#(this and that 'casework?' 'touche' moment from like 2 episodes ago they make me so. bruno really had his plausible deniability down pat
lisbonsteresa · 2 years
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i'm so normal about them
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pinkbutterfly84 · 5 years
Scorpion Season 3
I have read several posts that Toby is really irritating in this season I have never seen it before but will be keeping an eye out. Interested to see how Happy explains herself and how Toby reacts....
3.01 - Toby dealing with it in a typical genius way practically looking for her husband
Poor Toby he looks so hurt when Happy walks through the door
For him to say he doesn't trust her must of really hurt Happy. I still dont get why she cant tell him what's going on he looks in so much pain. The only time I dont like Happys actions.
We heard Happy tell Toby she loves him for the first time, presume it has been said behind closed doors but nice to hear she does love him
Walter knows who Happy is married too! Has he kept it a secret all this time thats gonna really hurt Toby's feelings.
Toby is still on point with his behavioural skills
I know that they are dealing with a lot but Happy really needs to be more understanding of Toby and tolerant of his questions she must know what he is like and how he wont stop until he finds the truth
Toby telling Happy he is hurt and angry and she offers no source of comfort I think she finds it easy to switch from work Happy to home Happy and now she is completely focused on work
She says Toby has her heart and soul which is romantic but I'm sure that is not what Toby is feeling - Happy still has some work to do with herself but she has come so far and Toby really should remember that
Toby says he is resinding his proposal but Happy doesn't want that Toby us lashing out in anger Happy looks so hurt
Happy is retreating into her hard shell - maybe she is expecting Toby to break up with her or she feels guilty either way she is acting slightly like the beginning of season 1
Can I just point out Toby may of hit the bottle understandably but he didnt gamble even in his darkest moment his promise to Happy still means something and he didnt want to hurt or disappoint her
Favourite quote- 1. I am married 2. I didn't delete anything 3 I dont like t you 4. I'm in love with you
Favourite scene- it's not a favourite scene because it's so heart breaking but Happy and Toby talking for the first time
3.02 continuation from last episode
Happy still snapping at Toby it may be the next episode but still the after he found out
Toby maybe upset but he still worries for Happy when she is in the pipe with Paige
Favourite quote- you pretend you dont love Paige and I will pretend Happys not married to some yaho
You think the fish are farting away from the submarine
Favourite scene- the end scene Happy telling Toby they will be a family if two and eating there tea together there is hope
3.03 - not much quintis to evaluate...... Toby is meditating not sure how productive it is
The question is how much are Toby and Happy hanging out, outside of the garage. He may be avoiding hounding her about it but has he forgiven her enough to spend time with her
I like Walter and Toby's relationship they both respect each and what they do
It's quite noticable in this episode how far apart Happy and Tiby are usually they work together, stand together even after the failed date now contact is limited
Favourite quote- some world class behaviourist like me would say this will drive you crazy
Favourite scene- my favourite scene is not because of the story but its Toby in his denim shirt looking beautiful ❤🔥❤
3.05 - oh no Collins a short cameo I hope!
Toby must be desperate to ask Collins for help just shows the extremes he will go to, to find the answers. Surly Happy should have told him by now. It shows just how much Toby loves Happy to stay with her with this huge secret between them
The U Dog need I say more........
Still a lot of distance between quintis and Happy berating Toby for talking to Collins when she is the one keeping the secret
Side note- this is a really important episode showing the true struggles of Autism something which many families deal with and not enough attention is made of it is written and played perfectly by all the writers and cast. Well done 👏👏👏
Happy showing a glimpse into her childhood is heartbreaking and gives an insight to why she can be closed off
I cant imagine how hurt Toby must be when he finds out it is his best friend Walter who Happy is married too. Why did Walter keep it a secret he could of told Toby years ago, whenvtgey guest got together or now, makes you understand why Walter was so against the relationship
Happy drops a bombshells........ I'm pregnant
What I would of loved to see is Toby and Happy conversation straight after the bombshell what did Toby say???
