#* //  lorcan burakgazi  ( 001 ) .
halcyonbound · 4 years
CLOSED STARTER FOR  @wickedxlovely​  ( & lorcan )  !!
IT WASN’T TECHNICALLY STALKING  if she wasn’t even sure  who  she was following as discreetly as possible ;  she knew she’d seen the guy’s face before, she just couldn’t place  where  for the life of her, and it annoyed her just a little bit too much.  ( or maybe it was simply the  boredom  of having nothing better to do  ---  either way, she was determined to find out. )  when even a better look at his  face  provided nothing except a vague memory of a crowd  ( and the chase, eventually, grew boring, too )  camilla laid her case to rest with a sigh and decided to  approach  the guy directly.  “ hey, ”  she came up with a smile, hoping the following wouldn’t sound  too much  like a line.  “ have we met before? you seem somehow  familiar . ”
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