#* [ out of character. ] » ⟨ 𝙙𝙪𝙢𝙗 𝙤𝙛 𝙖𝙨𝙨. 𝙥𝙪𝙧𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩. ⟩
baddcop · 2 years
new android!gavin lore just dropped !
after some discussion, android gavin is now a department android working solely in paperwork. he is unable to act directly within cases, and the reason he begins deviating is because he can’t help but assist. the cases catch his attention and he begins getting ideas, he wants to know how investigations and interrogations are going. usually, listening in on the status is easy but knowing he could have done more had he just been able to is what pushes him to act out.
unlike mainverse gavin, GV600 is amicable. he was programmed to be a friendly face for workers & suspects to interact with as necessary. after his deviation however, he’s faced with the trauma of being treated as less than and completely rejects what he is. he runs from it, removing his LED and trying to smother ever hint and clue that could lead other’s to figure out he’s an android.
he wants to be a detective though, he knows he can help and he knows he’s good at it. it’s the spark that drove him this far, but he can’t help but feel so out of place in the department. as though he isn’t meant to be there, unwanted and underestimated.
his rage as a result of his justifiable anger is just the forefront of it. his deviation has left him without a lot of his warm amicable and “easy” behavior from before, although it’s not all gone. he doesn’t want to be easy, he doesn’t want to be overlooked and looked down on. as ugly a part of him it is, he thinks if androids want to survive and be taken seriously, they can’t be themselves. That they have to hide, because if they don’t ... if they don’t then what does that mean for him? For all he’s sacrificed in favor of just being seen as a person. He’s afraid to find out what’s left of himself, he’s confused and unsure. He’s hurt and angry and fearing the worst, for once this is a problem he can’t fight and it’s killing him.
Literally the living embodiment of “Easy for you to say. When you change, you change for the better. When I change, I change for the worse.”
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baddcop · 3 years
gavin, my beloved . . .
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baddcop · 3 years
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baddcop · 3 years
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rkfinale asked :   hc + Detroit
i’ve   stated   it   before,   as   has   neil   newbon,   but   gavin   isn’t   from   detroit   originally.   he   thinks   the   entire   idea   of   home   itself   is   something   you   have   to   find,   and   for   him,   that   was   detroit.   not   exactly   a   wonderful   place,   especially   after   the   introduction   of   androids   and   record   breaking   unemployment   --   (   leading   to   a   majority   of   friends   and   acquaintances   turning   to   less   than   favorable   means   of   providing.   which   is   an   entirely   different   headcanon   in   and   of   itself   )   --   but   long   story   short   :   detroit   is   gavin’s   home.  
these   were   his   stomping   grounds   at   what   he   feels   to   be   a   very   pivotal   time   in   his   growth.   a   time   in   his   life   where   he   was   racing   to   his   grave   quick   before   fowler   stepped   in.   before   his   foster   parents   took   him   in.   this   place   isn’t   his   home   just      because   he   grew   here   for   part   of   his   life,   this   is   his   city   in   his   eyes.   he’s   wanted   nothing   more   than   to   build   detroit   back   up.   as   much   as   he   tends   to   pretend   everything   rolls   off   his   back,   what   with   the   jokes   made   in   poor   taste   to   cope,   the   weight   of   the   city   falling   into   further   disarray   weights   heavy   on   his   mind.  
detroit   isn’t   gavin’s   home   because   he   grew   up   here,   it’s   his   home   because   he   chose   it.   and   he   wants   to   see   his   home   thrive,   he   wants   better   days   for   detroit   and   the   people   who   live   here   and   struggle   to   get   by.   because   he   lived   it,   he   knows   it.  
as   full   of   himself   that   gavin   is,   he   is   a   good   detective.   --   (   as   is   shown   on   his   desk   by   the   solved   case   files,   and   his   description   in   the   gallery.   )   --   and   that   determination,   ambition   and   devotion   is   something   he   holds   steadfast   to   as   one   of   his   good   qualities.   after   all,   he’s   gonna   need   to   keep   that   up   if   he   wants   to   see   detroit   become   a   better   place.
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baddcop · 3 years
i   also   have   a   venom   verse   for   gavin   in   case   any   of   you   eddie   /   venom   writers   wanted   to   have   to   deal   with   this   Awful   Awful   man   and   the   (+1)   that   lives   in   his   body. 👉👈
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