#(they're so dating and that's also why felix cares so much about till and wants him to be happy. because they're dating!!💕)
felixstark · 2 years
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tatort ep “Berliner Bärchen” 2001
"Hallo, ich bin der Bär Balu und ich komm' immer wenn jemand ganz traurig ist."
"Was soll'n das jetzt, huh?"
"Na, damit du die Polster nicht nass heulst."
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huenjin · 4 years
genre | fluff, toothbiting fluff, and slightly suggestive
warnings | hints at nsfw in slight occasions, but it's still very sfw.
members | bang chan, minho, changbin, hyunjin, jisung, felix, seungmin, jeongin
note | tried at making it gender neutral. also, this is my first hc, if this is what it is, so please do tell me if it's any good.
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downright going to be the most classic one. he'd bring you over for a christmas dinner, his mum and dad looking at you quizzically and you swear to god it was the most raveling moment ever in your whole life. the fear, the anxiety and the pain of being rejected by his parents weighs far too much in your head. however, chan would hold your hand, rub small circles at the junction between your thumb and your other fingers and tell his parents that you're his bestfriend, his lover, the one he loves in the present and hopefully for a long time. that he wants to spend his christmas with every single human being that he loves under the same roof. it is only after this that his parents calm down, cheer up and are overjoyed that their son has found someone to be with — to share his happiness and sadness with. will go down in your history as one of the best christsmases you have shared.
here to spread the college boyfriend!minho agenda. this was off this ad that i saw the other day and idek why i found it cute but it was dead cute and i knew that's definitely minho. 100%. so you're over at his lodging room in college in his shirt — minho swears to god he finds you the cutest in his shirts — watching this romcom on netflix on his laptop. you're cuddled up against him on his bed and minho's kissing your cheeks occasionally when you're too engrossed into the movie, making sure he gets the gasp and the chuckle exactly from you. and all was going well till he gets a video call notification from his mother and he's scrambling up from his bed, angling the mirror away from you as he answers, "hi, mom." his mother would ask of him to show his new room, something he was supposed to do earlier and he sighs, "can we do this tomorrow? it's late and i have this assignment to do?" but his mother wouldn't have it any other way and insists — determination running through their family veins evidently. and here you are, scrambling around his room everytime he moves to show his room to his mum, just to avoid the camera. until you can sit back on the bed and minho's rushing to end the conversation, "can i please go do my assignments now, mum?" you know you're royally fucked when minho's mother laughs, only to ask her son, "does your assignment wear your shirts now? you should introduce them to me."
changbin's whole family knows you already. in fact, if anything, it was his sister that forced him to finally ask you out because he has been crushing on you forever. the following events happen in this particular order: you're the cute cashier at his favorite drink place and if college has taught him one thing, it is never to miss out on an opportunity and he knows he must ask you out. his sister is with him and finds him all awe eyed at you and she knows. she also knows that her brother is a wimp and won't ask you out so she nags him over throwing litter all over in his room if he doesn't. changbin thinks it's the extra push he needed and he does ask you out while paying his bill — a mere, "uhm, i think you're cute. if you happen to have some, uh, free time this saturday evening, we could go watch a movie or something. oh, i mean, of course, if only you're free and if you haven't watched the movie and like everyone seems to be busy and you're just so so pretty i ha—" changbin still remembers the way you giggled, the way you held your chest and the way you smiled and nodded. changbin's family knows that very evening because siblings are snitches deep down and his sister yells as soon as she enters the home, even before she has taken her shoes off — "listen, listen! our changbinnie grew up. guess who has a lover, guess who, guess who!" all changbin could yell back was, "they are prettier than you and nicer than you!" and stick his tongue out. needless to say, changbin was found picking scrap paper off his room's floor at 2am.
