#* in chara ‚ thread ... // priestbit .
thefixer · 4 months
   ...   action / angst starter ,      @priestbit .
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" doesn't matter ...   every avenue i take ,   it's the same destination . "
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thefixer · 7 months
  ...  starter call ,    @priestbit  //  no longer accepting .  she hides in the back of the club ,  turning through pages of a file that she had been sent earlier in the day .  a rock club  (  or any sort of club at all ,  even a punk dive bar in soho  )  wasn't exactly the best place to lay low and get some work done .  lately however it seemed that her mind wasn't focused enough to work .  mind races miles a minute in each direction ━━━  up ,  down ,  left ,  right ,  adjacent and even upside down .  this was the first attempt at trying to quell these thoughts in a somewhat ...  healthier way ,  instead of acting out or drowning herself in booze and sex .  though the night was still young and she still felt frisky so who knows what the night will entail .
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she mindlessly took sips from the glass of whiskey she had in front of her .  finger's gently tap ,  tap ,  tap against it .  she cannot remember if this was her third or fourth one ,  tolerance of alcohol prevents her from knowing if she's even had enough .  she can still make sense of what she's reading ...  that meant she still had a few more glasses of whiskey left in her .  mia was the mysterious woman at the darkest part of the club ,  a place where none really bothered her expect for a few men who wanted to party with her .  despite of course seeing that she was already busy with something far more important .  her weakness of exhaustion gets the best of her as she blinks and starts to look away from the pages . 
 a hand comes up ,  finger's draw down against her face ,  starting from the eyes .  when she drops her hand she notices someone watching her ,  getting up and beginning to approach .  great ...  she thinks to herself  [  here we go again .  ]
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