#(this writing is everything I'm trying to achieve with my analysis but I'm continually foiled by run-on sentences and no clear through-line
omar-rudeberg · 3 years
the music of young royals, vols. 1-17
This post highlights is the music of young royals, volumes 1-17, lovingly birthed by @starsabovetheunderground (and shared here with express permission). These are separate close analyses of the young royals soundtrack, encapsulating close character studies, audio aesthetics, lyric interpretations, and how each of the songs are simultaenously informed by and drive forward the narrative within which they occur. Each contains exceptional meta-analysis, delicately nuanced and summarised in a piece of gorgeously evocative prose.
I have listed each post below with a favourite moment lifted from the text (none of the quotes are mine). Share this post if you’re called to, but most importantly, please click through to read and like / reblog / reply to / share the original work!
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the music of young royals
vol. 1 | bad - farveblind, killason
we are being pulled into the underground and the world of young royals with a mission to escape.
vol. 2 | wannabe ghetto - fata boom
battling the beat is the revving engine of erik's sports car.
vol. 3 | it takes a fool to remain sane - omar rudberg
acknowledging just how difficult this must be for wilhelm ... telling him, in fact, going crazy is the only response that makes sense.
vol. 4 | i see you - nadia tehran
to be a public figure like a royal is to be living in a fishbowl (or, using the metaphor from young royals, a frog prince snow globe) and exposed for viewing at all angles.
vol. 5 | blah blah blah - armin van buuren
once again we’re pulled into the underground, but this time the mission is not to escape. this time the mission is to survive...
vol. 6 | hands up high - adele roberts, jacob blair, gabriella chering, charlie tenku
if simon's voice is the powerful melody that comes through clear over the noise then these lyrics are a sign for wilhelm to keep turning up the dial.
vol. 7 | no tomorrow - ty frankel, stephane lo jacomo, myariah summers
but the songs of the second episode belong to felice ... can be read as an expression of the expectations for felice to get wilhelm’s attention and perhaps one day become a princess.
vol. 8 | alpha - yung titties
there is still an opulent confidence that accompanies the power of money. that money begets cultural capital begets more money.
vol. 9 | come to play -  andrey tatarinov, ty frankel, nathan bodiker
wilhelm must decide if he wants to make a break for it with simon or surrender all hopes of escape resigned to his gilded cage.
vol. 10 | äter upp dig - maxida märak
for what is supposed to be a moment of happy family reunions, there is a lot of unspoken tension just below the surface.
vol. 11 | holes - zhala, deep throat choir
...that state of isolation wilhelm is frozen in. the wind blows through his life, but the breeze echoes off the canyon walls freshly carved by the loss of the solid foundation from erik's presence that was once there.
vol. 12 | remember - omar rudberg
this song has a fascinating dual meaning of being both a memorial and a ballad. the remembrance is for erik, but being written into history is for wilhelm.
vol. 13 | revolution - elias, no. 1
there's the beauty of their love returning to the surface, but it still means setting a fire and feeling the heat as it burns.
vol. 13 | revolution - elias, no. 2
young royals uses beauty and love as a way to enter a revolutionary consciousness, where wilhelm and simon's connection becomes a way to push out of the past and into the future.
vol. 14 | live and die - gina dirawi
all that [wilhelm] has left is worship at the altar of the only god he has found: the love he feels for simon. ((not that I’m picking favourites, but if you’re going to read just one? for goodness sakes let it be this one - Lili x))
vol. 15 | sunday - gina dirawi
wilhelm is being cast down not only for refusing to kneel to the crown, but for kneeling in love before simon. ((...and this one - Lili x))
vol. 16 | impatient - duvchi
the meaning is to be impatient, but the way the song echoes the ending of the word as “patient” doubly communicates the opposite. this patience vs. impatience manifests immediately ... it’s wilhelm's impatience against simon's patience.
vol. 17 | samurai swords (acoustic) - highasakite
this song is the lone one that belongs to august. he wants to inflict as much damage on wilhelm as immediately as he can, even if that means burning the bridge. even if it means burning the palace.
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