#(um. lets hope i dont forget to set up the room tomorrow. ill set an alarm!!)
milgram-tournament · 6 months
Milgramblr Game Night!
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(Disclaimer: This entire post is ooc, lmao.)
That's right folks! We've hit 200 followers, and I want to celebrate! Tomorrow, Sunday the 17th from 6 PM EST to 11 PM EST, I'll have a Gartic Phone room open for all who want to join! I'll be posting the links here once we start, so be sure to drop by!
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thewritingstar · 4 years
desperate hugging with the greens
Um I....Im sorry but this kinda got sad but desperate hugging calls for desperate situations.......enjoy? idk if you can though.....
warnings: character death...sorta 
also they dont have powers
Beep Beep Beep
The sound of the heart monitor echoed in her ears as she escorted herself out of the hospital room. It was too white and dim all at the same time as the only color was the fiery red of her older sisters hair.
She wrapped her arms around herself trying to provide any comfort but it didn’t work. She knew Blossom would be okay, she had to be. That was the only option as had left. 
The thought of her standing over a casket as its lowered to the ground haunted her, she wasn’t sure she could take it. The expressionless face as her skin turned grey from the loss of life left a gruesome imagine in her mind as she took a seat on a chair. 
The doctors said she was alright. Besides minor blood loss, she should be okay. She had forgotten what they had said afterwards, she couldn’t think clearly anymore. 
It happens too fast for her to tell. All she remembers was driving and a classic summer pop song filling the cars radio as they sang along. She was the one driving as Blossom was in the passenger seat. Behind them the sunset had begun to fade as the lights of the city came into view. 
It was a sister beach day and she remembers the look on Blossoms face when she told her the news. Tears pinched her skin as she hugged her sister close and even she had shed a few tears. She had been so happy and she was convinced that there was nothing that could ruin their moment. 
The light had turned green and her foot was on the gas. Blossom had said something about a new dress and bow but instead she let out a ear piercing scream. She felt the impact instantly. 
The other car speeding through the red light had hit them from the back seats and the car had spun and she felt her body smash against the steering wheel as the air bags inflated. 
There was so much pain as her head snapped back and when the world stopped spinning she reached over for her sister, shaking her shoulder as she felt blood in too many places. 
“B-blossom.” She screamed out but she wasn’t even sure if she had made a sound as she felt her body being taken out of the car and the world turned blurry and black. 
Her eyes were blank as she stared at the door.
“Buttercup?” The voice brought her out of her trance as she looked up. 
Blossom’s fiancee Brick stood with a bundle of flowers that he had been gripping way to tight and she was engulfed into a hug. “They said she’ll be okay.” She whispered to him but the look in his eyes said otherwise. 
The nurse brought him in and the door shut, the hallway becoming cold. She felt herself being pulled into a familiar pair of arms. The scent of pine provided instant comfort as she wrapped her arms around him. 
“I tried to get here as soon as possible but they only called today.” He kissed her temple but her usual smile wasn’t there. “Do you know how much longer you’ll be here?”
Her voice was horse as his hands came down to rub at her arms. “I should be okay for tomorrow.” She looked at her feet and sniffled. 
He could see the dread over come her body and she didn’t even hear him ask the nurse something as he took her hands and lead her out the back doors. In the back of the hospital was a small garden. A few picnic benches and a hedge maze brought some color to the bleakness of the building. 
She was thankful that her boyfriend could sense she was getting antsy inside. They didn’t say anything as they walk and she was thankful that it was just them as they sat at a picnic table. She wasn’t one to show her emotions easily but the trauma she endured was weighing heavily on her.
Buttercup sat on the top of a picnic table with Butch standing between her legs. She hated the grimy feeling of her hair and desperately wanted to have water run over her soon but right now all she wanted to do was be held by her boyfriend. 
Her eyes were on his chest, not daring to meet his eyes as he continued to brush the side bangs to the side. He was patient and silent, waiting for her to make the move, that’s what she loved so much about him. Nothing was rushed or fast pace, they could go as slow as they needed and savor all the moments.
But sometimes she wished moments would happen fast then be forgotten. 
Her lip was quivering as she rubbed the tips of her fingers together, nervousness setting in and he instantly saw the tears slip gently down. 
“Buttercup.” He whispered and she felt all her strength collapse. 
Her lip quivered before she threw her arms around his shoulders and buried her face into his chest. His hands wrapped around her body instantly and he kissed her head as she desperately hugged him. 
Her arms tighten, afraid that if she let go, he would be gone. The flashback of the car and all she could see was the heartbreak on his face and the destruction in his eyes. It was becoming all to much. 
“It was all my fault” Her voice was cracked as she sobbed and he dug his fingers through her matted hair.
“Don’t you ever say that. It was not your fault.” He tried to reason with her. She want to believe so badly. She wanted to know for sure but maybe if she had checked, no the light was green. It was green!
“I-I can’t lose her Butch.” 
