#(ugh fry darling thank you for being so easy..)
kpopluvrsblog · 4 years
Don’t stress
Requested: i would love to see both sungchan and the reader to be medstudents please.. thank you!
Genre: slight angst, fluff
Pairing: Sungchan x reader
A/n: i was thinking of making a part two of them in class buttt lmk if y’all would even want that and ahhh i feel like this isn’t one of my best writings/// and its short,, my brain went blank today :(
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‘Damn, what am i even reading’ you thought to yourself. It is currently your first year attending medical school and nothing has prepared you for these difficult studies. While being in the pre-clinical phase, you would think learning about diseases, diagnoses and treatment concepts would be the easy part but there is just too much to memorize and its finally starting to take a toll.
Snapping you out of your thoughts, you heard the front door slam of your shared apartment accompanied with the rustling sound of grocery bags. ‘Finally sungchan is back’ you thought. However, there is no time to greet your beloved boyfriend, you need to make sure you have everything engraved into your head.
“Babe im back!!” You heard a distant shout, but proceeded to study. Suddenly the bedroom door swings open. “Y/n... you’re still studying?! Your going to fry your brain for goodness sake!!” Sungchan said while emphasizing his words. “Don’t just stare at me!! You need a break baby... come on.” He continued as he went over to you and picked you up bridal style.
“Wait!! I really have to study... I can’t fail this exam! Did you even study yet?! You know it’s soon right-” You ranted as he rolled his eyes. “Y/n you seriously need a break. Here, sit on this stool while i fix us something eat hmm?” He gave you a peck and turned around to start dinner. At the sight of food your mouth started to water ’ ugh i really am starving’ you thought. You decided to put your head down on the table and rest your eyes for a little bit.
“Y/n, darling the food is ready.” Sungchan woke you up while caressing your hair. He placed the food in front of you and sat next to you with his plate. “Thank you baby! This is delicious!” You told him after you started to dig in.
After you both finished eating you definitely felt more relaxed. “ lets go to our room. I can help you study tomorrow. We still have a week so there’s no need to stress now.” Sungchan whispered and took your hand to lead you both into bed. It was around 8 pm but from staying up all day studying, you already felt tired.
He gave you pajamas to change into and you both got situated underneath the covers. “Sungchan you know i love you right. Thank you for taking care of me. I love you.” You spoke lightly into his chest as you both cuddled. “Of course baby. I’ll always take care of you. I love you always. We have a day off tomorrow so lets have a good day yeah?!” He smiled into the top of your head when you hummed in return, your breathing slowing down and eyes shuting softly.
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Hello!!! How are you?
So I had this idea have you ever written or read a double date fanfiction of pipabeth and jercy? I really wanted to read one
and what's your all time favorite jercy and pipabeth fanfic?
You are my favourite blogger and I love this blog so much!!!
Okay this has legit taken me like a week to get to because life has just been the most hectic but even if I do say so myself I am obsessed with this fic and I really really really hope you like it.
Also you legally own my soul now because you said so many nice things it automatically ascended from my body and it's on its way to you😩🥺thank you my angel!!!!!
I have never done an active pipabeth x jercy double date thing but I think pipabeth is sometimes mentioned and/or featured briefly in my jercy fics or vice versa. The only one i can think of is my Bakery AU. My favourite pipabeth x jercy fic is Stranded by @punkpipabeth because everything about it is just *chefs kiss* and I love it endlessly. I cannot tell you the amount of times I've read that fic.
Okay here's my one, please enjoy:
Find definitions to ballet terms here;  ma raison d’être means ‘my reason for being’
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"Alright everyone, let's start from the chassè."
"And," His teacher rolls, "Five, six, seven eight."
Percy Jackson pushes off from the bar and strolls to the middle of the room, amusement swimming in his eyes. Jason Grace winks before turning to the front and standing in position.
He pushes his foot forward bending over his leg and brushing the floor with his fingers.
"Good Piper," She calls, "And grand jetè and pas de chat and relevè, relevè. Pirouette."
The music fades as they all breathe heavily, a leg raised behind them and arms fanned over their heads in a V.
"Well done everyone, good class. I expect to see that perfected by Tuesday. But for now enjoy the weekend and rest easy."
