#(to clean the kitchen in this case bc we're directing unexpected energy wherever it's needed but)
lesamis · 2 years
Hi! Just wanted to tell that I finally read your Gardener's Tale, and oh it is lovely. I especially enjoyed the epistolary part - I loved the gardener's wonder and appreciation of the new places he visits, and the way "I am mortified to have to tell you that I live among pirates" just hit me totally unexpected - but, really, all of it is very beautiful. Submitting to the curse rather than continuing to deny yourself the precious human connection! That very human connection being the thing that helps break the curse in the end! The poetry of it all! And I loved the names of animals and herbs that don't exist in our world but still are so evocative that it's easy to imagine them. Thank you for this wonderful story 🌼
ohh wow, okay, thank you so much! ;_; for giving the story the time of day to begin with, but it really also means so much to hear you enjoyed it. i remember that, during writing, the epistolary part came easiest to me and was by far the most fun i've had writing anything in a long time. it honestly felt like years of reading pages and pages of romantic-age letters were finally paying off; i can't tell you how happy it makes me to know that it translated! what i had exactly zero experience in was inventing plant names and folklore, so that's wonderfully affirming as well. thank you for reading it so thoughtfully, that's genuinely the biggest compliment you could have paid. 🧡
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