lowkey his parents are suspicious of you and think you're not a great person and this is another episode of hwang hyunjin getting overly attached and loving another human. you can't blame them. experiences make parents cautious and when all of hwang hyunjin's relationship has ended him with an aching heart, you know you'd be suspicious of the next person he brings home too. he brings you home for dinner and his parents were definitely not expecting another member. it starts with frigid stares and hard, short answers and hyunjin has to hold your hand to stop you from crying because you feel like you lost your chance even before you had it. that is till, hyunjin speaks up, "mum, dad. i love them. and i know you guys are doing this because you fear they're going to break my heart��" "i wouldn't," you mumble, "you're going to break mine if this ends." and hyunjin chuckles, kissing your cheek before his parents. he turns to them and repeats the same, "i love them. so much and i hope you can accept them and not pin all my bad experiences on them. please." it takes a few more meetings for his parents to warm up to you but it happens slowly over the time, till — you're now spending every other weekend with his mum to bake cakes.
so jisung, as much as he needs the caring and loving, is an eccentric man. he's so eccentric you're so sure you fell for him because of that, because of how he manages to make you always smile. so eccentric that he had a whole ppt presentation on why everyone should be like you. and this stupid boyfriend who is oh so in love shows this before his parents to announce how he's dating you. it's like a one slide presentation. he's planned it all out for days. he'll bring you over in the guise of being a friend and then surprise his parents after dinner by turning this great one slide presentation on. it'll have a picture of you on the side and points in bullets to the left — of how you're pretty, of how you're funny, how you make him want to be a better person, how he wants to continue going to the orphanage to help every sunday with you, how he wants to give you his world. how you're the nicest person he knows. your parents are smiling and they know. they know even before the announcement that you're his lover and better half and you make him happy and so does he. and courtesy of jisung's great brain, the animations rotate and land and the last two lines are so big that you blush and are embarrassed but god fucking help you, you're so in love with him that this makes your heart race. "be like y/n. be my lover," races into the screen and you think the animations makes it even more quirkier than it already is. until his mother makes everyone laugh even more by asking, "are you asking us all out, sungie? doubt they would like that."
another one of the classic introduction types. felix asks you if it's alright for him to finally introduce you to his family and you nod, heart fluttering because you know for sure this is a huge step. upon much consideration, you agree to go for dinner with his parents at his place the following weekend. you're asking him over the week if this dress was alright or if you should go for formals and as much as he reassures you that it's not a huge deal — it is a huge deal to you. you want his parents to know how serious you are of him. you even being a gift home that night and bake some muffins and his mother is just really impressed (if she wasn't already flustered by all the stuff you brought). and when you know you have warned up enough to them, you know his mother is going to show the embarassing pictures just to fluster her son and it works. you do spend some good hours with his parents — his dad giving you a thumbs up to be new fashioned as you leave and his mum waving you good bye — and it is only after this you sigh in relief, tension off your shoulders. you've left a good impression and felix knows this too as he kisses you in his car.
seungmin is the softest boyfriend ever. i mean seriously, if the whole world already didn't know the two of you were dating would be a surprise — it's the pretty bracelets you wear, the matching hoodies found in your closets or how you're just always in his blue hoodie. always. and so when seungmin is rushing you, two weeks into official dating for you to meet his parents, you're wide eyed. all he has to say is, "i'll be going to marry you either way. why wait till the day before marriage to show you off to my parents also." and he'd be so thrilled. seungmin's mum is enthralled because he is enthralled. he is so excited to tell his parents about you and about how you're his lover. his to show off. his to love. for years to comes. and you're blushing in front of his parents, ears heated up at the term. seungmin's dad jokingly pats his son's back, laughing, "have you grown up already to bring someone home?" and he nods, smiling like the dork you fell in love with. his mother rushes to sit you down by the table, ready to take care of you and you realise — seungmin's family will always be as accepting as he is. the fruit doesn't fall that far away from the tree, after all.
