#which is a Vibe all on its own - i know i keep repeating myself (hey to the like 5 people reading all my tags falksjd) but
lisbonsteresa · 2 years
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i'm so normal about them
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kemafili · 2 years
hi, i've been studying some of your sketches and i was wondering if you had any advice for drawing facial features? :> i know that's extremely broad but what i mean is, in a lot of your drawings, especially those where you're referencing actors (such as your drawings of ds9 characters and the iasip cast) you manage to stylize and exaggerate their features in a way that makes each individual look unique while still remaining extremely recognizable. especially for your drawings of mac, frank and dee, you've broken them down into simple shapes while perfectly maintaining their identities
do you have a process for that? i've been trying to push faces more and i've been referencing actors myself, but i have a hard time translating the shapes of the face and eyes into my own art, as well as reproducing it at different angles... thanks for your time
Hi! Thank you for such lovely words! My answer would seem very unprofessional since, if im being honest if im being raw and real right now i truly dont know exactly how i take the elements to make each of them unique, if i say what really REALLY helps me get them is knowing the character very well, once i know their personality its easier to choose one of the 3 mains shapes i enjoy which i always rely to when designing, circle, square and triangle, depending on which shape i choose for the character i will try and base nearly every shape possible surrounding that, this is mainly to keep in mind that i also dont design one character at the time, other thing that really helps me is comparing! If i design a bunch of characters like i did with sunny and ds9, i always make sure to go back to the other designs to see that i am not repeating a feature too many times, it ends up making me have to use different ways to convey a characters soul through it that really differs from other charas. I would say the 3 shapes is what helps me the most, knowing the character personality and other thing is just simply breaking down their features in comparison to others, but to be comepelty naked with you rn, sometimes i dont even look at references because if i have to REAAAAALLY simplify a character, i will go purely by vibe (example was the Damar and Kira drawings, i didnt used any references at all because i thought id over do it finding every single detail they have to implement), if a characters specifics stick with you purely by memory, then it totally means that it identifies them! Also just to appear more visual i will add the 3 examples you offered and how i visually see them different from each other when i drew them
Frank - circle
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Dee - triangle
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Mac - square
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Overall, id say have fun with it! Dont stick too much on ALL their features, sometimes choosing main characteristics makes them pop instead of trying to imitate all their facial structure, i always put too much detail on their eyes, mouth and wrinkles, but what i truly enjoy the most that makes me feel that makes every face different is their nose! So just stretch them as much as you can until you go “hey , these people are different!”
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gb-patch · 3 years
Ask Answers: August 8th
Well, doing big posts all together worked for a while but lately I’ve been putting it off because it takes a long time to get them done. I think I’m gonna try switching back to answering asks whenever I can fit it in and posting them one at a time instead of waiting until I’ve filled out one of these major collections.
But for now, here’s more ask answers! Thank you for the questions and for all the kind words along with them ^^.
Hello!! I'm here to ask if its possible to get  the game and its dlcs on steam and play it on android?
I’m afraid not. Steam doesn’t have Android builds on their own site and Steam is not cool with keys for other sites being given out for Steam purchases, so you don’t get the Itch version from buying on Steam.
Hello! Sorry to bother you but, I had a question, if we buy the Game on itchio do we get steam keys or would we need to purchase it twice? 
You would have to buy it twice if you want it in both places, I’m sorry. To repeat myself a little, Steam doesn’t like the key trading thing. Itch may support giving keys for another site, but the reverse isn’t doable with Steam and Steam doesn’t even really want you to get a Steam key for buying somewhere else either. So we just don’t mess around with that.
hey, sorry if this is frequently asked, but is step 4 free dlc or paid for? some of your sources are contradicting each other. 
It’s free! There’s a paid wedding DLC, but Step 4 itself is entirely unpaid.
Hello! I just had a quick question, for the Baxter and Derek DLC's will we be able to confess our feelings to them or let them confess to MC? or will it only be one way? (they confess to MC)
Both type of options will be available!
Hey there! I wanted to ask whether or not the Derek DLC is still on track to be released in August since on the steam discussion board it says it will be released mid 2021. I totally understand if it isn't, I'm just really looking forward to it! If you answer then ty! And keep up the amazing work :D 
It’s not, aha. Unfortunately, 2021 wasn’t easier than 2020 as we hoped so things are still slower than planned. It’ll come out late 2021 or early 2022.
Hi! Firstly I just want to say that I LOVE Our Life. I have played a bit of similar games but this one instantly wins for the best one! Everything about it is amazing! I just wanted to ask if Derek would ever lose feelings for MC, like if they make the deal and then MC gets with Cove would he move on? and even if you don't, after "losing contact" would his feeling fade or would he still like MC? 
If you don’t really keep in touch with him and clearly move on with your life, Derek will too and he’ll be over it. But if you are still close as best as you can be, he’ll still think the MC is special. Though, he’ll always support your relationship with someone else if that’s what’ll make you happy.
Hello! Sorry if you've answered this before but: 'How's Lee related to us? Though which momma? And does she share our player-chosen last names? Also, do you know if Noelani took Pam's last name or did it happen the other way round? 
She’s related to Pamela and Pamela’s last name is the one they use, so the MC has the same last name as Lee.
Will we be able to choose which (they or he) we tend to call Qiu by more often, or will it randomly change depending on the moment? 
Qiu knows which pronoun they’re comfortable with at a time and you’ll call them what they’re happy with. And it doesn’t change between lines, it takes multiple scenes or even full Steps for it to switch. So for extended periods Qiu will be totally a guy or fully agender.
Will Step 4 of OL2 have moments?
It’ll be an epilogue like it is in OL1, so it won’t have a bunch of different Moments.
Hello! Just a quick question, is Sunset bird from OL1 based on a real location? If so what's it called? I wanna visit it +_+
ps i love your games so much <3
It isn’t based on one specific town you can go to, but there are a lot of little coastal towns in Cali that have a similar vibe!
Heyaaa ( I hope you're all well ), umm… it might seem kinda stupid to ask but did Patreon members can have a key for the dlc's ( all the steps-released dlc ) even if they became a member this month or later ? (me? saying this cuz it's my case? maybe ;-;), and once again thanks for absolutely all the amazing works on all the games ! u-u 
You wouldn’t get the DLCs for backing there. The Patreon is for extra bonus content/early access, rather than being a storefront to purchase the normal DLCs. Rarely we give them out as a side gift, but it hardly happens and if what you want is the DLCs it’s best to ignore the Patreon and  buy keys for those directly from Itch or Steam. I’m sorry for the confusion.
Hey y'all, love what youre doing w/Terry. Trans rep outside of player customization is so rare and important to see more of so thank you so much. I do have a question and its that does he have a canon sexuality? I know Miranda was said to be straight ace but I dont believe anything was stated for Terry probably because he wasnt revealed to be a guy which changes things. Im also curious if well get answers on how long hes liked Miranda since he may have liked her in step 3 before she liked him 
Terry likes women and Randy likes men! And he did like Miranda back in Step 3.
Will the Wedding Dlc release at the same time as Step 4? 
They’ll come out separately with Step 4 releasing first.
I really love Our Life so much! I've spent over 20hours playing it even though I only got it a week ago! I was wondering if I could make a fangame for Our Life with a different love interest but same plot. Next-door neighbors romance, multiple steps, etc? I'll probably make it on Google Slides though- 
Sure! I hope you have fun with it and I’m glad you love the game.
How does Cove feel about poly relationships? 
He’s got nothing against them for the people they work for, but he’s 100% monogamous and would only be comfortable with a partner who was willing to be monogamous with him.
Idk if this has been answered before but will Step 4 include the option to advance your feelings towards Cove? 
Yep, you’ll be able to determine your feelings and what your relationship is.
In step 4 will there be a chosen to say we live with Cove even as just friends? 
Yeah, you can choose to live with Cove and that can be done when you’re friends.
I just played the game with the MC and Cove being best friends and omg it’s still so damn cute like the wholesomeness of it all is too much for my heart I swear ^.^  Now with that all said I was wondering can we still marry Cove? if we only love him as a friend like let’s say we’ve made deal with him similar to the one we can make with Derek because let’s real no one could compete with what the MC and Cove have even if they aren’t in love. 
It’s great to hear you enjoyed the friendship story! You can live with Cove, but you can’t marry him platonically. Cove has familial affection for the MC if they’re best-est friends. He wouldn’t think to marry someone he loves like family and even grew up with as though they truly were siblings.
Are you still going to be making a DLC for XOBD? :] 
Yes! We’re slowing adding voiced lines and fixing errors.
It makes me laugh that Shiloh's last name is Fields because that's what I put as my last name! So in Our Life when he talked about "Ms. Fields" picking him up I was extremely confused, lol. That dude mimics personalities so much that he stole my surname!
Oh, wow, that’s a very funny coincidence, haha.
hi !! i cant seem to be able to get the scene where mc is able to propose to cove despite being at the 'love' stage and telling him i'd want to get married, are there any other details that im missing out on? the options just dont appear at the end... 
Maybe you missed telling Cove you were in love with him even if you mentioned wanting to get married or you might’ve accidentally said earlier in the game that you don’t want to progress your relationship further with Cove. We haven’t removed them, so you can get the scene again. It’s just kind of easy to miss since there’s multiple requirements. You can read a little guide in the FAQ.
wait what di you need to do to be able to propose to cove? I've been trying but haven't had much luck 
You can check out the FAQ linked above!
does cove only develop a crush on the mc if the mc is also at crush/in love with him? 
Technically, yes. We treat the non-romantic relationship options as truly non-romantic since we don’t want to bait and switch people. But there’s nothing wrong with headcanoning that Cove does have feelings developing for the MC even before the MC has.
Is there a way to make/allow Lee and Baxter to date?
No, they just don’t have enough time together.
We also got a group of asks related to Tamarack in OL2, but I’m afraid the way they talked about people with larger bodies made me not want to post their words, even if the person didn’t say they’re trying to be hurtful. I will separate out the core question and answer it though, so people can know that info.
Does Tamarack lose weight in later Steps?
No, she doesn’t. As for the other questions included, to be honest, I don’t have to explain/defend having romance options of different sizes. I’m sorry if you’re dealing with unhappiness that’s connected to body image, if that’s where the negative emotions are coming from, but even so I can’t meet you on that level and pretend it’s a problem that needs an answer. A girl who simply isn’t thin being a main love interest is just not an unreasonable concept. Also, Tamarack isn’t a lesbian. Yes, she can date a female MC, but that doesn’t undo her actual sexuality, so I’m not sure where that one part at the end was coming from.
I wonder... can we "fight" with Qiu over leader status? 👀
Not really, haha. No matter how cool your MC is, they’re never gonna replace Qiu for the other kids around. So you can either partner up with him, follow him too, or not be a part of all that group politics stuff.
So when I play the game, sometimes I mentally call Cove “Covie/Covey” and that made me wonder, how does Cove feel about being nicknamed? Not like Romeo/Space Cadet/etc. but like pet names relating to his actual name
It’d depend on his age, personality, and your relationship with him! When he’s younger he’d probably be embarrassed, when he was grown he’d probably be more casual or happy about it.
will you be able to date baxter in step 3 while at crush with cove (but not dating him ofc) sorry if this has been asked already. i really love baxters step 4 design btw!! 
Yeah, you can be crushing on Cove and date Baxter if you weren’t already dating Cove. You just can’t be truly in love with Cove and then switch to Baxter.
I just got my friend into our life, and they adore shiloh and derek sooo will there be more of them in the second game? 
I’m afraid not. But you can see plenty more of Shiloh in XOXO Droplets/XOXO Blood Droplets, haha.
I see you haven't gotten any xoxo droplets asks recently but I'm still obsessed with these boys!! I was just wondering if Nate would curse under any circumstance? 
Yeah, Nate does use certain swear words (damn, hell, bastard) on very rare occasions.
Hi there! I have a question about the wedding dlc. Will we be able to plan a honeymoon during the planning stages of it or would it be something that Cove and the mc would rather plan later on? Thank you! Absolutly love the game by the way, definitely one of my favorite games! 
The focus will be on the wedding day itself. The topic of the honeymoon might come up a bit, but there won’t be any choosing of the exact location and such.
Hi! I have two questions and it's completely understandable if you only answer one/neither and I'm sorry if you've already answered either before! First, is there a set year in which OL:B&A takes place (ex: Step 1 being set in 2010 & Step 2 being set in 2016, etc.) or is it simply up to interpretation? Second, have you guys thought about doing a coming-of-age game where the MC has a tough home life or upbringing? (like one of their parents is an addict, a parent being transphobic whilst the player has the option to be trans, or having friends that are influencing them to do drugs, etc.) That's all! Thanks for making beautiful games. <3 
There is a set timeline!
Step 1: 2006 Step 2: 2011 Step 3: 2016 Step 4: 2021 
And we don’t currently plan on making a game like that. The Our Life series exists to be a safer environment for people to play around in and if we did do a brand new series that was harsher edged it’d be something more fantastical and/or plot-driven instead of a different type of modern day slice-of-life growing up story. I’m sorry.
i don’t know if you’ve already answered this, but do you have a guess on when phase 4 will come out? as well as ol2? i’m so excited for both of them, the inclusivity in this game is amazing, you guys should be really proud of it! 
Step 4 will be coming out very soon! OL2 is gonna take until 2023 to be anywhere near completion. But we might episodically release the Steps one at a time as they get done instead of waiting for three to be finished before launch like we did with the first game.
Hello, I was curious if there was an official or unofficial discord server for the game? 
We do have a discord! You can join by clicking this link HERE.
how long do you plan to keep ol's patreon running? 
Hopefully for at least a few more years.
Are you considering ever making merch? 
Yeah, but I don’t know when it’ll happen or what exactly we’ll make, aha. It’s something we want do, just nothing is set.
hi! i just found out about your game a couple of days ago on tiktok (so sorry if you’ve already answered this question) and i was wondering if y’all are ever planning to release it on iOS? 
I have no idea. It’s hard for a small group to get Apple approval and I honestly can’t say if it’ll ever happen or not. Maybe someday, though!
Hi, I love the art style of Our life and I would like to know if the artist has a Twitter? Also, could it be possible to fund more CGs for the game from him/her? So many times, I wish there was one like when the cutscene of the sunshower. 
That’s nice of you to offer. He doesn’t have a Twitter, at least not one that’s public enough to be shared with me. And I’m afraid not. The issue is that the CGs take huge amounts of time rather than there not being a budget for it. He’s gotta make CGs for Step 4, the DLCs, and new character sprites, too. There isn’t space in the schedule for even more. Sorry for that.
Hi, how are you?!
Are you planning on accepting new writers or is it always the same people who write your stories??
Our Life: Beginnings & Always won’t be getting new writers, but we will be hiring a new team of writers for Our Life: Now & Forever eventually!
perhaps this counts as nsfw and I'm sure it has been answered before but what does Cove prefer, chests/boobs or butts? or perhaps both :3c thank you for this wonderful game (and the patreon bonus moment, it was worth all the waiting and more ♥) 
He’s a “chests of all shapes and sizes” kind of guy, haha.
i was wondering- did any of the writers actually grow up by the beach? as someone who's lived in a beach town all their life it really did feel nostalgic to play through our life 1 
I was born and raised in Cali! Though, not right by the beach. We still had to make trips out, but the setting is based on my own childhood memories of small beach towns we went through.
In Derek’s upcoming DLC, will we be able to reference the pact we made as teens? (love olba and xod/xobd so much btw you’re literally amazing) 
Yep, you will be able to talk about that!
Oh, sorry about the Cole being secretly L ask, then!
If you wanted context: Death Note is about this one guy who finds a notebook that kills anyone who you write the name of in there. The guy eventually develops a God Complex and starts mass killing criminals and stuff. L is the one trying to find out who is killing all these people.
Me and my sister first joked about it because I couldn't remember how to translate a word about the way Cove was sitting, so I just did the pose, and it looked a lot like how L himself sits! Then we just snowballed from there, with more and more nonsense connections.
That’s okay! Thanks for explaining. I’m sorry I didn’t know what you meant.
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enamoured-x · 4 years
Sweet Release
Angel Reyes x Reader
Summary: When Angel doesn’t make time for you, you make a hard choice. 
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Angst
Word count: 3k
Excerpt: “You couldn’t fake reaching literal heaven every time Angel sank inside you. But he didn’t deserve to hear that right now.”
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*gif is mine!
a/n: so this came out of nowhere but i’m excited about it and there will be a part 2!!! i fucking missed writing for angel, so much so i may or many not open my requests back up again! keep an eye out for part 2 though!
Part 1
To say you were miserable was a gross understatement. And you couldn't even be mad about it because this was your doing. You were the reason you were wallowing everyday. You were the reason you had to take care of your own needs with a vibe that was nowhere near what you wanted. You were the maker of your own misery. But then again, were you really? Angel fucking Reyes should be the one to blame. When you first started dating Angel, everything was perfect, isn’t it always though? You were happier than you had ever been and honestly, you two were jumping each other's bones whenever you could. Up until a few months ago that was. 
Suddenly Angel just couldn’t make time anymore, always busy with the club. You knew with being secretary came a lot more responsibilities, and you were extremely proud of him and happy that he was able to move up in the club. What you weren’t happy about was the canceled dates. Hell, sometimes he wouldn’t even come over to spend the night, opting to stay at the club house in his dorm because he was taking care of shit as he liked to put it. You had grown exhausted waiting for him at restaurants and then looking stupid as you had to tell the waiters your date wasn’t showing up. You were exhausted of the food you put an effort into making going to waste because he wouldn’t show and when he did even the leftovers went untouched because he already ate. You were exhausted from the effort and time you put into stopping by the clubhouse, figuring if he couldn’t come to you that you’d go to him. But even those occasions were met with his quick words of I can’t hang out right now, club shit. So eventually you just had enough. He wasn’t putting in any effort and you deserved more than that. Deserved more than a few measly texts a day that didn’t even contain a simple I love you. And you told him as much when you went to the clubhouse for the sole purpose of getting your key back to your apartment and to tell him you were through. Lord knows if you tried to schedule a time to talk it would’ve inevitably gotten canceled. 
“Hey, sweetheart. Looking for Angel?” Ez had asked you as you pulled into the junkyard and exited your car. He was wiping grime off his hands with a cloth, looking like he was fixing up the bikes. 
“Yup. I’ll spoil the surprise for you now but I’m here to dump your brother.” You were annoyed to say the least, at your wits end with the older Reyes. You were also honestly a little mad at yourself for not doing this sooner. Could’ve saved you from looking pathetic out in public a few times. 
Ez’s eyes widened and he scratched the back of his neck. 
“Jesus, What happened?” He asked, taking on a sympathetic tone. You loved Ezekiel like your own brother. He was always looking out for you and had become a great friend since you started dating Angel. Which is why you could only hope you two could remain friends even after this. 
“I got tired of showing up for someone who isn’t willing to do the same.” You shrugged and then walked toward the house. Once inside you spotted Angel immediately, sitting on the couch with a beer in his hand as he talked with Coco and Gilly. So this was what he was doing instead of making time for you. They looked over at your presence and Angel stood up, a smile on his face. 
“Hey, querida. What are you doing here?” He said, pulling you into him and pressing a kiss to your temple. Honestly, it was more affection than you had gotten all month. You didn’t make any move to lean into him. 
“We need to talk.” Is all you said before Coco and Gilly awkwardly shared a look. 
“I’m a little busy, mam–”
“Yeah, life as secretario looks so fucking busy.” You snapped and he backed away to look at you. His face contorted in confusion and anger. 
“The fuck?” And that was Coco and Gilly’s cue to go outside, leaving just you and Angel. 
“I need my key back to my apartment.” You stated, getting right into it. Trying to mask what you were really feeling. This was already hurting like a bitch despite the trajectory of your relationship recently. You loved Angel, you really did. But you loved yourself enough to know that you didn’t deserve putting in your all in this relationship as he gave you nothing in return. 
