#*  ⚽  MILES     / ⠀ 𝙁𝙄𝙇𝙀𝘿 𝙐𝙉𝘿𝙀𝙍 ⠀ ﹕ ⠀ ❪ ⠀ interactions. ⠀ ❫
heatwayve · 1 year
starter for mali. ( @inquixotic​ )
where: beach
when: day 42
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– “WELL,” MILES LAUGHS, TAKING A SEAT ON THE BLANKET BESIDE MALI. “ this is a nice surprise. ” his eyes are taking her in like she’s a dream, blinking extra to make sure that it’s real – for some reason, seeing her like this feels like a meshing of worlds, and he’s sure he’ll feel it even more strongly when she’s lounging about in the main villa in the exact same brand of chair that she used to lay out on in casa amor. they’d become such quick friends in casa and he’d trusted her with a lot – miles would be a huge liar if he wasn’t especially thrilled to see her again so soon ( sorry to josh, but – ) “ how the fuck did you get convinced to fly back here ? did you miss me that much ? ” he teases.
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heatwayve · 1 year
starter for josh ( @graftisms​​​​ )
time : day 29, morning
location : lounge area
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– MILES DOESN’T REALLY UNDERSTAND WHAT WENT ON IN THE DRESSING ROOM. something about sex, who’s having it and who’s not, but even without outright saying it, it was extremely clear that mali was one of the people having it ( and miles wasn’t 😔 ) still, he’s pretty eager to catch up with josh about it, because getting advice from the girls was proving to be more disheartening than anything. they’d mostly just told him he was boring and then devolved into a catfight about something vague. he needs some real perspective on the situation with frankie from someone who seems to know what the hell he’s talking about, and he wants josh’s side of the story considering mali was not at all optimistic about things moving forward. josh had also been pretty stern in his anti-bombshell sentiment the night before, and miles wonders what changed. hopefully he can bring mali some good news, cheer her up after that shitstorm. “ hey-o ! ” excited greeting as miles reaches out to dap josh up, half-hello, half-congratulations. “ heard you had a very good night. ” 
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heatwayve · 1 year
starter for josh ( @graftisms​ )
time : day 28, daytime
location : bean bags
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– MILES FALLS INTO ONE OF THE BEAN BAGS BESIDE JOSH, exhaling a sigh. “ place sure is bigger in person, huh ? just like my . . . ” a pause as he thinks better of it, a sheepish grin as he looks over at josh. “ y’know, you look gnarly, dude, ” nice to sit down with someone he doesn’t have to worry about grafting today, to be honest, it’s like nonstop flirting for a casa bombshell. “ chicks dig that shit, though. like, ooh, i can fix him, ” he raises his voice an octave, a girly whine, “ . . . literally, ” he adds, tone dropping back to its usual cadence. “ you gonna give me the lowdown or what ? ” he asks. he could use josh’s perspective on whether he’s actually got a shot or if he should just treat this place like a week-long holiday, lay out and nap. blame it on the parasocial bond, but he does feel like he can trust the guy to give it to him straight, especially since it’s not like they’re grafting the same pool of people. 
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heatwayve · 1 year
starter for josh. ( @graftisms​ )
where: bedroom
when: day 37
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– “YOU THINK I SHOULD BE SWEATING IT?” MILES ASKS, sitting on the edge of the bed. “ i mean, i did tell frankie i wanted to get to know charlene, which  . . . ” was that a mistake ? he’s not sure. they’ve both since agreed they want to be each other’s priority, but not completely closed off. now frankie’s on a date with a fresh bombshell and he’s got to wonder if maybe she’s going to change her mind about being focused after all. but, hey, he supposes it’s not like he hasn’t battled some hot bombshells for frankie’s heart before. “ i dunno. you’re right, i probably shouldn’t sweat it. ” josh literally hasn’t said a thing, but okay.