The class breaks into chatter and excited bubbling as the weekend stretches out before them.
"Piper," Their teacher says, "Can I talk to you about the costume?"
Percy flops onto the floor, talking a large desperate sip from his bottle and tugging off his ballet shoes.
"Ugh," Jason groans, "I swear these elastics get tighter every time I wear these."
"Maybe if you stopped stretching them with your massive feet you wouldn't have these problems." He teases, green eyes dancing.
"Shut up. Not all of us can look like faerie princes."
"You think I'm a faerie prince?" Percy wiggles his eyebrows.
"Graceful and devious?" The blonde matches his expression, "Hell yes you're a faerie prince."
He blushes, brown skin heating under that electric gaze.
"Hey you two," Piper McLean crashes down next to them, pulling at the ribbons wrapped under her ankles.
"Sup Beauty Queen," He smiles, "You looked incredible out there."
"You really think so?" She shares a rare look of shyness.
"Definitely." Jason's gaze is full of pride.
"Well thank you. Who knew playing Cordelia would be so..."
"Inevitable." She sighs and there are possibilities flickering in her brown eyes.
They finish changing out of their sweaty ballet gear in content silence. Percy doesn't bother taking off his tights, just shoves a pair of grey sweats over them before threading his arms through a wind jacket and leaving it to fall open on his bare chest. The wind is cooling against his heated skin and he almost groans in relief.
"You guys want to grab burgers at the Banter Bar?" Jason looks between them.
"Yes!" He squeals, "Gods yes! Let's go." He grabs their hands and races out the studio doors and into the vibrant night air.
Piper laughs, "Let me at least tell Annabeth to meet us there before she thinks I ditched her with no warning."
"Good plan," He echoes her happiness, as he tugs them out the gates and down the road.
The neon lights from all the little diners and bars make their skin look effervescent and their eyes glow with the magic of youth. The wet ashpalt from the afternoon storm is neon with allure. Tonight it feels like the world is theirs to spin and whatever direction it goes they'd go flying with it. Tonight feels like the start of something wonderful. He breathes in the winter wind and his lungs gasp like it's the first time they've tasted life. Tonight feels limitless.
The three of them skip up to Banter Bar to see an amused Annabeth Chase already waiting outside, her skateboard tucked into her side.
"Hello babe," She crashes into her girlfriend and they squeeze each other.
"Hello ma raison d’être," Piper whispers, kissing her softly.
Soon enough they're all flopping into a booth, menus placed in front of them and smiles stretching their cheeks.
"How was class?" Annabeth wraps a hand over her girlfriend's shoulder and slouches into the leather.
"So good! Your darling is spectacular." Percy grins.
She squeezes her shoulder, "I can't wait to see the show."
"It's not only me that's wonderful," Piper looks to the boys across from her, "They're unbelievable. I think Madam Alima is still astounded that Jase can jump that high."
"Says she hasn't seen anyone do that in all her thirty years of teaching or her twenty years of dancing." Percy brags.
"Well everyone in class is in awe of this one’s grace. Cannot count the amount of times people have stopped to stare as he does his adage." Jason fires back, blue eyes sparking.
"Can't believe I'm friends with the most talented dancers in the school." Annabeth smiles at them, her pride shining bright on her face.
The waiter comes back then to take their drinks order and when they all get chocolate milkshakes laughter bubbles from them like brooks and breezes.
"Gods," Black curls bounce as he turns, "Doesn't it feel like you could do anything right now?"
The girls thread their fingers together and squeeze softly before looking at him.
"There's just something about tonight." Piper agrees.
"Everything is irrelevant but this: to embrace life. To feel it. To savor it. To love it. Marty Rubin." Jason whispers.
"Yes," Percy turns to the blonde. To that strong jaw, and scarred lip and cerulean gaze. "That's what it feels like."
His head falls to his friend's shoulder and he feels a little closer to home. Their milkshakes are set down before them, a glazed cherry gleaming on the mountain of cream. With a delicious smirk he licks off the sugary whipping and offers the cherry to Jason. A gleam enters the blonde’s expression as he leans forward, eye contact like concrete sin, and closes his lips around the bright red fruit.