“Come again?” He set his bottle down and gave you all his attention. That was a first. 
“My key. Give it back. I’m done with this.” You motioned between you two. You were being a little more petty than you wanted to be. Originally you had planned to just have a civil conversation about leaving him but he couldn’t even extend that courtesy with his shit poor excuses so why should you? Besides, there was nothing civil about you and Ange Reyes.
“Wait, what the fuck are you talking about?” He was angry, now getting the gist of what you were doing. 
“You heard me. We’re done. Give me my key back.” Angel shook his head and ran his hand through his hair. 
“Fuck no. I’m not giving you shit back, we’re not done. The fuck are you talking about? Where’s this shit coming from?” Of course it was just like Angel to try and control the situation, act like he was in charge. 
“You’re really asking me why?” You honestly don’t know how he could see this as a blindside. Honestly, he should be surprised you didn’t dump his ass sooner. 
“Mami, stop playing fucking games.” He stepped closer, eye simmering with rage. How ironic. 
“Angel, when was the last time we fucked?” You asked, trying to figure out how to gauge this conversation. Some part of you did want to just dump him and then leave, offering no explanation because the angry part of you felt like he didn’t deserve one. But maybe by explaining it you were doing a solid for the next girl that would come after you. Your heart restricted at the thought. Your stomach filling with lead. You pushed that away, now was not the time to sit in your grief, right now you were controlled by your anger and your disappointment. 
“Wha–I don’t know…” He trailed off thinking. Probably confused by your question and what it had to do with you leaving him. 
“Exactly. Angel, you’ve barely touched me this past month and I don’t have enough fingers to count how many times I’ve been stood up by you these past few weeks alone. You’re never around, Angel.” You pointed out. You felt your nose start to burn and you mentally cursed yourself for wanting to cry. You were supposed to put on this facade, you were supposed to act like you weren’t deeply devastated at the fact that you had to do this in the first place. But you were, sitting in your anger was only going to get you so far until that simmered out and the pain creeped in. 
“I told you I–”
“Your busy, yeah, I got that.” You quipped. He tried to grab your hand but you pulled it away and he scoffed. 
“You serious right now? I miss a few dates and you want to leave me? Nah, that’s not how this works. You talk to me about it.” 
“Talk? Are you fucking serious? When could I have talked to you, hmm? I’ve made plans with you three times this week alone and you flaked on all of them, it's not even fucking Friday. So when could I have talked to you? You don’t fucking care.” 
He stepped up to you and pointed at you, “do not say I don’t fucking care.” He was pissed, just now realizing the gravity of the situation. Just now realizing you weren’t fucking around. You were glad for it, maybe he’d take it seriously now. 
“You don’t. If you cared I wouldn’t be up late at night wondering if you’re okay because you didn’t bother to shoot me a text. If you cared I wouldn’t look like an idiot to half the fucking waiters in this town because you didn’t bother to show up. If you cared, Angel, I wouldn’t have to touch myself at night because my own man can’t bother to please me.” You knew you were getting through to him during your spiel but his stare turned murderous when you questioned his abilities to please you. Of course that was what got his attention. 
“The fuck you just say to me?” He towered over you now but you weren’t going to let him intimidate you. You were in charge of this situation, not him. 
“Which part needs repeating? When I said you keep standing me up or the part where I said you don’t please me in bed?” You fired back. Gone was the grief again, your rage taking its turn to control you once again. Your emotions were all over the place but so were you and Angel. 
“Careful, mami.” He said, voice low and threatening. You snorted.
“Why? Afraid your club will hear how you don’t know how to please a woman.” Next thing you know you were being shoved against the wall. Breath knocked out of you at the quick and forceful action. His hand latched onto your throat now. Your center throbbed, like a call to tell you that you needed this. You definitely didn’t want to but your fingers only did so much. 
It was all shit, Angel did know how to please you, that is when he could be bothered. But you knew how to press his buttons just right, how to make him angry like no one else could. And you wanted him upset, you wanted him angry because he had hurt you. 
“You know that’s not true. Had you screaming last time.” He said in your ear as he trailed his hands down your waist and to your ass. Pulling you closer to him to grind himself against you. You swallowed hard. You had missed his touch, had missed him being this close. Your senses were going haywire, not knowing which way was up or down, not knowing what the fuck you were here to do in the first place. All you could feel was him, all you could smell was him. All you wanted was him. But you knew right now you were thinking with your pussy and just because you wanted him still did not mean you didn’t want to break up with him. But your vibrator and fingers were doing a shit job at giving you what you needed, and well, if this was the end, you needed the release only Angel could provide you with. Despite you telling him only moments ago that he offered nothing in bed. 
“Maybe I was faking it.” You weren’t. You couldn’t fake reaching literal heaven every time Angel sank inside you. But he didn’t deserve to hear that right now. He squeezed your throat, bringing you a sense of euphoria. 
“Faking it? Yeah, let’s see you fake this, mami.” He unbuttoned your jeans and slid his hand inside your panties. You cursed yourself for being so wet already. 
“You wet because you’re faking it?” He asked, lips right at your ear. His warm breath sent shivers down your spine and caused your core to clench around nothing. He felt it though. He laughed under his breath and you wanted to slap him for being so cocky after everything. But it wouldn’t matter once this was over. You’d let him have his fun now. Let him think he was in control one last time. 
“I don’t think so. You’re always wet for me, always so damn needy. Always so fucking ready to take me.” He turned you around and pushed you against the wall, pulling at your hips for your ass to grind against his crotch. His dick was already hard and straining in his pants. You let out a moan. You didn’t care that you were out in the open, didn’t care that his words pissed you off mostly because they were true. Didn’t care that this was going to be the last time. No, all you cared about in this moment was getting Angel inside you and coming around his cock. 
“Then fuck me, Angel. Prove you can actually please me.” You spurred him on. Needing your release already. Craving it. 
“My fucking pleasure.” He said, obviously not in the mood to drag this on any longer. He made quick work of yanking your jeans and panties down and you heard him fumbling with his own pants. You felt the tip of his cock slide against your slit, getting himself slicked for you with your juices. You moaned as the head nudged against your clit. Your body was on fire. The white hot need inside you, pooling in your stomach, was screaming for a release. And you were about to get one. 
“Fuck me already. Or did you forget how to do it?” You wanted it rough and hard, wanted him to leave bruises on your hips and feel you ache of him days later. You wanted something to remember him by. 
“Shut the fuck up.” Was all he said before slamming into you, filling you up. You screamed at the force and at how long it had been since he was last inside you. The stretch hurt so good and you pushed against the wall to meet his brutal thrusts. He wrapped a hand around your throat again as he dug his fingers into your hips, forcing you on his length over and over. 
“So fucking tight. This what you wanted, mami? So fucking desperate for my cock?” You whined at his words because they were true. But you didn’t want to admit it. 
“I want it harder actually.” You were hanging on by a thread here. All that pent up frustration from spoiled orgasms from your fingers to hating Angel for leaving you high and dry. It was all coming together to create a thunderous symphony of emotions, one that was about to hit its crescendo. 
Angel didn’t disappoint as he pounded you from behind, trying to reach his release as desperately as you were trying to reach yours. The hand that was on your throat immediately made way to your clit.
“Fuck, Angel.” You cried out as he rubbed the numb, never relenting in his pace. Tears were forming in your eyes. From the stimulation or from the breakup that was still going to happen, you didn’t know. All you knew right now was Angel. 
“Fuck, yeah. Gonna come, mami? Gonna come on my dick?” You grabbed his arm to roll your hips both on his fingers and back onto his cock. Pleasure was hitting you from all angles and you were about to break. You clenched down on him, wanting him to reach his release too. Wanting to feel him fill you up. 
“Oh fuck!” He yelled out as you clenched around him. He bit your shoulder to control himself and you groaned at the sting that accompanied his bite. It was all too much and not enough. Which was sign enough that you were right on the precipice. 
“Gonna come.” You barely got the words out, mind too wrapped up in literally everything else. Everywhere Angel was touching. 
“Do it. Let me hear you.” He rubbed just right on the bundle of nerves as his cock pistoned inside you and you were done for. You dived right off that cliff. Your back arched as you screamed his name. Your vision went black for a moment as you fucking drowned in your high. Angel diving right in after you as you felt him spill inside you and curse your name. You finally came back to the present, catching your breath as the aftershocks of your orgasm started to fade in waves. You suddenly became aware of the situation again. Became aware of why you were here. As mind blowing as that climax was, it didn’t change anything. You turned around as you lifted your pants back up, Angel doing the same. Once he finished buttoning them you pulled him in for a kiss. Putting everything you had into it, what was left of your energy. He kissed you back with the same intensity and you cursed him because this was all you had been asking for. For him to love you, for him to give you something. But he didn’t and this was not going to change anything. 
As his tongue slipped into your mouth, you slid your hand into his back pocket and pulled out his keys and pulled away from him. He was confused until you backed up from him and started to unhook your key from his key ring. 
“What the fuck….” Of course he was confused, of course he thought sex was going to fix this. You pushed the keys against his chest and he held your hand against his chest, realizing what was happening, what was still happening.
“No…” He shook his head, realization dawning on him that the sex was one last sweet release before you left. A goodbye. Not a makeup. 
“Don’t do this shit. Don’t do this to me, baby.” He shook his head, eyes glossy. Words breaking. Your heart cracked, gone was the intense high he just gave you and instead there you were, right back in the low of it all. 
“You did this to yourself, Angel. Goodbye.” You swallowed hard and tugged your hand out of his grasp, he let out a breath. You turned around and walked out the door with your head high. Walked out leaving him behind to deal with what just happened. Walked out and into the shit storm that was going to be the next few weeks of getting over one Angel Reyes. 
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bangtans-bubs · 4 years
BTS Reaction #4: When you fight another female idol at MAMA’s
a/n: Hey army! How have y’all been? Just an FYI, I MAY have gotten carried away with some of these, which is why they’re lengthier than others. THAT DOESN’T MEAN I DON’T LIKE THE MEMBERS EQUALLY, OKAY?! I’ve been a little caught up with school work, so my apologies if your requests are taking a while. Anyways, I’ve been working on a couple requests, so feel free to submit any ideas :)
warning: just the usual ‘wanna beat a bitch up’ vibe + a few dirty remarks
word count: 200 - 390 (per member)
*creds to gif owners
> Kim Namjoon (RM)
He has always made sure to keep you controlled when you get angry to the point where you’ll start throwing hands. It’s either he asks you to breathe in and breath out, or his 6 feet figure will find its way in front of you and will take all your blows instead of the girl. The problem started when you spotted Namjoon’s ex making faces at you when you both were taking pictures together for the paparazzi. Namjoon had caught onto what had quickened your breathing and asked for you to calm damn. As much as you wanted to be the bigger person in this situation, you really couldn’t have her acting like every time she sees you two. So, once you had passed by the paparazzi, you walked straight towards her and Namjoon did try to latch onto your wrist, but you were too quick.
“Are you 5 years old or something?” You squinted your eyes as you questioned her, your chest still heaving from before. She let out a dry scoff before she began laughing. How does this bitch have the audacity to laugh after making faces those faces?
“Can’t believe I got under your skin, Y/n,” she retorted with a peak in her tone. Before she knew it, you had punched her right in her jaw, knocking her off her feet within seconds. Before you could throw more punches, Namjoon had dashed to your side and retained you, quickly taking you away from the messy scene. Once he brought you to a more private setting, he leant down to your eye level and huskily whispered, “I thought you were only frisky in bed, but you’re frisky during fights too now, huh?”
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> Kim Seokjin 
Jin was hosting the Mama’s Music Awards with Irene and when they were joking around, she made a snide remark about how he was dating someone that was in the music industry. Jin always had his way of putting people in their spot, and he did do that by saying, “Even if she was an idol, my eyes would still be on her. Don’t be jealous that you’re not her.”
The audience laughed at his nasty remark thinking he unintentionally insulted Irene, but only you, Irene and the other BTS members knew that comment was personal. After the show was done, you excused yourself from the BTS group and went your own way, trying to find Irene. Jin knew what your intentions were and asked for you to not physically fight her, but just say a few words that’ll be imprinted in her mind. Within seconds of splitting from the boys, you ran into Irene. Perfect. You thought she would speak in an un-provocative manner, but she was speaking as if she wanted to throw hands, so you did just that. After a minute or so, Jin and the others heard screams that sounded like someone was in pain. Jin and the others turned the corner to see Irene and you tangled up on the floor, your hands clawing at her face as she did the same. Jin wasn’t going to do anything, but he noticed how you had a bruise welling up on your right arm and quickly came to pry you out. Oh, how hard it was for him to not break into a fit of laughter after noticing how she was splayed across the floor like a rag doll. Since he’s a gentleman, he helped Irene up before he took you to his dressing room.
“How come you listen to me when I teach you about fighting, but when I tell you something in bed, you become rebellious, jagi?”
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> Min Yoongi (Suga) 
He has the nerve to sit back and relax after he pissed you off to the point where you wanted to drag that girl by her hair. He knows that you get a slight bit possessive when a girl gets handsy with him, especially when he doesn’t acknowledge it happening. What you thought was a fan of his was just another female idol. You weren’t going to do much about it, but she became very touchy within seconds and he had no idea what her intentions were. You glared at him in hopes of him taking it as a signal to move away from her, but he didn’t. He just smirked. That mother fucker is doing this on purpose, isn’t he? Your eyes never left his for what felt like an eternity, all while the girl was still feeling him up and she knew he was already dating someone. You walked towards the hungry lady and decided to pull Suga away from her, but she then hooked her arm around his and began arguing with you without knowing that you were his girlfriend. She was asking for a lot of your patience and you weren’t going to give her any. You just pried her arm away from his and pulled him towards the staircase, but she had the nerves to push you. You didn’t even throw hands yet, but your quick movements had caused her to flinch and topple over. You and Suga tried to hold in your laughter, but the way she had acted big  only to end up falling caused both of you to break. Once the both of you were seated, he didn’t even think twice before he said, “I didn’t expect myself to become hot and bothered by you tonight, baby. Especially by that.”
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> Jung Hoseok (J-Hope/Hobi) 
He hates confrontations, even if he’s a bystander. He’d be surprised at first by your aggressiveness towards the girl, but then he’d remember that it was one of the reasons you had caught his attention. As much as he’d love to see the fight go down, he didn’t want to give you the chance of swinging or insulting the girl. Since he’s respectful, he’ll apologize to the girl on behalf of you, even if she’s the one at fault, and that enrages you every time. You were already fuming over the fact this girl spoke shit about BTS, but Hobi apologizing to her had caused you to shift your anger towards him. He had a steady hold around your arm, but you still managed to pull out of his grip and angrily brushed past him. He gave you a couple of minutes to cool down because he knows you’re mad to the point you’ll swing at anybody that tries to speak to you, especially him. He came up a few minutes later and said, “I know you’re mad at me, baby. You don’t have to say yes, but why don’t we go home and have a little fun of your own?”
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> Park Jimin 
The way you’d fire back at someone if they dare to speak bad on Jimin’s name always gave him a thrill. He won’t stop you unless he thinks you blew a gasket for no absolute reason. He also doesn’t bother to stop you from beating a bitch up if he hates her guts. In this case, the girl on the receiving end of your brawl was none other than Twice’s Jeongyeon. When you followed closely behind Jimin, past the beautiful Twice idols, you heard Jeongyeon mumble, “Disgusting,” under her breath. You stopped dead in your tracks and turned your attention towards her, untwining your hands from Jimin’s.
“Please. If you’re going to talk shit speak up.” Jimin saw how your relaxed face had molded to fit an angry expression and how intimidating your voice had gotten. He noticed how quickly your dominant attitude had turned him on, and that’s because he’s usually the dominant one in bed, so you barely get a chance to show this side. He snapped out of his thoughts when he saw a chunk of Jeongyeon’s black extensions fly past his face. He didn’t know how long he’d been lost in his train of dirty thoughts, but it was enough time for you to drag Jeongyeon to the ground before you began clawing at her. As the security guards rushed to pull Jeongyeon away from your death grip, Jimin pulled you into his embrace and had you locked into place. He excused both of you from the scene before he sat you down in your assigned seat. You noticed how he had a sly smirk splayed across his face, but before you can question him, he whispered, “I’m curious to find out if I can handle this heated side of you in bed.”
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> Kim Taehyung (V)
He loves drama. He’d even take part in one if he hears his name come up once. For you, he’d just stay back and watch how his girl would rip someone badly if they ever did something with bad intentions. He felt more dominant when he sees your aggressive side because there’s no way he’d allow you to win an argument or fight against him. If you fought another person, he’d just rest back and watch what happens. He’s seen you blow a punch at a man, instantly knocking him out, so he doesn’t worry about you losing a fight. Another incident where he saw you throw hands at a female idol was at the MAMA’s show. You were minding your own business when someone came up to Taehyung and said, “Don’t be full of yourself just because you were ranked #1 as the most handsome Kpop idol.”
He was surprised at her words at first, but then began laughing because she was unaware of what she just started. You stepped in between her and Taehyung and were all up in her face.
“Repeat that.” When you noticed her hold her breath, you thought that was the end of that situation, but she provoked you by repeating her saying. To make it worse for herself, she annunciated the words ‘full of yourself’, almost standing on her tiptoes to reach your eye level. You let out a dry chuckle before you tried swinging, but Taehyung got in front of you, stopping you from fighting for the first time. When your eyes met his for a second, you noticed how dilated his dark brown pupils, but you were too concentrated on landing your blows. You tried to move around him to try to get the girl, but he kept moving with you. When he couldn’t restrain you for any longer, he just threw you over his shoulders and brought you to the nearest restroom. Thankfully, the women’s restroom was empty, so you were able to pace around like a mad man. You heard the click of the door locking and noticed how Taehyung’s fingers were playing with his belt buckle. He slowly made his way to you, not breaking his deep gaze at you. He glanced down at his crotch before he looked at you and gruffly whispered, “You have to fix this problem first, baby.”
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> Jeon Jungkook 
He’s the type to lay back and watch what unveils in front of him. If he thinks you’re going to make a blood bath, he’ll be quick to pull you away, unless he thinks the bitch deserves it. If that’s the case, then he’ll just be your own hype man and he’ll instruct you on how to swing and what move to pull. He’ll try his best to avoid any incident that would cause you to react this way, but he couldn’t do anything this time because the bitch you were referring to was his celebrity crush, IU. He didn’t think much of it when IU began running her hands over his muscular arms, but when he noticed you glaring at him, he was quick to push her away and politely told her that he’s uncomfortable. She still insisted on touching him, so you decided to give her a taste of her own medicine. When Jungkook saw you storm past the others towards IU, he quickly managed to get between you both, dragging you away to avoid an MMA fight at the MAMA’s show.
“As much as I wanted to see how that played out, I can’t afford to let you mess up that precious face for me, baby.”
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*requests are open
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shadowsfascination · 4 years
Shadamy oneshot| Free me of myself
Trigger Warning: see end notes.
The warmth of heavy breaths against a thick, wide and curved, cold window briefly stuck on the glass. The repeating cycle of condense licking the glass like soot to the window pane of a wood stove to evaporate as quickly as it had appeared was mesmerizing in a strange way. Then again: this entire scenery was.
From the sharp contrast of the cool metal floors and walls with their blue and greenish tones to the warmth and fierce illumination from the sun onto the planets. From the horrifying atmosphere inside with haunting memories clinging to his throat to the breath-taking spectacle outside.
Both aspects took his breath away and both endeavoured swallowing him inside their mighty-strong vibes, consuming him and lift him out of his body. Although their tones couldn’t be further away from one another, either of them had a traction so strong it reminded him of an approaching tsunami. One that’s still building up its’ devastating fortitude before it’d curl over him and swill away everything on its’ path.
