#* ˖ ·゚ ELIJAH MIKAELSON ╱ inbox replies ❣
dcmoniism · 2 months
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although his expression is seemingly devoid of expression, the noble mikaelson brother can't help but keep his gaze fixated on her. elena gilbert had become, in a short time, quite the ally : she was loyal, compassionate, forgiving and understanding ; something he found extremely different from the women he had met that previously carried her same features. " i will be honest with you, elena, " he finally begins, taking a deep breath ( not that he requires it ), hands buried in his pockets as he maintains his distance. " everytime we touch, i get this feeling... " one he couldn't seemingly shake. was it influenced by the previous doppelgangers? the unexpected kiss he had once shared with elena? " everytime we touch, i feel the static. "
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elijah mikaelson, playing everytime we touch for @elenaloveablekotsala !
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dcmoniism · 2 months
I am to be a bride, but whose?  [ alayna to... elijah, maybe? ]
to: elijah mikaelson.
as far as he was aware... “ my own. ” elijah brings the glass up to his lips, his gaze avoiding hers at all cost after such revelation. “ as far as i am aware, of course. ” plans could have changed, but as far as he'd been told, he was the one to be wed. “ does knowing such please you, alayna? ” he needed to know. granted he was not planning on marrying, ever, but now that it was going to happen, he might as well do his best to please her. “ i am aware that i am not the best partner, nor husband material, but i do promise to make you the happiest, or attempt to. should you wish to marry kol, or even finn, know that i understand and take no offence to such... preference. ”
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dcmoniism · 2 months
"Why did you call me?" // MARY TO ELIJAH.
to: elijah mikaelson.
why did he call her. elijah wasn't entirely sure, but he had to. he is frozen in front of the window, phone up to his ear as he stands listening to her breathing on the other end of the line. he shouldn't... elijah knows he shouldn't go behind his family's back — it could end terribly for the pair of them, but... “ come to me. ” he finally states. his decision final. “ come to the french quarter. i will be waiting for you. ” and formally introduce her to rebekah, niklaus and end this... internal war between them. “ i will have the address sent your way. ” grabbing the recently poured glass of bourbon, elijah downs its contents in one swift move. he had spent far too long away from her already, enough was enough. “ it's time to come home. ” home to him.
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dcmoniism · 2 months
“I’m so tired…” (elijah)
to: elijah mikaelson.
“ don't— no— you're not giving up on me, katerina. ” elijah announces firmly as he tries to bring himself to his feet. “ keep your eyes open for me. ” he could care less who would come for their rescue, who would see them, what mattered was getting katherine to safety. he needed to keep her safe ; he had already failed at doing such once, he wasn't going to again.
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once finally on his feet, elijah stumbles towards her and sinks to his knees next to her. shit, she was bleeding... and not healing. “ stay with me, i won't leave you. ” he promises as he carefully lifts her and wraps his arms around her protectively. “ i've got you. ” there was no guarantee it would heal her, but it was worth a shot. the original vampire brings his wrist before her lips and gives her a reassuring, short nod. “ it's alright. ”
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dcmoniism · 2 months
“You’re bleeding.” [ ylva to elijah. ]
to: elijah mikaelson.
at ylva's claim that he was bleeding, elijah spares a quick glance down at his side before doing up the button of his blazer. it had been inevitable : his side and hand were bleeding, quite heavily somehow. since when did he bleed... “ i am alright, don't worry. what about you? are you hurt? ” as far as he could tell, she wasn't. elijah couldn't catch on to her bloods' scent, and visually speaking, her clothing wasn't stained. “ there will be more. this was just the beginning. run. i will be right behind you. ” no he wouldn't be, he would be staying right there holding anyone off from going after her.
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dcmoniism · 3 months
🛌 Crawl under the covers with my muse // mary @ elijah
to : elijah mikaelson.
though rare, elijah did find that there were people he could keep his guard down with : mary was, for instance, one of said people. elijah could not exactly place a finger on how they had come to be so close and just how they ended up in each others bedrooms, namely in each others beds, every other day of the week. still, he would not complain — how could he? mary respected him, and showed him something that could not compare to anything he had seen nor felt thus far. despite all the moves pulled, all the spoken and unspoken words shared between them, he knew there were three words she had quite possibly been longing to hear from his lips.
the noble brother could not bring himself to say them. as many times as he wanted to, saying them brought everything to the surface, it made everything real and as beautiful as that sounded, it was also terrifying. to put out those words would mean a multitude of unspoken promises that he knew he, quite possibly, would not be able to keep — and everyone knew elijah mikaelson was a man of his word.
he feels a slight shift in his mattress, and his eyes snap open almost immediately, only to see mary crawl next to him. although he did not say, did not express his feelings verbally, he tried his utmost best to show how strongly he felt for her through his actions. he briefly shifts, and does not hesitate to lean in to press his lips to hers. “ — i was not expecting you. ” he confesses, and for a split second concern crosses his features, “ — has something happened? ”
@italianexotiicbeauty , asked a question.
