#(seriously dont get how anyone ships a ship where one partner drowned the other's mom when flooding their kingdom)
thetimelordbatgirl · 1 year
As someone who quit the MCU but still checks in from to time…wow! Who would have ever thought it would get worse than Phase 4, but Secret Invasion is just…wow. Everett Ross has been a skrull the whole time? Rhodey has been a skrull since Civil War? It’s been difficult enough to rewatch the early MCU knowing it’s going to have a dissatisfying “conclusion” with Endgame, but what’s the point in rewatching the MCU at all if it’s likely just going to get retconned into not being all that it seems anyway?
There is no point to the MCU at this point, really. It started off with setting up storylines that then all concluded in Endgame (well, not all, but honestly, the ones not concluded at this point would have been better off staying not concluded), and now its just...basically Disney/MCU throwing random crap at the wall and hoping something sticks. And so far, nothing really has.
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