This place was one of the very few things capable of leaving him frozen. Every time he came here it happened. And yet he kept coming back. He had to. Felt obligated to. Wanted to. Yes, a part of him longed to be swallowed entirely by the darkness and relive the events that haunted him to this very day. The feeling grew on him particularly around this time of the year.
Overcome by a returning urge to pay off his debts and right his mistakes, being plagued by this gruesome guilt felt like it needed to be done. It was the only darn thing he could do; be here and endure all of it; the depression, agony, indignance, failure, grief and self-loath. It was a bitter pill to swallow.
If only it were useful. If only it could bring you back.
But it wasn’t and it would never change being like this, for she was gone- forever. It left Shadow to be standing lifeless on the ARK. His open palms pressed against the glass while all he could do was breathe in and out again, eyeing the condense on the window. The sensation of the cold glass against his hands was the only thing keeping him grounded by now.
Every year when he paid this cursed place a visit it he heard her voice just when he was on the edge of giving in to the menacing shadows that tainted his past. As bright, gentle and hopeful as no other, the sweetness of her voice invited him to step out of the shadows, into a shower of light. With a single effort she freed him of the relentlessness he felt towards himself, blaming himself for her death.
But not this year.
There only was the mundane silence that was usual for this place. An insecure frown curved his brow and he squinted his eyes when he shifted his glance towards the light of the sun. The view on the planet of fire, when seen from the colony, was accompanied by many halo’s, each of them reflecting the constantly changing spectrum of colours upon the rays of light. They seemed capable of catching you and dragging you into space if you stared into them for too long.
With a dull glance in his crimson orbs, Shadow gazed out the very window Maria and he frequently had watched the blue planet, always dreaming of the day they’d set foot on it together. A renewed sadness whirled inside him, churning his stomach to the point where it nauseated him and clenched his open palms into fists.
He hoped to feel her presence here. He desperately longed for it; the one that always changed the hurricane whirling inside him on the day of her death into a much gentler breeze. Every year since he had awakened he came here and every year he’d felt something of her, something that allowed him to carry on. On an unconscious note his friend, while having passed a long time ago, still had the capacities to change his mind. There were only few he could give credit to when it came to that.
Have you… forsaken me, Maria?
Shadow’s pulse accelerated to a crazy high pace, even for the ultimate lifeform and he sank down to his knees. While his heart thumped against the insides of his chest so fast it felt like it would burst through, he cried. The thought of his first friend rejecting him even after she passed literally just hurt so bad! The pain cramped his chest together and he struggled to breath.
Sudden acoustics, her voice without doubt, called out to him on the abandoned colony, a whisper with the impact of a scream.
‘Shadow, it’s time for you to let go of me.’
“You’re wrong! I will always keep remembering you! It’s the only thing I can do…”
He pictured her bright blue eyes and friendly smile in front of him. Tightening every muscle in his body he forcefully attempted to transfer image of her into a physical presence, into reality. The line between his messed up mind, memories, wishes, dreams and reality grew thinner by the minute. He was almost certain she was here, almost able to see her. Almost.  If only he tried a little harder.
‘It’s time you stop blaming yourself, Shadow. I don’t want to see you like this. Please, let go of the past for there’s others who need your help now. You will only imprison yourself if you keep looking for me and my sacrifice will be left in vain. Remember why you were created Shadow. It’s the key to your freedom.’
The voice slowly extinguished, dying out into the darkness to be replaced by a suppressed, wheezy howl. Shadows’ cries were abruptly disturbed by an extremely loud bang elsewhere on the colony, a crash that shook the ARK in a rough way. Normally the alarm would have sound, but Shadow had turned off the electricity. He did that sometimes when he felt gloomy, feeling it added to his mood.
After wiping his tearstained face he rose and turned towards the elevator, prepared for anything and nothing all at once. He was NOT in the mood to fight. Still, there were a lot of strong, negative emotions to fuel his strength. Even so, his mentally unstable state of mind switched between the urge to conquer any opponent and the thought of willingly getting killed. They battled for precedence inside him and he was unsure which one would win.
“Sweet Chaos! Shadow!?!”
The black and red striped hedgehog couldn’t decide which of their faces looked more awestruck when they regarded each other; Amy’s or his own. He flinched and stiffened up when she took a few steps towards him, the sound of the heals of her boots clanking on the metal floors. She noticed and didn’t pursue, trying to lock her eyes with him, but his gaze went right through her. Eventually he turned around walked up to the window again, wishing to escape both her presence around and gaze upon him. Amy followed his lead and joined his stargazing.
Ever since Shadow and she became more acquainted with one another, they discovered they were quite compatible as friends and hung out more often. The two hedgehogs appreciated the other’s pureness, call it a rawness if you will. He respected her and accepted her for who she was; the good, bad and the ugly. Amy’s assertiveness, strength and straight-forward attitude were highly valued by Shadow. Even though his confidence barely ever seemed to be shaken, it was clear that was the occasion tonight. Shadow heaved a sigh.
“Tell me how you got here.” He finally said.
“Hey, if Knuckles can fly a rocket here, I figured I could too. So, I broke into one of Eggman’s old bases and took the liberty of borrowing one.”
Shadow rolled his eyes on her.
“You’re crazy, you know that? You could’ve gotten hurt with no one around to save you.”
“I made it, all right?! I’m more concerned about you right now.”
His bloodshot, red eyes met her emerald ones for a moment and then the moment was gone.
“I’m fine. Just wished you hadn’t come up here.”
“Shadow, I’m worried about you! I know what today is…”
“I said I didn’t wanna hang out tonight. HECK, I EXPLICITLY told you I wanted to be alone tonight. And yet here you are, forcing yourself on me when I asked you not to. Ever heard of boundaries?”
“Fine, I’ll leave if you want me to.”
“No, you’re staying now. I can’t have peace of mind when I know your safety might be compromised when flying a rocket back to the planet on your own.”
“You’re saying you had peace of mind before I came here? I’m not stupid, okay?”
“I wasn’t. That’s why I wanted to be alone. This doesn’t concern you.”
“Well it does now, since you’re making me stay.”
He shrugged and shifted his gaze back to the countless stars in the never-ending shades of different blue’s that coloured the heavens. Shutting himself off from Amy and the ARK, his heart ached for a hint of Maria out there. Even if it were a last goodbye, but the closest thing he could find was the disapproval his childhood friend would’ve had regarding his rude attitude towards his friend now.
“Does her presence still linger around this place?” Amy dared ask after a long silence.
“It used to, at least on this day.”
“It doesn’t anymore?”
“She… told me to move on, let go of her. Or at least that’s what entered my mind when I sought her.”
 Normally Shadow would have hesitated to tell anyone about any of this, feeling it didn’t go with his down-to-earth attitude. Amy was the exception on this to him. She strongly believed in a connection between the visible and the invisible so he need not to fear being laughed at. He figured she’d be able to understand the visions he’d had of Maria and how he’d heard her voice.
“Anything else?” She asked like it was any other ordinary topic.
“That I should stop blaming myself. I don’t know if I can. I don’t know if I want to. It’s the last thing I have of her.”
“What is?”
“The guilt I can cast upon myself.”
Amy’s eyed filled with a compassionate sadness. She reached out to him to rest a hand on his shoulder. When he did not protest, she stepped in and carefully enclosed him from behind in a warm embrace.
It puzzled her that Shadow usually wasn’t fond of physical contact and yet this was the second time she hugged him like this. The first time was on Prison Island, when silly 12-year old her had mistaken him for Sonic. He never showed a sign of discomfort or tried to shake her off. They stood there for a while, his arms hanging limp along his numb body.
“Maria’s right.” Amy said. “It’s long time for you to let go of that guilt. You’re not to blame for anything that happened here.”
“I’m the reason why they flew up here to shut down the facility. I’m the reason she’s dead.”
“No, G.U.N. is. They’re the ones who conducted these crimes. Their terrible policy and way of handling the situation is the reason she’s dead. There’s no excuse for the way they misinterpreted and poorly handled the situation. There’s no excuse, no explanation good enough for killing the people up here the way they did. And…”
Amy bit her lower lip and hesitated for a moment.
“I don’t know if you’ll agree with me, but Maria chose to free you. She might’ve been able to save both of you or herself instead.”
“Are you saying it’s her fault for getting shot?” Shadow sneered at her.
“I’m not. Just saying she did what she did and with that she left you no choice. You can’t be guilty for something you had no hold on. It was out of your control. She freed you because she knew the reason behind your creation. She knew your potential, Shadow. It was her choice, not yours. There’s no point in punishing yourself now.”
She hugged him tighter and rested her head on his shoulder. With Amy’s words still echoing on in his head, a vague, translucent image was drawn before his eyes. Maria. Shadow wondered if it was a figment of his imagination and whether Amy was able to see her too. The blonde girl smiled a serene smile of hope and reached out to him, covering his hands in hers. A pleasant tingling radiated from them, reassuring him that his pink friend was right.
Maria regarded Amy for a second and gave her a warm smile. Then the blue of her eyes and the dress she always wore faded into the darker blue of the starry skies, leaving them behind. It was just Shadow and Amy now. She still held him and he let her.
“Did you see…?”
“I did. I saw her too.”
Shadow now freed himself of her embrace to face her. The storm clouds that were reflected in his eyes before had vanished. With a new peace of mind, the kind he’d never experienced before, he cleared his throat.
“Bless you for being such a stubborn, persistent soul, Amy Rose.”
“No biggie, we’re friends. I got your back and I’m sure you’ve got mine.”
He gave her a single, yet assuring nod.
“Let’s leave this place. Whadd’ya say?”
“I wanna fly the rocket. I think I really got the hang of it!”
“You seriously expect me to believe that after the ever-so-graceful landing you performed here earlier?”
 “Hey- …I!- That was a rough patch, okay?!”
 “Understatement! You almost shook the ARK out of its’ orbit. I bet you wrecked the place.”
Shadow cocked a brow at her before giving her a playful push. She snorted when she eyed him. Amusement sparkled in his eyes at the thought what the heck of a ride it must have been on that rocket, giving her awful piloting skills. It was another ridiculous outcome of her impulsive nature. The two burst into laughter, their cackling echoing on throughout the colony.
With Amy already in his arms to warp them back home Chaos Control-style, he glanced back at the window. The translucent vision of his childhood friend respawned again. He felt this was their final parting and for the first time, he’d made his peace with that. She waved them goodbye before dissolving into the background, sending off millions of stars into a meteor shower. Her calm, gentle voice resounded throughout the universe for the last time:
 Sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog.
Trigger Warning [SPOILERS?!]: - suggestive suicidal thought (No actual suicide or attempt) - mental struggles (trauma, grief, losing touch of reality, feelings of desperation, depression, anxiety) - eventual happy ending > Please message me if you think I need to adjust something in the TW. First time using it. Better safe than sorry (:
If you’re struggling with mental health problems or suicidal thoughts or even plans: seek help! Even if it seems useless to you and I imagine it will. There’s lines you can call and people out there who will listen to you. Google them in the area where you live. I know it’s a good starting point to get help.  
I wanted to do a short story on Shadow’s and Amy’s friendship and how she’ll help him cope with the loss of Maria. I believe that Amy’s headstrong, yet endearing sweet personality allows her to change Shadow’s mind sometimes like we have seen in SA2 before.
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the-currian · 4 years
Could you please do a prompt with "I don't know who to choose" with reader, omi and masumi??
I see you, anon  👀👀👀 This prompt isn’t actually on the list – the closest would be “I don’t know which one to choose.”
If you really meant that prompt, this would be an entirely different scenario. But since I thought of a scenario already when I saw the prompt you sent in, I’ll let it slide…
But for future reference, please follow the rules of the posts I make, everyone!
Anyway, I’m not mad. I just wanna stick to the rules of my blog^^
Also, I’m gonna assume Year 3 ages so this will be less squicky for me. Therefore, Omi is 22 and Masumi is 18.
“I don’t know.” Ideas
“I don’t know who to choose.”
Your sketchbook was settled securely on your lap as you perched upon a fountain, lost in the scenery around you at the local park. As you try your best to commit the image to paper, your mind registers the faint shutter sound of a camera in the background. Used to hearing the sound around the scenic park, you pay no heed to it and continue to sketch. Strangely, the shutters of the camera slowly become closer and closer. You try your best to ignore it up until the point when the shutters become too close for comfort. Annoyed, you look up to see a (quite attractive) young man standing a few feet away from you sheepishly lower his camera.
“Er… hello…” he greets, trailing off with an awkward laugh.
You narrow your eyes at him and set your sketchbook aside, standing up to stride over and give him a piece of your mind. Probably sensing the aura of righteous fury you radiate, the brown-haired man raises his arms up in surrender as if trying to placate you.
“Wait, wait!” he cries out. “Hey now… let me explain, please.”
‘The audacity…’ you think to yourself but cross your arms expectantly, waiting for his explanation.
“I’m Omi, a photographer and actor.” he says, extending his hand for a handshake. When you refuse to offer your own hand, still pretty pissed at his intrusion of privacy, he pulls his hand back and rubs the back of his neck in embarrassment. “So, um… I came to the park looking for still life to photograph, but then you caught my eye and I kinda just thoughtlessly snapped a shot. I’m really sorry –”
“Can I see the picture?” you interrupt.
“Of-of course.” Omi obliges. His cheeks flush in embarrassment, but he dutifully shows you the picture he took of you. You marvel at his use of light, manipulating the angle to catch your sharp features as you appear to be in complete focus, fixated on your own artwork.
“Wow… you made me look great in this photo…”
Omi murmurs something that you don’t quite catch but when you ask him to repeat it, he flushes an even darker shade of pink and diverts the conversation to his interest in photography, showing you other shots of the still life that he claimed to be taking pictures of earlier. You find yourself drawn in by the passion glowing in his eyes as he talks about the photos.
Over the course of your conversation, the two of you move to one of the parks benches. Mid-sentence, Omi glances at the park’s clock and he pauses.
“Everything alright?” you ask.
“I didn’t realize the time…” Omi replies, looking at you with a troubled gaze.
“Hey, no problem. Don’t let me keep you.”
“I frequent this place a lot for inspiration, so I’ll see you around?” you say, standing up. Feeling bold, you give him a playful wink and say, “And next time you want to take a picture of me, just ask! See you soon, Omi!”
You run off without glancing back, a bit embarrassed to find out what his reaction was.
Later that week you visit your favorite music store. As you browse through some vintage vinyl, you can feel someone’s eyes on you. You quickly swivel around but find no one else in the aisle with you. Warily, you turn back to the music selection only to feel someone’s presence somewhat uncomfortably close to you.
“You’ve got good taste.”
You jump at the proximity of the stranger’s voice and take a few seconds to calm yourself before facing the guy.
“E-excuse me?”
“I’ve been watching you make your rounds through the store.” He says, absentmindedly twirling the cord of his white headphones. “I prefer post and progressive rock, but I know how to appreciate some of the older gens of music.”
As he goes on, you notice that he slowly inches his hand closer and closer to your face. You close your eyes – in fear? anticipation? – and are surprised to see that he merely pulls out a record from behind you and starts scanning its contents.
‘Weird…’ you think, watching the stranger. ‘But he is kinda cute, I guess…’
Noticing the title on the case of the vinyl, you instantly perk up, forgetting your earlier apprehension.
“Hey, that’s one of my favorites!”
Before you can second guess yourself, you pluck the vinyl out of the stranger’s hands and march over to the store’s vinyl record player. When the stranger fails to follow you, you throw him an expectant glance and he dutifully makes his way over. As you play the record, a smile makes its way onto your face, and you bop your head to the beat. Again, you can feel the stranger’s eyes on you, but this time you pay no heed – actually basking in the attention this time.
“My name is Masumi, by the way.”
You smile at him.
“Nice to meet you, Masumi.”
Before you close your eyes to lose yourself in the vibe of the music, you could’ve sworn you saw a dark blush on Masumi’s cheeks as he stared at you but quickly shoot down that idea.
‘It’s probably nothing…’
Weeks pass since the last time you’ve seen those two – admittedly handsome and charming – strangers. Remembering yourself, you shake your head to clear your cloudy thoughts.
‘Focus. You’re here to support Izumi’s play.’ You think to yourself as you take a seat in the packed theater. You review the playbill given to you at the entrance. ‘A mixed troupe play by the Spring and Autumn Troupes, with the leads played by – ‘
Your eyes widen.
‘Omi Fushimi and Masumi Usui?!’
You’re shaken out of your thoughts by Izumi’s voice ringing throughout the theater, announcing the beginning of the play. Sure enough, the two strangers you met earlier this month come out on stage. Thankfully, neither of them seem to be able to see you among the crowded audience.
‘I asked fate to give me a plot twist this month… but not like this!’
“Izumi!” you yell your friend’s name, practically barreling her over when you see her after the show. “You did so well!”
“Ahahaha, hello to you, too.” Izumi returns your hug before pulling away. “But you give me too much credit – it’s the actors who carried out the show, after all.”
“Don’t you dare give me that self-deprecation, Tachibana!” you scold, mockingly shaking a fist at her. “The director is just as important as the actors!”
Izumi laughs, waving off your playful anger. “Yes, yes. Come on, I wanna introduce you to the cast.”
Remembering who exactly the lead actors were, your mood quickly turns sour. “Uh, maybe not… I wouldn’t want to bother them right after the show. They need their rest if they want to keep going for the rest of the week.”
“Nonsense!” Izumi says, linking her arm with yours. “Let’s go!”
Izumi whisks you backstage, you desperately trying to escape her grip and trying to make excuses up along the way, but Izumi has none of and before you know it the door to the dressing room is unceremoniously thrown open. Immediately, you can feel several pairs of eyes on you, and are particularly attuned to two of the actors’ gazes which you try your best to avoid.
“Great job, everyone!” Izumi greets, oblivious to the atmosphere in the room. “This is one of my friends from my old theater troupe. They said they really liked your performance, and they’re here – “
“- for me.” Two voices cut in.
Omi and Masumi stare at each other, surprised. A few beats pass and Masumi gets a feral look in his eyes, which Omi meets with a smug smirk. The two quickly make their way over to you and Izumi, who is looking more and more confused by the second.
“I had no idea my favorite muse would be coming to watch our show.” Omi says with a cheeky wink. “If I had known you were interested in theater, I would’ve invited you myself.”
Before you can reply, Masumi butts in.
“Your favorite muse?” Masumi sneers condescendingly at the older man. As Masumi focuses his gaze on you and Izumi, his entire demeanor does a 180.
“My angel of music here obviously heard about me being the lead and came over to see me. How kind of you to bring them backstage, director. You’re the best. How about the two of you join me for dinner?” Masumi says, outstretching his hands to the both of you. Beside you, Izumi sighs but seems to be accustomed to Masumi’s antics.
Omi gently nudges Masumi to the side, offering his own hand. “Oh, but it wouldn’t be fair to split your attention between the director and your… angel of music, now would it, Masumi? How about you take the director out to dinner, while I go to dinner with – “
As the two men bicker, you shoot a desperate look at Izumi, who seems to finally have a grasp on the situation. Looking at the men’s hands offered to you in invitation, you feel an internal struggle rise.
‘I…I don’t know who to choose!’
Mercifully, Izumi finally comes to her senses and comes to your rescue, slinging an arm around your shoulders.
“How about we go with the whole cast in celebration for a successful opening night?” Izumi says, more of a command than a question. The two men immediately stop their argument and defer to their director, but both have pouts on their faces, brows furrowed.
You and Izumi walk out of the theater, arms linked. Omi and Masumi are close behind the two of you, with the rest of the cast leisurely trailing after. As you chat with Izumi, she suddenly looks back with a stern expression. Omi gives a kind, but obviously strained, smile in response, while Masumi does his best to school his face into an innocent expression. You and Izumi glance at each other and sigh.
