#* ⟢ CAILEAN & ABDULLAH ❮ closed starter ❯
tormxntum · 7 months
Closed starter for: @succiducus (Abdullah) Location: Training field Time: Shortly after the attack
“This cannae happen again!” Their voice roared like thunder. Their soldiers stood before them, bruised and battered, the anger upon their faces matching Cailean’s fury. “Chan urrainn dhuinn earbsa a bhith annta.” The officer seemed more like something that had crawled from the nightmare of an Englishman than the person they had been before the attack. Their fury was tangible; blood was still upon their shirt, their skin still tainted red from the blood that had been too stubborn to wash off. “They think they can walk all over us because we are small. They think we are desperate for their protection, but we do not need them; they need us! Let them try to touch our people again, and we will show them how fierce we truly are.” They continued in Gaelic, the only tongue they felt safe enough to speak to their soldiers in.
Cailean had long been known for bringing courageousness into the hearts of those who were too terrified to take another step into a battle, and that day was no different. The French were there, and they managed to ambush them; everyone was on edge, rightfully so. Their lips parted, ready to continue, but that was the moment when they saw him, and the mere sight of him somehow managed to steal their words from their lips and their breath from their lungs. Damn it. Their people continue watching them expectedly, no one daring to move an inch. Cailean turned to them again, clearing their throat. “Um- Get back to work; be vigilant, and do not trust them or anyone else.” With that, they waved them off.
For a long moment, they stood there watching him. He was safe… He was alive. Damn him. They thought to themself, the anger burning within them like a forest fire. He could have died. Someone could have easily killed him because he had been distracted, the most fatal flaw in any fight; he should have known better. Finally, they found the strength to march over to him while ignoring the stares of their soldiers which were burning through their back; damn him, damn him, damn him! Their anger had been a wildfire, raging through everything it touched, but the moment they stood face to face with him, it deflated into nothing but relief. He was safe; he was alive.
“Do you have a death wish? If you are so desperate for it, I’m sure we can arrange that quite easily.” It was all they could do to keep themself from screaming at him and the entire universe at the top of their lungs. How dare he? How dare he risk his life for them again? Despite everything, they reached for him, and they had almost taken his hand in theirs, almost. They only just managed to stop themself when there were mere inches between them. What would people think? They couldn’t…
 “What the hell were you thinking?”
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tormxntum · 2 months
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Who: Cailean & Abdullah (@succiducus)
Their body ached, and their heart craved but one thing, to fall asleep in Abdullah’s arms. The one place where the world quieted, allowing the worries of their mind to ease enough for sleep. With a candle in one hand, Cailean traced their fingers along the wallpaper of the pitch-dark hall leading to their chamber. Would Abdullah already be in bed? Would he wake up as they entered, sleep-tousled and grumpy for being disturbed? Or would he be waiting by the warmth of the crackling fireplace? Their heart soared at the mere thought of him, regretting not leaving the meeting sooner to spend the afternoon with him. But the rebellion needed them; Scotland needed them now more than ever.
The sound of the door opening echoed in the silence of the night, causing the commander to curse under their breath in case he was already asleep. Yet, as they opened the door, they were greeted not by the inviting, sleep-tousled Abdullah. Nor was he awaiting their arrival by the fire. He seemed to be packing. With brows knitted together, Cailean closed the door behind them, shutting out the world.
“Are we goin’ somewhere?”
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