#(those are helena's post-breakup cupcakes
thebramblewood · 10 months
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There's no handbook for how to break it to your ex-girlfriend that you can't stay friends because you're about to become a bloodthirsty vampire who may or may not kill her on the spot.
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Ulrike: Are you sure you're up for this?
Helena: Stop asking me that! We'll be done faster if we work together.
Ulrike: I don't know how you can stand to wear that hoodie. It's been like summer the past few days.
Helena: Just shut up and keep this thing moving.
Ulrike: Yes, ma'am.
Ulrike: Really? You guys move one mattress and already need a cupcake break?
Isaiah: We've earned it.
Ange: There's been a real dearth of quality baked goods in our lives lately.
Ulrike: Get your asses back to work!
Ulrike: What is that on your neck? Is that a hickey?
Helena: What? God, no, it - it’s nothing. Why are you being so nosy?
Ulrike: [smirks] Because it’s fun to see you squirm.
Ulrike: Come on! You call to brag about meeting the hottest girl alive - must be, if she beats me - and now you’re going to leave me hanging?
Helena: [cringes] Did I really say that? I was so drunk that night.
Ulrike: Obviously.
Helena: There’s nothing to say because it’s not going anywhere. I’ll probably never see her again.
Ulrike: Ah. She was too good to be true?
Helena: Something like that.
Ulrike: Eat up, Zhao. You look like you could use the nutrients.
Helena: I do feel awfully hungry…
Ulrike: It’s the end of an era, huh?
Helena: Yeah, it really is.
Ulrike: You’ve got someplace to stay?
Helena: Oh, yeah. I’ll be fine. [laughs weakly] My turn to borrow a spare couch.
Ulrike: Then where are you headed?
Helena: Home, I guess. [under breath] That should be far enough for now.
Ulrike: Far enough from what?
Helena: I don’t know. [hesitates] Everything? I just need a break.
Ulrike: Well, you could always come visit me in Windenburg. I’d like us to stay friends, you know?
Helena: Yeah, maybe… [doubles over in sudden blinding pain]
Ulrike: You’re really okay?
Helena: [dismissively] It’s just cramps. Can you believe I’ve got my period on top of everything else?
Ulrike: Take care, Zhao. And keep the tarps. Seems like you need them more than I do.
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