‘This is gonna be a long night…’
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enigma-im · 5 years
Vice Versa
Rating: Mature Relationship: Alien X Female!Human Warning: Dirty talk, strong language, Alien/human relationship, Body swapping, Extreme fluff
Word Count:4846
An Alien and his girlfriend screw around with some mysterious tech on an abandoned ship and end up switching bodies.
"What a shit hole," I kick a wet napkin away. I tighten my hold on my toolbox as I step over the pile of damp trash.
"Probably why its abandoned, maids stopped showing up," Sander laughs to himself. I glance over my shoulder at his calm demeanor. His bottom set of hands are in the pockets of his jumper, the others are crossed over his chest. He looks around at the dark ship, stretching his neck as he looks behind him. His muscle tee is loose over his shoulders, tucked into the tied-up mechanic's jumper. Something falls from the ceiling, dusting his head with debris. He raises one hand and swipes it off his crew cut.
"well at least it looks better than my first apartment," I look around, "perhaps this place has actual running water too."
"You humans and your subpar living spaces," he shakes his head.
We walk through the hallway, searching each room we pass for any residents. The place seems truly abandoned. Trash and debris litter the walkway. No tracks or signs of the previous life is available. No one has been here for a while, which is fine by us. We are just here to see if we can’t kick start the engine. Then guide it to the U.S. Marsh to be dismantled for parts.
Working on a scavenger ship isn't a good life but it’s simple. Especially when you are a valuable asset, get better meals then. I've been working for a little over two years, having been mentored by Sander a few weeks after showing up. We both hit it off and one thing led to another. Now he is my partner in more ways than one. After a year we became inseparable, taking work together. Everyone on board knows by now that if they want something done right, it was sander and me to call.
As I’m distracted looking at the holo-map I jump when I feel something run up my leg. I jump and take a quick step back. Sander begins to laugh, watching me as I investigate my leg. I look up and see his tail flicking lazily around where I stood.
"Fucking asshole," I sneer. He laughs a little louder at my dismay.
"What," he shrugs, "You know I have no say in what that thing does."
I look down at his tail again, "Thing is just as perverted as you are."
He simply shrugs again, "at least the thing has its priorities in check, always finds its way to you."
I fight back the smile creeping on my face, "Flattery will get you nowhere." Sander walks over to me, grabbing at my arm. I playfully jerk away from him, making him fight for it. He gets a firm hold on my forearm and pulls me close to his chest. His bottom pair of arms grab onto my waist. His top plays with my hand, the other petting my hair back.
"Are you sure about that," he grins. I roll my eyes and he pecks me on the nose, "So damn cute."
I can’t stop the smile this time. I push him away and bring up the map again, "Alright, we need to get to the elevator and the engine is on the bottom floor."
"Lead the way mistress," he flourishes his hand. Sliding his bottom pair back into his pockets.
I guide us both to the elevator at the end of the hall. Making our way to the bottom floor. As the doors open, we are both hit by a rancid smell.
"God, that’s like a punch in the nose ain't it," Sander winces.
"yea, smells like damn spoiled eggs," I grimace. We both reluctantly walk out of the lift. Looking around at the complete disarray of the room. The walls are rusted, and the metal sheets are prying away. The floor is covered in an oily sheen and more garbage. Carcasses of rodents litter the corners.
"Put on your mask, I think there is a gas leak," Sander warns. I reach into my tool kit and find the small gas mask. I take it out and strap it to my face. I look over and give him a thumbs up. He copies the gesture. He doesn’t adorn a mask, having a better capacity at rejecting toxins in the air. One of the many reasons he is normally chosen for tasks like this.
We make it to the end of the hall, the door opening at our nearness. Inside the next room is what we came for. The large hydrogen-powered engine. This was an out of date ship it seems. Everyone is all about nuclear or solar-powered ships, not needing great power if you never intend to land on a planet. Just using it for long travel and orbiting.
Looking the engine over it seems a bit off. There are lines of green all around it, giving it a stereotypical alien vibe. Having some bits and pieces beaten out of the sides, leaving chunks missing. Looks like someone attacked this engine.
"Someone shut it off," Sander says from behind the machine. I follow around and see the large switch turned down.
"explains why it took the jaws of life to rip the door open," my voice coming out in echo around the mask. Getting into this disastrous beast was strangely difficult. Like someone made sure the doors were welded shut. Sander shrugs and goes to flip the switch. When it clicked there is a soft whirling then nothing.
"Can never be that easy," He sighs. He switches it off again and looks around the engine. Pulling out a flashlight to look inside the bits that are removed. I walk over to a table aside from the wall, setting down my case. I lean against the wall letting him figure out what's wrong.
Stopping at the front he squints his eyes to get a better look. I can’t help but admire the focus. Sander is amazing at his job, having done it since he was a kid. He loves doing this, this kind of stuff just makes sense to him.
"Seems to be missing a very large part right here," he mumbles to himself. I walk over and look with him. He steps aside, keeping the light still. Looking into the compartment I see what he is talking about. A bunch of wires connected to a splice lay haphazardly at the bottom of the empty space. Looks like someone yanked something out of here, ripping the cords from the connector.
"Well that’s a problem," I sigh. I lean back and look up at Sander, "What now?"
He looks around the room," Maybe it’s in here? Doubt it, but its worth a shot." I nod as we both part to investigate the room.
The tables around are littered with garbage and torn apart machines. Boxes are filled underneath the stands. We search through each one, picking any machine we find. After some time I find a large cube. In the back there are some wire protruding, seeming unnaturally welding to it.
"Hey, I found something," I shout. Turning the machine over I hear sander's footsteps. He crouches down next to me, watching as I fiddle with the wires. Feeling a soft buzz in my hand.
"Looks right," he mumbles," hand it over."
I turn and pass him the machine. As his fingers touch there is a loud pop then a pulse going up my arm then blinding my eyes. I drop the machine and lose my footing, falling against the hard floor. I faintly hear the box drop along with Sander. My eyes can’t focus, blurring and swarming with black dots. The last thing I see is sander passed out on the floor.
With a jolt, I snap my eyes open. I sit upright, wincing when I see the light ahead. My torso is heavy, and my feet feel sensitive. I raise my hand to my head, jumping when I see two hands raised. I stare down shocked at the dark green skin and clawed hand.
"Wha-," I start. I grip my fist, watching as both hands do so. I try to raise one but they both follow. There is something familiar about this arm like I’ve seen it a hundred times. I look down at my chest, noticing immediately my lacking parts. I’m covered by a black muscle tee. My lower half covered by a blanket. I throw the sheet back and look down at the all too familiar jumper tied around my waist.
"No," I whisper. I jump out of bed, catching vertigo as I stand. My top feeling heavy and a large weight down my spine. I turn around and catch sight of a very familiar tail. "No," I say louder. I spin in a circle, following the- my - tail. "No," I shout.
Across the room, I hear a groan, looking up I see someone lying in bed. Feeling the familiarity but not placing it I walk over. I stumble a bit, not use to having such long legs. I catch myself with my two left hands at the end of the bed. I look down at the human. She has an all too familiar look, something I know I’ve seen a thousand times. Seeing that face every day in the mirror.
I’m looking at myself in bed.
"No," I shout, stumbling away from the bed.
"God, I’m trying to fucking sleep. Shut up," I- they - say from the bed. It’s very strange to hear my own voice, it's higher than I realized.
"Jesus, do I sound like that," I wince. My voice sounding extremely deep. I cough and grip my throat, "God, I sound weird."
My body sits up from the bed in a jolt. They look at me immediately, giving a once over. Their eyes widen, pointing at me before covering their mouth.
"Wha- wait, Fuck," she says. She looks down at her hands, flipping them over multiple times. She rubs her eyes then repeats. She jerks her hands to her side, feeling along her ribs. "Where are my arms," she whimpers. I watch in shock as this person controls my body.
She jerks her head to me, "Who are you?"
"Uh, you," I wince. They look down at their body.
"Who am I," she asks. Turning towards the side table she grabs the metal bowl. Checking her reflection, turning the item this way and that. "no," they whisper. Dropping the bowl she turns to me, "Baby girl?"
"Sander," I ask back.
"No fucking way," she-he- shouts. Sander- I- jump out of bed, falling immediately onto the floor. I see his hand-my hand- slap onto the bed. Pulling himself up he glares at me. "Where did we meet?"
I stare confused, "What?"
He stands up, staring at me cryptically, "How do I know that you are who you suggest, where did we meet?"
"Uh, I worked beside Larkin in Storages. You caught me fixing the lift and offered to mentor me," I rush out.
He squints at me, "Anyone could know that, where did we first have sex?"
"That’s appropriate," I drop my hands to my hip. I wince when I see the multiple arms. It’s easy to forget.
"Answer me, where did we first make love," he snaps.
"You considered our first time as making love," I blush. He slaps his hand onto the bed.
"Answer the damn question," he shouts. It’s very strange to hear my voice yell at me.
"Was my room because yours was a shoebox compared to mine, on the living room couch" I answer. His posture relaxes and he stares concernedly at me.
"Doll, what happened," he sounds so small. Which I guess for the time he is small. My voice not helping at all, making my heart break a little.
"I have no idea; I woke up and now I have two sets of arms. Then a fucking tail," I manage to lift my tail. I stare down confused as I shift it either way. Flexing it and twirling it. "You fucking liar, you have full control of your tail," I snap at him.
"Yep, it really is you," he smiles. I have a cute smile, I notice. He walks around the bed, stumbling as he goes. He stops in front of me, giving me a once over. "Damn, you make me look good," he chuckles.
"I don’t think right now is a good time for jokes," I scold. I try to lift my hand but still manage to lift both at the same time. "Also how the fuck do you control these damn things," I wave my arms around. I lift both sides and try to drop just the bottom set. I strain with the effort and manage to drop them to my sides.
"Takes practice, Doll," he plays around with his new hands, "Also your voice is very strange to hear coming out of my mouth. Well, I guess your mouth."
"Yea, your voice vibrates through my chest," I rub a hand down my torso.
As we investigate our new bodies someone walks in. we both turn and see a nurse.
"Oh you both seem to be up and at em," the woman smiles. She is a Krattin, or Kraxin. I'm not familiar with the name but she just reminds me of my Aunt's cat, Phillip.
"Do you know what happened," Sander tries to walk around me. He stumbles still, scolding himself. "How the hell is it so hard to walk with your legs," he barks over his shoulder. The nurse stares at him confused.
"Are you having weakness in your legs miss," the nurse asks.
Sander sneers at her, "Do not call my miss. She is miss, I'm Sander." he points back at me then to himself. The nurse is more confused.
"No, that’s Sander," she points to me.
"No, I’m Sander. That’s my Girlfriend," He clarifies. I can’t help but chuckle at the situation. Sander glares which makes me laugh more. Glared at by my own face isn't that intimidating
The nurse steps closer to Sander," Perhaps you hit your head a bit too hard, lay down and ill check you out."
As the nurse reaches over, sander bats her hand away, "Babe, your help would be divine right now."
"Yea alright," I laugh, "miss, there seems to have been a mishap because I’m not who I’m supposed to be." the nurse looks up at me with her head tilted.
"What do you mean," she asks.
"Well, I’m in the wrong body for starters. I generally don’t have four arms or a pointless tail," I gesture to my tail.
"It’s not pointless, I’m hella top-heavy. It balances me out," sander scolds.
"I’ve seen plenty of men with huge torsos that don’t require a tail," I snap back.
He folds his arms," I have four arms, that’s pretty top-heavy. Your human men hardly count at such with their pathetic muscles."
"Pathetic? How would you know, you have a swimmer's body," I gesture to myself.
"Don’t give me that bullshit, you know you love my slender physique," he tries to purr. It just comes out awkward.
"It’s too weird to be hit on by yourself," I shake my head.
He looks down at his body," Yea, it weird to talk to myself as well."
The nurse stands by watching the exchange with pure confusion," OK, now I’m lost."
We both turn to her, "Right, I’m sorry. I hope that explains it. We seemed to have body swapped."
"Ugh, don’t say it like that. This isn’t that stupid movie you made me watch," Sander winces.
"Which movie? There is a bunch like that," I turn to him.
"The uh," he flips his hand about, "the two women. Switches with the mom."
"Freaky Friday?"
"Yes, that one. Fucking stupid," he goes back to crossing his arms. We turn back to the nurse who looks on the verge of calling security.
"Well, I'm going to check your vitals. Perhaps order for a scan of your brains," she says slowly.
"We aren’t crazy," Sander snaps.
"I never said you are, just sometimes in a tragic situation like near-death that people can make up things," she tries to explain.
"Do you think we are making this up," I ask.
"No, I think you honestly believe that you have swapped but most likely just mimicking their actions and believe such thing as mental swap actually happened,” she makes an excuse. It would be a solid excuse if I wasn’t the one dealing with it. I know I’m not who I should be. The ground is way too far away from my head. I have way too many arms, and I have a prehensile tail.
"Here, how bout we answer some question that only we would know," Sander suggests. He was always the one to try to quickly face a problem. "call Peter and Macy. They know more about us than anyone," he waves his hand.
With that suggested the nurse leaves the room. We both assume to collect our friends, but more likely to talk with someone about the situation. We converse amongst ourselves, admiring our new bodies while we wait.
Around an hour later the room is filled with people. Peter and Macy stand in front of us. A few nurses are poking and prodding our heads as a small group of people are surrounding us. It seems word got out fast about our predicament and a few brave souls have shown up for the freak show.
"Alright, sander," Peter starts," Last Christmas I got super hammered. What was the favor I asked you the next day?"
Sander bats the hands of the nurse away, "Easy, you asked that I don’t tell Katy about that Huxst you were hitting on." a few people around the room chuckle. A Huxst is a species of Lethargic creatures. They are very intelligent but very slow, keeping weight like no one's business.
"I should have picked a less embarrassing question," peter winces, "But she could have guessed that"
"Then why pick that question, rule was that you pick one only I would know. That only Sander would know," He corrects himself.
"Fine, give me a second," Peter thinks," ok, last week you asked me to pick up something for your girl. You wanted it to be a surprise, so I know she has no idea about it." I look over at sander, curiosity peaked.
Sander glanced up at me blushing," Different question."
"No, answer that one," Peter scolds. Sander looks up at me then back at the floor.
"Fine," He hisses, "it’s a signed copy of her favorite vinyl. It was in mint condition so I know she could use it whenever she wanted. The sleeve was worn but you could clearly see the signature from everyone in the band." I’m a bit floored by his revelation. It’s a very considerate gift. I have an old beat-up record player I got from my dad when he passed. It has fond memories every time I play one of his records. I know exactly what band he is talking about. It was a very old rock band. The fact that he didn’t just find one but one that was signed it beyond me.
"Really," I ask. I set my hand on his arm. Feeling strange touching my own skin with his.
He looks up at me," yea, it was meant for your birthday next month." I smile down at him, pressing my hand to my heart.
"I'd kiss you but I rather not kiss myself," I laugh. I get a chuckle out of him as well.
"I guess that answers it," Peter claps his hands, "They switched bodies." a few people around the room grumble as some exchange funds. I guess in that short time there were already bets.
Macy steps forward with her arms out," Wait. We have to make sure they are switched with each other. He could be anyone" She gestures to me.
"Well then Macy, ask me a question that only id know," I fold my top set of arms over my chest. Copying Sander's signature pose by putting my lower arms in my pockets.
Macy gives me a once over as she thinks, "When you first met Sander's do you remember what you told me?"
"That he is an ass," I chuckle. Sander flicks me in the arm.
"No, well yes but not what I meant," She smiles, "We sat in your room after y'alls first time. You were all gushy and giddy, hugging the pillow he slept on." I remember that day clearly. It was the afternoon after we first had sex. He stayed the night but left the next morning to work. I met up with Macy, needing to talk to her. I couldn’t stop smiling as I gave her the details of our date. I looked at her said -
"I think he is the one."
There were a few awes from the crowd, but I was too embarrassed to look up. I hid my face in my hand, not wanting anyone to see the blush on my cheeks. I felt a hand on mine, pushing it aside. I look upon my own face, filled with admiration.
"You really knew by then," He whispers. Keeping his voice down so no one can hear our private moment.
"Of course, you were wonderful," I can’t help but smile. He smiles back, bumping his head into mine.
"God you are such a softie," He has a wide smile, "I think I have to kiss you"
I lean back," No, I’m not going to kiss myself."
He grabs my face," Too bad, that was too adorable. I have to kiss you, its law." I fight against his hands, finding it easier now that I’m the stronger one. "Nope, don’t fight it," He laughs. I give in, letting him peck me on the lips. I drop my head to his shoulder.
"Fuck, I wish these people weren't here," I grumble. I feel Sander turn his head and regards the group.
"Proof enough," He asks the crowd," Now someone fix this, please. I’d like to kiss my girlfriend with my own mouth."
Everyone left the room besides the nurses who are still trying to poke and prod. We gave up trying to fight them a while ago. As we sat in relative silence we jump when the door opens. A few people roll in some machines on a dolly cart. One of the machines caught our eye immediately.
"that one," Sander shouts. He jumps out of bed, getting used to his new legs, and stops in front of the box. "this little fucker," He growls.
I hope out of bed and stop behind him. He leans down to pick it up but thinks better of it.
"Do we know what this is," He asks the workers in the room. I look around to see they are his workers. The mechanics that do more of the tinkering and fixing of the place.
"No, but it does emit a strong power. Rodney assumes it’s a battery of some kind," one of them that I recognize as Krait says.
"A battery," Sander rolls his eyes, "The thing is some magic body swapper device and you assume it’s a fucking battery."
"Chill out, they know as much as we do," I rest my hand on his shoulder.
"Excuse me for being a bit tense," He scolds over his shoulder," Fuck, I can’t even scold you properly. When did I get so damn tall!"
"Sucks being short doesn’t it," I laugh.
He sneers up at me," We better figure out how to switch back soon because I will have you on your back in seconds."
"promises, promises," I shake my head.
"Damn straight it’s a promise," he snorts. He looks down at the box, using his covered foot to nudge it a bit.
"How did you two switch to begin with," Krait asks.
"Well I found the thing and handed it to him," I point to Sander," and then there was a flash and we woke up here."
"You feel the weird buzzing up your arm and to your head first," Sander looks up at me.
"Yea, it was like being shocked," I rub my arm.
"Then let’s do that again," Krait suggests, "She picks up the box and hand it so Sander."
"I guess it’s worth a shot," Sander shrugs, "Can’t imagine we can get more fucked up."
"Hey, watch yourself. That my body you are 'fucked up' in," I nudge him.
He pets his hands down his chest, groping himself as he does so." and what a lovely body it is too." I kick him in the back of the knee, making him buckle. "Fucking ow," he winces. He rubs his knee as he eyes the box. He glances up at me next, "Ladies first?"
"According to the genitals in the room, I'm afraid to say that it’s you who is the lady," I smirk.
"On your back, screaming my name. that will happen even if we aren't switched back," He glares at me.
"Then let’s hope we can switch back because If we don’t I will be the one topping you," I laugh. He continues glaring but with a bit of mirth.
"Guys, please touch the creepy alien box before I vomit," Krait cringes. We both smile at each other at Krait's expense.
Sander reaches out first and grabs the box. Without my command, my tail wraps around his ankle. He looks down and grins.
"Told you I don’t have control over it," he glances back up. I shake my head as I tighten the tail's grip. Sander lifts the box from the dolly and turns to face me. "If you are in any pain, I want you to say so, I know how stubborn you are," he demands.
"I promise, it’s going to be ok," I console. I timidly reach out my top arms. Hovering my hands over the box, feeling the electric pulsing already. With a quick breath, I slap my hands to it.
Just like before I feel the current run up my arms and into my head. This time I feel like my skull is going to burst. I feel the heat behind my eyes and all I see is white. Then in a second, my legs buckle, and I fall to the floor. My head bouncing as it cracks against the tiles.
