#(which is probably showtunes; I usually buy full soundtracks for those)
regallibellbright · 1 year
So after probably a decade, maybe some change, and some issues in the last few weeks involving the power button that I was getting concerned about, I synced my iPod up to my laptop only to find that it no longer recognized *checks notes* music.
Like, all mp4 AND mp3 files.
iTunes only claims 100 issue files but the iPod clearly has nothing on it, and those issue files include iTunes purchases, music burned off CDs, and downloaded elsewhere just from the ones I could find.
I may be able to fix this (I've just tried reverting it to factory settings - because, well, why the fuck not,) but given I suspect the problems are at least in part mechanical... yeah, I'm gonna be looking into a new mp3 player.
The good news is I started burning my iTunes purchases into mp3s last year for whenever Apple decides to stop supporting it and move to exclusively subscriptions because hahahaha no. So, y'know, THAT hard part's done, I've just got to set up all my playlists again.
Which will be.
A process.
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starsinursa · 7 years
11 questions tag game!
1. Post the Rules. 2. Answer the questions given to you. 3. Make 11 questions of your own. 4. Tag 11 people
I was tagged by both @saawek and @jemariel, so I’m going to answer all of the questions together in one post.  😊 Thank you, lovelies! 
1) How and when did you get into fandom/fanfiction/shipping?
Oh god. 😂 It all started when I was 14, playing Kingdom Hearts on Playstation 2, and one day I stumbled across some Roxas x Axel fanart on DeviantArt. At first, I was confused. Then I was intrigued. Then I was hooked and the rest was history.
2) What was your dream job when you were five years old, and why?
I always wanted to be an artist, probably until I was halfway through high school, and then I veered more towards writing. I haven’t drawn in years, I really wish I had kept practicing, because now I suck and can’t draw for shit.
3) If you had to only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would you eat? (Assume that nutritional needs will be met by this food.)
That’s tough… maybe ice cream? Am I allowed to eat different flavors? That might give me enough variety to keep me entertained.
4) Roughly how far from where you grew up do you now live?
I live about 140 miles/ 2 hours away from my hometown, so not too far, I go home to visit my mom every couple of months. 
5) What’s your usual breakfast?
…coffee. I never eat breakfast, I don’t eat until lunch. I know, I know…
6) Cats or dogs? (Or other?)
Both! I have one of each!  😊 Although tbh, I’m more of a cat person, they’re a lot more low-maintenance and a little better suited to my two-job lifestyle, even though right now I’m lucky enough to have a great aunt who babysits my dog for me on the nights I work at my second job.
7) Favorite holiday?
Hmm, probably Christmas. I just like the feel of the season, even though I don’t really decorate or do anything too festive. I just like the Christmas atmosphere. You wanna hear a funny story about laziness though? The two tricks to never having to take down a Christmas tree are: 1) never putting it up in the first place (that’s my method), and 2) never taking it down (that’s my mom’s method, if I visit her house in, like, May, her Christmas tree will still be up, she literally just leaves it up year-round).
9) What is your ‘happy place’?
Probably just my house. I love coming home after work and decompressing in a quiet, empty house. As soon as I’m through the door, pajamas are going on, I don’t care if it’s only 5 p.m., and I hope I don’t get any visitors because I’m not answering the door for anybody.
10) Favorite song to sing when no one else can hear you?
I’ll sing anything… pop songs, Disney songs, showtunes… I go through phases where I’ll sing one soundtrack constantly for about a week at a time. People will pop their head into my office and be like, “Are you singing Beauty and the Beast?”
11) Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
That’s a tough one, I always change my mind depending on whether it’s winter or summer at the time!
1.Weirdest idiom of your language
It’s hard to choose, we’ve got a lot of weird idioms. “In a pickle”, “under the weather”, “when the fat lady sings”… who is the fat lady and why does she have to sing?
2.Fuck (or cuddle) Marry and Kill with : Godstiel, Demon!Dean, Lucifer!Sam 
Hmmm…I’m gonna kill Lucifer!Sam (sorry Sam, it’s not you, it’s Lucifer), fuck demon!Dean (hooo boy, you know he’d be insane in the sack), and marry Godstiel.
3.Same question but with : Castiel, Sam or Dean (i’m not THAT sadistic)
AAAGH. This one is HARD. I guess…if I HAVE to choose… I would kill Sam (I’m so sorry, Sammy, I love you, I just don’t particularly want to fuck or marry you!), fuck Castiel, and marry Dean. Honestly those last two could go either way, but I picked marrying Dean because I feel like I have more in common with him, we could totally spend our lives together watching Star Trek, reading Vonnegut, and hitting up stripclubs.
4.What’s your zodiacal sign?
Leo, but I don’t feel like a Leo at all, it doesn’t really fit me.
5.Tell us an embarassing but funny moment you lived recently or years ago.
One of my friends loves to tell the story about my 24th birthday, two years ago, when I pounded back grapefruit vodka, margaritas, and limoncello, proceeded to whip my boobs out in the taxi, puked on the subway, and then when we went to a bar called “Sneaky Pete’s”, I spent the entire night calling it “Stinky Pete’s” and cackling about it. That night was full of regret and shame. 
6.Which fictional characters do you most fancy (or find very attractive)?
Definitely Dean, of course. Deep at heart, I’m ultimately a Dean!girl. Cas is an extremely close second. I’m also pretty sweet on Spock. I’m sure there are more, but those are the big ones.
7.Destiel is now canon, do you mind?
Umm, definitely not. I’m probably rejoicing in the streets, drunk out of my gourd, crying tears of happiness on the shoulders of strangers.
8.You got an unlimited access to money and power, what do you do? (see question 7 to have some ideas on what to buy)
Are you suggesting I buy the CW?  😂 Because that’s…not a bad idea. I would also pay off all of my bills and student loans, and then do the same for everyone in my family. I would donate a bunch of money to my favorite animal shelter. Then I’d travel the world.
9.An urban legend or a myth around your area?
We actually don’t have any close for where I live. Not that I’ve heard, at least. I mean, there’s the whole Stull Cemetery thing, but that’s a couple hours away. My city is pretty boring on the urban myth front.
10.Why do I have to ask you 11 questions? It’s fucking hard.
“It’s fucking hard.” That’s what she said. Eheheh.
11.Can you give me a cookie?
I don’t have any cookies, I’m sorry!
Now, my 11 questions for YOU to answer:
1. What is the best compliment you’ve ever received, the one piece of praise that really sticks out in your mind?
2. Weirdest food/ food combination that you love?
3. What would your spirit animal/ totem/ patronus be, and why?
4. Favorite dirty joke (or clean is fine, if you prefer)?
5. If you cosplay/ ever got the chance to cosplay, which character would you be?
6. One of your bad habits?
7. A song that always makes you feel nostalgic?
8. How did you choose your tumblr URL?
9. Is love at first sight a real thing? What about true love/ soulmates?
10. The book/ poem/ fic that changed your life?
11. What is the one piece of advice that you think everyone should hear?
Now I’m tagging 11 cool people I’d like to know better: @aldehydean, @rosewhipped22, @threshie, @castielismyfavouriteangel, @robotsnchicks, @santamadredidios, @holamishamigos0, @beefcakemish, @60r3d0m, @casthewise, @goodtidingsdean
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