#*  // ♦︎ 001. — › I C
monogatcri · 1 year
@orecrowned replied to your post:
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━━ ˟ ⊰🍁❝ THE CORRECT ANSWER IS : 300 -- may I ask how you came to the conclusion of zero? ❞
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evokeisms · 2 years
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❪ ⋅ ☽ ⋆ — ┊❛ HIDETOSHI ❜ ❫ ❝ THE RUMORS AROUND THIS SCHOOL just become more and more absurd, ❞ he's ranting to himself, eyes fixated on his reflection in the window's glass, scowl forming as fingers begin rubbing at temples. If it's not one situation, then it's another that they want to throw down the student council's throats ; even if they were ridiculous, ludacris, idiotic, boneheaded, and marinated in delusions, the vice president would sooner put them to rest than allow them to continue to permeate the school grounds.
      Head snapped over, glancing at Minako, a fond smile forming on his lips momentarily before shifting back to its more serious demeanor ; at least she stuck around to listen to him. ❝ Have you heard the latest? I can hardly fathom the depths of their minds -- they must want to rattle us, Arisato-kun... ❞ Another student blathering on about how there's a reason to wander on campus ; this time it's about a demon that will consume one's soul. Other students have been whispering about it, passing on the rumors and causing a stir, scaring a few and creating 'brave volunteers to stay overnight' out of others. All they're doing is creating a fuss for those in charge to deal with -- actually, no... Hand lifted to forehead, rubbing it in exhaustion.
      Just a really awful stress headache.
                                                                     → @foolisharcanum starter w/ Hidetoshi
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localflagdealer · 7 months
001・Intro Post!
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♦︎Directory - Stim Blog \ F.A.Q ​​
Hello, welcome to the blog! I don't have much to say other than, my name is Kuta/Jeane, and this is the flag archive!
This blog is operating as a "strict archive" which means that I will be posting flags made by people who possibly weren't the nicest, to say the least...
If you wish to blacklist or bookmark content from a specific creator, the tagging system I use is ".c - [Creator username]"
This blog is run on a queue!
My rules on posting are that if I can find the original post on the person's blog, I will reblog it from there to the archive, however, if the post or the person's account is deleted I will repost the flag with its original description or reblog it via someone else!
Full F.A.Q is below the cut in case the links don't work for whatever reason!
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♦︎.Q:: What is the purpose of this blog?
A:: The purpose of this blog is to be one big archive of flags relating to LGBTQ+ identities from blogs that are either deleted or no longer active!
♦︎.Q::Are you the creator of these flags? who should I credit?
A:: I am not the creator of any of the flags posted here! All of them belong to their rightful owners, and I encourage anyone who uses these flags to give them proper credit!
I will do my best to mention and credit creators where and if I can!
♦︎.Q:: Do you have a DNI/BYF?
A:: No! I do not have any form of DNI/BYF, this does not mean I support or am comfortable with everyone or everything, but at the end of the day, Tumblr is a public platform where anyone can join.
If I feel uncomfortable with someone interacting/RBing from here I will simply silently block them.
I would also like to note that some of these flag creators do have DNIs on their blogs, so please be mindful of those!
♦︎.Q:: Can you find [x] flag for me?
A:: I can make an attempt, but please note that I cannot guarantee I will find it!
Also, I will not post/archive flags relating to MAPs (Minor Attracted Persons), AAMs (Adult Attracted Minors), Neuro-sexualities/genders (EX:: Autigender, Anxiegender), or Trauma-sexualities/genders.
♦︎.Q:: I’m the creator of [x] flag and I don’t feel comfortable with you posting it, what should I do?
A:: If you don’t feel comfortable with me posting/rbing one of your flags or if you have proof of a creator not wanting their flags posted elsewhere, feel free to message me, and I’ll take it down as soon as I can!
♦︎.Q:: Are you open to chatting/privately talking?
A:: Yes! If you wish to chat privately you are more than free to message me! I don’t bite!
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monogatcri · 1 year
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━━ ˟ ⊰🍁LONELINESS HAD GROWN SO PRESENT in his being that when Niwa traversed the sands of his beaches, he presented the air with a song -- a hum that starts off soft, a familiar beat that he'd heard in his childhood that grows so fervently as he reached the shoreline's gentle embrace. The days had stretched long for him, the hours counted had long been forgotten as they merged together so concisely that mind found difficulty in relaying what day it was he stood here once more -- tenth, thirtieth, one-hundredth?