I wake up with déjà vu. I'm sprawled over a hospital bed but this time I’m not wrapped in a blanket. I squint at the ceiling lights, making a note to tell the nurse to dim them for anyone who has been knocked out. I rub my eyes, feeling the softness of my own skin. I run my fingers through my long hair, brushing it away from my face.
"You are damn slow to the catch," I hear a deep voice beside me. I look over and see Sander sitting up in bed, watching me with a smile. I squint at him confused before it clicks. I jolt up in bed, "there she is. Hi, doll."
"It worked," I twist off the bed. He does the same, planting his- HIS- feet on the floor.
"Yes it did, lovely to see you again," he laughs as he walks over to me. I grab his bottom arms and pull him close. He kneels and wraps both sets around me. "God it feels so good to touch you with my own hands," He rubs his face on my head. I can’t stop the choked laugh that escapes me. It really worked, it fucking worked.
I lean back and grab his face. Pulling him down and taking his lips to mine. He gives no fight, tilting my head with his hand. His other hands petting me, memorizing everything. Perhaps having a new admiration for touching with his own skin when he lost it before. I reach up and grab his hair. Tugging on the short strands the way I know he likes. He groans into my mouth, grounding his hips into the bed.
"I’ll take it that it worked," I hear a voice call. We part and I turn to see Peter and Macy.
"Yea," I answer softly. Sander brushes his nose around my ear, still groping and petting me.
"I guess we should leave you two alone," Macy says. She grabs peter and drags him out of the room.
I turn back to Sander, resting my forehead on his.
"Hi," I smile.
"Hi," he answers back.
"What should we do now?"
"Fulfill a promise," he lifts me from the bed. His lower arms hold my thighs around his waist while his top ones hold my hips. He walks me towards the door, opening it to a nurse.
"Where are you two going," the nurse asks as she steps aside. we walk past her.
Halfway down the hallway, Sander yells out, "I'm going to make love to my girlfriend."
I laugh while peppering his face with kisses.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Refrenced the only two body swap movies i know. Vice versa and Freaky Friday. This was meant to have more to it but it was already getting long so it's cut short. still reads well in my opinion. Check out my archive
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razorblade180 · 4 years
Twin Snowflakes pt16:Royal Court
Flynt:Well look who it is!? Wasn’t expecting to be sent back to the past like this.
Veronica:Nice to see you too Mr. Smooth Criminal.
Flynt:I see your mom gave you her wittiness too.
Veronica:Hardly. If you hear me crack a pun then check to see if I have the flu or something.
Flynt:I meant Blake.
Veronica:Oh…not, not sure how I should take that.
Flynt:Don’t think about it too much. So you’re here to help set everything up? Well we sure don’t mind all the extra hands; more helpers mean more time for everyone to rest. Unless you’re a crazy person who doesn’t know how to rest.
Nick:Gee I didn’t realize Atlas became Shade. Always picking on me for the little things.
Flynt:All in good fun. Well Veronica, glad to have you. I won’t lie to you and say our school holds the most welcoming environment despite their reasons for being here, so don’t hesitate to come get me if anything serious happens.
Veronica:Thanks for the offer but I know how to handle myself and a few close minded simpletons.
Flynt:Somehow I have no doubt about that.
He grabbed a pin that said committee on his desk and put it on her shirt. Veronica bowed slightly before taking her leave. It was always interesting for Nick seeing the girl be so polite. The way she could flip between her manners with anyone so fast was always something she was good at. He once saw her go from shaking a man’s hand to punching them in the face in the blink of an eye.
Flynt:Is your sister here today?
Nick:I’ll hunt her down if she isn’t, why?
Flynt:Only asking. I know I tell you to let others handle their own workload but I advise you to keep an eye on Veronica just in case.
Nick:Trust me, Veronica might have a temper but she typically thinks things through; the school won’t get a bad-
Flynt:I don’t care about this place’s reputations, or my position for that matter. Your friend just looks like she’s nearing the end of her rope.
Nick:Really? What gives you that vibe?
Flynt:When you partner up with a cat faunus, you learn a thing or two. As far as tails go, it usually isn't good when they’re wrapped around the waist and all tense; almost like she’s hugging or bracing herself.
Nick:When does Neon do it.
Flynt:When she’s being defensive. Keep in mind I could be entirely wrong in Veronica’s case though. Just something to be aware of.
Nick:Hmm interesting. Thanks for the heads up.
Nicholas gave his principal a wave before heading out, his words taken to heart. ‘Maybe Yang was right to worry?’ He chewed on his bottom lip as he slowly caught up to the girl. ‘Right or wrong, getting her to eat couldn’t hurt.’
Nick:You know I think breakfast is still being served. I’m pretty hungry after looking for you and I bet running on rooftops made you peckish. Wanna grab a bite really quick? The school’s chicken bisc-
Veronica:Not interested, sorry. I would rather find where I’ll be working.
Nick: ‘Too direct’ Lunch isn’t for awhile. Working on an empty stomach-
Veronica stopped and opened her bag. Nick looked in it and saw several fruits and what was probably protein bars. He’d be impressed if prior knowledge didn’t make this seem like a yellow flag at best.
Veronica zipped back up her bag and continued walking, now a little faster. Her focus was derailed by Nick grabbing her wrist and making her jolt, spooking both of them. He didn’t comment on it and started guiding her down a different hallway.
Nick:You’re walking as if you know where to go. For future reference, wooden doors are regular classes and school stuff. Metal doors are combat related. You’ll work in the student council room; the creative arts hallway is to the right of it. They have plenty of time between classes for you to get whatever you need.
Veronica:Alright, easy enough to remember.
Nick:Fill free to explore the school if you want but don’t interrupt any classes and a lunch monitor will probably get on you if you go in there during different blocks.Summer has lunch at noon.
Veronica:And why would that matter to me?
Nick:So you don’t bump into her on accident, or if you need her for whatever reason. Do not, and I repeat, do not give her a hard time. She already hates school enough.
Veronica:Relax, I’ll play nice. Don’t expect me to sit with her at lunch or anything. That lunch room is probably loud as hell.
Nick:Summer eats on the roof, or the nurses office. I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen her at a lunch table. Then again, I don’t spend a lot of time there either.
For some reason that was interesting to learn. Veronica was sure those two would have taken the time to eat with each other or be around peers; even if it was for show. Nick seemed like he’d use lunch for studying so she guessed it wasn’t that surprising. ‘Knowing Summer she would go there if you did.’ Veronica thought.
They finally reached the committee room. Nick grabbed the door knob but didn’t get the chance to twist it before it already swung open with Eliza on the other side.
Eliza:I swear if this boiler room doesn’t get its shit togeth-
Nick:....Uh, hey. Busy morning?
Eliza:You would know if you got here early like the president this school believes you to be!
Nick:One, I’m usually here thirty minutes prior so don’t come at me. Two, a hello would be nice. Finally, the boiler room messing up again?
Eliza:One, hello. Two, I’m here an hour early, three, yes it’s taking too long to warm certain things if at all. Finally, where’s the person who knows how to fix it?
Nick:Haven’t seen Valerie and you definitely know I haven’t seen Winchester, that’s your headache.
Eliza:Ugh, I guess I’ll cheat and warm it up myself.
Nick:Don’t blow us up…
Eliza:Shut up, unlike you I’m cautious. Might’ve come in handy against that Paladin.
Nick:Like you would’ve said yes if I asked.
Eliza:Who knows? If you got on your knees I might’ve said yes instantly. Guess we’ll never know; why aren’t you in home room ?
Nick:Last time I checked, you want to be kept in the loop from now on. We have another person helping starting today.
Eliza directed her attention to Veronica and looked her up and down before looking at Nick annoyed.
Eliza:Yeah, I would’ve called a short meeting if I had known earlier. Being kept in the loop doesn’t mean telling me something last second.
Veronica:This was a last second decision. Lucky me because I hate meetings. I’m-
Eliza:I know who you are Veronica Belladonna; I’ve read about you quite a bit actually. Quite a shame your work doesn’t have much to show for it.
Veronica:I could say the same thing about your tournament rankings. Third place gets such a tiny font in the papers.
Eliza:Hmph, kitty has claws alright. Looking forward to seeing what you contribute. Nick looks confident in you so I’m sure it’ll be fruitful. There’s a list of things that need to be done inside the room already. Don’t hesitate to make my life easier.
Eliza shot Nick a cold look as she walked out slowly. Nick couldn’t help but notice the girls slightly sluggish movements.
Veronica:I don’t like her.
Nick:You don’t like most people so what’s new? Eliza is a hard ass but she’s a good person. Definitely reliable, so don’t piss her off. She’s already gunning for me at the tournament and I don’t need anger behind her hits.
Veronica:This list of people I have to be chummy with is getting too long for my taste.
Nick:Vee, I’ve only named three people. Three good people at that. Well...two and a half. Anyways I gotta get to class so you’re on your own for now.
Veronica:Have fun with that. Don’t be surprised if I’m running this entire place by the end of the day.
Nick:That would mean dethroning me, a tall order.
Veronica:Who says we can’t rule together? You know, as king and queen?
A blush spread across his face before he heard Veronica chuckle, only making him redder. Nick turned away in embarrassment and headed to class. It never took much to get him flustered. Veronica felt a little bad; it was something his classmates probably didn’t know.
‘Try all you want Nick,I won’t let you keep your cool.’ Veronica thought, still chuckling to herself. She would’ve continued to do so if the bell didn’t snap her out of it and hurt her ears. “That’s gonna take some getting used to.
Vee went ahead inside the student council room. It was surprisingly spacious and barren. Mostly tables lined around it and a giant blackboard filled with words. Papers were spread around the desks. ‘Wow, disorganized much?’ She took a deep whiff of all the different scents in the room, recognizing a few.
Her eyes scanned the desks. ‘Nick, Valerie, Eliza, even Summer, and several more.’ One paper caught her nose in particular. ‘It wouldn’t be unusual for all the members to have held the list. So...this one?’ She picked up a thin stack that was stapled together. Bingo, the nose always knows.
Venue, light arrangement, stage size, schedule events, all of it was laid out in detail; even down to the estimated budget. One page was a map of the layout which really helped? But something was off. All of this might’ve been planned out it seemed...conceptual. Scatterbrained even. Like all the thoughts were together but going in different directions at the same time.
‘The room isn’t the only thing disorganized it looks like. This list is like a buffet when it should be a potluck. Divide the work, make sure there’s no repeats or clashing themes. If the fights are the main course…’ Veronica took a seat and grabbed a pencil along with fresh paper. ‘Then let’s make sure to give the people plenty of complimenting sides and palate cleanser.’
“That's all you can do! Talk about slow!” Valerie shouted with gusto, her hands juggling her tomahawks in the middle of the arena ring.
“Shut up!” Cried her sword wielding opponent. They charged forward with their sword at the ready.
Valerie made no attempt to stop her juggling. Her eyes pierced right into her foe’s as they prepared for a thrust. Valerie shook her head in disappointment. “Sloppy”
The words reached the student and a dark blue glow washed over them. Suddenly their muscles felt heavy, air felt stingy, and their balance was off. The steel sword tipped too far forward and made them stumble, their body stopping at the perfect distance to receive a powerful roundhouse kick to the face that sent them flying out of the ring.
A buzzer rang right after and Valerie finally let her weapons hit the ground as she walked to the edge to see Harriet helping the dazed student.
Valerie:Their jaw okay?
Harriet:If you have to ask then that means you knew you were being too rough. You get a B- Valerie. Please remember restraint. Your semblance and strength can really hurt someone.
Harriet:Don’t be sorry, be careful.
That was a line Valerie was familiar with. She watched Harriet help the student to their feet and guided them to the changing room before turning to the rest of the class.
Harriet:Well then, I say that’s enough for practical fights. Unless we have any volunteers, Summer?
Summer: Y-Yes!? I mean no! No, I’m fine. Training is all...covered and stuff.
Harriet:Fine then. Okay everyone knows the drill. Five laps around the track and then you are free from my charming voice. *claps hands* hop to it!
A collective groan came from the class before they started walking to the door. Summer waited for others to be ahead of her like usual and waited for Valerie to catch up.
Valerie:Enjoy the show?
Summer:Eh, felt like a rerun of most of your matches.
Valerie:What can I say? Being this good means I’m always a safe bet princess.
Summer:You won’t be if you call me that again.
Valerie:Ooo feisty today.
Harriet:You’re one to talk. *folds arms* Valerie, thirteen laps for you.
Valerie:What!? But I hate cardio!
Harriet:Good, I’m sure whatever aggression you have will burnout; Summer you have seven. A warning for all your absences.
Summer:Fair, but literally the day after? We’re still sore.
Harriet:Physically or mentally? Just kidding, I know it’s both. Now go before I add more laps.
Summer and Valerie:Yes ma’am…*runs off*
Valerie:Man this sucks! So I hit a little harder than I meant to, so what?
Summer:You’re gonna run out of breath before you start your laps.
Valerie:Maybe then I won’t overlap you.
Summer:Please, you’d need time dilation to do that with your speed. I’ll call you if I need to move some furniture, you lumberjack.
Valerie:Ouch, feisty. Wake up on the wrong side of the bed?
Summer:No, but obviously you did. Seeing you in my bus seat this morning was pretty unexpected.
Valerie:Too sore to swallow. I figured-
Summer:That you wanted distance from Nick?
A pit in Valerie’s stomach dropped like a weight. She looked towards Summer to see neutral eyes examine her in great detail. She wondered what exactly it was that Summer was looking at. Color, sweat, hidden guilt, or fear?
Summer:Did you tell him about the bus? Actually, not fair, I don’t wanna know that. What I should be asking is...no, not that either. Sorry, I probably sound like I’m spouting craziness. What I’m getting at is I’m upset too, about my performance during the exam.
Valerie:You tr-
Summer:I swear if you say I tried my best then I’ll scream.
Valerie:....Sorry. You’re wrong though, about me being upset. Frankly I don’t know exactly what I’m feeling. Anxious, embarrassed maybe? I just know I don’t really want to deal with Nick right now. Nothing personal, honestly.
Summer:No offense but it’s entirely personal. I’m not gonna blame you for wanting alone time. Nick and his overwhelming nature is...overwhelming. Always butting in, worrying about everyone but himself and-
Valerie:Being absolutely sweet? It’s all out of kindness; which I don’t necessarily know if it makes it better. I think it does anyways.
Her eyes seemed to drift off thinking about it. He really was always there for anything. Good or bad, Valerie would see the idiot next to her. It was genuinely comforting, and scary. Scary for reasons that for the life of her, she couldn’t figure out.
She was thankful when Summer touched her arm and dispelled the mix of conflicting emotions. Val shook her head and cleared her throat.
Valerie:Enough about Nick! Let’s talk about something more progressive, like how to delete a video the entire school has seen.
Summer:No amount of money or power will erase it. Eliza really screwed us on this one.
Valerie:Wait, what!?
Summer:She’s the one who recorded the quality video. Not out of malice or anything but-
Valerie:I’m gonna fight her…
Summer:Ignoring me? That’s cool too.
Valerie:Oh I heard you, still pissed!
Summer:What happened to not being pissed?
Valerie:Okay, so I’m a little pissed. Ugh! Of all people. I hope she makes it far in the tournament. I don’t think I can take any more nosy people.
Summer:(Should I mention Veronica?)
Valerie:*cracking knuckles* I’m fired up now!
Summer:(Nope) Cool, start running then. Think of it as a head start.
Valerie:Fine, but if I finish my laps before you then I think that’s worth some sort of prize. Let’s say...a movie, just the two of us?
Summer:Hmmm, no deal. I sort of have this thing where I don’t go on dates with my brother’s crushes.
Valerie:We don’t have to call it a date. It would be two friends hanging out like buds.
Valerie:Yeah, I didn’t believe myself either. Come on, what’s wrong with one simple date?
Summer:Nothing, if it were simple. One of these days you’ll figure it out.
Valerie:Figure what out?
Summer:Finish your laps first and I might tell you, if you beat me that is.
Valerie:You’re on!
Summer makes no effort to start running as Valerie takes off with renewed determination. No doubt it will carry her for at least three laps. Win or lose, Summer planned to keep her mouth shut. There were certain things that should be learned in time, instead of told outright. She had faith in Valerie.
Either way it would take time, almost like a cheesy romance novel. Slow burns never interested Summer. There was always a person who crossed a line. Good thing Nick and Valerie were way too smart to do anything that would endanger their friendship, right?
Time seemed to be moving at a snail's pace today. At least it was for Veronica anyways. There was a small stack of paper near her now. Each one filled with edits that reorganized all the organized chaos from the council. ‘I hate to admit it, but this Eliza check really puts in work. They all do in some way; Valerie might look dense and lazy but I shouldn’t be surprised that she can handle work. Can’t say much for her creativity though. Still, Nick seems to stand above it all. Just like him to try without showing it. Tiny notes that build upon the others.’
Veronica grabbed the next sheet of paper and kept her pace. This was far easier than designing clothes. It was almost therapeutic in a way. The only thing that was distracting her from her growing agitation. Snacks, all gone. Hunger? So intense that it hurt everywhere. Bones, eyes, nerves, all of it. She wasn’t used to this pain, and she doubted she ever would be.
Calmly she felt her stomach grumble against her nails; which threatened to sharpen. It wouldn’t surprise her if her eyes looked more cat like right now. A wiser Veronica would’ve binged at a buffet before visiting Atlas. She could usually go longer without caving; maybe it was the boat ride? Veronica knew for a fact any instinctual push could potentially set her off. Too late for regrets. No way would she let people see her go feral. Not when they were already talking…
“Did you see that girl with Nick today? Haven’t seen her before.” Said someone in the hall. “You think that girl is rich or something? A girl said in a classroom. “Ha! How rich could a faunus get!?”
The chatter kept coming from every direction.
“That girl is pretty smoking.”
“Jungle fever much?”
“You know what they say about faunus girls.”
“Probably a charity project.”
“Never seen ears and a tail at once.”
“I think she’s ugly honestly”
“Pretty, for a faunus.”
“I think she’s a halfbreed.”
Her pencil snapped. She basically shattered it to gain some sort of control, ignoring the splinters yet accepting the pain in full force as she kept her fist clenched tight. Veronica wished folding her ears down could be enough, that if she covered them tight she could finally get some quiet; that would be wishful thinking. Tactics like those never worked.
‘Different place, same people. So do what you were told Veronica.’ She told herself. A deep breath in, then out. Letting her eyes close and focus on the only thing that mattered. Herself. Her thoughts and opinions; long flowing hair, sun tanned skin, ears, tail, blood…
All little things that made her up she thought were just fine; not perfect, but not flawed either. They were simply her and that was glorious. As long as she believed that, as long as the people who mattered believed it, then who gives a fuck about what’s said outside?
“Hey princess, come to grace us with your presence?” Veronica heard, from what could possibly be the fakest happy voice in existence. accompanied by the frailest one she’s heard all her life.
Summer:Ple-please le-leave-ah!
An arm brushes pass her head and slams into a locker directly behind her. Summer clenches her belongings close to her chest and stares up into the taller girl's brown eyes. Dark brown hair and brown skin really made her stand our. No doubt a cheerleader or head of a club. Combat school or not, beauty was the law of the land to an extent.
A small crowd started forming around them in curiosity because of the noise.
Jordan:What, Princess? Am I not worth your time? I just wanna catch up.
Summer:You’re...causing a scene.
Jordan:That a problem? Don’t you like all that attention and limelight; the personal benefits that somehow let you float above it all?
The girl put her fingers through Summer’s hair. Her eyes drilling into the girl with obvious hostile intent.
Jordan:You know, I’m getting really sick and tired of being overshadowed by someone who never lifts a finger. I miss a day and there’s hell to pay. You miss weeks before and yet your grades stay the same. What, got that fine brother of yours bending over backwards?
Summer:What? No I-
Jordan:I was really hoping you’d get what was coming to you yesterday but of course not. I will say it is hilarious letting people see how frail and useless you are. Maybe if you spent more time eating a sandwich instead of trying to do something with that useless voice of yours…
That insult hit a special spot.
