#* ; convos // event002.
hvneymelons · 3 months
Open starter: Pride Event
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After her time at the hospital booth came to an end, Dilara found herself dancing with the crowd deep in the middle of the live performances. It was intoxicating being surrounding by so many people having fun. Their energy magnetic and inviting to the point that she didn’t even question her actions. She wasn’t by any means a great dancer - her moves consisting of spins and the occasional raising of her arms as she threw them into the open air. It was more like swatting than anything else. Any other time Dee would have been slightly embarrassed, but after a good two and a half drinks… well who cares? “Woooh!” She erupted into cheers when the song came to an end. Giving one last twist of her body that ended in her bumping into someone else and spilling some of her drink. “Shoot! I’m sorry.” She quickly apologized, using her hands to wipe at the other’s wet arm. “I totally did not see you there.”
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melindaxbobbins · 10 months
event starter: open | @fideliusstarters location: dogweed and deathcap, decorating mini trees
"don't look, it's not finish yet!" melinda exclaimed to the person next to her as she tried her best to shield her tree using her arms, only to give up, chuckling as she went back to decorating her tree. "ok, you can look, but you've got to trust the process." with just a quick glance in their direction, she tried her best to give a serious look before then directing her attention back to the array of decorations in front of her.
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pxnsyisms · 10 months
event starter: open | @fideliusstarters location: honeydukes
as pansy took a step into the brightly colored candy shop, the bell chimed. the intense fragrance of sweets hitting her like a brick to her senses. it appeared that honeydukes being her first stop was not as original as she had thought, the building was packed with students. the snake slid through the crowd, heading straight to her usual sweet of choice. "you can wait. or i can hex you, pick now or i'll pick for you." she snapped as someone stepped in front of her outstretched hand that had been reaching for a sugar quill.
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adrianxpucey · 10 months
event starter: romilda | @romildaxo location: three broomsticks
adrian was seated in a booth with a few of his friends on seating with him. his 3rd glass of firewhiskey sitting on the table in front of the slytherin, a loose grip around the glass. there were a lot of reasons why this festival was just another excuse for him to get drunk, and one of those reasons were walking up to his table with a few mutual friends accompanying her. it was an unfortunate circumstance, after dating someone for two years the two friend groups often intermingle, and then the breakup happens and the friend groups stay intermingled. all of that led to him moving into the both, closing any gaps and being trapped in a booth next to romilda vane. "do me a favor and just kill me now, yeah?" he groaned softly as he looked at her and then away only to pinch the bridge of his nose.
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jamiexlevin · 3 years
Walking out of the mens room, Echo made his way down the staircase, heading back towards the main ballroom. He hadn’t gotten especially far before a girl attempted to brush past him, but their shoulders connected. Her smell was all the dragon needed, so even before the impact he was tensing up and his nostrils were flaring with distaste. “Do not touch me witch.” his words came out harsh, near a growl. Turning his body back towards her, his eyes were cold as the ice he was born with. “Next time you won’t get a warning..” he threateningly added. After the decades of the whim of her kind, he had nothing but pure hatred left for them. 
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perfectrosier · 5 years
In Life As In Death || Evan & Bellatrix
Where: Puddlemere Quidditch Celebration With: Bellatrix @viciouslestrange​ When: Late in the Night
From a celebration of his first place at a duelling tournament in Belgium to a grimy field that was pst it’s zenith of entertainment… Somewhat of a boring change of scenery but the Dark Lord’s will be done. Evan was already dressed in his cloak and mask and it seemed his comrades had already started the fun; how cruel of them not to wait for him. Still, not to be left out he leapt into the fray, a well placed curse slicing down the chest of a running drunkard, blood erupting from the fatal gash and splatters of it landing on his robes.
Looking back he saw who the hapless fool had been running run and stepped unceremoniously over the corpse to a silhouette and mask he recognised. “NOt willing to wait for me, dearest Bella?” he asked her lowly, not that they needed to worry about being overheard in this chaos, “I’d be sad but you led a little fun right to me first thing.”
Raising his arm he flicked his wand so that a ball of flame spewed forth igniting a nearby tent in seconds, flushing out a few would-be hiders. “Care for a game of it? Let’s see who can pop the most heads of the little dollies.” he chuckled, wand tip already glowing purple with a half-cast curse.
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ghcstliness · 6 years
Leading people to safety was simple, depending on whether or not there was an affected standing in their way. A gun was constantly loaded in Mercutio’s waistband, though he hadn’t had to use it - yet. Mercutio prayed that he didn’t have to, having hidden in a church for an hour with a rosary tucked between his fingers. But that was the first two days, and on the third everything grew worse. 
Sweat rose from his forehead once Mercutio got himself to the white house. Abandoning his gun at security, he managed to walk inside. It was odd, being able to step foot into a place where most people didn’t get to go in. But it was life and death and Mercutio was hoping that he wouldn’t die. Except in his dreams, but that wasn’t something he was getting into. There was a war and he was willing to protect those who were defenseless. 
Finding President Organa was simple and mostly, Mercutio wanted to give her credit. This was a lot, even for him, and he was certain that the president had more than enough on her plate. Stepping into the office, Mercutio wasn’t sure what to do. Does he bow? Thank her? Sing the National Anthem? “Madam President,” Mercutio started clearing his throat. There was still that charming smile that he used on everyone. He couldn’t ever wipe his face clean of it. 
“Are you holding up alright? I’m not going to judge, but there’s a lot going out there --- more than one person can handle.” Mercutio paused, his fingers playing with his own. This was stupid, why was he still talking. “I’m Mercutio Rosso, my family owns a shop in Georgetown. But really, are you alright is all I need to know. I can help if needed. I don’t want credit or anything, but I want to make sure that you’re able to sleep at night.” 