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heatwayve · 1 year
starter for evie. ( @inquixotic​ )
where: living room
when: day 37
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– “HEY,” MILES TAKES A SEAT BESIDE EVIE IN THE LIVING ROOM. both of their girls are in the kitchen, hard at work cooking dinner for a fresh bombshell. “ hard to believe that we were once the shiny new things, right ? ” he jokes with a crooked smile. he leans back on the couch, find it funny that a couple days ago, he was clueing her in about the villa and asking about her vibe, and now they’re in the same position. “ how’re you feeling ? about charlene and all. ” he feels pretty confident in things with frankie being fine, but he knows that charlene and evie are still super new. kind of makes him wonder if he should speak up about the vibes between him and charlene, but he’s basically focused on frankie, and it seems like everyone and their mom’s grafting charlene, so miles doubts his little crush is gonna amount to anything more than that. “ ‘ve been with frankie more than a week and i still feel weird about it. now i know how she felt when eden asked me out. ” 
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heatwayve · 1 year
starter for dylan. ( @cruelsxmmcr​​ )
where: the grass
when: day 37
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– IT’S THE PERFECT DAY. it’s like the other night’s storm brought in a deluge of perfect weather to follow, only sunny and clear skies, birds’ve been chirping. miles can name them all, courtesy of all these birding encyclopedias that his dad used to leave out, the first to tell you when that’s a blue rock thrush. well, maybe second now, since eden’s in the villa, and has had to correct him a couple times. miles is sat out in the grass, just . . . enjoying the day where he’s got no obligations, nowhere to be but looking up at the sky. “ dylan ! ” he waves the guy over before he flops back, “ lay out here with me. too perfect a day to do anything else . . . though i’ve only got about fifteen minutes before i’ve got to go reapply sunscreen. so, we’ve got to enjoy this moment. ”
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heatwayve · 1 year
starter for callie. ( @graftisms​ )
where: kitchen
when: day 32, evening/after dinner
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– MILES WILL EAT JUST ABOUT ANYTHING, so he's never had any gripes about the quality of the catering or what they're being served for meals at the villa. still, it's heaps more fun to have had angel and callie put it together for them, everyone in the villa getting together to eat it like a big family. but despite the camaraderie, callie herself still remains a sort of enigma – frankie's sort-of-ex, dylan's sister, angel's sort-of-girl. “ hey, let me do these, ” he interjects, stepping into the kitchen and reaching for one of the dishes. honestly, miles likes doing dishes, memories of standing by the sink with his siblings as they passed them down like an assembly line. “ you weren't thinking about cleaning up all this, were you ? ” he asks, seeing callie hovering by the mess, “ we ate, so . . . our lazy and full asses can take care of it. ”
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heatwayve · 1 year
starter for frankie ( @absolutesort​​ )
time : day 28, nighttime
location : pool
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– MILES HADN’T THOUGHT ANYTHING OF THE TERRACE AS A LOCATION until frankie started backtracking over it, like she didn’t want to send the wrong message or something. as if his mind isn’t already moving in a certain direction from that kiss, unable to forget what it felt like to have her all over him, like he wasn’t even sure that he could keep proper control of himself in a group setting – to a point where it was almost embarrassing. but god, the fact that she was so full on about it, taking charge of the challenge prompt without a second thought to begin with . . . well, that’s the whole reason he likes her in the first place. miles can only hope he’s left enough of an impression on her now, if the way she’s laughed at the stupid things he said in the kitchen was any indication. he’d be fine if it was just like this, laughing at stupid shit. “ y’know, you exclaiming ‘crap’ when i asked if we could go talk, doesn’t exactly boost a guy’s ego, ” he teases, moving to sit at the edge of the water. “ what was that about ? ” 
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heatwayve · 1 year
starter for dylan ( @cruelsxmmcr​ )
time : day 28, daytime
location : lounge
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– “HEY,” MILES TAKES A SEAT BESIDE DYLAN, falling on to the opposite beach chair. he holds out a drink, some concoction that he threw together with what he could find in the kitchen. tasted pretty good, he thought. “ here, ” he says. “ figured you could use someone else makin’ you a drink for a change. ” is that creepy ? he hopes not . . . too late now ! 
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heatwayve · 1 year
starter for frankie ( @absolutesort​​ )
time : day 28, daytime
location : casa amor villa
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– EVERYONE’S JUST STRUTTED IN THE VILLA TO MAKE AN ENTRANCE, and while miles thinks he’s pretty good looking, he’s never felt like more of a dunce walking in next to a bunch of babes in stilettos and string bikinis. the ugly duckling in comparison, though he’s determined not to let it get him down. though it’s difficult to not get a bit distracted when he’s within speaking distance with frankie, though, the girl he’s watched on the telly for the past week. obviously the most fit. he wonders how long he’s been staring at her without saying words – at this point, he’s not sure, hasn’t kept count. “ hi, i’m . . . smoking hot, ” he pauses, realizing he’s said his internal monologue out loud rather than his name. “ wait, let me start that over. ” he cringes at himself, a lighthearted and nervous laugh, unable to take himself too seriously. he can already practically hear his brother laughing his arse off. prick. “ i’m miles. and i was thinking that you’re smoking hot. i accidentally . . . said it out loud, but that’d sure be fuckin’ memorable if it were my honest to goodness government name, yeah ? ” runs his fingers through his hair with a sheepish grin, “ how’re ya ? ” 
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heatwayve · 1 year
starter for adela. ( @bluemmings​​ )
where: lounge/lower deck
when: night 40
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– “SO...NOT TO SAY I TOLD YOU SO, BUT,” miles grins, nudging her lightly as dylan walks away to get her a drink or something. “ i did, in fact, tell you so. ”
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heatwayve · 1 year
starter for adela. ( @bluemmings​ )
where: dance floor
when: night 40
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– “UM, COULD YOU STOP?” naomi laughs, grabbing adela by the hips on the dance floor. “ you look so fucking good tonight, leave some of the spotlight for the rest of us. ” 
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heatwayve · 1 year
starter for dylan. ( @cruelsxmmcr​ )
where: bar
when: night 40
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– “SO, IS THIS THE NIGHT YOU FINALLY GET TOTALLY WASTED WITH US?” miles asks, because he’s yet to see dylan drunk. “ c’mon, do another shot with me. ”  
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heatwayve · 1 year
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day 39 beach hut : miles.
