#(slaps the roof of a skeleton) you can fit so much trauma in this bad boy
turquoisephoenix · 2 years
Some Sir Daniel Fortesque Headcanons
Because this guy is the newest blorbo I’ve been rotating around in my head.
Gonna sprinkle Resurrection in my headcanons because fuck it, I like the Resurrection Pumpkin Witch. She’s fun. Classic Pumpkin Witch still exists in my ideas, but as the Resurrection!Witches’ mom. Packed with more witch-y goodness.
Neutral Headcanon:  Sir Daniel’s job before he was a knight was “oral historian”. In short, yes, he was a bard. With the silly outfit and the lute and everything.
He was also exceptionally well-read, living in surrounding town next to Castle Peregrin and working as a librarian. (which is an anachronism since the printing press wouldn’t be for another 200 years, but hey, Sleeping Village had a library and there’s physical books all over the place; gonna make a bold stab and say that Dan being extremely literate and verbose in his journal didn’t magically spring up from the grave)
The one Non-Sad Headcanon: Sir Daniel and Pumpkin Witch were in a serious relationship that lasted for years. There was even talks that they were going to get married. It was one of those “I’m surprised they hit it off so well, because she certainly didn’t fall for him for his looks” type of silly romances. Just a witch in training and some pumpkin-loving librarian/bard/knight?/wait-he’s-a-knight-now?/okay. Her sister was quoted as saying that he was “as ugly as a horse’s butt” when they were dating.
They met while he was bunking off school to scrump the succulent pumpkins with his fellow schoolmates from the castle town. His words, not mine.
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Daniel is a very easy man to please. Like a Harvest Moon bachelor, that man.
Sad Headcanon: Right before his death, Sir Daniel Fortesque had his whole life planned out. Once he got older and his wonderful bardly tales of justice and knighthood led him to be knighted by King Peregrin himself, he decided that he was going to use his newly found kingly knight status (which he believed to be mostly ceremonial, even if he made a living out of telling grand tales of battles to a captive audience) to live the life of luxury in the countryside with his cool eventual pumpkin wife and his many eventual children, half of which would have terrible teeth like him.
Even when he heard rumor that he was going to do battle with an evil wizard and his horrible undead army, sure, he was pretty anxious about it (and had the lingering thought “I’m fucked” swirling in his head), but he also knew how stories worked and seemed that he was sure to beat some impossible odds and be allowed to retire a hero’s retirement at the tender age of 25-ish.
All he had to do was just win one battle and he was set for life. Easy, right? 
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Spoiler alert: They instead found his mangled body in a puddle of his own splattered brain matter.
Sadder Headcanon: Since his talent was storytelling and weaving grand tales of slaying monsters and surmounting great odds, he was also a very good singer. A lot of his grand epics were also in song form and he’s fantastic at playing the lute. (also has some background with the harp, but that was mostly used in church ceremonies in the castle town)
They buried his lute with him but, as luck would have it, moisture got to it and it was a pile of sad, disintegrated pulp by the time Dan was resurrected.
But hey, give that skeleton a lute. He’ll actually play something nice.
Saddest Headcanon: The voice he has as a jawless skeleton doesn’t sound like the voice he had when he was alive and, while he won’t say this out loud, he has body dysmorphia over it and is one of the reasons why he doesn’t talk much. His mumbly zombie voice hurts him in a way he can’t put to words. The whole “short words gets the point across better than trying to say an entire sentence” thing is just a bonus.
He slowly starts to get over this over time, but there’s still the lingering thought of “oh dear god, that’s not my voice” whenever he says something.
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polarized-here · 25 days
POLAR I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR ABOUT YOUR OCS AND SEE THEIR CONCEPT ART‼️ please I need food, I need to eat your art sjdhhsjdhsj /lh
GRAHH FINE SINCE YOU ASKED… my lore. Sorry this is so late gngahgahshsjsh… you literally caught me as dinner came home. Like. Oops… crazy… right after I knocked out shekhrkdbddmbd anyway! :)
Under the cut because it may or may not be a long thing, with most plot points just being little ideas—no fully fleshed story, just, erm. Ideas I like.
Update. It’s long. Also tumblr is so glitchy rn it kept making this saved post disappear and then reappear in my asks after I exited the app and opened it again what the fuck 😭😭
So, in this world, a majority of the population do. Not. Have powers, having them is seen as a blessing, But… It's a dystopian themed world—where these powers are incredibly monitored and regulated by the government—with some being minor, and some being full on changes to the physical body and how they manifest. (ie. My excuse for drawing anthros… or kemonomimi… shushhhh/also allows me to just dump all of my ocs which you may have seen before, in one little world and play with them like they’re my puppets :( I love them sm!! One of them sora is from DND they hold a special place in my heart...)
But again, having these powers is seen as a blessing from a God of some sort—and a curse, as while they’re regulated by the national government heavily, some individuals still manage to slip by, or cause harm to the general public, so from this, they (the gov) took advantage of this to instill a system of ‘heroes’ and ‘villains’ there’s a few ‘vigilantes’ but most either become heroes (through turning themselves in and doing plenty of community service work, and discussing a contract with some government representatives—most who become heroes are never the same. They always have a look in their eyes, as if valor to help their nation has blinded them), but some may become villains.
