#): it hurts a lot i just wan sleep pease
angelichoneybunnie · 2 years
m in lotsa pain n i’m very tired of it ): i don’t like having chronic pain i wish it would go ‘way
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berrymoos · 2 years
did i hear baby jonny was on your mind!? i might have a few things up my sleeve(>▽<)
the first time he was over steve’s house regressed for the night he was super embarrassed because he needs a nightlight to have a peaceful sleep and steve being the best babysitter ever could tell he was fake sleeping and jus wants him to feel comfortable
“ hey jonny you okay??”
*shakes his head because he doesn’t wanna speak*
“ do you need anything?”
he wants to say he wants to go home where his nightlight is but instead he just points to the light
“ you want the light on buddy?”
*nods sheepishly*
“ i don’t wanna wake the gang up so how about i put the tv on? is that okay?”
steve absolutely hates the glow of the tv shining on him but does it anyway for jonny because he loves him<3
now steve has a nightlight for whenever jonny’s over so he feels safe:>
another idea is that he enjoys being max’s doctor whenever she gets hurt from skateboarding and always makes her feel really good
“ jonnyyyyy i hada fall again!” *whisper yell bc she knows he doesn’t like yelling*
*he runs over to assess the damage and takes her hand and brings her to the bathroom*
he has a bunch of colorful bandaids in every print imaginable and he lets her pick which ones she wants
“ i wan’ ra’bow one’s pease!!”
*fixes her up and gives each one a kiss afterwards*
“ t’ank you jonny:)”
i also feel like eddie’s really sneaky and he’ll steal a few of jonny’s crayons and whenever he’s in a pickle he’ll trade the crayons for jonny to buy him some time
“ hey jonny i needa favor”
*shakes his head no*
“ pease pretty pease look! i’ll give you these!” *shows the colors that “mysteriously” went missing earlier*
“see? all for you jus don’ let stevie come in your room”
“ hey jonny can i go in your room? i think eddie might be in there and he’s in big trouble”
*shakes his head no*
“ why not? it’s really important buddy he gave stevie a mustache while he was sleep, hey don’t laugh at me!”
*shakes his head no again*
“ how about i get you two new coloring books later?”
the only thing jonny loves more than reuniting with his crayons is a new coloring book
“ m’kay”
“ thanks buddy:) eddie! i know you’re in here!”
(his favorite word is “m’kay” if you couldn’t tell)
i rambled A LOT but oh well(*^ワ^*)
💡 awww & steve flicks it to a some kid's show to help lull jonny to sleep — actual sleep. and and and steve stays up with him until he fully falls asleep with his head in his lap, but he still keeps the tv on in case jonny wakes up for any reason (*^^*)// steve buys a handful of nightlights too, in case any of them go missing or break; you can NEVER have too many nightlights ;~)
mmm i think mayybeee he might be a little shy when it comes to using his nightlight in front of the rest of the gang at first? steve and nancy r fine bc nance is his primary cg & steve is the one who bought him the 5 nightlights, but robin and eddie r iffy bc he doesn't know them that well!! it isn't until rob & ed reassure him that there's no way they're gonna make fun of him for needing some light in the darkness & actually use a nightlight one night they're all staying over that he fully feels comfortable w them <3
🩹 AWWW MAX'S INSIDE VOICE FOR JONNY (≧∇≦) the moment he hears her whisper yell from the door he drops his crayon & zooms to her before any cg can — like nancy could already be on her way to assess the situation & jonny races past her in the fastest little dash she's ever seen from him while in smallspace
he's got SOOO many bandaids, ur right!! blue bandaids, pink bandaids, puppy bandaids, kitty bandaids .. u name it, he's got it. max likes making it a game of asking for random bandaids to see if he has them, & 9 times outta 10 he does; he did not, in fact, have hotdog bandaids when she asked, but i bet he does now HSJSKS
but WAAAA jonny is such a sweetie <3 he will give kissies to all of her owies even if they don't hurt ヾ(´︶`♡)ノ max always always returns the favor when he takes a tumble & she fixes him up
🖍️ oh no eddie is deff a sneaky guy, regressed or not 👀 he steals the crayoms when jonny's napping or LITERALLY when he leaves for just a second & hides them until he needs them ,, jonny is well aware that his crayons are going missing but he really doesn't wanna worry steve too much so he just makes do with what he has (and has since learned the art of mixing crayon colors to get a similar one he wants)
& JONNY INSTANTLY GIVING IN THE MOMENT A NEW COLORING BOOK IS ON THE TABLE HSKDJSKDH ,, steve sticks true to his word abt them every single time which is the reason why jonny has like 10 coloring books stacked for later use in his room. eddie's deff been rubbing off on him in terms of being cheeky — never to his exactly level, tho — sooo sometimes only one or two new coloring books isn't enough 🤭
"hey, jonny? i think eddie's in there, and i need him."
he shakes his head no
"cmon, bud; it's super important, i think he hid my hairspray and i need to know where he put it."
he keeps coloring
steve sighs. "new coloring book?"
jonny thinks for a second ... & looks down to his coloring. "three."
"mhm. three."
"why not two, instead?"
"mm ... no. three."
and finally, steve sighs. "fine. three."
jonny smiles & shimmies from in front of the door. "tank ou."
and that, my friends, is how jonny got three coloring books in the same day
(ALDKSKDKS i see 🤭 short words like that r his faves in general: mkay, uhuh, nuh-uh ... things like that. AND NEVER BE SORRY FOR RAMBLING I LOVE BABY JONNY <333)
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