#* ⟢ EMILIA BELLOS ❮ script ❯
inkedwaters · 1 year
*    ⟢   felix gaebras → @gracefallen : ❝ a wishing fountain, base lined with copper coins of past wishes. ❞
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a gentle sigh escapes her lips, fingertips tracing the worn lines of the face carved into the stone. fountains such as these were rare nowadays, since her kingdom had been conquered, the king of blood removing any lasting reminder that auranos was watched over by her sister's namesake. the earth beneath her knees felt cold, perhaps damp, but she cared little. this was what she had come here for, a reminder of all she had lost, and all she must retrieve. " you are not very good at lurking. " she muses gently, hearing the scuff of boots upon the ground. fingers drop from the carving to settle just above the water, eyes closing. " i wonder if this still gets used, despite the risk of it being found. if people risk discovery in the hopes that their goddess might still be listening. " she is not so much anticipating an answer, but the thought brings a spark of comfort and hope within her heart. finally tearing her gaze away from the sparkling waters, considering the tall blonde now at her side. " do you know what you might wish for ? " her own list was far too long, and mostly unobtainable.
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diveronaevents · 6 years
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Founded in 1985 by the WITCHES who vowed to devote their lives in service of perfection and beauty, the Castelvecchio Gala is Italy’s most exclusive event in the name of art, culture and fashion. Once a year, every eye in Italy turns to Verona as the most well-known names in the country gather in the same city. It is more than a red carpet, it is more than a fashion show; it is a celebration of the highest level of talent and beauty in the country, a party planned only for Italy’s best.
But the Castelvecchio Gala is more than just the party of the year; it’s a battleground for a long and bitter competition that reaches its peak on one day of the year. For only two names matter in the world of art and entertainment: Capulet and Montague. Both own a wealth of record labels, production studios, talent agencies and more, with the best and brightest names in the industry under their representation. You work for one of those companies, and they own you. They lay claim over your soul and your artistry, and you humbly give it because you know. You know that the only way to become anyone is through their seal of approval. They offer more than a company and a brand. They offer a family that binds your success to theirs. With their name under your belt, you are promised more than just a job; you are guaranteed a legacy.
And whichever company has the most seats at the table wins the unofficial title of best in the business.  
The WITCHES have made a calculated and perhaps cruel risk to host each attendee at their fine establishment, the Hotel Emilia. Every detail is taken care of, and only the finest of accommodations are permitted - and how can anyone say no to their kindness? Italy’s best will fly into Verona one week before the gala, with plenty of time to explore the city and become reacquainted with one another.
Life is long and rivalries are longer, but the witches love a spectacle and they so hate to be disappointed.
OVERVIEW: Welcome to part one of our month-long AU event! Your characters have just arrived in Verona and have exactly one week until the Castelvecchio Gala. Note that the locations will remain the same but are no longer assigned to territories -- all of Verona is safe and all characters are free to roam the city without consequence. Please timestamp all threads from MARCH 29, 2019 to APRIL 5, 2019. Below is a list of each character’s new occupation; if you have any concerns, please reach out to the admin team and we are happy to adjust accordingly. Feel free to complete any threads that are in progress and in-game throughout the month, but we ask that our members do not begin any new in-game threads until the event of the AU month is concluded. As always, if you have any further questions, don’t hesitate and have fun!
Alexander Rallis is a model under Montague management, especially celebrated for his brows and his stunning tattoo artistry.
Bellamy Santo-Domingo is a singer newly under Montague management, beginning his career on YouTube and recently signing with Montague’s record label.
Brielle King is a socialite and philanthropist under Montague management with major contributions to the conservationist movement.
Brigitte du Pont is the Public Relations Manager for Capulet, creating and maintaining a favorable public image by communicating programs, accomplishments and/or points of view.
Boris Kovrov is an esteemed songwriter and producer under Montague management, surrounded by speculation that he’s stolen several of his most successful songs from other artists.
Calina Sokolova is the Public Relations Manager for Montague, creating and maintaining a favorable public image by communicating programs, accomplishments and/or points of view.
Castora Aguilar is an award-winning artist/photographer known for making politically-charged art under Montague management.