trust me, he's the reckless kind. he'll care for you, love for you and be there for you but he's so bad with dates and timings and everything that mistakes like this were bound to happen at one point. he's shifted to his own place and jeongin is so excited that he calls you over — "y/n, you must come here. even the bed is warm." and you know what that meant. the bane of every mankind's downfall and every civilization's achilles' hill. that is exactly how you ended up next to jeongin, his hands cupping your face and him kissing you like he has all the time in the world now that he has his own place. until the two of you hear the door click and jeongin pulls back, swearing and in panic. you hold his shoulder in worry and he's telling you that his parents were supposed to come over, today. that he didn't know it would be this early, however. and the only thing his oh-so-bright brain could come up with in that moment is to shove you and himself into the small closet till his parents leave. and even if it meant a few sweaty minutes in the closets in each other's warmth, moans and giggles in the air albeit the warning of silence, and jeongin kissing you in places the heavens shouldn't know, you'll happily brace it all for him. the two of you come out of the closet only after you hear the door shut again. the two of you walk down carefully to see if his parents are away, only to find a small yellow post it note stuck on the fridge — you should have told us you had someone over. you bury your face into his shoulders in embarassment as you ask, "they heard, didn't they?" he chuckles, "probably. we'll get you to officially meet then soon. my mum loves pies and you bake the best ones. she'll fall for you like i did. instantly."
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What if s/o ended up rejecting their marriage proposal? Not because there was someone else but instead from not being ready to commit. Maybe since they're still young and s/o doesn't want to hold them back from other opportunities now that the war is over? (whatever house or characters are fine! Thank you~)
[As someone with their own skepticism towards marriage, I can totally see this happening tbh. Those precious babies have basically spent their entire lives up until that point either battling in school or fighting a war, so a few years of me-time are definitely owed to them]- I’ll do BL for this since they were my first run. Hope you like it! 
Let’s get one thing straight. Dimitri is ready to marry you and become your partner for life. The moment he popped out that ring he laid himself bare to you. He’s yours, and wants you to be his. 
Upon rejection he’ll be hurt, but he also won’t fight you. It is your decision how to spend the rest of your days after the war. By Sothis you’ve earned that right at least after everything that’s happened. 
It’s when you bring up the “holding him back,” issue where he’ll rebuttal. That familiar glint of distress will bypass him at the words. You could never. Hell, your presence alone shrouds his world in light and he makes sure that you know it before going your separate ways. Be it through a sweet kiss, or words of affirmation; he’ll do it all.
“My beloved...I will wait for you. I will always be waiting for you” 
He’s already lost so much, but he won’t lose you. He’ll wait as long as you need to feel comfortable.
He keeps the ring safe at all times in a pocket sewn into his cloak
From then on he won’t bring up marriage again until you do first. And when is happens? Get ready for him to whip out that bad boi all over again
For once he isn’t a stuttering mess. This is supposed to be a happy moment...so why aren’t you smiling? 
He came into the goddess tower entirely prepared for rejection, but that didn’t make it hurt any less 
Well, until you elaborated further. Ashe may be awkward but he is no fool. He knows where you’re coming from, and is happy you’re sharing how you feel. 
“If you want to wait, then we can wait,” would be his immediate response. He’d extend his arms out for a hug and wait for your initiative to respect your boundaries. If you accept he’s over the moon
Going slow doesn’t mean it won’t ever happen. This is a chance to treat you like the goddess you are in his eyes. From then on he’s sure to properly court you like he would have done if the war never happened
Dates, flowers, strolls in the woods, etc. He puts his knowledge of romance novels to use
One day you both will be wed, but for now he’ll appreciate the little things you do together. As long as you love each other then that’s what counts
The main reason he popped the question is because a life without you is one that he doesn’t want to live
I won’t sugarcoat this. When you reject him he gets upset. The goal of this was to ensure you’ll be in each others lives...but now what? Are you saying that he’s not good enough to share your life with?
He doesn’t say anything when you reject him(which is what scares you the most)
All you can glimpse is how his eyes glaze over, and that familiar scowl paint his lips
Felix storms off immediately to go let off steam before he says something he’ll regret
Leaves so fast that he drops the ring. 
Panics later when he can’t find it, searches for two days, and naturally concludes that you were the one to pick it up after asking around
You’re the one to approach him to return it. Naturally, as Felix does, he gets snappy 
“I don’t need your pity,” he says. It takes everything out of you to get him to listen beyond the rejection. Upon hearing that you just want to wait he calms down. 