Heroes are those who just have a license and have signed a contract with the government—most get these contracts renewed or take a small few month break in between contract renewals. They’re unable to use their powers in these circumstances, unless it’s out of self defense. Civilians can too (those not heroes, are regulated by the government heavily, and choose not to pursue it. But it’s like US NAVAL contracts too. you can join programs in the gov that give you supplemental access and benefits to college/pay it off, etc etc etc. like the national guard but more celebritized), but they (civilians) need to find a GOOD lawyer. There’s so many laws that heroes are naturally given a smalllllll pass over, that it’s just best to run away, or be a hero in that small instance.
(This has sm mha influence. As sad as it is, that show influenced me sm. Got me into trying art. Fr fr/on digital. PLA is just where it improved a weeee bit).
OKAYYY ENOUGH AGOUT THE SET UP!! THE CHARACTERS… I’m so sorry idk why I’m rambling this much, I’m not even hyperfixated on my own OCs. Like what the fuck.
Anyways! A key note is that having bright colored hair is a key identification that you probably have powers that haven’t manifested yet, and the hair is always a bright color, unless, you’re Astor!
He’s got so much trauma *slaps roof of car.* You can fit so much trauma in this one bad boy. And despite it all he remains a good person. Dawg. You have more strength then I’d ever have. But igggg the want and need to help people because you were hurt and want to make a change does seem motivation enough… anyways. They’re so marysue coreee
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The main character & a small-time vigilante going to the new school that’s just been set up. His hair only really turns those bright colors when she’s using their powers—but in the ref it’s just for convenience sake. She has so many skeletons in her closet, that they can’t risk being caught. But they love helping people too much. They’re a bit altruistic.
Here’s their vigilante suit ref :)
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For ease of mind, they always have a small bit of static on their hands—both to stun new people meeting them. To make the air feel charged with thunder and electricity—a warning to her presence, and because it means their hair stays that color. No matter the charge. His eyes stay the same color though. Again. These are some old doodles from last year of some characters. Notably, that I also revamped. Heroes, villains, and vigilantes stories always hold a special place in my heart,,,
Next up is Anzu! Silly goober!!! Please give him head pats!!!! He loves it!!! This is Astor’s only… real friend. Since Astor likes his solitude. But tolerates Anzu’s silly behavior. Utter dichotomy between them!!! <333 I haven’t decided if they’d get together or nah, but! <3333
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Yeah, this guy (and Astor) both have autism (I didn’t even realize that him liking trains was an autistic stereotype… oops. Mb gang. But like. Seriously. Ywah didn’t mean anything by it. I’m autistic myself and I’m possibly pursuing physics or engineering 💪💪 I think it’s alr if I project onto a character I made 🔥🔥🙏)
Yes, he’s based on the irl dinosaur. Yes, he’s autistic, hear me out. I just put lots of things together. And he just ended up with major tism 🔥🙏
And finally, a hero I designed :) I changed her a weeee bit. But she’s mostly the same sand manipulation :) villains dislike her since she puts sand in their shoes. Her big container is full of sand and stuff. She doesn’t have a weakness other then she needs to be a bit concentrated on making her sand creations—but they’re like second nature to her because of how long she’s been a hero. She’s an antagonist only because she’s trying to take Nexus in. She sees how sweet she can be to the native cats (from a distance. Never touching them, and she never knows why, they look at the native cats, longing to pet them but always stops) so she wants to take him in and make a case for him to join the government’s hero program.
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Arizona! But her hero name is Sahara yk… Yeagh…. Anyways :) I love her lots. She does mean well. But she’s also blindly faithful in the government, or will see its problems and will deflect or try to be better to make things right. But she always holds rules above anything else. Even if she cares about someone who’s breaking them, a lot, so yeah… totally not talking about the mentor and mentee relationship between her and Nexus… where she pushes her morals aside just to listen to him seldom talk about his intrepid interests.
If Nexus didn’t have those powers—in her opinion—she would’ve made an excellent leader in whatever field he’d want to pursue. And she knows he’s got something up with them—some history. And that breaks her heart a little seeing how much pure joy Nexus gets at being able to try new things, like new foods, or try out purely common things that should be normal to a kid like herself.
Very much love found families and going to the extreme for them :33
ANYWAYS!!! Those are the main 3. I have some others I’ll show. But yk. They look a wee bit different + have names labeling them and the key parts of them. I don’t think tumblr would like me dropping all their refs :,)
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Actually :O hold on, their refs are here. Trust
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I’m so smart for pasting them all here. Trust anyways. Those are my pookies, so sorry this took so long.. erm I like them a lot. Oh yeah, I made a comic with them for art class. Yeagh. They were mostly changed for ease of drawing but yeah. I did not want to do it but I had not wanted to do this 🚬🚬
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But yeah, pookies…. Sorry you probably didn’t want this comprehensive lore about them grrr
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