I hope she wasnt to marry Toby because she loves him not just because she is pregnant
Favourite quote- frustraters riddle solvers incorporated, you riddle I fiddle
Favourite scene- Toby finding out Walter is the husband
3.06 - glad got to see the meaningless wedding proves it was just for a green card
Toby is showing signs of jealousy and is obviously keen for them to get a divorce
Happy is being very hostile towards Toby I can however imagine Toby is being very full on with pregnancy and is probably worried about being a mother due to her childhood
Walter is being slightly selfish he should be doing whatever he can to make it up to Toby
Toby is being an arse in this episode I think he still has hostility built up in him and cant air his frustrations with Happy as he is over worried about her so takes it out on everyone else
I switch from being annoyed with Toby to feeling sorry for him in this episode
Happy wearing Toby's clothes gives me all sorts of feels!
Happys face is very Happy when she hears Toby's voice over the comms
Happy and Walter having to live together...... and Toby wanting to be with Happy so stays on the floor. This shows Happys love for Toby as she is willing to do something which makes her so uncomfortable and Toby is there to support her. I like to think that she isnt used to bring vulnerable with anyone else so lezbs towards toby in the night holding his hand or moving to the floor as she isnt used to sharing a bed with anyone but him
Favourite quote- who was your caseworker mr magoo
Perhaps I should wax my chest incase the milk comes
Favourite scene- Paige giving Toby advice first time you get to see a friendship between these two
Happy has always been a strong independent women I think having someone sharing her burdens is taking her some getting used to I hope she can learn to share her burdens with Toby
3.07 - l love this episode mostly because Toby looks fine in the overalls and slightly tanned!
Poor Happy she looks so uncomfortable the things she does for love
Happy looking after Ralph is funny she gets an insight of what its like to raise a child
I always like to see Toby in his medical element its when his character really shines
Toby phoning Happy because he knows she needs his support he does his best anticipating her needs
Toby made a rocking chair for Happy so sweet man of many talents
Favourite quote- maybe you could save that costume for the homeymoon
Favourite scene- Happy and Toby talking on the rocking chair both admitting their fears to each other is good progress
3.07 - this episode is funny at the beginning and ends on one of the most emotional scenes I've ever watched
Poor Ralph trying to get a sensible answer from geniuses
This episode touches on a couple of important issues 1. The importance of voting and the implications of voter fraud 2. Pregnancy loss
Happy and Toby seem more of kilter this episode working and talking together and back to shared looks
Is this the first compliment Happy has given Toby
Toby negotiating with the Chinese is a great scene only Toby could do this!
I watch the Happy Toby scene several times- hearing Happys voice crack is heart breaking she had come to terms with the pregnancy and wanted a family so bad
Toby looks destroyed between Happy's pain and his own he tries to comfort her with words but in the end its the action of still wanting to marry her even without the baby which shows her she can lean on him at this difficult time
I would like to think after this they leave and spend some quality time together comforting each other
I love how Toby finally understands and loves Happy enough to give her space and not force physical contact on her because it's not how she deals with lsin even though it's the one thing he needs and I love how Happy eventually learns into to Toby for comfort and provides him with what he needs even though it doesn't come naturally
Favourite quote- I screamed into that crap pile for 20 minutes
Speaking of the fetus I can't wait to meet us when is your overdue pre natal check up
Favourite scene- the end scene with Happy and Toby so superbly acted by Eddie and Jadyn you can feel the emotion and end with Happy finally agreeing to marrying Toby
3.08 -
As Toby and Happy stayed back at the garage I would like to of seen a bit more conversation over the false pregnancy it seems to have been glossed over when in real life this can effect couples for longer then a day or 2
Love how Happy wants to get married straight away she feels the need to secure her family
Toby wants a big wedding
Happy shows real anxiety thinking Toby is having second thoughts but Toby just wants to show of his 'babe' of a wife
Another way Happy shows her love for Toby by agreeing to a big wedding the one thing that makes her really uncomfortable
Favourite quote- my baby's got a heart of gold
Whats the scoop kitten
You're a softie - be glad I am because that is why your getting a bug wedding - really- if that grumpy can smile at his wedding maybe this grump can too
Favourite scene- each quintis scene they may only be short scenes but they really show there love for each other in their own unique ways
3.09 - the next few episodes lack quintis scenes many rumours why this is I think Toby and Happy are dealing with a lot out of work so use work times a chance to get some space and thinking time
Although they are not in many scenes the ones they are in show they are comfortable in their relationship
