#(senti!dio is: sobbing crying weeping in the corner cradling all these kudos like fresh fruits)
diodellet · 1 month
hi hi !! throwing in 🤡🛠 and 🖍️ (again if you’d like!)
also 🫴❤️
hi ian!! thanks forda ask💕💕
🤡How many Wips are you actively working on?
uh surprisingly not that many actually. i think i have i'm working on like 5 or 8 twst wips? (3 of them are smut, all of them have jamil in it, none of them are wcidfy oops)
i am lying through my teeth. i am struggling to hold back my closet doors. it is about to burst open and i am a fool with noodles for arms.
🛠Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now?
i tend to flipflop between my wips esp since i get blocked very easily, esp when its a fic that has more than 1 character++ensemble dialogue, so...dio's just been here parkouring around in her wips folders, chipping away to add a sentence or two.
it's kinda funny because i dont really visualize as im writing, but rather i tend to hear the narration and dialogue as im typing it down? so, it's also kinda ironic that i struggle the most with writing dialogue over other things in fic.
🖍Post any sentence from your wip
This one's going to be a sort of companion piece to "i think i found a place for us" ft. some light drinking bcs in vino veritas🤧💕💕
(where instead of comforting jamil, its the other way around this time yipeeee its so hard to write comfort for characs who refuse to be comforted)
“Why not?” Jamil shrugs, accepting it from you. Drains the rest of the drink."
(send an emoji and get some info abt one of my wips?)
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