Their boundaries had always been a little blurred. Had always been one trip away from more. But it was fun, exhilarating to tiptoe on this edge. See who fell in first. If they would catch each other. Drag one another down with wicked smiles and warm hands.
"Where are we going after this?" Piper pauses her slurping to ask.
"Wherever the cobblestones take us." He shrugs. It's the kind of night to dream about the future and pretend the present is nothing but an exciting mystery.
"Let's go to the Hovel?" Jason suggests, pushing away his empty cup.
"Oh gods," Annabeth groans, "I couldn't even walk the last time we went there."
"Whose fault is that?" Her girlfriend laughs, "You were the one that fed us more shots than we have fingers."
"I’m a sucker for two-for-one. Sue me." She grumbles, sticking her tongue out.
"I'm down. But first I have to get out of these clothes."
"Before all that you little gremlins," Grey eyes narrowed, "Eat. I know how you guys get. Once an idea is sitting in your brains nothing else matters."
"Alright mom," They laugh and wave the waiter over to order greasy, cheesy, stuffed with everything but the kitchen sink burgers.
Class always makes them hungrier than should be possible and they can devour just about anything in front of them. When the food arrives, they dig in immediately. Faces stuffed and giggles bursting between them.
Jason picks a fry from Percy's plate and he looks at him incredulously.
"You did not just steal a precious potato from me."
The blonde responds by reaching over and stealing more.
With a laugh from the girls and a gasp from him, the black-haired boy jumps at Jason and attempts to steal his fries. But his friend is quick and the fries are held up in his right hand, high in the air and faraway from him before he blinks.
He scrambles onto the blonde's lap, unaware of the sharp inhale it drags out.
"Give me your fries you thief." He bounces as he tries to reach them.
Jason's hand is warm on his hip, keeping him pinned down so he doesn't go toppling onto the floor, "Nope. You were too slow."
He whips his ocean eyes to look at his friend, shoving his face so close their noses brush, "I was too slow?"
The boy hums and Percy’s attention falls the vibration of that smooth throat.
"Maybe you should have used some of that grace everyone loves you for."
He huffs a laugh, "Maybe you shouldn't steal."
"Trust me you stole something first." Blue eyes flash.
"And what exactly is that?" He breathes, as their foreheads fall together.
Jason just smirks and pushes him off his lap.
Annabeth and Piper are wrapped up in each other, whispering softly into their skin. They all turn to one another and if you ever went back to ask the waiter what they saw that night they will swear the room changed colours for that brief moment.
Later when the group arrives at the club, donned in outfits made from glitter and sacrilege, they shove their way to the center of the dance floor and became one with the music. Hands and skin and magic weaves between them. Like the start of something dazzling. Like obsession.
Percy wraps a hand behind Jason's neck and pulls their bodies together, so nothing is between them but electricity and indulgence.
"If this night never ends I'll be happy." He screams over the music, hot breath and joy in his friend's ear.
"Wanna die here?"
He can feel Jason's smile on his cheek.
"In your arms?" His lips graze a golden neck, "Every time."
"Want to know what you stole from me?" They pull back slightly, so emeralds and aquamarines meet.
The blonde grabs his hand and puts it on his chest. He feels the rapid beating under his palm and his fingers curl into the shirt.
"If I fall into hell," He pushes into his face, "Catch me will you?"
"Let's fall together?" That grin is ungodly in its beauty.
"Lets fly."
And then Percy Jackson kisses his best friend and finds home between their souls.
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mixed-imagination · 6 years
Holiday Pranks (Part 1) - John Ambrose x reader
Summary: You and your boyfriend, John Ambrose McClaren, play pranks on each other during a party held at Belleview, a senior citizen center.
Warnings: nothing really, just a lot of FLUFF --- This one-shot is based on the books. There are no spoilers, so don’t worry. However, if you’ve only seen the movie and are confused - Stormy and Alicia are senior residents at Belleview, where Lara Jean volunteers. Stormy is John Ambrose’s great-grandmother. That’s all you need to know.
Word Count: 2,400+
Notes: MERRY CHRYSLER. THIS IS MY GIFT TO YALL! Thanks for being patient and supportive. I love you guys <3
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Listen to this beautiful cover while you read! It inspired this fic :3 ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mgUh60_ea8
“Last Christmas, I gave you my heart But the very next day you gave it away! This year, to save me from tears I'll give it to someone special!”