Jordan:Then maybe you wouldn’t be such a lightweight. At least you finally know how to dress yourself. A blow to the head must’ve knocked some sense into you. Doesn’t change the fact you still have all those hideous scars. I bet your fans would love to see-
It was sudden, almost instantaneous. The girl had gone from trash talking one minute, then to holding her wrist right after a loud smack from another hand had invaded Summer and Jordan’s delightful conversation. Summer hadn’t even realized Veronica was watching, let alone standing next to her currently.
Murmurs started to grow louder as the students stared at this unfamiliar faunus that stood confidently, hands on her hips and a look that could kill. Veronica paid no attention to them or Summer for that matter. Instead she had her attention on the bully. A thin red whelp on the girl’s wrist made Veronica silently say “shit” to herself. Her nails must’ve grazed the skin; a genuine mistake.
She was already questioning why she showed up here in the first place. A fight was the last thing she needed or attention. So why intervene? Why prevent Summer from turning on the water works? Easy answer, basic people pissed her off
Veronica:Ever heard of personal space? I thought all Atlesians knew basic etiquette but apparently not.
Jordan:Umm who the hell are you supposed to be?
Veronica:It’s not polite to ask others their name without introducing yourself either, but I guess anyone would want to know the name of a person that threatens them. Then again, a school like this would be diligent in political topics.
Summer:You think the majority of kids here pay attention to the news or the bad part of history?
Veronica:I guess this is what passes for elite around here. How disappointing.
Jordan:Listen, apparently you don’t know things work around here new girl but I’m-
Veronica:Completely irrelevant to me, an afterthought when this is all over. I don’t know how popular you might be or who you might know. Keeping shooting your mouth off and this headache of mine isn’t going to go away. Find something more productive to do than play bully.
Jordan:Ha, so that’s what this is about!? Didn’t realize that good for nothing princess had any friends besides that idiot sports jockey.
Veronica:Please, I wouldn’t be this child’s friend even if she paid me. Her crying hurts my ears almost as much as your prissy voice.
‘Oooos’ came from the crowd of people. It didn’t matter what school you went to, kids craved this kind of back talk. Summer wasn’t sure how things suddenly got so hostile, but that jab at her irritated her.
Summer:Yeah well why would I ever want a friend like you?
Veronica:Crippling loneliness.
Summer:Oh, so I would have to be desperate? That sounds about right.
Veronica:Go jump in front of another robot arm or something, the big kids are talking. Or I’m talking, this chick is pouting.
Jordan:I will not be talked to like this! Not by some...some…
Veronica:Say it, call me anything that has to do with being a faunus and see how far it gets you.
Jordan:A flea bag like you doesn’t scare me you bitch.
Summer:Hey! D-
Jordan:Excuse you, why are you even talking still, or even here!? Do us all a favor and fucking disappear like the nothing you are. I mean honestly, why the hell are you even alive?
The crowd went absolutely silent, all eyes went on Summer. Her heartbeat felt like it nearly stopped entirely. Feeling small was something she was used to. Jordan hadn’t said anything Summer didn’t think of before and yet right now, in this moment, Summer felt like she had been shot right in the heart.
Why? Why couldn’t she say anything back? What made all these eyes so terrifying? The eyes that no doubt saw her on stage before where they didn’t mean a thing. The eyes that most likely laughed when they saw that stupid video. Summer could feel herself choking up and bit her lip.
‘Something, do something damnit! Anything is better than nothing!’ Her chest felt like fire and Jordan smiled as she knew what would happen next, only making Summer angrier. ‘Do anything but cry! Just-’
Her screaming thoughts were suddenly halted by the sting of Veronica flicking her arm. Her face showed severe annoyance at Summer.
Veronica:So what, you can fight with me all day but do nothing here? Could it be...you think I’m somehow beneath her!? The hell is up with that?
Jordan:The fact that you don’t realize that proves just how delusional-
Summer:Please, you’re way more insufferable Veronica. Jordan might as well be an ant with how basic she is- *covers mouth*
More “oooos” came from people chattering. That might’ve been the first time her classmates heard her say anything so...so rude. Jordan grit her teeth and clenched her first, definitely uncharted territory for Summer.
It might’ve been a good idea to leave, hell, maybe even apologize just to prevent further trouble, but the look Veronica gave her made it clear that wasn’t a choice. Not only wasn’t it smug, it pissed Summer off a little. Like hell she’d back down now!
Summer:I mean just look at her, all looks with no substance.
Veronica:I bet this bitch thinks she’s so smart. At least compared to you.
Summer:Hell no! I can sleep through half a test and still be ahead of her with her with how bad her grades are.
Veronica:Oh so she’s trying to get by on her looks? How pathetic.
Summer:Looks she bought too, or I should say her parents bought.
Jordan:Says who!?
Summer:You think no one would notice last year when you came back from spring break with a new nose? Or were you thinking everyone would focus on the boob job? Puberty doesn’t do all that in two weeks so you either found the gods, a ton of surgeons, or a godlike surgeon.
Jordan:*red* Like you’re one to talk about looks. Upset no amount of money could remove those hideous-
Veronica:So you admit to the surgery?
Jordan:Shut up bimbo!
Veronica:That sounds like hater talk.
Summer:Yeah at least Veronica is a natural beauty. I might wear a smidge of concealer but that’s nothing compared to you. Boring...
Veronica:You hate to see it, basic. Do you even fight? I don’t think I’ve ever read the name Jordan on any scoreboards. If pretty is your only trick then get a new one.
Jordan:Like someone like you is any better! Fighting or otherwise I bet I could-
“Lose.” A voice came from around the corner. Everyone turned their head to see Valerie still in her P.E. uniform and a little sweaty.
Her eyes focused on Veronica and immediately she was happy that running made her too tired to fight. That didn’t curve her attitude however, but it looked like that there was more than one annoying problem in this hallway.
Valerie:You’d lose Jordan. To me, to Summer, and most definitely Veronica Belladonna.
Veronica:Way to ruin my fun. I barely meet people stupid enough to be so racist to my face. It’s usually when they think I can’t hear them.
Multiple faces in the crowd looked a little uncomfortable after that statement.
Summer:Finish your laps finally?
Valerie:Hardy har. So, care to explain why not one but two insufferable bitches are causing a scene.
Veronica: “That bitch” you could at least calm me that instead of comparing me to that loser. Also shouldn’t you be showering, or home? You smell like the entire football team.
Valerie:Shouldn’t you be oceans away!? Why-
Veronica:*points to pin* Apparently the great kingdom of Atlas can’t organize events without spreading themselves too thin. I’m catching your slack. Nick is very grateful about it.
That sure ticked Valerie off. Maybe she wasn’t as tired as she thought. Veronica’s face was looking pretty punchable right now.
Valerie:Well good on you, being his little errand girl must make you feel like a winner huh?
Veronica:Keep talking shit and people won’t have to wait for a tournament to see you knocked on your ass.
“Shut up!” All three said sternly. Clearly Jordan had become nothing more than an afterthought. The crowd didn’t care who fought. Action was all that mattered.
Valerie wasn’t afraid to step up until her and Veronica were centimeters apart. Veronica showed no fear despite being the shorter girl. Giving into the impulse would be so easy right now. So...gratifying. Like an apex humbling what they saw as a beta. Veronica clenched her fist.
“HEY!” Another voice shouted, cutting through all the hostility of the hallway. The crowd split in half to show Eliza. Everyone could see embers and sparks twinkle around the girl, a clear sign she was ready to break up this altercation.
Eliza:Get.To.Class….or do you want to learn the difference between lightning dust and the real deal?
The crowd didn’t need to be told twice and scattered, even Jordan left. Valerie was given a dirty look that made her step away from Veronica while Summer found the nerve to the wall between Eliza and the other two.
Summer:Sorry! Things got out of hand because of me. I-
Eliza:I highly doubt that. Even if it’s true, our Vice President should learn how to keep the peace. And I expect a guest at our school to not cause any agitation in this already aggressive hornets nest.
Valerie:Pfft, she might as well be a baseball bat.
Veronica:I’ll swing a baseball bat upside your-
Eliza:Do you really want to keep arguing in front of me!? I swear if you three weren’t-ugh! Val, hit the showers. Summer if you aren’t going to lunch then I suggest you go over the numbers we need for the tournament.
Summer:I did that already.
Eliza:Yeah well I just went to our room and our guest has been reworking things so I would like our treasure to double check her work. It’s your money after all.
Veronica:Ahem! aren’t you forgetting something?
Summer:...Right, I’ll get on that Eliza. Right after I get lunch, with milk.
Eliza:Ummm okay? As for you Ms. Belladonna… I’ll overlook this but remember Nick will be held somewhat accountable for everything you do. Good and bad, understand?
Veronica:..Crystal. And can you not call me that?
Eliza:As you wish. Now if you excuse me, I have practice to attend to.
As quickly as she showed up, Eliza left and took Valerie with her. Veronica let out a deep breath before turning to see Summer still standing around and looking right at her. All she could manage to do was give an awkward nod before heading to lunch. Obviously she wanted to say something but for some reason decided against it. A wise decision.
Veronica looked at the cuts in her own hands from clenching her fists to tight, her heart still pounding. Man, she really wanted a burger right now. Anything to sink her teeth in.
Part 15
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imaginesmai · 5 years
Thor-Hercules AU
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I saw this gift and it just gave me Hercules vibe. And I thought, why not? Might be the first part of a Disney’s AU I’m going to do, since I’m working on college on a project for kids about Disney and WELL I CAN’T HELP MYSELF.
Plot:  you didn’t believe in heroes. Those strong, brave men that always wanted to save the day, only to cower away when the real problems began. You didn’t like heroes, who wanted to save the damsel in distress; you could save yourself, thank you very much. You didn’t fall in love with heroes, until a certain blonde one stumbled into your life.
Heroes, you had come to learn, were entirely more trouble than what they were worth.
They went and ran into danger without a moment’s notice, determinated to be noble and brave and never give cleverness a second thought. They did stupid things, always trying to outdo each other. And, in the end, they died.
You should have known, the moment that horrendous big beast roared, someone would come running. Some wanna-be-brave, and trying-to-be-handsome guy. Greece seemed to be absolutely overrun with heroes; if you lifted a rock, there could be at least two. Girls your age drooled over them, and you had met a few that had faked a dangerous situation just so they could see one. You had heard too plenty of stories about how they saved a damsel in distress and let her become the queen of their dreams.  Still, you didn’t like them.
“It’s alright” you assured the creature, hands spread wide and steps careful and slow. The beast roared again, tossing it’s massive – paws? In the air and moving his head around, as if it didn’t really know where you were. It was so wide that it seemed to block out the sky. “It’s okay, I’m not going to-“
Your words got cut off by the scream, and you froze, eyes wide. The beast sensed the intruder as well, its huge, golden eyes narrowing as its wings folded in, tail whipping against the ground.
“Are you alright, milady?” the voice asked again, footfalls accompanying it.
You turned, coming face to face with a man about your age, clad in armour and holding a long bronze sword. Well, not much armour; his sculpted abs were bared, only his shoulders and one arm covered in laughably impractical armour. He had long, blonde hair and deep blue eyes, boring into yours as if you were the only woman he had ever seen. He was tall, taller than any man you had met, and his shoulders were broad.
Regardless of how handsome he might had been, you still had no interest in getting killed.
“Stay back, you idiot” you hissed, and the blonde man froze, his brow furrowing.
“I… you don’t want help?” he asked, to which you shook your head vigorously. “But – aren’t you a damsel in distress?”
You almost wanted to laugh. There was the hero; tall, handsome, strong and with not a single braincell that told him that you didn’t need help. It was as if every one of them had a sixth sense to know when a woman was in distress. Distress meaning anything that wasn’t sleeping or trying new dresses.
Rolling your eyes, you couldn’t resist the urge to perch a hand on your hop, fixing him with a withering scowl. You didn’t miss the way his eyes roamed up your entire figure, and suddenly the destiny of ending up between those enormous claws didn’t seem so bad.
“I’m a damsel. I’m in distress. I can handle it” you said, before turning back to the creature, giving it your full attention once more. It roared, wings spread wide once again and faring its razor fangs. If only, the presence of the man made it more nervous and aggressive, and you sighed in annoyance.
Your newfound hero didn’t seem to heed your words, as before you could blink, he was running past you, sword raised. The dress that was then stained and ripped flew past him and you let your mouth hang open, surprised at how stupid a man could be.
The beast roared, taking a step forward and coating the man and you with its disgusting drool. You closed your eyes and scrunched your nose, hearing the metallic clang of his sword against the animal’s side. It echoed through the clearing, only making the creature more agitated, hissing at the man.
“What are you doing?” you demanded, but he continued to fight, to no avail. You wanted to explain that you were the one stepping in the beast territory, and that it could be fixed with a little sweet talk. Your breath caught as he seemed to find a chink in the beast’s skin, the creature roaring in pain. “Hey!”
All thoughts of your own safety thrown to the wind as you rushed over the man, shoving him back from the animal before he could deliver the kill shot. He seemed so stunned by your actions that he stumbled back, sword falling to your side; although, probably, your shove had been like a soft breezed against a stone’s building, looking at his broad torso.
Your hands flew to the beasts neck, who was breathing heavily. It felt warm under your palms.
“It’s alright” you whispered, shushing it. The creature calmed and you swore it almost sighed in relief, the soft touch making it relax. You repeated the words a few times, until it stopped buffing. It’s head lowered and large, golden eyes blinked at her. “You’re safe now, he’s not going to hurt you”
A rumbling noise sounded in its throat, and his eyes slid shut as you tentatively stroked the top of its head, a whistling purr echoing from his nostrils. Once more, the beast’s eyes opened head rising as it spread its wings and leapt into the sky.
You stepped back to allow the creature room to take off, only remembering the ‘hero’ was still there when he spoke again.
“How did you do that, milady?”
“It was just frightened. Didn’t want to hurt anyone, not until you went rushing at him with a sword.”
The man looked down at the sword he had picked a few seconds before, afternoon sunlight gleaming off the bronze blade. The pommel was shaped to look like the handle of a hammer, you realized, rubies glinting on the sides. It looked expensive, and well made. Not something just anyone would happen to acquire. Not that the man was anything normal either; its beauty couldn’t be from Earth.
“Not everything that looks like a monster is one”
You raised your eyebrow at the man, sneaking a glance at his toned chest. He stood there dumbly, blinking at you and sword in hand. As the great winged beast grew smaller and smaller in the sky. Not everything that is a monster looks like one, either.
“I didn’t realize” he said finally. “I’m sorry, eh, milady. Do you – uh, have a name?”
“Y/N” you supplied.
“Y/N, your name calls the beauty in your” he answered, and you tried not to laugh at the poor attempt of a complement. Still, you wondered if you would be lucky enough to hear your name leaving his lips ever again. “I didn’t mean to interfere in something you had under control. Only wanted to help”
“It’s alright” you said with a shrug. “You should head into the city, though, if you’re looking for monsters to fight. Much more plentiful than out here”
He seemed to glow at your words, showing you a bright smile. He changed his weight from one feet to another, and you realised that you didn’t know the name of the handsome stranger that had made a fool of himself. Your smirked, and he took that as an invitation to talk again.
“I was on my way there” he admitted. “I’m Thor”
The name wanted to ring a bell in your head, but you couldn’t remember where you had heard it before. You blinked, trying to remember why it brought a sense of comfort over you, but he didn’t make any intention of explaining himself further.
“Well, I wish a good fortune. I hope you find the fame al glory all you heroes seem to be chasing” you said, with a little wave of farewell. “Thor.”
“I don’t want fame and glory” he replied, a bit of a frown on his face. Surprisingly, the conviction in his voice had you actually believing him. It seemed like he felt insulted for assuming that. “I just want to help people”
“Well, then I hope you can manage to do that. Try not to get yourself killed” you said. Finally, a teasing smile broke into your lips, a real one. Thor seemed to notice, as he laughed; and it was so loud, that your heart jumped from it. It was a beautiful sound, you decided.
“I’ll do my best, Lady Y/N” he said winking at you, before he turned, and he was gone. Leaving with you with blushing cheeks and small smile.
You exhaled, leaning up against a tree, heart still pounding with leftover adrenaline- whether from the beast, from Thor, you weren’t sure.
The calm after the storm didn’t last long, though. Mere moments after Thor disappeared, you could feel the chill creep into the wood, see the sky darken and the air grow heavy. You squeezed your eyes closed, whishing that you didn’t have to do that. Not after the sweet feeling Thor had left in you, and certain not after the happy smile you had on your face.
“Y/N, darling.”
A voice echoed from the trees, its owner emerging from the darkness like a shadow creeping closer. You could see the annoyance on his pallid face, long fingers pressed together as he stepped closer. You wrapped your arms around your chest, past from the point of being scared but still not comfortable with his presence.
“Hades” you said, trying to keep the bitterness out of your voice. It was not good to go and displease the god of the death, especially when he was already in a sour mood.
“What are you exactly doing here?” he asked, fake sweet smile on your face. “You’re supposed to be working. Convincing minor duties over to my side. Remember? Or is that dumb head of yours empty again?”
In a second, his pale face was in front of you. You had never met such a disgusting eyes over the years; dull, filled with darkness and pain, and slightly red at the end because of the constant hate he felt. Towards everything. His rancid breath hit your face and you tried to stay in place.
How could you forget, if it was everything he ever talked about. His grand plan to unseat the universe the gods by freeing the Titans when the planets aligned, giving him control of the universe. It sounded awful to you, and too much work to be worth it. World domination seemed better in theoreticals, you were sure. But you didn’t exactly have a choice. Whatever the god wanted from you, you had to do.
“I’m sorry, my lord” you said, smiling. Hoping Hades couldn’t noticed how different it was from the one you had a moment ago. “I was going to convince the river guardian to join your fight. I ran into the beast the way there”
“Our fight, darling” Hades corrected you. His hand, suspiciously wet and cold, caressed your face for a bit, until he gripped the back of your hair and pulled your closer. From that distance, he spat on your face when he talked. “As long as your soul belongs to me, my cause is yours too. You’re mine”
You squeezed your eyes closed again, letting the silence between you hang heavy. As if you needed any reminders of everything you gave up for a man who walked away from you the moment it was convenient. Hades kept his grip a little while longer, and finally let your hair go. Then, he wiped his hands on his thighs; as if humans were the most disgusting thing he had ever met.
You mumbled a quick apology, and looked to your feet. Stupid bloody heroes. Always chasing the next best thing, and leaving everything else behind them in dust and ruins.
“That’s more like it!” Hades said, his sickening smile too pleased. He remembered something and frowned, scary attitude back. “Back to the reason I was here. I was – you know, chilling between the eternal flames of death. And couldn’t help but noticing you were talking to, a man, was it? Didn’t remember giving you permission to do so.”
“I don’t know” you shrugged, a bit of annoyed that the conversation was focused on him. “Some here who came barging in, like the always do. Almost killed the poor creature”
“Oh, poor thing, um?” Hades blinked at you and put his folded hands under his chin, as if he was really sorry. “I wonder how long will that beast be alive for. Lucky I wasn’t here, or the dogs would have dinner for tonight”
You prickled at the way he called them beasts. You had always thought those creatures were fascinating in their own way. While they could be fierce, they could also be gentle. Some of them, hydras or chimeras, wanted to hurt you, sure; but most of them were just trying to survive.
Sometimes, you thought of yourself like them. You may had been a minion of Hades, been forced to do terrible things, but sometimes you could still believe there was something good left in you.
“It’s still alive, luckily” you spat back, narrowing your eyes at the god of death. “Even if this Thor almost ran him through”
You expected Hades to quip back. Ignore the anecdote and go straight to what he wanted from you. Maybe punish you from the unnecessary interaction with the man, or make you kill the creature for fun.
