#(she started it because it worked devestatingly well on the twins)
seaseren · 5 months
“We don’t even have physical bodies here in the First,” Thancred griped, looking at the toothbrush being thrust towards him with offense. “What does it matter if our soul’s teeth are brushed?”
Prim seemed unphased by his dismissiveness. “It matters that you remain in the habit. Build it back now and it will be that much easier when you do return to your bodies.” Her cool brown eyes examined him, then narrowed. “And not everyone is a disembodied soul. Tell me true- have you been making sure Minfilia brushes her teeth?”
Thancred’s guilty silence was answer enough. Minfilia, who had been the first recipient of a toothbrush, paused in her work guiltily.
“...I still don’t appreciate being treated like a child,” is what Thancred came up with after several long moments of silence. 
Prim sighed and shook her head. “Well, it appears I’ll have to resort to stronger measures.” She reached into one of her many pockets and, with a flourish, produced a very familiar sheet of star shaped stickers. Thancred groaned aloud at the sight.
“Minfilia first,” Prim said, and the girl resumed her brushing double time. Once done to Prim’s satisfaction, she affixed one shiny star onto her knives, then, after thorough examination, presented one to the twins and Urianger as well. Finally she rounded on Thancred once more. The two made steady, level eye contact, both faces unreadable- until Thancred rolled his eyes, cursed under his breath, and snatched the toothbrush out of her hand. Prim smiled, radiating self-satisfaction, and administered a star to his gunblade.
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