Favourite quote- Walter if my Turkey is not cooked in time your goose will be
Sweetheart you have some explaining to do
Grandmas a jail bird
Favourite scene- Toby getting pelted by golf balls is always funny
3.10- not much quintis in this. I have come to the conclusion this means that are settled into a relationship and comfortable with each other they simple exist together
Toby agreeing that he knows what it's like not to be a great guy with no direction before meeting a special women. I think the playboy life was a bit much and Happy obviously disagreed to. I hope she liked hearing Toby admit how she had changed him for the better
Favourite quote- I smell a rat a ripe raw rat
Favourite scene- no favourite scene but a nice episode I like that Ralph teaches veronica a valuable lesson
3.11 love this Christmas episode send favorite next to the one in season 2
Toby's jumper is horrific
I love that Toby is trying to make perfect Quintis memories for Happy trying to erase the memories of the past
Happy must really love toby dressing up in order to get Toby's present plus she knows him well enough to know she couldn't make him something without him knowing
Toby and his costume fetish poor Happy the things she must have to wear to get Toby's motor running
Love Toby and Happy snuggled up together I think Happy is trying to keep Toby Happy
Toby showing his immature side by pointing out Tim was photo shopped out of the picture
Happy is like a sister to Sly I like their relationship
Toby looks so happy that Happy loves her gift if a little hurt by her lack of thanks but her gift more then makes up for it
I would like to think they have there own Quintus Christmas at home after
Favourite quote- ok you heard my lady let's home alone their arses
I'm a pissed off ex navy seal and even I'm scared of her
Favourite scene- Happy and Toby exchanging gifts
3.12 - fantastic episode the team working well together
Toby is amazing in this episode what a doctor!
Ahhh Happy loves having Cabe around he is like a surrogate dad
Now Happy is with Toby her jokes and sarcasm are flowing
Toby is always confident to tell Happy how he feels or how hot she looks no matter who is with them
Everyone has faith in Toby no jokes today
Quintis work so well together with Toby there Happy can overcome her fear of blood. Toby needs Happy and he knows how hard it is for her to deal with blood. There he is with his soft voice he uses just with her
I would of liked to have seen Happy tell Toby how amazing he did
Toby looks like he has had a rough day looked like he was going to throw up at one point, it must be very hard and emotional to work on your friend/father figure. I hope he manages to unload and Happy provides support to him when they get home
Favourite quote- winner winner fermented fish dinner
Isn't that the cutie who's hot for your bootie
Sly I'm wearing Cabe on me like a sock puppet sterile went along time ago
You kiss me with that mouth
Hey, I'm really proud of you
So many great funny quotes in a tense episode
Favourite scene- any scene where Toby is being a doc he really is amazing
3.13 - this episode shows the light hearted quintis its nice to see them back to normal
Walter and his conch is a recipe for disaster
The thought of them both up all night discussing wedding venues is too much I love to imagine at home Quintis
Happy is particularly touching in this episode hold Toby's hand and she is the one instigating looking at the winery as a wedding venue
Toby is pissed how funny 🍷🍷
Cute quintis kiss Happy pulling Toby towards her
They work completely in sync with each other
Walter using his 197 IQ to override everyone's opinions
Happy actually chooses a wedding venue then Toby admits he is in debt love he expects Happy to overreact yet..... she is also in debt doesn't blow up at Toby such growth
They are both just desperate to get married dont care where. Happy has really developed emotionally she is not afraid of bring with Toby now and is actively wanting her family
Favourite quote- my opponent is a dork I win
Why dont we roam around the grounds there could be a sweet spot to tie the knot
You drive I'm pickled
Favourite scene- quintis at the winery and quintis talking wedding venues
3.14 - I think ive said this for the last few episodes but I love how easy their relationship is at the moment gentle banter, loving looks and advice they are in a great place
Love that even before they were together they had their own secret projects likd the Waltercon something they had just between the 2 of them
Both Toby and Happy know and are open about Happy bring able to deal with Walter emotionally or not as the case may be
Favourite quote- you will be the first politician taken down by a never had sex tape
I dont have time to babysit that emotional stunted genius
Favourite scene- Happy and Toby showing paige the Waltercon
3 15 - perfect Toby episode funny Toby moments plus heartfelt Quintis moments
Toby fulfilling a childhood fantasy of being a pirate I think he had to he fo grown up as a child with his parents that he never got the chance to play smart being a pirate
Toby getting bored is funny shows how a genius mind needs to be kept active
Toby being the hero is very rarely seen, seeing him jump to rescue Toby is great to see even with a cheese knife in his mouth
Happy has grown and is now more comfortable in airing her concerns and fears with Toby.
