#(the lilac person is British btw)
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jamespotterthefirst · 3 years
I’m back!
1. Who initiates kisses first?
2. Who initiates hand holding first - and how often do they hold hands?
3. Do they have any inside jokes?
4. What do they do that their friends find nauseatingly cute?
5. Are they currently watching a series/movie together- if so, what?
6. What is their favourite thing about each other and about their relationship?
All for Lilac and Ethan btw :)
Hello, love! Thank you for sending these in!
1. Who initiates kisses first?
Ethan! In Miami! Just thinking about it makes me go feral. He's the one that makes it clear he wants to kiss her. Lilac is the one who closes the space between them.
Edit : lmao I wrote this tired and with little sleep lol. I misunderstood the question. But yeah, Ethan initiaties most kisses thereafter.
2. Who initiates hand holding first - and how often do they hold hands?
Lilac! She reaches for his hand first once they're publicly open about their relationship. They hold hands often-- especially when talking in to work in the mornings.
3. Do they have any inside jokes?
They have plenty, mostly mocking people in their lives they hate. Those who made top of the list are: Bloom, Nash, Landrat.
4. What do they do that their friends find nauseatingly cute?
Ethan and Lilac compensating for their height difference in any way they can. For instance, Ethan bending down to kiss her, or Lilac pulling him down but looking as though she's about to climb him like a tree.
5. Are they currently watching a series/movie together- if so, what?
The Great British Bake Off when there's a new season. Any mystery/ cold case documentary show in existence. Old episodes of Arrested Development because Lilac cannot believe Ethan hasn't seen that show before when it's totally his brand of dry humor.
6. What is their favourite thing about each other and about their relationship?
Lilac loves how collected and cool he is in most situations. As someone who struggles with anxiety, that inspires her. Ethan loves how brave and courageous she is in the face of adversity, despite her struggles. That inspires him to persevere through difficult situations.
Their favorite thing about their relationship is how much the other inspires them to be better everyday (personally and professionally).
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nyangibun · 7 years
hey, just casual reminder that jonsa fans are not delusional and lack comprehension for calling dani’s narrative arc racist :) :) :)
yes yes she freed the slaves and cares about them. she also dismantled their entire economy then left them without any sort of infrastructure to handle life, leaving most starving and in such poverty that many wanted to go back to being slaves. just because she helped end slavery doesn’t make her good. she wants to help people but only via her way and only with grand gestures. she refuses to learn about the culture and politics of the places she invades and subjects everyone there to her own brand of justice without being held accountable for any mistakes. she wants to save people but she doesn’t want to help them survive. essentially, she is a conqueror and not a ruler. 
and that simply reeks so much of the white saviour trope, which is a reoccurring narrative in all mediums of fiction (ie. white people who go into poverty-stricken country/district/school/whatever to help the poc’s like just because they’re the one white person there that isn’t a racist asshole they deserve an award. gee thanks. a lot of these stories also take away the poc’s agency to save themselves, which is so racist it’s basically the same fundamental belief that colonists used to invade africa/asia/south america, etc. -- “they’re primitive. we must educate them. they’re like children and we’re the parent” which is kind of why the whole dani being called their ‘mhysa’ is so gross as well). 
not to mention, in her mind, she is entitled to westeros because her family had ruled it for centuries. yes, there were good and bad targ rulers, but that doesn’t make westeros the targs’ to have. the british empire conquered india for longer than the targs had conquered westeros and i’m sure there were some nice rulers, but does that mean the british deserved to have india under its thumb? does that mean india belonged to the british empire? no. abso-fucking-lutely not. 
the very fact that it is compounded in time and time again both in the show and books that the valyrians/targaryens were very concerned with the purity of their bloodline and that they were fair-skinned, white-blonde-haired, blue/lilac-eyed and considered themselves far superior in every way to other people – well shit, that just screams racist to me. dani may not think like her ancestors but she’s still trying to benefit from their legacy. does that sound familiar? sounds like white privilege to me (ie. in modern times, the connection could be made to white people who may not be explicitly racist but yet refuse to help dismantle the systemic racism that controls their country and speak over poc’s who continue to be oppressed by this system). westeros may not be a country of all poc’s, but the allegorical references are there and obvious enough to us that dani’s arc is in fact racist.
and just btw none of this has got anything to do with jonsa. or any of the other characters. the criticism is out there because of dani and solely about dani. 
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