He didn’t. Instead, the god’s pale face grew more pallid, eyes going wide and mouth falling open. Hades demanded you to repeat yourself, stepping a little bit closer and making you press yourself further into the bark of the tree. His voice held something you had never heard; rage, surprise, hate. Fright. The stench of death and raw meat he always carried only made room to an even more disgusting one, and you scrunched your nose.
“The hero” you said carefully. “He almost ran the creature through.”
“I got that part!” Hades roared, and the temperature increased. He was fuming. “You said Thor”
“Thor” you repeated, unsure. “I did. Why? Who is he?”
There was no answer on his part, just a big bomb of smoke and he was out of sight. The beautiful landscape you had managed to get lost in the first place came back, birds singing and animals running around. You blinked confused, and took a step forward to finally relieve your back from the rough tree. Looking around, you tried to find the God.
You knew he wasn’t gone; Hades did that a lot. Whenever he remembered something or had business to do, he disappeared and came back a few seconds later. For him, it would had been some days of torturing something.
Your suspicious turned out to be right when he appeared on your right once more. That time, he was cleaning his hands with an old rag. It didn’t take a genius to understand what he had been doing; blood coated his left cheek and there were stains on his clothes. He had a murderous look on his eyes, but he was far more calm. And had a smirk that you didn’t like one bit.
You remined silent, not sure what to say not to anger him further. Thor had seemed strong, sure and a bit dumb although brave, but nothing worthy of being the worry of a god; let alone Hades. You had seen bigger and better man.
“I have a new plan” he said, brushing back his silver hair. “I need him dead, for real this time. And I know just the thing”
Want to know more about me? Here is my Masterlist! Feedback is always appreciated!!
Tag list:
@all-i-need-is-marvel-and-coffee (I don’t know why I can’t tag you...)
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iliveiloveiwrite · 4 years
Hey Millie, congrats again :D It's Sunday, you know what that means? Cake-time :D So as your celebration, could I please ask for 💛 - because I need me some love, also 🍎 - If you were in an alternate universe and you had to chose between Draco Malfoy and your books, which one would you chose and why? 😘 - FMK: Draco, Blaise, Cedric ⚓️ - Both era if you could, Male, Gryffindor, DADA and Charms, Quidditch and aurors and also Fluff please! Congrats, hun again.
Hey Gina! Thank you! My cake did come!! They got me a sticky toffee cake covered in fudge pieces, it looks and smells amazing and I’m just waiting to stick a fork in it! Your answers are below the cut, my dear!
Firstly, let me begin by talking about how much I appreciate you. I don’t talk to very many people on here so I took a chance when I joined the discord chat and I’m so happy I did because I got to speak to you and you’re so so lovely and helpful especially if I have trouble with my tenses and you’re so supportive of my chapter for Journey to Hogwarts so thank you!
Secondly - you are so bloody talented. SO BLOODY TALENTED. Your fics are always wonderful to read and thanks to you, I'm harbouring a crush on Oliver Wood which I didn't think would happen but here we are. You manage to capture characters so well and I know I always hark on about your angst BUT GINA YOU WRITE IT SO WELL! 
Thirdly, I just love the vibes your blog gives off. It’s so organised; your masterlist is a dream!! 
All in all Gina, I am just very thankful to have you in my life. 
omg that is such a hard question bc everyone knows how much I love Draco - my own mother calls him ‘that little blonde boy’ but everyone knows how much I love my books... but I’m gonna have to pick Draco (no surprise really) for the fact that I can get him to write the books and I could have him all to myself and set up the proper redemption arc!
Fuck - Cedric - man I've killed him once, but I'm still curious ;)
Kill - Blaise - if anyone needs me I'm going into hiding 
Sirius Black: (I know how much you love Ben Barnes)
You run your hand through your hair in frustration; it didn't matter how many times you read aloud the incantation, it simply wasn’t working. 
You glare at the spell book that’s settled on the lectern, internally cursing each one of its pages. 
You’re close to tears at this point, thinking of how much time you had spent on this one spell. Repeating it over and over again, following the wand movement as directed in the book. You bite your lip, blinking the tears away, deciding firmly that you would not let this spell get the better of you.
Taking a deep breath, you repeat the incantation - letting the latin roll off your tongue. At the same time, you swish your wand in the direction shown.
Nothing happens. 
You scream out of anger; glaring at the book. 
A cough sounding from behind has you turning around with your wand at the ready. You relax when you see it’s Sirius leaning against the doorframe.
His smile turns into a frown when he sees your harried expression, “What’s wrong?”
Your lips begins to wobble; feeling slightly foolish that you had let a spell get the better of you, “It’s this one spell - doesn't matter what I do, I just can’t do it.”
Sirius rushes to your side, pulling you in for a needed hug. You hold onto his white shirt tightly; inhaling the smell that had become so familiar to you over the last year - cloves, myrrh and tobacco. 
Sirius hands rub comforting patterns on your back and you feel the tension leech from your body. “Is that better?” He asks. 
You nod, pulling away from him. He doesn't let you step very far, folding your hand into his. “I’m still worried about not having this spell down though; exams are in a few weeks.”
“Why don’t I help?”
“You will?”
He nods, “What sort of boyfriend would I be if I didn't help my girlfriend in her time of need?”
You laugh lightly before proceeding to explain the difficulties you were having. The rest of evening is spent with Sirius being a warm presence behind you as he holds onto your wand arm, directing the movements with his own. You lean back into his chest, any and all worries having faded to nothing.
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Oliver Wood:
“Babe! Did you see that?”
You grin at Oliver, unable to ignore the excitement in his voice, “I did, I’m stood right next to you, love.”
He claps his hands, “The Wronski Feint! So early into the game as well!”
He leans over to you, quickly pressing a kiss to your cheek, “Thank you for this, love.”
You chuckle, “My pleasure.”
You had surprised him with tickets to the Quidditch World Cup two weeks ago. Oliver had promptly began to lose his mind; he had tried for hours to get tickets but was unsuccessful and now you had surprised him with tickets. Once he had finished his celebrating, he drew you to him for a long kiss that may have finished in the bedroom. 
There was no denying Oliver’s love for Quidditch. He had been the most passionate captain the Gryffindor team had seen in decades; pushing the team to victory multiple times over his school career - a fact he was still very proud of, thank you very much. 
However, he did love you just as much as he loved Quidditch. You had met him at a Puddlemere United match where a rogue bludger had made its way into the crowd, knocking out a few fans on its way. Oliver had noticed you in the crowd, luckily out of the way for the bludger, and had come up to speak to you after the match. His excuse being to check in on you and your welfare. 
Oliver had asked you on a date by the end of the conversation. 
You had said yes not a moment later. 
You’re pulled from your reminiscing by Oliver shouting again; his hands on his head as he takes in the defeat of his favourite team. He’s entirely crushed; had such high hopes but the opposing teams’ seeker was just too good. 
“Don’t worry, babe. There’s always next time.”
“I suppose,” he says, sulking. 
You bite your lip to keep the smile from growing, “How about this? We head home, have some food and then we can go outside and you can show me how you would have made that final play.”
Oliver noticeably perks up, “You’d do that?”
You nod, “You’ve been wanting to tell me since we left the stadium, haven't you?”
He grins, blushing, “You know me too well.”
“As I should,” You say, hooking your arm through his, “Now, tell me how you would have done it.”
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wychive · 4 years
tagged by : @neo-shitty​ (toffee! ilysm hehe)
tagging: @noya-sannnn , @vitriosan , @hwanami , @luthenia and anyone else who wants to participate
slight warning : mentions of food
this is kind of long so it can help you relax if you want to do this!
[ one ] tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
wave // ateez
when jane showed me and fely (she already stanned ateez) the mv i was like :00 this song is really good and it goes with my type of music; pumped up and really fun. i decided that i wanted to stan them because of this introduction video that they did during pirate king where san broke the toy hammer trying to smack yunho’s ass SHHSSIJS,, i found them really funny and comforting! they made me so happy and that’s why they attracted me so much. + their amazing music ofc 
forever // exo
alright so i originally just casually listened to exo from wolf era up till 2017 when the kokobop teasers came out. they looked really pretty and so i watched them up till kkb was released. it’s what baekhyun’s voice in the forever teaser that captured me into stanning them. everything about the exo’s attracted me, their vocals, their dancing and ofc their visuals. bonus: their time on the ‘360 show(??)’! im not sure of the actual name for the programme but it was where yixing kept pronouncing jurassic park wrong pls that was so cute and funny how could you NOT stan them!
[ two ] answer the ten questions given by the previous person and write 10 of your own for the next person!
what’s your favorite season and why?
we only have two types of seasons here but if this includes western seasons, i would pick spring! flowers give me a sense of calmness whenever they start to bloom so being in a season where it’s just different coloured plants all around you? sign me up pls
are you a cat person or a dog person?
im a cat person! i currently have two cats as pets
what’s your current favorite song and why can’t you stop listening to it?
it would probably be fever by ateez! this is because it gives off freedom vibes and i’ve been stressed lately so the song is a little oasis for me
if you had the ability to do either of the following, would you rather change something in the past or see into the future?
i would choose to see into the future so that i could change what i do now, whether its related to me being lazy or me being selfish,, i would like to keep the past the way it is even if i had some scarring moments. it’s nice to look back on those and see how far you’ve come as a person.
what’s your favorite movie?
my favorite movie would either be spirited away or paper towns,, i actually don’t have a favorite movie because all of them have affected my life in different ways so yea :D
what did miss rona ruin for you this 2020?
probably the food fair this year,, my group of best friends were supposed to go there to celebrate jane and another friend’s birthday. the food fair happens yearly so it wasn’t anything big to anyone else, but to us it was something special. there are a lot more things but this was one of the major things she ruined :/
what’s your favorite album? (you can name one for each genre you like or you can just name one, it’s up to you.)
toffee why my top three would be day6’s sunrise, bts’ you never walk alone and lauv’s ~how i’m feeling~
if you could talk to your past self (person who lived your past life), what would you tell them?
“hey, dude, i hope you’re doing okay. stop being so selfish all the time alright? and stop comparing yourself to others, it wouldn’t do you any justice. make sure to spread A LOT of positivity even if no one acknowledges it. its okay to cry sometimes too. is my soulmate doing okay? i hope they are. i’ll make sure to find them in this timeline, and the next. whatever it takes. learn to love yourself.”
do you have a go-to person? who is it?
uh i dont have a go-to person,, i can’t vent or rant without feeling like burdening the other person or spreading negativity to them. instead i just kind of rant to myself on discord.
if you could tell your younger self something, what would you say?
“hey, kiddo. don’t fall in love too much nor fool around. it’ll affect you badly. appreciate the things your parents do for you, okay? don’t take anything for granted. ignore the people who call you names, they don’t matter here in the future. just be you.”
how do you spend your free time?
who or what is your biggest inspiration?
if you were a character in a horror movie, which stereotype do you closely resemble? and why?
your top 3 fanfiction tropes! (can be nsfw)
do you believe in soulmates and why?
painting or sketching and why?
what is on the top of your to-do list right now?
list down the top 3 things that make you happy.
who are you simping for right now?
what is your first core memory?
[ three ]  bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations.
AIR ༉⋆͙̈
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER ༉⋆͙̈
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH ༉⋆͙̈
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
[ four ] the ultimate tag: answer whichever ones you want to because there are a lot.
name: [REDACTED], alachi nickname: teja, kai birthday: april 11 zodiac: aries nationality: malaysian languages: english, malay,  learning korean gender: female sexuality: biromantic height: 160 cm / 5"2’ or 5"3’
blog stuff
inspiration for muse: music, other people’s work meaning behind my url: fever (current fav song) + core (aesthetic??) blog established: around 2018 but i started becoming active in late 2019/early 2020 followers: 146  ( i love you all )
favorite animal/s: anything connected to the cat species  favorite book/s: the authentics (abdi nazemian), satellite (nick lake) favorite color/s: lighter shades/mid-tones of cool colours, a dash of yellow
average hours of sleep: 6 cats or dogs: cats coffee, tea or hot chocolate: tea current time: 11:34 pm dream trip: south korea, japan, europe dream job: song producer, lyric writer hobbies: listening to music, browsing the internet hogwarts house: ravenclaw last movie watched: harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban last song listened to:  no. of blankets you sleep with: 1 random fact(s): my favourite subjects are biology and english!
[ five ] 10 songs i can’t stop listening to:
eternally - txt
fever - ateez
blue - keshi
lights out - exo
00:00  - bts
strawberries and cigarettes - troye sivan
maze in the mirror - txt
i loved you - day6
 illusion - ateez
 stolen moments - the vamps
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modernsocialmediaau · 5 years
who are you
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February 28, 2015 2:30pm
" Lauren? " a woman's voice rang, it's like some type of dream. In Lauren's point of view, she's coming back into consciousness
" Lauren? " the voice adds again and Lauren finally opens her eyes which she immediately regrets seeing that she had a big ass flashlight pointed at her.
" There we go. " she chuckles and moves the flashlight out of her eyes, her oh so delicate eyes.
" Alright, so I assume you haven't been eaten all today? "she challenges
" You assume right, "
" Well, I recommend you eat and stay in here for quite a while. " she orders
" Will I get to perform tonight? "
" I advised you not to, but if you feel better then yes, and may I ask? " she pause and Lauren nods
" Is there something else on your mind because fainting should not be caused for only missing a couple of meals, at best you should've just been light headed. " she quizzes making Lauren nervous
" Aren't you a doctor? " Lauren tried to change the subject
" Yes, but I'm also a mother." she smiles
" I don't know. "
" I've got two teenagers living in my house, fasting usually comes from mood swings and mood swings often are due to love interest. " she hums
" Wha---whaa, " Lauren nervously chuckle
" So, mood swings and fasting check and check, who is the love interests?."
" Doc I really don-"
" Lauren humor me, okay. "
" No, I'm just-I have something in mind. " Lauren sighs knowing that she would not let go of the topic
" Which is? " she smiles
" I have a crush on my friend who iced me out of our friendship for awhile because of what some fans thought of us and she was pursuing this boy. But-well I think I might be even in love with her. Which makes me sick because all she ever did to me was break me but here I am telling you that I love her " Lauren covers herself with a pillow. Awaiting for her response but when Lauren removes the pillow she's simply waiting for Lauren.
" I know I'm not your mom but I've had my fair share of love affairs and if you don't let whatever you are feeling out willingly it'll find its way out.  " Lauren can't believer how easily she is able to confess this to a random person but not Ally and Dinah.
" Yea but out of the 7 billion people why her? "
" Alright what seems to be the problem? " she requests
" Well for one thing I'm not gay and neither is she. "
" So you're afraid of confronting her and your own sexuality. "
" Yes. "
" And the idea of keeping this big secret is making you anxious and paranoid. Which causes stress levels to go up. Now it all makes sense. "
" What do I do? "
" Tell her. " she simply said implying as if it were that easy
" Ugh. " Lauren quickly sits up and suddenly Lauren feels the familiar feeling of uneasiness and imbalance
" Sit down Lauren. " she grabbed my fore arm and guided me back onto the couch
" I can't. " I said
" You're also afraid of rejection, since you've gone through it before. But the thing is none of this will get easier. Not only will you're emotions take over, they will speak for themselves. "she smiles giving Lauren that mom smile
" Okay, so how do you advise I tell her? "
" Just be honest with her and don't drag it along. "
" What if we're not friends after? I can't exactly go another year of her ignoring me," Lauren anxiously rubs her wrist, and her anxiety comes back all over again
" You girls have gone through a lot, and besides it's not like she can quit. "
" Ok. Thank you Dr.-"
" Jacoby. " she smiles and begins packing her stuff
" Thank you. " Lauren replies
" Remember stay hydrated and eat. And if and I mean IF you feel better by the time of the show, go perform you're little heart out. But don't over do it," she asserts before leaving the room
Lauren wonders how much she's missed out on. She picks her phone up from the table and see's that it was already 3. That's when she realizes she's missed 3 hours worth of work.
Lauren decides to sit up but didn't feel good being up so high, so she lays back down. Lauren establishes to take a little catnap listening to music with a water bottle to her chest.
" Lo? " Camila whispers, but Lauren frankly didn't believe its her and decides to ignore her.
" Lauren? " she repeats herself and this time Lauren believes it is her
" Hey Camila. " Lauren croaks
" Do you feel better? "
" Yea, " Lauren weakly smiled
" Are you gonna perform tonight o-"
" Hell yeah I am. " she chuckles
" You are one bad bitch Lauren Michelle. " Dinah jokes making everyone laugh.
" Are you sure? " Camila interrupts the groups laughter and changes the vibe to a much serious one
" Sure about what? " Lauren questions taking the plate Normani is handing her
" Mhmmm, mac and cheese. " Lauren hums
" About performing tonight. " Camila repeats
" Yea she said I could, I just can't over do it. " Lauren laughs
" Girl you always over do it, " Dinah sasses snapping her fingers
" We all do, " Ally adds
As the girls eat and chat, Lauren see's a message from Will wondering if she can quickly go to the stage for a quick sound check. Lauren stands up, and excuses herself but Camila stops.
" Hey where are you going? " Camila worries
" I have to go to sound check. "Lauren laughs grabbing a water bottle, her phone, and throw outs her trash.
" Are you gonna be okay? " they announce in unison
" Uh yeah I think I'll manage. Meet you guys back here in 2 hours. "Lauren laughs rolling her eyes
" 2 hours it don't take that long. " Normani answers
" Yea but I also need to do make-up and buy a couple of things from Rite Aide. " Lauren responds
" Text me when your going to Rite Aide I need a couple of things too. " Normani winks and Lauren questions it but still nods her head.
Lauren leaves, the girls and scrolls through her phone as she is walking through the back. Will walks in front of Lauren stopping her in her tracks.
" Hey Will what's up? " Lauren is shock but also puts her phone down.
" The doctor said to be careful okay. " he reminds Lauren not wanting to have another panic attack
" I know,"
" Here Lauren, " the sound guy hands her, her ear piece and mic before carrying on with the sound check
" Thank you. " and we carried onto the sound check.
Lauren leaves the make up room and sends Mani a text letting her know she is ready for their trip to the convenience store.
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As she waits for Normani she scrolls through her instagram or twitter to see if they made it public that she isn't feeling well. Thankfully it was a simple tweet from the Fifth Harmony twitter account, following up with another assurance.
@FifthHarmony One of the girls, had a bit of an accident backstage. We'll keep you guys posted
@FifthHarmony  And we're back everything is fine see you guys tonight
" Hey sorry, " Normani runs into Lauren leaning up against the wall, while catching her breath
" Why are you running? "
" The girls and I got bored during dressing stuff so we played tag. " she simply answers as if it's a typical day in fifth harmony world
" Okay, well the Rite Aide is only around the corner so it won't take that-"
" Are you okay? " Mani interrupts
" Huh? I already told you guys. " Lauren chuckles and they start walking towards rite aid
" Lauren why did you faint? " she brings up
" Because I was hungry, "Lauren answers
" But that's- "
"I hadn't eaten since yesterday Normani it happens. "Lauren asserts not wanting to walk about this conversation anymore.
For the rest of the walk it was it was pure silence, until a fan would stop us for autographs and pictures . But other than that it was pure silence. It's not because I got sick of the topic of me, but it's just I'm tired of the constant pity being thrown at me. I am fine, I was hungry and stress.
" So I'm gonna tell Camila, " Lauren confesses making Normani trip on her feet and fall
" What Mani? What did I do to her? I want to fix it. " Lauren cries
" Lauren I don't think you get it. " Normani sighs caressing Laurens head trying to calm and comfort her hurting friend.
" She's not talking to me what's not to get Mani? What? What did I do to her for her to just ignore me like this. " Lauren continues begging and pleading for answers.