She loves him so much that she fears that he will get bored with her Toby needs to reassure her how much she means to him everyone else knows his love for her but her past still makes her worry
Favourite quote- you are the treasure I've been searching for my whole life
Toby hold onto your frilly hat I see something coming into view
Favourite scene- Happy showing her fears that Toby will get bored with her
3.16 - this episode shows just because quintis arnt together doesn't mean they dont have each others backs.
The emotion Happy shows in this episode just goes to show the depth of Jadyns acting ability she really nails these scenes
Toby looks good in any type of hat 🧢
Toby knows Happy needs a bit of space before ge goes too her so her comforts Cabe before going to provide Happy with the comfort and support she needs
Favourite quote- that is not a coat hook it is a coat rook
Love bug we'll check in with you later, Paige it's time to carbo load
Look what I learned from my main squeeze
Favourite scene- Happy watching her dad go to prison such raw emotion
3.17 - so much about this episode I love one of the best quintis episodes so far
Happy is now so comfortable in her relationship that she openly displays affection by resting her feet on Toby may not seem like a big deal for for Happy this is huge
Toby makes a great surrogate uncle always providing Ralph with great advice even when it's hard to hear
Toby is so worried about Happy and feeling helpless as he cant be there with her
Another superb acting job by Jadyn the emotion she puts in is heart wrenching
Happys biggest fear is Toby rejecting her I love that Toby got to realise this and it proves how much she does love him and she admits she is perfect for Toby
God that speech from Toby melts me everytime his soft voice his love for Happy is probably my favourite scene of all seasons so far
Happy sees Toby in front of her he is her security and what age needs
Favourite quote- my biggest regret in life is that we didnt meet when we were 8 cause I would have fallen in love with you from that moment, the truth is you've never been alone my love for you has always been there it just took a while for our paths to cross so I could share it with you and underneath all those neuro toxins in your head you know I'm right. You have nothing to be scared of ever
Favourite scene- Toby talking Happy out of her hallucination
3.18 - now Happy has a family and lover she is branching he friendship circle even if it is online
Toby is very concerned when Hsppy goes off on her own
My question is who does Hsppy call Walter or Toby - I like to think its Toby hes always the one she turns too
Toby knows this is something Happy needs to manage so he supports her without taking control
l love how Happy calls on Toby everytime she is worried about Ava and how Toby calls Happy out for her lack of friends
Favourite quote- do you know how long it's been since I slept, I need my jammies
You must be Walter, Happy said you were a wackadoodle
Favourite scene- opening scene especially when Happy throws the wrench
3.20 - a great quintis episode which is funny yet shows their love for each other
Seeing them in therapy is a great step and the fact Happy initiated it shows how much Toby means to her and in Toby's eyes she can do no wrong
Watching Tobh attract the monkey always makes me giggle how Eddie Kaye Thomas did this without falling apart is beyond me. Always great acting whether funny or serious
Although Happy is perceived as slightly mean in this episode if you think of all the other episodes she is never this mean and he loves it anyway her sarcasm and his immaturity are part of what attracts them to each other
Toby in his denim shirt 🔥🔥
Favourite quote- she's my spicy Asian noodle
Wow nobody looks good in that hat
The hat and I are one
Whats Toby talking about - a pile of crap - doesn't he always
Favourite scene- Happy and Toby in therapy
3.21 - nice to see Happy involved in wedding prep even if its begrudgingly
Happy and Toby working in sync together show that he helps Happy with mechanical projects in the garage and in the field. Happy never would of allowed anyone to help her mechanical so she now must trust Toby
Happy struggles knowing his to deal with a girl friend like Paige she obviously hasn't had any before Paige giving her a valuable lesson in friendship
Poor Toby having to electrocut Happy even with her permission, knowing you are causing pain to the person you love cant be easy
He looks so concerned for Happy when he pulls them off the rope
Hsppy doesn't want to let Toby down I love how she looks at him with pure love
Favourite quote- get ready for Sly heartbreak in 3 2 1
Man they sound like they've been married for years
You cant get rid of me that easily Quinn
Favourite scene- Paige and Happy talking in the ambulance it truly shows Happys trud feelings and worries about the wedding but solidifies her feelings are strong for Toby
3.22 - I don do wonder how much they pay Eddie kaye thomas as he always has to do things that make him look stupid
Happy Quinn is at a spa a sight no one would ever have predicted
Oh Walter where is your romance
Even though Happy tells Toby and Walter to shut it over the Astriod / Meteor debate she continues to call it a meteor showing her alliance with Toby
Favourite quote - Walter weddings are about love and magic and hope.