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gidecns · 7 years
“Oi ━” Gideon turned to the person nearest by, his mouth curled up into a typical mischievous grin. “you mind helping me do a keg stand?”
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omnia-vcnitas-blog · 7 years
“Oh no,” Emma possessively curled her arms around the bottle of firewhiskey, dancing all the while. “This baby is all mine, don’t you dare try and take her away from me.”
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yesteddymartinez · 5 years
Teddy groaned a little when he saw who he was paired with- he wasn’t sure what exactly his standings were with Kenzie since their last interaction. He proceeded to walk to the kitchen and spotted her. “Hey!” He called out, throwing a smile on his face. “Excited to cook some vegetables?” He groaned again. “They definitely gave us the lamest one. No one wants to sneak bites of vegetables.” 
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hvneymelons · 3 months
Open Starter: Pride Event
Nerves weren't something that Dante ever felt when it came to performing. The stage was like his second home. Inviting and oh-so encouraging. Anything he did was a form on art up there. Once his fingers graced his guitar and his gaze fell upon the crowd an entire different Dante emerged. While he originally planned on ending his music career when his grandma passed, Dante was plagues by the thoughts of her scolding him from beyond the grave. His pawpaw was more than eager to remind him of that constantly, which he greatly appreciated, but there was no way Dante was leaving the state any time soon. Performing at home though? That brought back so many good memories from his start. From practicing around with the band, to performing their very first show together. Dante remembered just how excited they had all been that first night. "Where should we go first?" Dante asked, handing them a drink and sipping his own, "I have no clue what it is, by the way. One of the plenty cocktails from The Labyrinth today. Drunken Barney? - I think was the name. Super tasty though, so slow sips. You know how they tend to creep up."
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melindaxbobbins · 10 months
event starter: maisie | @cfwinchester location: madam puddifoot’s tea shop
madam puddifoots tea shop was a must stop for melinda whenever she was in hogsmeade, her love for tea demanded it most times. the festivals hot chocolate was easily a second best situation for her, in comparison, but when you add the festival spirit and memories that come along with the beverage, it still was a must have as well. The ravenclaw took a sizable gulp of her hot chocolate just as her friend walked in, her hand shot up into the air. "maisie, over here!" melinda exclaimed, waving her over.
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pxnsyisms · 10 months
event starter: gregory | @ggcyles location: scrivenshaft's quill shop
upon walking into scrivenshaft's quill shop, her initial thought was that way too many people were in line for something as simple as face paint. she was moments away from walking right back out until she noticed who was standing at the very front of that line, no-- he was on the other side of the line, with the paints. "goyle?" his name broke through the noise in the room. the dark haired witch bypassed the line now that she saw her friend, giving him her signature smirk as she closed the distance. "i didn't know you were doing all of... this."
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melindaxbobbins · 10 months
event starter: neville | @flourishandfate location: three broomsticks
melinda stepped into the three broomsticks, hearing someone already on stage singing a song she has never heard of before, but smashing it. the energy in the room was infectious, spreading quickly through her. she enjoyed festivals like this, outside of the castle. it forced her to step out of her study bubble, something her friends reminded her needed to happen. her eyes scanned the room, and she lit up as she notices a certain gryffindor. "neville! hey!" she greeted him as she approached, "are you going to put your name down on the list?" mel continued, directing her attention to the stage for a moment as she asked him about the open mic.
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jamiexlevin · 3 years
The cold of the ice all around him was making Echo feel calmer, more grounded. Truth be told it was tempting to lay or sit down, to press his body against the ice. Yet he couldn’t without ending up with a rather wet suit. Morgan would not approve of that if some reporter got a shot of him leaving this party. Thus he stayed on his feet, running his hand slowly down the sculpture he was currently admiring. He couldn’t stand humans, but their art? It was at times sights worth beholding. Hearing someone behind him, Echo slowly dropped his hand. “Can I help you with something?” He asked without turning around, only knowing that the person in question was definitely a vampire based on scent. 
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ghcstliness · 6 years
Chaos was something that always interested the daftest pirate, how easily brash decisions were made, and how much harder it was to face consequences. The world was free reign and Gil was ready. He wasn’t sure how he felt about DC, but now, he loved it. He didn’t like it as much as when he had to fight and disarm, but stealing? Stealing was something he was always good at.
After stealing his sixth golden necklace, the art of thievery was something that dimmed in the pirate. It was no longer exciting, there was no reaction, no one to challenge him. It was as if he was dueling with his sword, against a swordless opponent. There was nothing to it, much to Gil’s annoyance. But a person, stealing a person would work! His first prisoner was unaware, back turned, when Gil managed to knock them down with a swing to the head. If there was a concussion, that was accidental. Body tied in rope, mouth covered in duct-tape, Gil waited for the male to awaken after a few minutes and heaved the body to his feet. This was something new, something that made Gil proud. It was also a motive of gaining ransom, after all, a little kidnapping wouldn’t hurt nobody.
Forcing the other to walk, Gil’s head tilted as he noticed a familiarity. And then he was certain, that he wasn’t alone, that his captain was here. A grin took over Gil’s face, expression automatically brightening, and eyes looking at the other in adoration. “Uma!” The name spoken was boastful, full of excitement, and Gil shoved the body more forcefully. “Shrimpy, hey!” And then the nickname was mentioned, which he didn’t mean to cause upset, but it was more tasteful, like shrimp, and had character. “I brought you a gift. His name is Todd, I named him myself. Don’t get too attached,” Gil pulled his sword from its sheath, gently patting the flat side on the prisoner’s head lovingly. “He’s for ransom, not for sale.” 
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