Busy pinning your hair back with a bobby pin, you lean forward and take a closer look at yourself in the mirror Stormy had been holding up for you.  You tsk your tongue in slight disappointment in your appearance.  
The whole day you and Lara Jean had been running around Belleview trying to set things in order for the Christmas party that is to start in an hour. You had been busy decorating, baking, and setting up bingo games for the elderly residents.  All the while you also had been preparing the cute pranks you had planned to pull on John.
For the past two weeks, you and your boyfriend, John Ambrose, have been in this mischievous prank phase. It started when you binge-watched BFvsGF prank videos together.  Ever since then, you’ve been pulling pranks on each other in school and at each other’s houses. In class, you had taped a paper that said “slap my ass” onto John’s back and tied his shoelaces together. He also got you at your house when you had asked him to fetch you a yogurt cup. He fooled you by replacing your vanilla yogurt with mayonnaise - a condiment you unequivocally despise.  Thankfully, the small goofs weren’t serious; no one ever got hurt. 
Tonight, you have a few tricks up your sleeve for John. You had hoped that because it is party day, he had assumed that pranks are off-limits, meaning he would never suspect a thing. However, you know John is a clever boy.
“Come on, sweetheart, you look fine,” Alicia nodded in reassurance.
Stormy flips the hand mirror around. “Hey! I’m not done yet, Stormy,” you protest.
She fluffs her hair and makes a kissy face at her reflection, “Well, I think she looks haggard,” she shrugs.
“Stormy!” you cross your arms.
You didn’t have time to curl your hair or properly apply makeup. You didn’t even have a good outfit for the party.  All you had on is this morning’s eyeliner and mascara; you felt slobbish in your stripped, loose t-shirt dress.
“Stormy, don’t say that. Y/N is beautiful even in her pajamas,” Alicia says.
You huff in frustration, “Thanks, Alicia.” You twist your torso and look around the common area, “Hey, LJ did you finish setting up your gingersnaps?” you call out, knowing she also had been preparing.
At the corner of your eye, you see her peek her head out of the kitchen doorway to spot you before popping out in her dress, “Uh, yes!”
“Wowza! Lara Jean, baby! Forget what I said about you being a girl who gets her heart broken. You are turning into a heartbreaker. You look like Santa’s little helper.” Stormy winks and she laughs.
“Oh stop it, Stormy! Lara Jean will never turn into the likes of you,” Alicia rolls her eyes.
“Excuse me?”
While Stormy and Alicia get into another petty argument, you give a once-over to Lara Jean’s outfit. You didn’t even know she had changed attire already; she looks so pretty with her red lip and her hair down, curled and pinned behind her ears. She’s wearing a velvet, red tank top and skirt with white, faux fur lining the edges, complete with a Santa hat and knee-high boots.
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A pang of envy began to grow in the pit of your stomach, obviously set off by Lara Jean’s cute outfit.
You drop your head back and groan, “Ugh, LJ, you look so good!” 
“Oh thanks, Y/N. Peter’s wearing a matching costume.”
“That’s adorable. Hashtag couple goals. I look like a bum though. I’m jealous.”
Stormy turns away from Alicia, “Darling, why don’t you just wear one of my dresses?” 
One of Stormy’s dresses? You knew Stormy’s clothes were a tad bit too spicy for someone her age. You’ve seen her in loose, exotic, scandalous pieces of clothing; you’re sure it’s not your style. You bite the insides of your cheeks, “Uhh... Are you sure it’s going to fit me?”
“Of course! It’s one of my favorite dresses,” she boasts, “Back in my day, I used to wear it to the Drive-In on Friday nights.”
You let out a breath of relief, “Oh thank god, you were talking about your old dress.”
Stormy nods with pride, but then quickly shakes her head in realization, “You cheeky girl! Last year I loaned Lara Jean my old nightgown.” She crosses her arms in an offense, and you laugh.
LJ snickers as well, “She’s right. It was quite racy.”
You sigh, thinking it over.  You look down at your t-shirt dress. It is wrinkled at the edges and has some spots of caramel and flower on it. It wouldn’t be so bad wearing one of Stormy’s dresses, right? You trust her fashion sense. If it was her favorite, it means it has to be at least better than what you’re wearing now. You shrug, “Okay, fine. I’ll try on the dress.”