“You’re not going to.” He pulled away and cupped her face with his hands. His own eyes were filled with tears and her hands rested on his wrists as she stared at him. “Shes going to okay. Okay?” 
Her head slowly shook as she blinked away the tears and his thumbs circled her swelled cheeks. 
“I was so worried.” He whispered as his forehead rested against hers. “When they called, Buttercup I didn’t know what to do. But I had to tell myself you were okay and look you are but, fuck-I’ve never been that scared in my life. Buttercup, I can’t even imagine what i would do without you. I love you so much.” 
“I lost her.” She cried into his chest again. 
“No, Blossom is okay. Shes in good hands-”
Her voice was muffled by his shirt as she whispered. His hands were back rubbing her back and kissing the top of her head. She said it again but he couldn’t make it out. 
“I’m sorry.” She crocked out and this time her face was red and broken. There was desperation written across and he had never seen her look this...lost. 
Her face was puffy and her eyes flickers back and forth to his. Her body was ice cold and he tried to make her understand. 
“Baby its not your fault, the crash wasn’t your fault. Blossom is okay. Love, you are okay.”
“They told me I lost-”
“I-” His eyes traveled to where her hands were resting. 
His eyes widened as she couldn’t bare to finish the sentence. He gently took her hands in his. “Hey.” His voice was soft and he picked her head up gently with his hand. “Buttercup.”
“I lost our baby. You didn’t even know.” Tears fell faster and harder and she felt like she couldn’t breath. “I am so sor-”
“Do not apologize.” He begged her. His eyes were wide. “Buttercup I could never blame you for something out of your control.”
She wiped her cheek. “They told me I wouldn’t be able to have kids again.”
He felt his heart shatter. They had talked about kids for so long. The thought of them taking their bundle of joy to their first sports game and teaching them how to read and write. The giggles and laughter they would share as they fell into a domestic bliss that they desperately craved. 
She had found out a week ago. The feeling of pure joy as the two small line appeared was something she couldn’t describe. The newest chapter of her life was about to begin and she was ready. 
And then there was Blossom. Her older sister had wanted a baby but unfortunately couldn’t have one so when she learned she was going to be an auntie, she cried tears of joy. Matching bows and cute little dresses were what she talked about during their beach trip. Their little sister Bubbles was on the phone back home with their father and they were just as excited. 
She could see it now. Getting home and running towards Butch. Throwing herself into his arms and kissing him senseless as she shared the news. She could see his face confused then morphed into pure glee. He would shed a tear and she would laugh and then they would celebrate with cake and a movie. 
The next few months would be her complaining about cravings and him adoring every moment of his girlfriend and quickly propose to prove he was there for her. She could see their life as if it were a movie. 
And now it was over. 
He held her close to his chest. The unbearable weight of the situation riding on them. He couldn’t imagine the pain she was carrying and the blame she was placing but all he knew was that she was safe and still here and thats all he could ask for. 
“I could never love you less.” He reassured her. “I need you to promise me you won’t forget. No matter what we face, we will get through this.” 
He took her hand and placed a soft kiss to it before kissing her cheek. 
“I love you.” He whispered. 
“I love you too.” 
They sat in the garden holding each other as the realization dawned on them. They were full of heartbreak and sorrow.
idk how to end this. so ugh enjoy. maybe ill rewrite this one day. hope this was okay.
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Left Behind | Nick Mara
you and nick had a special bond. you guys grew up together because your families were close, but you guys never really socialized with each other at school or anything.
that was until senior year of high school when your boyfriend was caught cheating and Nick handled the situation for you. By handled you meant that he smashed your ex’s nose, bad.
after that incident, you and nick became really close. you went with him to all his auditions and whatnot and he was by your side almost all the time.
It was the summer after you graduated when you guys began your little tradition. Before nick had to leave to LA to move in with 4 other random boys, you asked Nick to take your virginity.
The only reason you did so was because you assumed once he moved to LA, that was it for you two. You thought he’d drop you and that was it. Well, you were half right.
After Nick had moved to LA, he cut a lot of people off from back here at home. Of course you still saw his family from time to time, but even they said that Nick probably won’t be back for a little while.
The first time Nick had visited home from LA, you both somehow ended up at the same local bar. He was with his cousins and you were with some college friends. This night ended up in Nick taking you to his car outside and fucking you roughly in the backseat.
Each time you didn’t expect much. You knew his new home was still the other side of the country. This special little relationship / toxic pattern has been going on for almost 2 years now.
Nick hasn’t visited in a year. Never once has he hit you up in the past year. You were kind of upset at him but also yourself. You had yet to have a boyfriend within the past 3 years because you felt like you were betraying nick by being with someone else. Meanwhile, you were always updated with who Nick was doing or dating.
Eventually, you decided to cut ties with Nick and distance yourself from his family. You started going on dates with different guys that have been trying for you. One night, as you’re getting ready to go out to the club, you see that Nick had posted on his close friends list on instagram.
you open it as you let your makeup set and see that he’s home. “holy shit” you thought to yourself. you took some deep breaths and exited out. you hoped that he would just remember not to text you or anything, but the other half of you wanted him to beg for you.