        As line hits water, his voice softens, keeping his eyes upon the line and hoping to not scare the fish with the volume of his melody. His own voice happened to be the only company kept recently, not willing to risk his own life by approaching those that had taken over his home ; he was far too weak, far too outnumbered, and his lack of weapon on him helped him none. It was by force of self-preservation that he avoided the area. A starving dog cannot hope to best a full wolf and its pack.
        This did not mean he gave up on his home ; in fact, the opposite is true -- his mind had made up its mind that he would reclaim his strength before he'd find a means to rid the area of pests. Though the buildings were delipidated, he could rebuild them ; though the people were no longer there, he could find new and old alike to return home ; though he did not understand his existence and survival, he understood his purpose remaining.
        Head snapped up, singing abruptly ceasing and body turning on its heels to thrust out the wooden pole of the fishing rod, forgetting the line or the fish he'd dared not scare prior. Presence made known only by the slightest of shifts in the wind, a sense he'd gained in his youth, but upon meeting features of one he did not recognize, his body relaxed, slightly with brows furrowed. A man of an undiscernible age, hair blue as the sky and clothing foreign to his recollection of all he'd witnessed in his past -- no, this was not one of the threats he'd watched trample over his home's old boards and mock the rusted blades that no longer could find a master in their disuse.
        Judging by other's posture, there was an air of unfiltered emotions that trailed between them -- whether kindred in confusion or not, Niwa knew not. ❝ My apologies, ❞ he started, bowing deeply, unaware that this person had once been the cause of his own untimely demise. ❝ I had thought you were a bandit attempting to ambush me. ❞
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⊰🍁plotted starter for @haereses
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monogatcri · 1 year
@erabundus replied to your post:
"kami started everything. :)"
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━━ ˟ ⊰🍁TAPS TOP OF HEAD WITH sandal lightly, ❝ Is this true? ❞ It's not a truth serum but it certainly holds some weight to it being made of sturdy wood.
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monogatcri · 1 year
@erabundus replied to your post:
he doesn't need friends; they disappoint him
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━━ ˟ ⊰🍁❝ BUT WE'RE FRIENDS , Ren! Are you telling me I disappoint you? ❞
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monogatcri · 1 year
@erabundus replied to your post:
will he accept candles --
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━━ ˟ ⊰🍁❝ YOU'RE SO LUCKY THAT I'M starving or I'd be throwing you across Teyvat right now. ❞ Translation: you better hope I don't get a second wind, Ren, because so help me I will make you come home for everyone person who does a pull even at ZERO pity!
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monogatcri · 1 year
@ruinlost replied to your post:
tai vc:ahhh SQUISH!
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━━ ˟ ⊰🍁❝ THE SQUISHIEST FACE KNOWN TO Teyvat, even squishier than someone I used to know! ❞ Can you guess who?
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monogatcri · 1 year
@theoneandonii replied to your post:
itto, happy with his 1/6th of a shirt because he lives by the phrase "a hoe doesn't get cold"
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━━ ˟ ⊰🍁❝ I'M GOING TO KNIT YOU a jacket, too! You may not get cold, but you can get sick, and that's not acceptable. ❞ he's assuming he can.
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monogatcri · 1 year
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━━ ˟ ⊰🍁ALL GOOD THINGS WILL EVENTUALLY come to an end, this was a lesson learned throughout his four hundred years of captivity in this domain. The Fatui's world was hardly sustainable for the growth of flowers, their fragility oft crushed beneath the heels of the strongest ; petals scattered and stems bent disproportionally. The flora that survived the assault were usually left for the vultures to finish off while the remaining few watched from the shadows, daring not to interfere...
       Niwa was one that ventured back and forth into sunlight and darkness, wandering that mirror's edge. The note left upon Scaramouche's desk to request a moment of his time was one such occasion of scurrying through the sunlight's gaze. Though it features warmth, it also makes for easier spotting -- a curious sort that wandered in might glimpse upon page and notice name written. Old Inazuman text is not impossible to decipher with enough scrutiny, after all.
       My dearest friend,
If you'd be so inclined to spare me a moment of your time, I'd like to catch up on all that we've missed these last few centuries. With my mind cleared and enough time passed between last meeting, I thought a bit of privacy somewhere less likely to be barged in upon would make for a better conversation. If something will sweeten this offer to you, I'll also be providing tea just as we remember, though you won't see me sipping it until it's no longer bitter.
