#(which isn't entirely true france is allowed to complain about the uk and the us and the nazis but that's kinda it)
navree · 1 year
I would say claiming to be from a culture you are not (I don't mean you, just in general) is pretty offensive, even if it's a 'white' culture. Especially if you have never engaged with that culture and only use it as a talking point or in a "I'm so cool cause I'm not completely American because I'm from (insert place)" even if you've never been there, you can't speak the language and you can't even place it on a map. Especially if you are actually encountering someone from the culture you say you are from when again, you're actually not.
Also girl, taking AP classes in your (foreign) native language is cheating!!! Take this good humourly because my sister definitely did the same thing in our language and a French friend of mine took French. But yk what they say: work smarter, not harder. Xd
God Europeans wanna be oppressed so fucking bad. Get a hobby go outside touch grass pay reparations to the entire rest of the world for having to put up with your bullshit. Absolutely no one cares least of all me.
"take this good humourly" no :) twat :)
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