#(so let’s see what shenanigans happen shall we? non-M!A threads will still continue by the way)
thebigshotman · 9 months
M!A (whenever the admin feels like it) where Spamton is an Addison again...however it's a painful transition, like turning into a werewolf. He'll actually look his age, and experience all the side affects that comes with someone who's pushing 50.
(Sorry this is starting two weeks after you sent me this lol! I hope any ensuing chaos is worth the wait! Let’s give this about 3-4 days; it’ll end on Christmas night!)
The second he hears the words “Addison again”, he is glitching and twitching happily with joy-so much so that the rest of the request, the catch as it were, goes completely unheard.
*4N [All we do is advertise!] AGA1N, RE-E-3ALLY?!?!? I’VE WANTED THIS F0R [*absurdly long number*] MONTHS, F1NALLY I CAN [[mwah!]] [Hazelnut] AND—
That’s when the transformation begins.
It starts with cracks forming all over his skin, and it feels unbearably itchy, like something is trying to burst forth from underneath. His hair is falling out in clumps-not again, it’s just reminding him of when everything started falling apart-his teeth are shrinking and growing back into his mouth. It feels incredibly uncomfortable; it should almost hurt more. But it doesn’t.
He tries to let out any sort of yelp of pain and confusion and panic, but can’t: His voice box is a garbled mess in the middle of transitioning back into a normal throat. He feels bumping in his chest, and that’s what brings him to his knees. The ground only does so much to center him, reassure him that what’s coming after this will be worth it. He pounds it aggressively with a fist, glasses spilling out static as he grits his teeth-
And the plastic falls off, revealing silicone skin underneath. Like a cascade, the rest of his body follows suit, and soon the itchiness stops and he’s back in his old, Addison body again. Natural hair-except this time it’s half-black and half-white, like the hair dye has almost run out-expressive eyes, a heart and a non-glitched throat. His clothing miraculously unaffected by the “painful” caveat of the transformation, instead having transitioned back to normal fabric clothes without a word.
Except…something’s different. He can feel something lagging still. Not in his mind, for once…in his body. He tries to get up, and it takes several moments of stuttering frames to do so. For Heaven’s sake…they didn’t just turn him back into an Addison. They turned him into an out of date Addison who hasn’t had their internal software upgraded in 25 years. What he should be.
*You…had to throw in a twist, didn’t you? Clearly I haven’t had enough deals with catches in my life, have I?!
He spits that out more aggressively than intended, less towards the anon and more for the desperate need for something to go right in his life for once with no strings attached. Looks like it hasn’t caught up to his voice yet.
But he can worry about that later. Right now, minus any catches, he has his old body back…and for how long, he has no idea. He’s making the most of this. The first thing he does, like before, is clip off his glasses and rub his normal, Addison eyes in relief. But now, unlike before, he goes running towards his girlfriend’s house.
*Eileen!! Hazelnut!! Where are you?! Come here, I want to give you a big smooch-l-like an actual kiss!! I’m an Addison again!!!
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