Well I would love to hope they buck the trend, but the best approach is preparation and magic is nonsense.
Why does Superfun guy have a helicopter when he can fly?
Its for when he gets tired
Favourite scene- Quintis at the Spa - completely out of character yet they seem so at ease
3.23 - quintis on batchelor parties this I would love too see
Happy struggling to adjust to Toby moving in with her. You don't see Quintis disagreeing often to reassuring to see it does happen as with every norms couple
Happy worrying about Toby is always great to see as its usually the other way round
Happy doesn't deny having sexy dreams about Toby!
Happy and Toby are willing to do what they can to make there relationship work counselling, making room for each others things
Favourite quote- she's hotter then a street corner Rolex
I kissed paige on the rocket - you should of kissed her on the mouth
Maybe you had a sexy dream - gross - there's nothing gross about them there perfectly normally Happy has them about me all the time ' gross
Favourite scene- Happy giving Toby the framed picture all these scenes over this half of the season shows how much she loves him in her own unique way
3.24 - this episode ❤❤❤❤❤
When I first watched it I was confused as the episode went on why are they working on their wedding day but as I rewatched it I realised how completely Quintis the episode is a perfect nod to an amazingly unique relationship
Toby couldn't comprehend Happy looking at Ryan Gosling only the suit
Happy getting bolshy at Walter with the fear he will screw up her wedding day for all her hard shell exterior she wants the perfect wedding
Happy not keen on flowery wedding vows Toby knows this and Happy knows Toby is the one for words
They are both devested thecweddingvis seemingly cancelled
Best thing Paige has done in all the episodes impromptu wedding!
Both Toby and Happy stay true to themselves Happy in a simple dress understated hair and make up and black boots! Toby in his American Pie tux and converse trainers
Tobya face when Happy walks down the alse stunned, in love, in awe that one look says it all every girl dreams of finding someone to look at them the way Toby looks at Happy
At crunch time all Toby can say is I love you he is actually speechless
Happys vows are beautiful honest and very Happy they blow Toby away
Does anyone else notice its Happy who is leading the way very quick to say I Do and goes to kiss Toby as soon as they are pronounced husband and wife
I love Eddie kaye thomas dance moves
The only thing I dont like about this episode is the writers chose this episode to put Paige and Walter together
Happy has secrets..........