“Yes!” Stormy and Lara Jean shriek.
Fifteen minutes later, you are looking at another mirror, except this mirror is in Stormy’s room; it is body length. You graze your thumb over the beaded designs. You smile at your appearance and nod in approval.
“Not bad Stormy,” you twirl. The dress was outdated, you admit. It is a little itchy at the neck hole, but you could live with it. It didn’t fit at first, also, until Lara Jean used her magic skills and used safety pins, so it could hug your body right.
“You look SMOKIN’!” Stormy cackles, “You almost look better than I did when I was seventeen.” The corners of your mouth curve up, and you roll your eyes, “Wow, thanks.”
“No, I’m serious! This dress is a stunner.”
LJ agrees, “You look sultry in that little back dress.”
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“It was my lucky charm, you know? I magnetized all the boys. I bet my Johnny is going to love you in it!” Stormy squeals.
“You’re definitely going to distract John, for sure, Y/N. It might be an advantage for your pranks.”
You smirk, “You’re right.”
The lighting is dimmed down in the common area. Many of the elderly are still pilling in, while some who have already settled in are mingling.  The party has only just started, but you can’t wait for John to fall for your schemes. You had seen him zipping around the center - clearly setting up his own pranks, or else why would he be anywhere but with you? Because it is a holiday party, you had only planned to trick him twice. Hopefully, he goes easy on you.
You are silently standing behind a food table, waiting to serve anyone. You are sneaking some Oreos into your mouth when John finally makes an appearance to you. He’s wearing a gray suit with a baby blue button down. He slides behind the table and places his hand on your side, pulling you into him.
“John!” you giggle.
“Hello, m’lady!” he plants a wet kiss on your cheek before looking down at your apparel. His eyebrows raise, “Wowza.”
“Wowza”? He really is Stormy’s great-grandson. Such a dork.
“Do you like the dress?” you beam up at him.
He nods and kisses your cheek again, “You look adorable, Y/N. So cute.”
You pout as you take a bite out of your Oreo, “Just cute?”
“You look foxy,” he chuckles and moves a loose strand of hair behind your ear. Your eyes roll. 
“What?” John shrugs and slowly leans his head down to your ear. You can feel his breath blow against your cheek. It makes you shiver. “That’s,” his voice is low and raspy, “That’s my dorky way of saying you look sexy.”
The inside of your stomach flips at his unexpected boldness. You bite your lip. John suddenly cracks a smile at your innocent reaction, “Too cute.” He kisses your cheek again before pulling back.
You huff in frustration, wiping your sweaty palms on the tablecloth. John knows you’re putty in his hands; He’s going to pay for teasing you like that.
“Did you know it’s your great-grandmother’s?” you give him a small smile.
John’s eyebrows raise. He opens his mouth but quickly closes it.  He changes the subject, “So what’s in store for tonight? Ballroom dancing? Karaoke? Bingo?”
You laugh, “I think all of those things. You know how Lara Jean is - she planned the whole thing. She’s the boss. I just do what she asks.” You both look over to Lara Jean. She’s handing everyone holiday mint candy, while Peter, dressed in a Santa suit and beard, is goofing off and dancing with Alicia.
This is the moment - the perfect opportunity to catch John off guard and swindle him with your first antic. Karma’s a bitch, Johnny.
“Did you know she baked all the desserts for tonight?” you flutter your lashes up at him.
Along with the store-bought snacks, there were cinnamon buns, gingersnaps, molasses cookies, banana cake, and more - all made by LJ. John looks down and once-overs the many delicious desserts displayed on the table. “I have no doubt that she did.” He eyes the caramel apples.
You grin. Gotchya, bitch. The fish is hooked. It was actually you who had made the caramel apples. Caramel apples are one of John’s favorite sweet treats, so you had to make a special batch made especially for him. Little did he know, the one you’ll be giving him is different.
“Kitty helped LJ make the caramel apples,” you fib, grabbing two sticks of the sticky dessert - one for you and one for John.
