's sized up the situation by now, and decides to move himself next to Falman by the water cooler, away from the door. The others aren't saying anything or making any moves, just glancing at Havoc nervously (especially Fuery). As usual, Breda decides to step up to the plate himself.
He gives Havoc a pointed look, putting his hands on his hips. "Y'know Jean, you could talk to him."
Havoc aims that glare right at Breda. "Oh yeah? And say what, exactly? Some sage relationship advice or somethin'? Sure, I'm the damn guru of that shit. Big help I'd be."
He's wide open. Breda looks him dead in eye, keeps his voice even and matter-of-fact.
"Jean... just tell him you love him already."
Direct hit. Havoc's eyes go wide, his jaw goes slack, his cheeks flush to the color of tomatoes. The tension snaps.
Havoc stares, stammers. "I- I don't-  W- what the HELL Breda?! Where'd that come from?!"
Breda frowns. After knowing Havoc for as long as he has, he can't be surprised. "Uh... from you, man. For what, the past year?"
"Two years now," Riza corrects.
"Possibly more, if you count anything before the Lab Three incident," Falman adds.
Havoc just gapes at all of them, mouth opening and closing like a fish. He's flushed down to his neck by now. "Wh- what the HELL are you talking about?! I- I'm not- I'm straight and you all know that!"
They all give him knowing looks. Fuery's turned away from the counter by now, arms crossed in front of his chest, face pinched with a look of absolute pity. "Jean, please. We're getting worried about you. You can't keep denying it forever."
Havoc scrambles to his feet and throws his cigarette to the floor, standing in this vaguely defensive stance with his fists up. "I- I'm not denying a goddamn thing! I like women! And he's our boss! And that's FINE!"
Fuery frowns further, looks him up and down. "...You don't seem fine with that."
"The hell d' you know, Kain?!" Havoc barks, shaking a fist. "Y'all don't know me!"
Fuery cringes further. He might've hit him a bit too directly, Breda thinks. The drawl only gets heavy when he's really pissed off. And he definitely is now, from how he's trembling slightly, gritting his teeth and flaring his nostrils like a bull. But honestly, Breda saw this coming, too.
He tries to save face for Fuery. "Jean, stop-"
Havoc turns on him, the bull ready to charge. "You stop, Heyman! And all y'all! Yer makin' shit up that don't exist!"
Breda shakes his head, fixes him with the disarming look he always uses when he has to silently tell Havoc that he's flying off the handle and needs to calm down. And as usual, Havoc catches it, closes his mouth, exhales through his nose, simmers down into a venomous glare.
"Forget it. Fuck y'all."
He strides to the door in a second, throws it open with enough force to make it slam against the wall, and leaves. The tension dissipates as his footsteps echo down the hallway, and everyone sighs collectively. Breda's glad he moved away ahead of time.
He scratches idly at his neck. "Honestly? I expected that."
"Same here," Falman says, defeated.
Fuery lifts his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose. "I'm gonna have a nervous breakdown for him at this rate."
Riza's leaning against her knees, rubbing her eyes and mumbling. "I'm getting a migraine."
Breda sighs deeply, again. "God... Was Rebecca ever this bad?"
Riza shakes her head, still covering her eyes. "Not nearly."
Fuery readjusts his glasses. "Well, you had the smart idea of confronting her early on, so it never got this bad."
Riza withdraws her hand and straightens. "Yeah, that's true."
"And Rebecca didn't follow you into bars just to spy on you from the smoking area," Breda adds.
Riza side-eyes him at that. "Well, yeah. I don't drown my feelings in booze and loose women. And Rebecca isn't an anxious mess with an inferiority complex."
Breda just shrugs again. "Harsh. But true."
Fuery shakes his head. "I just don't get it. Doesn't Roy notice anything?"
"Doesn't notice... or won't notice?" Falman muses, his eyes shifting.
Riza sighs, dipping her head again. "He's ignoring it. Has to be."
" But why?" Fuery asks.
"Easy. He thinks he doesn't deserve it, like he does with everything," Riza mutters.
Breda shakes his head, clicking his tongue. "Tch- Well they're a perfect match there. Jean acts like he'd rather lose his damn legs again than think he has a chance with him."
Riza groans softly. "Ugh- It's not about having chances, or being in the same league, relationships are hard enough without everyone making up silly rules that don't matter. Just TALK to each other."
"He's scared. So's Roy. That's all there is to it, at this point," Breda says, now with finality.
Falman hums in agreement, and Fuery just sighs sadly. No one says anything for several seconds, and the awkward silence is... well, awkward.
Suddenly, Riza rises to her feet, jerking her chair back and squaring her shoulders. "Well, I can't watch this anymore. Next time they're in here together, I'm leaving and locking the door behind me. Leave them in here overnight, if that's what it takes."
Fuery snorts behind her. "God- that's kind of extreme, isn't it?"
Riza side-eyes him over her shoulder. "Desperate times call for desperate measures. And those two are the most desperate I've ever seen."
Fuery just snorts harder. "Well, you got that right."
"A solid enough plan, unless Roy melts the door open," Falman points out, stroking his chin.
"Not if he doesn't have his gloves," Riza says coolly, glancing at him.
"He doesn't need them, he can do that clapping thing like Edward did, can't he?" Breda asks.
Riza closes her eyes, nodding slowly. "He can... and he wouldn't even need to use fire, just a metal transmutation to break the lock."
And then she looks at Breda again, this time with lidded eyes and a mischievous smile. "...He's forgetful under pressure, though."
Another look that Breda knows all too well. God help them.
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