Favourite quote- happy saw Ryan duckling wearing a tux like that in a movie poster
Its Gosling and she lingered, she likes the threads
You ever think she lingered on Gosling
Favourite scene- wedding vows don't need to say anymore
3.25 / 3 26- highly tense episode love seeing Quintis transition to husband and wife
2nd time we actually hear the words I Love You from Happy
Loving Toby's medical abilities in this episode
Happy has more secrets not as big as being married to Walter but she needs to start opening up to Toby
Poor Toby learning lots of new facts about the love if his life
Working together as a great team as always Toby has obviously been watching Happy work as he is getting better at engineering work. Happy thinking like a doc as well
Its nice to see Toby can be annoyed with Happy its usually the other way round
Love Happy speech she doesnt show her love often but when she does its honest and real. Her marriage to Toby means a lot to her and she realises that her past has lead her to her future
Favourite quote- please remain in your seats until the captain turns off the crap your pants sign
Who's Jake Gylinhall is he related to that Gilligan fellow
Oh so my physic needs some fine tuning, it's not Gylinhall enough for you
Sorry about that we were just looking to grab a couple of coconuts - me too
Favourite scene- Happy telling Toby outfit all the things she's been or will ever be, being his wife is her favourite
Happy and Toby having some private time and Ralph and Cabe catching them
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thorne93 · 6 years
Curious Conundrum (Part 3)
Prompt: You’re John Watson’s sister. One day you decide to visit your brother for lunch, only to meet the infamous Mr. Holmes…
Word Count: 2430
Warnings: language, flirtation, sexual innuendos (maybe? idfk), murder/crime/case related stuff, angst…
Notes: Beta’d by @carryonmyswansong Not only did she beta, but I literally couldn’t have written half these scenes without her help. She contributed majorly, even wrote some parts of scenes. I am forever in her debt.
Also, this starts AFTER Season 2, episode 1. I don’t follow all the episodes, but it does follow the timeline and hit some major events : )
Part 1 | Part 2 | 
One night you had an exceptionally difficult case and you decided you needed a second pair of eyes - a first for you. An excuse to go see the greatest detective in the world, you decided to take it, and you took your case files to their apartment to work. As far as you knew, neither of them were on a case of their own, so you didn’t think they’d mind and it would occupy Sherlock's mind - something he always desperately needed.
Arriving, you found John was out running errands. Which left you and Sherlock alone to go over the case. He practically ripped the documents from your hands.
“Are you hungry?” you asked, carrying grocery bags to the kitchen. “I think you only have a pair of eyes and a hand in your fridge, right?”
“No, the eyes served their purpose. It’s only a left hand and a scalp now,” Sherlock corrected from the other room as he pinned up documents and photographs.
You laughed. “Well I’m making some dinner, you want some?”
“Uh...sure, I suppose,” he said hesitantly. You smiled at his tone. You worked on cooking while he focused on the case. The two of you took a break to eat, but you were forced to eat in the living room because he had all of his experimental gear all over the table.
Just then, John entered the flat.
“Oh, hello,” he greeted, his eyes going between you two. “How is your case?” he asked you.
You shrugged. “I can’t make heads or tales of it. I’m giving up for now.”
“Giving up? The man is on trial tomorrow for a life sentence,” John stressed. “You realize you’re his only hope at getting away, right? Does that matter to you?”
“No,” you answered simply. This caught Sherlock’s attention. He had stopped moving his pencil, but was pretending to continue thinking of notes to write down, but his falsehood hadn’t escaped your eye.  
“No? You’re okay with the fact that if you don’t figure out this case and prove his innocence, his life will effectively end?” he demanded as he towered over you, disbelief in his voice.
“You say that as if it’s a surprise to you,” you noted.
“It is! I thought we were raised to care for people. You know, worry if someone’s life is in our hands.”
“Don’t be so dramatic, doctor,” you moaned. “A life will never be in my hands, that’s your area of expertise. It’s not up to me to worry about him. It’s up to me to solve the case.”
“And solving the case helps your conscience, does it?” he demanded.
“Conscience? No. I could care less about that. What does it matter if I care about my defendant or not? Will it help save him?”
“No, it won’t. So before you give me a ethics lecture, John, remember that whether or not I give a damn about my defendant, it won’t save his life. Solving the case will.”
“Jesus, she’s just like you,” John noted with irritation as he turned toward Sherlock. Sherlock made no comment though, he simply looked at his flatmate before John stormed into the kitchen.
“Keen observation,” Sherlock quietly noted.
You frowned for a moment before inquiring, “What’s that?”
“The defendant. You’re right. Solving the case will save him, not caring for him. Typically when I tell people that, they regard me as inhuman.”
“Emotions will only cloud my judgement, thinking, and rationalization,” you informed with a shrug.
“Couldn’t have said it better myself,” he noted.
A moment passed before you started laughing and said, “Yes you could’ve.”