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dcmoniism · 2 months
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Shes pouting at Elijah because hes not paying attention to her.
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" how can i help you, katerina? " elijah asks, unable to keep the small half-smile, half-smirk from tugging at the corner of his lips. " missing something? "
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dcmoniism · 2 months
"It's funny how one event can change the outcome of your entire life." To elija
to: elijah mikaelson.
that was very true. one event really did change the outcome of his life, and his entire siblings, and everyone that met them over the centuries. “ and often, you did not choose to take part in such events. ” his siblings, and him, did not know of their mother's plan. perhaps niklaus knew, given his nature, but they did not. still, that did not stop the events from taking place, from them becoming undead beings — because monsters was what they made of themselves, by themselves.
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dcmoniism · 2 months
"Sometimes the world turns good people into bad people." ( elijah )
to: elijah mikaelson.
sometimes it did. elijah supposed there was an inch of truth to caroline's words, but was that the case when it came to them? to the mikaelson family? elijah wasn't entirely convinced they were good people, not anymore. they once were, a very long time ago, before the obsession with immortality took over some of them. “ i... sometimes, we do that to ourselves, and the world is not to blame. ” he looks up at her, offering a small shrug. “ i cannot speak for my family, but i cannot stand some of the actions my siblings have carried out. ”
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dcmoniism · 2 months
"So, you're finally awake." / for elijah from klaus (:
to: elijah mikaelson.
the colour slowly creeps along his skin, replacing his undead tone with a much more natural one. his return, awakening is not confirmed until his eyes snap open, and elijah sits up in his designated coffin. the noble brother grabs the chains around his torso and tugs on them harshly, watching as they came apart at once. “ niklaus. is that all you have to say after... what year should i assume it is this time? 3010? ” elijah can't hold back his sarcasm nor displeasure. niklaus ought to keep betraying him in such a way.
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dcmoniism · 2 months
"the last time i saw you, you were going to say something… and then you stopped." ( baby vamp at elijah 🥺 )
to: elijah mikaelson.
the last time mary saw him, elijah knew he had to put some sort of distance between them for her own sake. he was going to tell her how much that weigh on him, how being away from her did not help in any sort of way, but elijah held back. before himself, he had his family — the people that had been there for him since the beginning of time, also the ones that had betrayed and hurt him the most.
now mary stood in front of him, and he knew something was different almost immediately. it took him only moments to realise there was a lack of a heartbeat. elijah couldn't hear such any longer. it simply wasn't there. “ i was going to say that i could not guarantee your safety for as long as you were near me. ” and clearly, it made no difference. yet another person he cared for that he wasn't able to spare, to save, to keep away from such— cruel world ahead.
it wasn't at all what elijah had wanted to say then, but it was what he felt like saying then — and the proof was standing right before him. the hand in his pocket closes into a tight fist discretely, jaw clenching for only a fraction of a second. “ — how are you feeling? ” ultimately, that was all he could do for now : help her navigate the ins and outs of this new... world.
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dcmoniism · 3 months
black heart for Elijah
to: elijah mikaelson.
repulsive / hideous / ugly / not attractive / unappealing / not unattractive / meh / no preference / ok / mildly attractive / nice looking / cute / adorable / attractive / pleasant on the eyes / good looking / hot / sexy / beautiful / gorgeous / hot damn / would tap that / perfect / godlike / holy fuck there are no words.
grating / irritating / frustrating / boring / confusing at best / awkward / unreasonable / psychotic / disturbing / interesting / engaging / affectionate / aggressive / ambitious / anxious / artistic / bad tempered / bossy / charismatic / appealing / unappealing / creative / courageous / dependable / unreliable / unpredictable / predictable / devious / dim / extroverted / introverted / egotistical / gregarious / fabulous / impulsive / intelligent / sympathetic / talkative / up beat / peaceful / calming / badass / flexible.
how likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending / fuck no! / never / no way / not likely / not sure / indifferent / I’m asexual / maybe / probably / it depends / fairly likely / likely / yeah sure / yes / would tap that / hell yes / fuck yes! / wishing that could happen right now / as many times as possible / we are already having sex.
level of friendship:
never in a million years / worst of enemies / enemies / rivals / indifferent / neutral / acquaintance / friendly toward each other / casual friends / friends / good friends / best friends / fuck buddies / bosom buddies / practically the same person / would die for them / true friends / my only friend.
first impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
current impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
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dcmoniism · 3 months
☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀ - these are for Elijah
☀☀☀☀☀☀ - these are for Damon.
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"Before you bitch, Damon- your attractiveness level correlates with how badly I want to smack the shit out of you. Your smack level is very high and therefore it eats away at how badly I want to fuck you."
to: elijah mikaelson and damon salvatore.
“ your taste in men has always been quite diverse, so it has taken me by surprise that i, of all of us, managed to capture your interest. ”
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“ katherine. hilarious, really. have you thought of taking up a career in stand-up? you might actually have success there. one thing we can agree on though : you're as eager to get your hands on me, as i am on you. take that as you wish. ”
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