Nick on the other hand was sitting in the back of his mom’s car with his dog just scrolling through stories when he landed on yours. He saw that you were out and wondered if you were mad he hasn’t come back in a year.
“Aye ma. Do you guys still talk to the (your last name)‘s?” He asked as he watched the video of you dancing with your friends. “Oh yeah. Of course. Y/N hasn’t really been around as often though. She probably got busy with her new job and everything.”
Nick nodded. “new job?” He questioned realizing that he never really ever asked Y/N about her.
“She got a gig with that modeling company? I always forget it. But you can ask her at dinner tomorrow. i invited everyone over.” Nick’s breath got caught in his throat. “tomorrow?” “yeah just a little welcome back dinner for you.”
It was Sunday morning when you woke up to multiple calls from your mother. “Yes mother?” You finally answer her call. “We have dinner tonight at the Mara’s if you’d like to join.” She said straight out.
“Um i don’t think that’s the best idea. With my whole situation.” You said laying down again. You were lucky enough that your mom was your best friend. She knew that you needed to move on from Nick and she did her best to help and understand you. “I know honey. You don’t have to go, me and your father can go and just say you’re feeling ill and that you have a shoot tomorrow morning” You laughed as your mom made the best excuse for you in seconds.
“alright thanks mom. i’ll talk to you later, i gotta walk Moosh.” You hung up and got up. Your french bulldog was laying on the bed just staring at you.
Later on that night, Nick was the first to be ready when the doorbell rang. “Nick can you get that? I’m just changing!” He heard his mom yell. “Yeah!” He yelled back. He added his final touch to his outfit which was his gold chain and gold chain bracelet. The chain was from his mom and the bracelet was from you. He hoped you would notice it and get all sentimental with him.
Nick ran down the steps with his dog following close behind. He unlocked the door and opened the door to your parents. “My second pair of parents! How are you guys?” He asked as he hugged your mom and gave your dad a handshake.
He saw no sign of you though. “ We’re good honey! Let’s go inside before we freeze to death” Your mom laughed as she stepped inside.
“Uhh. i gotta go do something real quick. My mom should be down in a second. Make yourselves at home.” He directed at the kitchen table. Nick immediately ran to the bathroom and pulled out his phone.
He went to find your contact and texted you. “Hey wya”
You were folding your laundry as you heard your phone buzz from behind you. You looked and saw it was Nick. You shook your head and left it alone.
Then it started buzzing more. He started just spamming your phone. You put your phone on do not disturb and continued cleaned your house.
Nick gave up trying to get your attention and went downstairs to have dinner with everyone. During the whole dinner, nick barely participated as his mind was on you and why you weren’t answering as you usually would.
Allie had to slap nick to make sure he was still there. He was zoned out until he heard your name in the conversation. His mom had asked where she was. He made a mental note to thank his mom later.
“Oh she wasn’t feeling good, and she has a photoshoot in the morning. So she’s resting right now” As soon as nick got his answer, he shot up to go to her.
“Do you mind if i just stop over there? Wanna see how she’s doing and everything..” Nick was about to run off when your mom stopped him. “Honey, i dont think that’s the best idea right now” That’s when Nick realized that she lied about you being sick.
Your mom would always let him over even when you didn’t want him. Something had to be going on. “Nick sit and eat” His mom said and continued talking to y/n’s parents.
the rest of the night his mind was on you and you only. whenever someone would ask him about the band or anything in general he would just brush it off or answer dryly.
when the dinner was over, your parents left and nick went to his room. he kept texting you asking where you were and why didn’t you come over.
it was midnight now when you heard a light knock on your window. “what the hell?” you saw nick standing on your balcony looking around.
you open your window slightly. “what the hell are you doing nick?” you ask as he lays his eyes on you for the first time in a year.
“you didn’t come.” he said looking upset. “i know. and i’m sure my mom told you that i have to be resting right now.”
“yeah.. congratulations on landing that gig by the way. i should’ve texted-“ you cut him off before he could finish. “what do you want nick?” you sighed. you were completely over whatever game he was playing.
“uh i. i just wanted to check up and see you.. you weren’t answering my texts and i missed you.”
“nick you should go-“ “wait. please. i’m sorry for ghosting you. i was going through some shit and i -“
“you don’t think i was? you had all your little hoes out in la and i was here, being loyal for what? i’m done nick. we both gotta move on. you live across the country. and-“
“i’ll move back if that’s what it takes” he said staring at you. you shook your head. “you know i would never ask for you to put me above your career. and it’s not the distance. i just don’t trust you nick. I’m sorry. Please go home”
That was the last thing nick expected to hear come out of your mouth. He thought you guys would confess your undying love for each other and live happily ever after.
He knew that dream was over after you shut your window and locked it. Nick had never felt so much guilt and regret. He didn’t want to leave you behind, but things got so crazy in LA, and he could barely keep up.
Leaving you behind would probably be the number one thing he regrets for a while.
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