He laughed with you and said, “Yes, I could have.” His laugh and smile were more than contagious and you slightly surprised yourself by wanting to drink him and the sound in.
It’d become a habit of yours to be around John and Sherlock. More often than not, you were taking your casework to their apartment rather than yours. You liked the company, and they liked the extra set of eyes when it came to their cases. Most of the time you made them dinner, giving Mrs. Hudson a bit of a break.
It hadn’t gone unnoticed by you that Sherlock seemed impressed by your ability to deduce things such as him. You were nowhere near the level of expert deduction that he was, but you could tell when the defendants or witnesses were lying and that was half the battle. The other half was figuring out just how they were lying - did they do it? Were they an accessory? Most of it was picked up through watching them and listening to them.
John was out one evening, on a date no doubt, and you were at their apartment, bored, waiting for them to return. Something caught your eye near the back corner of the room, so you got up and went over. Inspecting it, you saw that it was a violin. You knew John didn’t play...so this had to be Sherlock’s. Funny, John never mentioned him a violinist.
With a nostalgic smile, you placed the instrument on your shoulder and picked up the bow, hoping it had enough rosin on it. You placed the bow on the strings, placed your finger over the notes, and drew the bow downwards, then upwards, getting lost in a melody you used to play long ago. You continued to play until the song ended and you were looking out the window onto the street below, a content sigh escaping you.
“I didn’t know you played,” Sherlock mused from behind you in the doorway of the kitchen.
You spun, a little embarrassed he’d heard you. You assumed he was out on the town as well.
“I..uh...used to,” you informed. “Sorry to have used your violin. I just...couldn’t resist. It’d been so long since I played and I miss it so much.” You held the delicate wooden object in your hand, admiring it, and thinking of its owner.
“No need to apologize,” he noted quietly as he walked across the room. “Do you mind?” he asked as he outstretched his hand in his silk robe. Out of everything he ever wore, his dark purple dress shirt, black pants, and long coat were by far your favorite. But something about him traipsing around in his pajamas and silk robe was both tantalizing and adorable. That he could be so comfortable as to do that around you made you feel...special somehow.
“Not at all,” you said, handing him his instrument.
“I find playing helps me think,” he noted.
“I find it just the opposite - an escape from the clamor in my head,” you commented as you sat down on the couch.
A tiny smirk touched his face as he turned to look out the window and began playing. It was absolutely beautiful, but it didn’t sound familiar.
“That was wonderful. Who was that?” you inquired, leaning forward.
“Me,” he said, no trace of humility in his low voice.
“You’re not exactly humble, are you?” you commented.
“Why should I be?”
A laugh escaped you as you stared at him. He really was a unique piece of work.
“Because you’ve been wrong before,” you offered. “How can you remain so confident if you’ve had moments you’ve been wrong?”
“Do you win all of your cases?”
“Then why don’t you quit, clearly you aren’t cut out for it,” he snapped, his eyes going to you, his point lingering in his eyes.
Your eyes cast down to the floor. “Sherlock, I didn’t mean anything by it. You’re a wonderful detective, you save lives and help put away awful people. I simply meant some humility might work in your favor once in a while.”
“The occasion hasn’t shown itself yet,” he remarked as he continued to write on composition paper.
You sighed as you looked around the room. “Well, I thought John might be back sooner,” you confessed. “Want to go grab dinner?” you proposed.
Sherlock made a strange face but then he finally looked up at you and said, “Yes, I would.”
The two of you left the apartment in the chilly air of the evening and made your way to a restaurant Sherlock highly recommended. According to him, the meal was free of charge, compliments of the restaurant.
Once the two of you got settle in, you realized there was something you’d been meaning to tell him since you’d met.
“I want to thank you,” you started and his eyes drifted from the large dining area to focus on you.
“For what? I told you the meal is free,” he said, almost as if he were irritated you’d forgot. Most people would probably get frustrated with his quirks like that, but it made you laugh.
You shook your head and waved your hand, quietly laughing. “You didn’t let me finish. I meant thank you for taking in John.”
He nodded slightly before frowning and narrowing his gaze on you. “Ah, yes, and why exactly does that merit a thank you?”
You shrugged. “He was so...lost and depressed before. So alone. Living with you and working with you gives him purpose. Not to mention getting him to stop pretending he had a limp.”
