#(plus lets be honest theyre not complicated recipes so you should be fine!)
vonlipvig · 1 month
I know that you don't really focus on food or anything, but I was curious if you had any recipes for stuff you really enjoy that are typical to your country/home?
I've been browsing some wikipedia pages on pastries and dishes lately and I wanted to try making something, but I couldn't find it in me to choose from the almost infinite selection of things, so I thought asking my mutual from another part of the world may be a good idea :)
You can just give a name of something you feel is worth trying if you don't know/don't have the time/don't want to share a recipe, but I'd love to get a recommendation or two!
Hi! Yes, of course I'll tell you some of my fave dishes that I think are fairly easy to make (I mean, not that I cook, my specialty is putting frozen stuff in the oven or boiling something so yeah lmao). I'll drop some recipes I found in English for you, cannot vouch for them personally (again, since I can practically burn water), but maybe they're a useful jumping off point for you!
Chocotorta: This is the best cake/dessert in the world and it really is the stupidest thing to make. You need to get your hands on some dulce de leche, which I don't know how difficult that can be, but you get that, you get some cream cheese (that recipe says soft cheese? pretty sure that's not the same, get cream cheese, lmao), and you get whatever cookie can replace our chocolinas (basically any squareish, flat chocolate cookie).Then you mix the dulce de leche with the cream cheese until you get a light brownish mixture. You're gonna lightly soak the cookies in some milk or coffee (lightly, so they don't break), then you're gonna make a bed of them on a baking tray. Put a layer of the mixture on top of that, then another layer of cookies, then more mixture, etc etc. Then you chill, and ta-dah! You can leave it like that, fancy it up a bit, but that's the important part.
Pastel de papa (potato and ground beef pie): A really delicious dish, basically a pie or casserole made with mashed potatoes and ground beef all seasoned and with extra ingredients to make it really yummy. I leave you a recipe in english and one in spanish.
Empanadas: I mean, that's the classic! Basically our version of the 'food-encased-in-dough' staple across the globe. The traditional version is, again, with ground beef, but you can really put anything in there (other typical variants include ham and cheese, onion and cheese, corn paste, etc). IMPORTANT: If the recipe says use raisins for the filling, IGNORE IT, trust me, every good argentine will thank you (Personally I'd take out the olives too, but if you're my grandma I NEVER SAID THAT I LOVE RAISINS AND OLIVES NANA).
Milanesa napolitana: Another big fave, this is our breaded steak (usually fried, but it can go in the oven, it just takes longer), with added tomato sauce and cheese on top and it's delicious. Serve with fries or mashed potatoes for the perfect combo.
I hope that helps, let me know if you ever make some of these! Bone app the teeth! (and everyone else, feel free to drop some good argentinian recipes!)
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