Catherine Daly is a famous installation artist under Capulet management, creating three-dimensional works that often are site-specific and designed to transform the perception of a space.
Celeste Duval is a fashion and beauty YouTube influencer under Montague management.
Cyrus Sloane is the lead singer of an up-and-coming rock band under Capulet management.
Delilah Bello is an up-and-coming pop singer under Capulet management.
Easton Craven is a television actor and a teen heart throb under Capulet management.
Everett Craven is a Talent Manager for Capulet alongside Rafaella, organizing and advancing the careers of the talent under Capulet management.
Genevieve Zhang is a retired supermodel and the Montague spokesperson, representing the company at major events and press conferences.
Grace Daly is a stuntwoman under Montague management, famous for her motorcycle stunts.
Hector Rivera is an award-winning script writer under Montague management who focuses primarily on family dramas and arthouse films.
Henry Zhang is an award-winning film director under Montague management who focuses primarily on family dramas and arthouse films.
Hugo Kim is a documentary director whose in-depth and compassionate dive into varying social justice issues has earned him respect and admiration from all social classes.
Isabella Gagliano is the Feature Editor for Italy’s most prestigious fashion and culture magazine, Couture.
Ivan Rahal is a late-night talk show host known for exposées of celebrities and ruthless interviews under Capulet management.
Juliana Capulet is the Capulet heir with a long career as an actress/singer, spanning from childhood to present day.
Katarina du Pont is an award-winning fashion photographer under Capulet management who dabbles in photojournalism.
Lawrence Vernon is an award-winning actor under Montague management, known for his stunning performances and versatility as both a lead role and a supporting role.
Lucrezia Falco is a headhunter for Capulet, finding and signing top talent for the company who is also rumored to be launching her own fashion line soon.
Maeve Petre is an up-and-coming ballerina under Capulet management.
Marcelo Rosso is an award-winning fight choreographer and a stuntman under Montague management.
Matthias Warren is a socialite under Montague management and the heir to his family’s own billion-dollar company.
MIkael Falco is heir to a political dynasty, but chose instead to become head of a tabloid known for its rather torrid articles.
Nikolai Borisov is an independent socialite, he’s well-known in the social circles as having dabbled with certain royals but is primarily famous for his antics and debauchery.
Odessa Vernon is a television actress under Montague management, recently cast for her first movie role.
Orion Massetti is a talk show host under Capulet management, famous for his comedic pranks and celebrity interviews.
Pandora Phan is a former principal dancer who now choreographs revolutionary ballets under Montague management.
Paola Damasco is an independent actress, known for being highly relatable and an activist for grass-root causes.
Rafaella Capulet is a Talent Manager for Capulet alongside Everett, organizing and advancing the careers of the talent under Capulet management.
Ramona Aguilar is a model and artist under Montague management, known for frequent Banksy-esque stunts.
Regina Daly is an award-winning documentary director under Capulet management, famous for her unbiased eye and unique storytelling.
Santino Gallo is an editorial photographer under Montague management, famous for his glamour photography.
Tiberius Capulet is a top-charted rapper under Capulet management, known as Tigre.
Vivianne Sloane is the Capulet spokesperson, representing the company at major events and press conferences.