John shakes his head, “Man, I miss that small fry.  He automatically takes hold of the skewer, too nostalgic to notice. “She’s a stubborn one, that kid. We should hang out at the Covey house over winter break and visit her.”
You bat your lashes at him, taking a small bite out of your apple, “Mhmm!” you nod, swallowing. 
As John instinctively brings the treat to his mouth, you watch him closely.  His teeth pierce into it, producing a loud crunch noise. His eyes immediately dash to yours. 
Gottem, bitch.
You smirk and put your apple down, preparing your plate of Oreos for your next scheme. John slowly moves the “treat” away from him. His mouth is hanging ajar - the bite he took still sitting in his mouth. 
His eyebrows rise; his eyes look bored with a sinister twang hidden behind it. “Y/N, what is this?” his words are slurred by the food in his mouth.
You snort, “Ew! John! Don’t talk with your mouth full.”
“Don’t talk with my mouth full?” his voice raises, sloppily spitting food bits.
You laugh and shield yourself with your arms up, “John, you’re disgusting.”
John swipes a napkin and spits into it, wiping all evidence away, “Oh, Y/N, I have to admit - that was clever.” The corners of his mouth curve upwards as he takes a step closer, “But you’re so going to get it tonight.” His subtle threat makes your stomach churn.
“But really what the heck was that? Because I know that was not an apple,” his face contorts as he licks his teeth.
“It was an onion, silly” you giggle.
“An onion?” his arm snakes around your waist. “You gave me an onion dipped in caramel? Have you tried it?”
As he moves in closer, you can smell the faint scent of onion coming from his mouth. Your face contorts, “No of course not.”
Suddenly, in one quick movement, John’s face darts towards yours, “Well it is just disgusting!” he smirks, aiming to kiss your mouth.
“Gross!” you laugh, leaning back and pushing his face away from yours.
“Smell it, Y/N! Smell the onion!” he purses his lips, showering your cheeks with pecks. 
You both giggle and laugh at his cute acts of affection. This is why you love John. Although he comes off as a smart, confident guy-that-every-girl-has-a crush-on, if you peel that back and actually get to know him, he’s really just a down-to-earth, goofy teenage boy. You are so thankful to call him yours. Knowing and seeing the real him is such a privilege to you.
“But seriously though,” his face twists, “I can’t get this oniony taste out of my mouth. Yucky.”
“Do you want me to pour you some water?” you offer.
He gives you a look, “No thanks. You’d probably replace my water with urine or something.” 
You roll your eyes, “That’s just nasty. I would never go that far.” 
“Yea, we’ll see. At this rate, who knows what you’re capable of?” he shrugs and smirks. You notice his eyes flash at your plate of Oreos.
John has spotted the Oreos. You cheer internally, wishing that he’ll fall for the same trick twice. He’d never expect one prank after another. Also, he’s seen you munching on Oreos this whole time. You’re sure he has no inklings towards them.
He picks up one of your Oreos, “You know what?” 
“Hey! That’s mine. Give it back,” you feign annoyance. 
He shakes his head, “Nope! This is mine now. It’s what you get for catfishing me with an onion,” he pops the whole cookie into his mouth.
Yes! Mission accomplished. The fish has been reeled in.
Again, John’s face deadpans at the strange taste of his Oreo. He immediately grabs his napkin and spits. 
You hop in success, “HA! I got you good McClaren! You’re not the only one who can put mayonnaise into good use.” You had prepared a nasty batch of Oreos with the classic cream replaced with a layer of mayo.
He turns to you; his lips slowly form into a dangerous smirk, “Another prank, Y/N? Wow.” 
The look in John’s eyes playfully screams revenge. You know he’s a big tease, but you’d never seen him get so flirtatiously mischievous. You liked it.
John leans down achingly slow, making your insides flip. He kisses your cheek lightly before bringing them to your ear once again. He whispers - the blow of his voice on your neck giving you goosebumps, “You’re so gonna get it, Y/N. Game on.”
And that’s part one! I hoped you liked it! Please send in some feedback and more requests! :3 Also, my tag list is open! I just love TATBILB!
ples enjoy this goofy picture of Madeline Arthur, who plays Chris, and Jordan Burtchett who played (and should still be playing <_<) the role of John Ambrose McClaren. Ain’t he handsome?
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