“You knew about the psychosomatic limp?”
“Of course. I knew where he got hit and how. None of his injuries warranted anything permanent, not to mention he never remembered a chair. That man could stand for hours without so much as a moan of discomfort. Now you tell me, what person with a limp leg does that?” you asked before sipping your water.
“If you knew, why didn’t you convince him?”
“Another thing to thank you for, you seem to be the only one who can get him to do something he should be doing,” you confessed.
“Speaking of something you should be doing. John told me he had no close family in the area he could stay with, hence the reason he moved in with me. Why did he lie?”
“He didn’t lie,” you softly corrected. “I didn’t live in London until recently. I was working in Scotland for a long time. I only moved back to London a few months after you two moved in together. The place I rented is small and wouldn’t fit John.”
“No, maybe not now, but if the two of you split the difference, went halves like he and I, you could, so tell me, why not share a flat together?”
You weren’t sure how to answer his question at first, wondering if you were a guilty party to play in John’s depression.
“John and I grew up together, lived in the same house for years. He’s gone to war, I’ve gone to the courtroom.”
“You’re saying you’re too different.”
“I’m saying John deserves his space...he deserves you, he deserves someone who can get him out of his funk and trying to listen to his little sister isn’t something John is willing to do.”
“I see…” he mused.
The rest of the evening went on with you two discussing classical and modern music, a few books here and there, and people watching. It absolutely fascinated you how good Sherlock was with completely telling someone's life story from how they held their fork, to their watch, to the way their foot tapped. You were good, pretty good, but not that good.
Sherlock liked having someone entertain his genius. Typically people hated him for it, but not you. You embraced it, you encouraged it, and he felt...happy about this, prompting many laughs to erupt between you two as you discussed the strangers’ lives.
The two of you left the restaurant, walking all the way back home, forgoing the cab. The quiet was rather nice, and you could tell Sherlock wanted to think. It was late when you two came into the flat, the clamor of the door opening and closing and you two making your way in, waking John.
Your brother flicked on the living room light, eyeing you two with anger. “Do you know what bloody time it is?”
You grabbed your phone. “1:13.”
“I didn’t mean it literally, Y/N,” he stated with frustration. “Where were you two?”
“Out to dinner,” Sherlock explained easily and you shot a look at him, smiling at his backside as he went over to the bookcase.
John was about to lay in to you two before you asked, “How was the date?”
John’s face softened slightly and he went into loads of detail. By the time he was finished, it was a little over half past 1.
“Oh, shoot, I should be going. It’s so late and I have a lot of work to do tomorrow. Thanks for dinner, Sherlock,” you said sweetly as you were about to leave.
“Wait!” Sherlock called. “It’s too late for you to be traveling the streets. You should just stay here.”
“Sherlock’s right. I don’t want you out on the streets this time of night. Too many weirdos.”
“John, we were just out on the street,” you reminded, gesturing between you and Sherlock.
“Precisely my point,” he teased with a wink and you shook your head and laughed.
“Well what do you suppose I do?”
“You can have my room,” Sherlock said. “I suspect I’ll be up all night anyway, discussing and researching that theory we talked about. In any case, I can take the couch if need be.”
“Oh that’s really not necessary, Sherlock. I don’t want to deprive you of your own bed.”
“Nonsense. I won’t be using it, and you need to sleep,” he said with a quick wide smile.
You mulled it over, looking to John who simply gave you a stern look. “Alright, I suppose I can stay.”
“Excellent. Let me show you to your room,” Sherlock stated as he shut a book and took off into the kitchen, then down the hall, where you followed him. He opened the door to a cozy room and you grinned, it was exactly what you expected of him. “So the bed is all made, sheets are clean. If you need more blankets, they’re in the trunk here,” he stated, pointing to the trunk at the foot of his bed. “And if you need me…” he informed, his sentence trailing as he eyed you up and down. “Uh, if you need me, I’ll be out in the living room.”
You smiled sweetly at him and thanked him again for the bed.
“Anything for your comfort,” he softly said before wishing you a goodnight and leaving.
Forever Tag:
CC tag: @disneyoncerlover815
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