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movietvtechgeeks · 8 years
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Latest story from https://movietvtechgeeks.com/terminator-gets-terminated/
'The Terminator' gets terminated
It’s way past 1994 and 2003, and Skynet hasn’t come out yet. After three subpar sequels, the Terminator franchise may be terminated for good or at least for the foreseeable future. The recent soft reboot of the franchise, Terminator Genisys wasn’t critically well-received. It’s a decent movie, putting a new spin on the tale of Skynet but like Salvation, falls very short of the first two Terminator films. According to the grapevine, Paramount is putting the series on hold. Despite Paramount announcement that they’re putting the great James Cameron back in the director’s seat, they decided to put the project on hold. There’s the issues concerning Schwarzenegger’s age whether or not he can continue as Pops and remain as badass as he was in the first two films. It’s hardly a Terminator film without Arnold, and we know how Terminator: Salvation turned out. CG Arnold was okay but was kind of creepy and just wasn’t the same. There’s the issue where Emilia Clarke won’t be reprising her role as Sarah Connor. Audiences are easily put off when lead actors are changed. Take the Mummy franchise for instance. No offense to Maria Bello but not having Rachel Weisz in the third Mummy installment affected its reception. And even though Tom Cruise’s Zero-G scene looks awesome, it’s pretty irrelevant for the new Mummy film. We’re still waiting for John Hannah and Peru. According to Cinemablend, their LA-based Paramount source said that the studio seems to have fallen out of love in making another Terminator film, perhaps waiting for that miraculous script that would become a fitting end for the franchise. It’s tough that Paramount can’t wrap the whole thing up with one last film to truly close the franchise and perhaps truly make a reboot when the next badass Sly or Arnold comes along. Pitching in, how’s this for a last hurrah? Arnie as Pops could play a short role in the last film and pass the torch to The Rock, Dwayne Johnson who’s the only muscle-bound actor we can think of to play a new Terminator. There are several actresses who could play Sarah Connor who resemble Emilia Clarke or Linda Hamilton. So how can Arnie pass the torch? Skynet won’t stop until it erases Kyle Reese and Sarah Connor from the timeline and sends another Terminator. This time, it will be The Rock. Kyle gets killed leaving Sarah a few months pregnant with John. Pops somehow defeats the new Terminator but gets mortally wounded. What happens though is that he overwrites the new Terminator’s programming and personality with his own. Seeing as Skynet will not stop trying to alter history from the future, Pops and Sarah decide to play Skynet’s game and travel to the future and destroy Skynet themselves courtesy of another Genisys experimental time machine in the new Terminator’s memory. The new Terminator has protocols to return to the future in case the chance for victory became slim. So Pops and Sarah manage to get to the future and manages to meet with the resistance. Sarah meets John before he gets turned into the nanocyte Terminator. They rally the resistance for a final assault on Skynet and wins. The film by the way, involves a stray dog that becomes loyal to Sarah and Pops. The dog dies in the battle but will serve with one last heroic act. Skynet apparently escapes by transmitting its core into the past. The dog’s carcass serves as the way to carry several EMP bombs back into the past along with Sarah and Pops. Back at the present, Sarah and Pops become cyber-terrorists as they invade the offices of Cyberdyne Systems, the company’s partners, and the DND Skynet contractor as they suspect Skynet in one of their systems. They wipe all the offices’ data using the EMP devices. At the DND, they fight off one final massive robotic Terminator and wins. And finally, to cap the franchise off in the tradition of Terminator 2, Pops says goodbye to Sarah by lowering himself and his old body down in molten steel. In an epilogue, Sarah is seen as an elderly woman (free of cancer which Pops cured previously), the guest of honor to John Connor’s wedding somewhere in Italy. If this is a good idea to you guys and if Paramount comes out with something like this. Hopefully, it turns out to be very good, not worthy of another sequel that could mess things up. It’s Paramount’s call now. If they want to make a reboot or remake after a few years, they can probably go with Jason Momoa or some handsome dude from UFC or WWE.
Movie TV Tech Geeks News
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inkedwaters · 2 years
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*    ⟢   CLEIONA   BELLOS    of     @starlightfreed​​​​​​​​   :     i  think  i  might  slip  away .
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gaze  slips  to  her  sister’s  face,  a  brow  quirking  just  a  fraction.  “  cleo...  ”  she  starts,  a  soft  sigh  escaping  as  she  lifts  her  glass  to  take  a  delicate  sip.  “  stay  a  little  longer.  if  you  leave  now,  people  shall  notice  your  absence.  ”  whilst  it  was  the  truth,  it  was  perhaps  also  a  ploy  in  hopes  of  keeping  her  younger  sister  at  her  side  a  while  longer.  “  please,  it  will  become  dreadfully  boring  here  when  you  inevitably  slip  away.  allow  me  yours  and  mira’s  company  a  short  while  longer.  ”  she  has  never  been  above  the  use  of  the  puppy  eye,  big  eyes  widening  a  little  above  her  glass  as  she  turns  further  towards  the  other.  “  just  a  little  while,  until  the  other  guests  are  more  inebriated.  then  i  shall  have  more  than  enough  company  without  the  two  of  you  here  to  share  it.  ”
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