how are you feeling about movie night ? did anything surprise you ?
“ frankie’s tape was the only one that didn’t surprise me, if we’re talkin’ movies. i knew what to expect, basically. but dante ! dropping the l-bomb and then that brutal rejection ? my god. give the man an oscar. was a bit sick of seeing josh and adela’s faces by the end of it, though, ” he jokes. “ i guess that’s what really stung about what went down, because we should’ve been in a good place where nothing could fuck with us, but i was just completely off about where her head was really at. ”
what are your thoughts on romi and marcus’s decision to leave ?
“ never spoke to romi much, but they were fit. tough to lose a sight like that. gonna miss marcus, though, he was loads of fun, always down for messing about in the villa and we had a lot of fun times. hope he’s doing good on the outside. ” miles waves at the camera, “ hi marcus. ”
are you happy in your couple or do you think your head could be turned ?
“ huh. question of the hour, isn’t it ? ” there’s a wry smile on miles’ lips, but his eyes look sad. “ i dunno. i hope i did the right thing last night. it just felt like we were kind of on the same page about wanting to focus on each other – and it’s not just the fact that frankie said that to callie, it’s the fact that she immediately said she wanted to go all in on me right after. it didn’t make me feel good, and i think saying yes wouldn’t have been fair, to either of us. i think angel was right, ” that frankie doesn’t yet know what she wants. “ so, yeah, we’ll see how these next few days go. i don’t wanna say that my head couldn’t be turned, ‘cause . . . realistically it’s possible, yeah. last night was rough, and i’m not even sure she got what i was saying. time’s gonna tell, yeah. ”
what are your thoughts on santiago and victoria ? are either of them your type ? do you think your partner would be interested in them ?
“ victoria’s fit, yeah, but i don’t think i’m her type. she and frankie seemed to have a good date, though, so maybe they’ll chat more now, ” he says this tersely, without much emotion. “ santiago, though . . . that’s a bit of me, for sure. but i can’t imagine him lookin’ at me after he’s had an afternoon with miss jenny. ”
are you grafting right now ? if so, who is at the top of your list ?
“ am i grafting ? hell, maybe. i thought i was done with that shit ! ” he laughs, exasperated. “ like, just a little, though. think i’m just gonna give myself a fair shot, just hope it doesn’t bite me in the ass. ”
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heatwayve · 1 year
starter for angel. ( @dobits​ )
where: bedroom
when: day 35
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– "WHAT’RE YOU WEARING?” MILES ASKS, sifting through the wardrobe. he’s fixing to go on his date with eden, while angel’s getting ready to go meet with evie. he wishes he and angel were headed out in the same car, because he feels like he’s got so much to debrief with him about, like 007 coming back from a mission. between the challenge last night and his chat with frankie earlier, hopefully m’s got a lot of time on her hands. “ i want to look hot. but not sweaty, you know ? ” he says, rifling through his shirts. there’s a tentative look over at jude’s wardrobe, considering it – that guy has style. “ did callie seem cool with it ? ” he asks. 
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heatwayve · 1 year
starter for charlene. ( @guttcd​​​ )
where: dressing room
when: day 34
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– MILES DOES NOT KNOW WHOSE THIS IS, but he saw someone left one of those nice sheet mask things out and he knows that they feel quite nice – even if he’s never been clear on what they actually do besides feel cold. he’s hoping the person he’s nicked it from doesn’t care as he smooths it over his face, sat in front of the mirror. likes how silly it looks, too, really. he’s so busy looking at himself that he doesn’t realize that someone’s come up behind him, nearly upon him when he turns around to catch a glimpse of them with a high-pitched screech – almost like he’s just seen a ghost . . . despite looking more like one himself. “ jesus, mary, joseph and the wee donkey ! ” he laughs, hand on his heart, “ try not to walk so soft. ” 
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