       Signed,        Niwa
       Door left unlocked and mask tossed to rather organized desk (having only a stack of papers and a quill pen, it's easy enough to keep orderly), cracks heavily visible upon its surface, he kept the tea kettle warm through the portable stove. His flooring is sparse, made of stone, so the only downside is the soot that he'd have to clean later, but he ignored that, opting his attention more upon tidying his space up. It's barren and looks cold inside, and, often times, it is... There's hardly any furniture, the bed is thin alongside t sheets, yet he still smooths them over before taking a seat, breathing deeply in the familiar scent of tea, memories drawing him back.
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monogatcri · 1 year
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━━ ˟ ⊰🍁SHIFTS GAZE AWAY .............
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monogatcri · 1 year
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━━ ˟ ⊰🍁THAT GAZE FAILED TO LEAVE form before him , breath hitched painfully in chest, trying to reconcile the chances of activity transpiring -- could it be an illusion or had he found -- ❝ Kabukimono...? ❞
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⊰🍁@hitokageisei liked for a starter !
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monogatcri · 1 year
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━━ ˟ ⊰🍁❝ IRMINSUL TAKE ME BACK ! I want to go back! ❞
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monogatcri · 1 year
@erabundus replied to your post:
"okay. i'll bite. how?"
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━━ ˟ ⊰🍁❝ WATCH AND BE AMAZED , ❞ he urges, hand slow to raise, touching top of head before it is RIPPED from his scalp. Beneath is a frizzy mess of hair sticking up on end, static having taken its root from the friction manifested. The final nail on the coffin ? Finger from hand that hadn't removed the bandana quickly lunges out, ceasing motion just an inch away from bare skin of friend, prickling electric current zipping between two bodies to -- ZAP!
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monogatcri · 1 year
“sometimes i feel like…like i really don’t belong here…like i’m supposed to be someplace else.”
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━━ ˟ ⊰🍁THEIR MORNINGS ARE EARLY , rising by the sound of the bird song outside their windows and the sliver cresting of sun peeking through curtains. Passage of time within the village could vary, but this seemed a constant schedule inside the Niwa residence, whether the Kabukimono chose to stay with him or the others fell on his shoulders to decide, for none of them wished to dictate his path nor wish to instigate their own protective natures upon them. This was their ward, practically a child they all collectively adopted and promised to raise and care for...
        ...and yet when it came to moments like these, Niwa secretly wished he had the wiser nature of Mikoshi beneath his belt ; the man had enough experience to battle a lifetime of philosophies that the other simply smashed open the doors to and declared the first thought upon his mind. An exhale, his back facing shorter, the tea kettle warming over the fire, the leaves inside steeping as the water heated ; slow, arduous, painful -- it's understandable that these feelings applied to how long it took his mind to completely absorb and come up with an answer...
        ❝ I'm...not going to lie to you, ❞ he starts, head turning to face puppet. He can hear Katsuragi and Mikoshi judging his answer already, yet he doesn't feel the need to justify himself to them. Finger tip moved to the tea kettle, tempted to lift the lid to check process beneath. Bitter concoction would soon be done if he just allowed his mind to focus upon their conversation.
        His body now turned, feet carrying him to sit beside the other. Everyone had a purpose, but what did Kabukimono's purpose exist for? This reality is harsh, horrid, grabbing hold of his head and shoving it beneath the water to constantly face it each time he peered into a reflective surface and remembered he wasn't human among them (or maybe he always felt that way, Niwa couldn't be sure). ❝ Only you can answer this question... ❞ Such a concept left a sour taste upon tongue, for one so new to this world hardly would know what his fate is -- and the sheer responsibility of it shouldn't rest on him alone ; he doesn't allow him to fester on idea long, adding, gentleness still beating like heart within his chest: ❝ -- but what is your answer and what makes you question yourself? Let me help you find it -- we'll find that answer together, okay? ❞ He's one of them. He's Tatarasunan. Is there nothing that can eventually bring him to that answer? ❝ Let's start small: what makes you feel like you don't belong here? ❞
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🍁 sentence starters  :  disney,  hercules,  part one.
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monogatcri · 1 year
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━━ ˟ ⊰🍁YOU KNOW WHAT ? The geta hits them all across their heads like a furious boomerang before Niwa catches it back into his hand again. Will it knock them out? Will it leave a bruise? Will it just be a red mark? Will their skin be unblemished perfectly WHILE HIS BREAKS OUT FROM STRESS SOMETIMES he's not jealous DURING HIS LONG HOURS?! Who knows. ❝ You're all grounded. ❞
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