" Wha- "
" You aren't doing anything wrong! " she interrupts pulling her
" But- "
" No! Listen to me? I don't know what's going on with her, but I sure as hell am positive you did nothing wrong. 3 months Lo I've watched the whole thing unfold and you have not done one thing wrong. " Normani explains bringing Lauren into another comforting hug but this time Lauren felt her tears on her shoulder. She began to cry with Lauren.
" Why? Why is she ignoring me. "
" What? " Normani chokes while sitting on the floor
" Yeah, I think it's best. " instead of answering Lauren she stands up and picks her up
" Alright calm down. " Lauren smile
" When are you gonna do it? " Normani questions
" I don't know, probably when we get to Ft. Lauderdale. "
" Why there? "
" Well one I'll be near family so I won't feel alone. "
" You'll never be alone girl, " Normani sighs in relief giving Lauren a side hug
" Thanks Mani, and secondly I think it would be nice to see Luis plus I know he'll just have the right thing to say. "
" Exactly, and hey if you want me to be there I can be. "
" No I think I'd be best if I do this by myself. "Lauren smiles and continued to shop. It took 3 people for Lauren to finally decide to tell Camila, well a year of ignorance and 3 people. Lauren hopes that this all goes well, but it's still very much in faiths hands and its in the universe. Lauren has come to the conclusion where she doesn't need Camila to tell her she feels the same way or anything like that, she just needs the freedom.
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laila-rk · 5 years
Taika Waititi’s Jojo Rabbit
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I will admit I went into Jojo Rabbit with reluctance and in an already bad mood. I was planning on watching Little Women which I was very excited for but didn't make it in time, so it kind of felt like 'settling' for another film already. When the film began I was annoyed when the blatant rip-off Moonrise Kingdom aesthetic that I had expected from the trailer came to fruition. I don't personally see why a director would desire to rip off another's aesthetic and how they could be so conspicuous about it, but hey ho. So the entire first forty minutes or so I will admit I spent sitting in my seat silently pissed off and trying to talk myself out of my terrible mood. The film did nothing to assist me in this task. I ended up actually having to tell myself to try to see the film from a child's perspective, because frankly I don't see how anyone beyond the age of about ten could really take much from this film. Other cinema goers didn't seem to have the same issue — seemingly every person in the theatre was in hysterics at all the really badly written, juvenile script/ jokes. I despair.
Where to begin really? Rebel Wilson manages to be unfunny throughout, with every line seeming to be delivered with too much surrounding silence as if in anticipation of audience laughter. It felt like Pitch Perfect and all the jokes fell flat. The lead boy (Roman Griffin Davis) is strangely angered throughout, without any real impetus. I don't assign any blame to the twelve year old actor for this, rather the script and character writing was really badly done. Sam Rockwell, though one of the better performers, seems to be a tacked on character with no real point beyond serving as a vague father-figure to fatherless Jojo and as a precautionary "not all Nazis were bad people" add on. Scarlett Johansson I frankly felt sorry for throughout.
Jojo is a young member of the Hitler Youth. He is sufficiently indoctrinated but is small and cowardly. Some older Nazi boys tell him to kill a rabbit and when he can't do it, they call him rabbit as a joke. But Jojo confides in his imaginary friend, Hitler, who tells him it's okay because he would have his people be comprised of all 'animals' so to speak — the courage of a panther, the cunning of a fox, something something... you know, because Hitler was well into diversity. None of this matters though, because where the film is set up initially at the Hitler Youth training camp, and we feel as though we are in for a long slog of trying not to detect Wes Anderson's Fort Lebanon in this camp, the film bizarrely turns into another film when it randomly changes its mind and decides to set itself largely in the boy's home. It feels very much like the opening is from another movie and just stitched on the beginning.
Actually, despite the Wes-rip off, I would've preferred it to remain at Not-Camp-Ivanhoe, because what it turns into is Boy in the Striped Pyjamas meets Tracy Beaker. It has all the cheap tactlessness of a BBC film, including cheap looking costumes and predictable cinematography. There's a bit where Johansson tells Jojo (her son) that love feels like butterflies and soon after we get a camera pan down to Jojo's stomach where, yes, cgi butterflies reside. It felt like that bit where you go inside Tracy Beaker's head and see her 'famous' mum stepping out of a limo. It was embarrassing to watch.
Jojo falls in love with a Jewish girl, which feels like an unnecessary thread of the story, partly because it seems to be assuming the audience is also in the Hitler Youth and needs teaching that Jewish people do not in fact have horns and hang upside down like bats — actual line from the film— and partly because the girl is established as a stand-in for Jojo's dead sister. So that's weird.
Scarlett Johansson has to try to carry a scene off in which she impersonates Jojo's father who is said to be fighting in the war and has been absent for two years, therefore suspected as a deserter. Johansson awkwardly smears her face with ash from the fireplace and with this 'beard', begins to mimic Jojo's dad in such a way as to paint him as some kind of angry drunk, or rather just a stereotype of a 40s German father? We aren't sure. There's a lot of horrible awkward dancing in this scene and throughout, because Jojo's mum equates dancing to freedom and... well, that's about as profound as the film manages to get. The scene is really hard to watch and it just feels like the camera remains too long on an actress who isn't totally convinced of her role, and who could blame her really when the script is so embarrassingly flimsy?
The Hitler character, played by director Taika Waititi, has his moments. The performance is flamboyant and self-deprecating which does make for the occasional funny moment, in particular a part where he feigns confusion at public perception of himself as a 'psycho' as if he has no idea why this would be. The problem is that this should have been woven throughout and actually the film strays from this character too much in favour of following the Jewish girl who Jojo's mother has been hiding. This doesn't work because for some unknown reason, the girl is made to be frankly a smug brat. I'm not sure if this was in some kind of attempt to imbue the character with some form of liberation (she immediately grabs the Nazi boy and physically shoves him around a lot). It doesn't really come across as liberated though, if anything it makes it hard to empathise with the character as she behaves like a robot. She just comes across as an unbearable character who seems to have literally zero gratitude for the person who has been hiding and feeding her. That's not to say the Jewish character doesn't have EVERYTHING to be angry about, but human nature does dictate that one might be a little more emotionally nuanced and experience small moments of joy when everything else is bad. Instead, Elsa is perpetually angry to the point of essentially bullying the German child who is far younger and smaller than herself. This might make sense if she was even awarded some kind of emotional liberation at the end beyond her predictable escape when the war ends, but all she is permitted to do is another stupid dance on the doorstep (signifying Jojo's mother's idea of freedom, not even her own).
The film's redeeming quality is actually the performance by Archi Yates as Yorki, unfortunately perpetually referred to as 'the fat kid', as if that's a funny enough line to repeat throughout. His performance is naive (the actor is eleven years old), but it works because his timing is great and he delivers the lines as if he is familiar with the intended style of comedy; he actually delivers his lines with wit, where all the adult actors around him fail. He also seems to speak with a British accent where everyone else flits between a half baked German accent and their own real accent, which in between seems to fall into some kind of Welsh accent. Just do the German accent properly or don't bother with it! A scene in which Stephen Merchant arrives as Gestapo begins with a lot of 'Heil Hitlers' and ends with Merchant seeming to forget what he's doing and falling into his usual west country voice.
I don't have much else to write about this film because it's not enjoyable to bang on about the bad qualities of a movie and I do think there is something to be said for the director/writer's bravery in making a film about Hitler as a boy's imaginary friend.
I think the film would've been better off with less of a comedy vibe and by following in real earnest the experience of a member of the Hitler Youth; what his psyche would've been. Unfortunately the film is too babyish for any adult (Dukes at Komedia crowd notwithstanding), which means it is really only funny to kids, and I'm not sure what it does for a child without real prior knowledge of Hitler's Germany. The termination of the boy's friendship with Adolf manifests in his literally kicking Adolf out the window and telling him to 'fuck off', but actually this doesn't do much to negate the established charm/ charisma of the Hitler character. You don't ever really get that sense of revenge or satisfaction at Hitler's expense, if anything you feel a bit sorry for the neurotic clown incarnation of Adolf, who after all is a figment of the boy's imagination. I don't demand any kind of moral lesson from art, but it would seem that this film would be obligated to contain one, and yet it remains dubious as to what it even is... are we allowed to like this Hitler character? Are we even happy when he's gone? Wasn't he the only funny thing about the film?
The movie ends with the Rainer Maria Rilke quote “Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror. / Just keep going. No feeling is final.” Which left me with the final reflection that indeed I did have to let this film happen to me and was rewarded with the beauty of the final credits rolling and the liberating sensation of being able to leave the cinema to go get pizza.
Sadly this film immediately goes to the bottom of my Oscars nomination list (nominated for Best Picture. Ouch!). Interesting to note that Ra Vincent of LOTR/ The Hobbit fame (anyone else watch all those making ofs?) did the production design for this film. At least his name in the credits left me with some feeling of warmth towards it.
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strangelyokay · 4 years
A How To on Acrylic Nails
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Beauty tends to change just about every month and depending on the location it can be entirely different than what it is at a different place in the world. Sure, people like to advocate for the natural beauty for the simple and just be yourself platforms but sometimes what we add to our appearances define our moods and confidence. Accessories are part of our self-expression and I like to believe it adds extra personality to someone's individual style. Now am I a certified person to be talking about the beauty trends of the world?  Simply put no. I am not a fashion student or guru for that matter, but I do have interest. Specifically, in one beauty trend that seems to change and grow each year. Nails!!!
Well acrylic nails to be more specific. They have always interested me, sometimes in a good way and sometimes in a bad way. See, as a kid I didn't understand them. I remember seeing girls around school with perfectly French tip nails. And as a young naive kid, I used to believe that those were their original nails. I always thought, “Wow their nails are so pretty, why are my……” Yes, I used to think my nails were less than desirable but hey can you blame me? No one told me the secret. My mom didn't understand the concept of spending money on unnecessary things. And to be honest I thought the same into one day I walked to my very first nail salon. I felt powerful, beautiful, different. When I got my very first set of acrylic nails something clicked. Sure, there were downfalls like not being able to open jars, sodas, and sometimes doors, but the perks were so good. I felt like an inner diva rose and said,” You look good.”
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Now this blog isn't just me going on and on about how I love Acrylic Nails or how they are a good accessory or even about how they fit in in the new beauty era. Nope, I was interested in how to affordably get my nails done. I figured YouTube is popular with “how to” videos so I figured it was time for me to get a new hobby. I know very little on how to create beautiful nails, but I can give you the information that I have learned from my new hobby, first with what you will need and second the steps to create.
What equipment/products are needed to achieve beauty long acrylic nails?
●       Acrylic Nail tips- These are used as a template for nail shapes/lengths and it makes the nail stronger. Also, if you are like me and nervously chew your nails, these help a lot.
●       Nail Glue- Self-explanatory but this is needed for the fake nail to stay on your real nail.
●       Acrylic Nail Clipper/Nail File- Used to cut and shape the nail. I don't recommend using scissors, because they wouldn't be able to clip the nail even, and it would look bad.
●       Electric Nail Drill- Use to file, buff and shape the nail so that it doesn't look like a hot mess. You don't have to have a drill, you can always use a simple file, but it will take longer, like a lot longer.
●       Acrylic Monomer/ Acrylic Powders- When combined they make the substance use to create acrylic nails. They smell bad.
●       Acrylic Dish- To hold Monomer and the brush
●       Acrylic Nail brush- It's a must to have a good quality nail brush, because if not it wouldn't last long and it can even make your application impossible to make.
●       Nail Polish Remover- It helps to clean off the brush and fix small mistakes, plus it removes you know, nail polish.
●       Nail Primer- Use to make nails last longer, I personally don't use this because I am still learning how to create good nails and they are easier to take off without the primer, but if you really want to use it go ahead.
●       Nail Dust Remover/ Mask- Trust me, there will be a lot of nail dust everywhere.
Acrylic Nails Application steps.
Clean your nails- Your body naturally creates oil. Remove all nail polish and overall make them look neat.
File- File your natural nail so that it's in manageable length and then file the top of the nails so that it leaves a little rough surface. This is to help the fake nails stay longer but be careful and don't over file them.
Cuticles- Now you can put cuticle remover and push your cuticles back, but I like removing them with the drill. If you don't know what cuticles are, they are that thin layer of extra looking skin on the edges of your nails. If you don't remove them. It looks like your nails have grown out and they will make your nails look, well messy.
Fake Nail tips- Make sure to take your time getting the right sizes for each finger. If they are too big, it will cover the skin and your nails will hurt, especially if forcefully removed (I used to laugh at any girl who cried for a broken nail until it happened to me, it hurts really bad).
Nail primer- After your nails are in place put a small layer of nail primer. I usually skip this step and I recommend it, if you are new to the nail game like me.
Acrylic monomer/ powder- Acrylic dish and Nail brush will be needed. Put the brush inside the dish with the monomer. Gentle rub the brush against the glass side to remove excess liquid. Gently place on powder and create a bead and then place on the back end of the nail. Repeat the steps but this time apply the bead on the middle of the nail and then on the tip of the nail. Each time you do this remember to swipe the brush so that I combine gradually and nicely with the fake nail. This takes practice and I mean a lot of practices. You will mess up but don't get discouraged and try again and remember you can always use the electric drill to fix your obvious mistakes. Make sure to apply the mixture fast because it will dry out.
Electric Drill- With the drill you will trim the bumps and undesirable mistakes, then file and buff.    
It's fun to create the nails I want but it does take practice, and patience. I sometimes take a day to finish a set of nails. I manage to do one hand and I get too tired to do the other one. After they are created the fun part is decorating them. I personally like gel nails because they last longer than regular nail polish. To decorate with gel polish, you will need a UV Nail Light because gel polish only dries under it. I am serious, you can wait 20 years and gel polish will not dry on its own. Now after all these steps you are probably thinking,” I prefer paying for acrylic nails” or “this is too much work.” But let me tell you, you will save money and it's actually very rewarding when you create them on your own. Sure, nails aren't for everyone and with the way beauty trends change there's a good chance acrylic nails will be a thing of the pass. But I still recommend learning to create them. It's a form of art, which helps reduce stress, you save money in the long run (well if you get your nails done regularly), and it's a form of expression. It added a spice of, THIS IS ME, vibes and you get to create something from nothing. Plus, you can also show off your new skill to your friends. If you do decide to learn this skill remember to keep practicing, it's okay to take your time and don't give up. I advocate for this trend because it gives me confidence that I can do anything. I like to express my mood through the colors that I chose and give my personality a voice with the designs I chose. I also ran out of things to do in my time off and when thinking about what to do in my isolated boredom I came to the realization that doing acrylic nails could be fun. I did think of the more common hobbies to pick up like exercising , painting, even writing, but I wanted to challenge myself in a way that those other hobbies couldn't ( I hate running, I paint like a three year old and writing acquired extra focus/ thinking). Creating nails challenge me on a creative artistic level. It also gives me motivation to succeed because doing all that effort for them to come out ugly was not an option. I recommend looking at a lot of videos and overall staying positive. Yes, they will come out looking a bit funky at first and your fingers might feel like they are going to fall off but it's really fun to try. Whether it's this beauty trend or a different one just remember don't let others stop you from expressing your individuality.
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Here are a couple of links to some helpful videos:
Acrylic Nails At Home: Step by Step How-To Tutorial
💅🏼Acrylic Nail Tutorial - How To Apply Acrylic For Beginners 🎉📚
DIY Nail Workshop - Acrylic Application
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chimcharstar · 5 years
Questions 1, 2, skip a few, 99 100! ANSWER THEM ALL!!!!!!
99 gay-ish asks
how tall are you?5 SOMETHING
what is your body type?SLENDERMAN
what is your favorite part about your body?THE T
is your current hair color your natural hair color?YES
are you more outgoing or more shy?SHY
are you more femme or butch?ITS COMPLICATED, BUT, BUTCH
wine mom or vodka aunt?NO
have you ever seen a broadway musical?NO
do you think musicals are cheesy?NO I THINK THEYRE JUST A MEDIUM OF ART
have you ever been a part of a protest or a march?NO WEIRDLY
favorite Cards Against Humanity Card?IDK THEM
last movie you watched?PROBABLY MEGEAMIND
behind the camera or in front of it?BEHIND. BUT BOTH IS GOOD
who’s your closest tumblr friend?THE PERSON ASKING ME 99 QUESTIONS
have you ever taken narcotics?NO
have you had sex?NO
describe your passion without mentioning it.HEY GUYS IM WRITING CHAPTER 1 AGAIN I THINK I FIGURED IT OUT THIS TIME
how do you feel right now?GOOD, I SHOULD PROBABLY GO TO BED THOUGH
what is your biggest fear?BREAKING SELF HARM STREAK
what’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?SING A SONG EARTH WIND AND FIRE
what is the best decision you’ve made in your life so far?LEAVING MY PARENTS. ITS TAKEN ME AGES TO UNLEARN SO MUCH SELF-DEFEATING STUFF
have you ever tried your hardest and then been disappointed in the end?MOSTLY EVERYTHING IN MY LIFE BUT IM CHILL
what was the last thing that made you laugh?MY SISTER ASKING ME WHAT DILF MEANT
who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?YOU
i’ll only date you if _____. (fill in the blank)WASH YOUR HANDS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD
do you prefer to date people the same age as you, younger, or older?AROUND MY AGE THERE IS SOME UNDERSTANDING
describe the person you’re in love with/have a crush on in great detail.IM NOT IN LOVE I DONT EVEN HAVE A CRUSH. I MAY HAVE A SQUISH
do you have any kinks?MAYBE SO
been rejected by a crush?YES
have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?YES
would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?NO
is trust a big issue for you?YES
did you hang out with the person you like recently?NO
what would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?GOOD FOR THEM. I DONT LIKE ANYONE RIGHT NOW
would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?NO. GIGGLING LIKE A LUNATIC IS AN IMPORTANT PART OF MY LIFE AND YOU NEED TO KEEP UP
does the person you have feelings for right now know you do?IF THEYRE FEELINGS, PROBABLY, BECAUSE IM TRANSPARENT
ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?IVE HAD MY EMBARRASSMENT GLANDS REMOVED FOR MY FTM TRANSITION
favorite term of endearment?MY FRIEND
intimidating girls or kind girls?KIND
what do you look for in a possible partner?EQUALITY
do you tend to like more masculine, feminine, or androgynous girls?YES
are you good at flirting?PERHAPS. WHEN IM NOT THINKING ABOUT IT
do you have any friends who are wlw?PROBABLY
is your crush wlw?IDK
last person to make you reconsider your sexuality?A DOUCHE CANOE UNFORTUNATELY
do you fall in love easily?NO. I WISH I DID. I COULD USE THE HIGH TO GET STUFF DONE
are you good at hiding your feelings?YES, WHEN I CONSCIOUSLY MAKE AN EFFORT TO
fall asleep in her arms or rub her back until she falls asleep in yours?LAST ONE
tall girls or short girls?BOTH IS GOOD
hugs or kisses?HUGS
twirl her around or get twirled?I WANNA TWIRL PEOPLE
tummy kisses or thigh kisses?BOTH
hairline kisses or neck kisses?NECK
play with her hair or stroke her tummy?PLAYING WITH HAIR
making out or soft kisses?MAKING OUT
hugs around the neck or hugs around the waist?WAIST
when you like someone do you blush or get butterflies in your stomach?NO. I WILL START CRANKING OUT ART AND FOCUS LESS THAN USUAL
have you ever liked a friend as more than a friend? did you tell them?YES
how old were you when you realized you were into girls?20ISH BUT THE SIGNS WERE THERE LONG BEFORE
most embarrassing thing you’ve done in front of a cute girl?I GOT MY EMBARRASSMENT GLANDS REMOVED REMEMBER
do you have a favorite lesbian ship? is it canon?I DONT KNOW MANY BUT IM HAPPY FOR THE CANON MARCELINE AND BUBBLEGUM
when was the last time a girl made your heart flutter?I FEEL LIKE IM FORGETTING SOMETHING NICE A STRANGER SAID ONCE
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