He tries to play off his stubborn behavior but you see through it, just like you always have. You’ll still take him after that childish display, right?...right?
Dedue is...discouraged. Who wouldn’t be after being rejected? 
It doesn’t show much though. He’s the type to kind of nestle those personal feelings down until no one is around 
Hope still remains though. Just as with the others, he knows that waiting does not mean forever. For now he will stay by his highness’ side while you take the time to find your place in the world
Dimitri actually takes the news harder than Dedue. He was certain that you to were going to be wed, and that Dedue would finally have the peaceful life he deserved 
After explaining the situation thoroughly he is happy for you both, and even offers to give Dedue as much time as he wants off to spend with you 
You both still go see the flowers of Duscur together, just as planned. That time is a memory he holds precious to his heart, and it made him come to realize how nice slowly learning about each other can be 
While not often, when you both take excursions together your bonds do grow. He loves when you share stories of the places you visit, and in turn learning more about you as a person. 
He’s been there and done that with commitment insecurities 
By far the most understanding of your situation out of all the lions. He’s lived with the fear that people would want him only for his crest his whole life. In all honestly, he’s relieved that you’re one to take things slow
There isn’t even a misunderstanding between you two. He waits till you’re entirely done talking to digest your answer. 
Hey, it’s better than flat rejection <~{Sylvain’s thought process}
“So...this means there’s still a chance?Yes!” his enthusiasm after being told no shocks you to the core
He’ll respect your wishes always. If you feel that you need time to find yourself before committing to him then he wouldn’t dream of stopping you
When you are ready to spend your lives together he will happily go flaunt to all his friends that he’s a taken man. That’s just his style.
Each and every day you spend together only makes him want to marry you more. When the time is right he will do everything in his power to ensure that you don’t regret having him at your side. 
After the loss of Glenn her heart is fragile, but not glass 
She will be happy in all honesty. As long as you both care about each other then she could care less about putting a label on it 
It’s just that her family says otherwise, you know? She’s going to have to produce an heir at some point
But hey...some point doesn’t have to be now. She may be a knight by title but that doesn’t mean her dream ends here
While you’re off exploring the vast horizons of the world she’ll be off doing what she believes is right. From stabilizing the Galetea household, to aiding in the renovation for Faerghus. Just because the war is over doesn’t mean her job is
When you both do decide to settle down she’ll be genuinely happy. It will be when you both take time for yourselves, and can maybe not almost get killed every day 
 Annette will probably shed a few tears post-confession, so be prepared. These are tears of happiness though. You do care about her, and you do want to stay with her even if it is not how she pictured it 
It may not be a proposal, but maybe one day???
“R-really? You mean it?” She’d say when you assure her that you share her feelings, but want to take things slow
She might playfully slap you when you express your views of holding her back
Yes she has potential but so do you. Never EVER think that she wants anyone else, or that she views you as baggage 
No matter where you go, what you do, or whatever happens in the world: Annette will always be in contact. She’ll send letters if you’re far, visit if you’re near, and don’t you ever forget it.
“Hello! I hope that you’re safe and eating well! I miss you so much-” Most letters start like this. She’s a worry-wart. 
Mercedes is a well-rounded person. Due to this she’ll most likely know how you feel before you even say anything. It’s a gift I tell you
Out of all the Lion’s she’ll be the one to suggest a courtship and time apart instead of you. She doesn’t expect a proposal, but will still express her feelings 
She has her own goals to fulfill now that the main fighting is over. While she’s in good health she wants to help people, so it doesn’t rub her wrong if you want to leave 
“Promise me to take care of yourself, okay” despite this she will always worry 
A proper courtship is in order for you two. She’ll bake you sweets, and you’ll prep the tea. When you both have downtime it’s like magic. Nothing beats getting to know each other without tomorrow’s battle hanging over your heads 
Just...don’t entirely leave. Even if you both are waiting it’s important to ensure each other feels validated. That goes for all relationships, not just yours with Mercedes 
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