#(translation: i haven't been here in a hot minute i've been chasing wendigos with my friends over on discord)
3vocatio · 2 years
since satan's event has ended, i wanted to ask what your thoughts on it were?
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now that i've finished both routes barbatos' event, i can now make a comparison with satan's event...
unfortunately, both follow the same pattern in which the prime subject of the face of the event...simply isn't. although they're advertised as events that center around the specified character, it's more accurate to call these types of events as a gacha in of itself. you don't know who the "real mc" of the event is until you make educated guesses based on the cards or you read through the story yourself. for satan's, it was diavolo; for barbatos, leviathan.
some people may disagree with me (i'm unsure because i haven't been familiarizing myself with current fandom matters), but satan's event was mediocre at best. the devs brought up some aspects of satan i wished they treated better, and i wish that some things hadn't gone as they did (i.e. making diavolo be the "good guy" and satan, the "bad guy". there is no black & white here, devs...look a bit closer).
barbatos' event was disappointing. there is no exploration of barbatos' character--they treat him as static as they have all these years later. i'll be honest with you, though, i'd rather choose one of two evils than to make him unfathomably ooc for fanservice purposes; the event may as well be leviathan's because barbatos only got a small spotlight shone on him in the very last locked book.
tldr; the devs were making baby steps in satan's event, and then embarassingly fell down 72 flights of stairs when releasing barbatos'. treat these events as though they were gachas because you don't know which character will overshine the one you expect.
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