#* … ( HAYLEY MARSHALL : answers. ) ⠀ › ⠀ she was every inch a QUEEN
thesnowfelled · 2 years
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'    .   .   .    𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞, 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫, 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐢 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐝  ?'    @tricohven​
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Miss Robichaux's Academy had been the best choice for her young child. It was closer to home and the young mother could watch over her daughter with an iron fist. Life was HARD and Hayley hates to admit that the fighting in Hope’s home, their city,  had left them always on edge.  Hope was older now,  a young woman in all her glory and Hayley has watched for years with pride swelling up in her chest.  MOTHER,  a name that had been given to her for all her sacrifices for a baby that had been placed in her mother’s arms all those years ago.    I don’t know how to be a mother.  But by some miracle, Hayley had learned and managed to raise a Hope up right. 
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Now,  Hayley sits at the breakfast table with a SCOTCH sitting in front of her along with a full plate traditional breakfast.    ❝ Baby girl, you could NEVER not make me proud. ❞   Although,  Hayley knows that her daughter could do a lot of things that she disapproves of but that doesn’t mean that for the most part she isn’t proud of her daughter as a whole. Hayley takes a moment to think of how one should put this.      ❝ That doesn’t mean I approve of everything that you do. You will do things in this life that I will be miserable watching take place but you are my daughter and for the rest of my life, I will love you. ❞
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thesnowfelled-a · 3 years
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FIVE TIMES HAYLEY PROTECTED HOPE .         From birth to death.  This is a little drabble piece and not meant to focus on anyone besides Hayley and Hope.  Any other characters mentioned are in passing. As always,  any major triggers are mentioned before the passage begins and to move the next is divided by the little thin banner.
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           Warnings for this passage ;   child birth,  traumatic childbirth,  trauma,  and more.
AN HOUR OLD.              ❝ Hope,  her name is HOPE. ❞    the voice croaks out as green eyes turn to look at the father of her child.  The child comfortably laying on chest  soaking in those minutes of contact that she hadn’t been given.  It is the soft scent of HYBRID mixed with blood that must have been missed between the webs of her tiny fingers from a nervous father that couldn’t stop shaking long enough upon getting the first few moments of time with their child.  Her body should be raw and aching from the events of the past few hours but nothing hurts besides maybe her heart.
The soft thud of a heartbeat,  the warm tiny pressure shifts as the new mom pushes herself to a sitting position instead of her slack position of lounging on the large couch. A hand goes to the back of the head so Hope’s doesn’t sling forward as the hybrid gets used to her own speed.  Lips part as a groan comes from within that ends with a humph.  Hayley’s hair pulled into a sloppy bun and the dress that she wore was very much starting to harden from her own blood.  It’s time,  Hayley.   a gentle voice tells her and this time it wasn’t Elijah there giving her the painful look that tells all but Klaus.  He doesn’t want to do this either.       ❝ I can’t.  I..please - just a few more minutes. ❞
Never had she begged like this before. It sounds almost pitiful to her own ears as tears fall and body shakes.  To take a child from their mother not ONCE but TWICE in the matter of an hour?  It wasn’t fair,  it would bring on trauma that’ll last a thousand lifetimes and even then nothing will erase this moment.     ❝ She needs me. She needs her mother. ❞       all the rational thought goes out the window about how it is the only way or whatever else that had been said that she mindlessly agreed with in the moment it was said.  A soft kiss to her daughter’s forehead. Shrill cries from her infant daughter,  who must have been startled awake makes Hayley’s shaking worse to the point that she notices when someone takes the baby from her arms with a whispered I’m sorry but the idea of who wasn’t registering.  The only thing that does is that she isn’t holding her and the snaps of the car seat clip into place.  The back of the man that she had a ONE NIGHT STAND with months prior that ended up being the cause of this pain.   I HATE YOU KLAUS.
Hayley jerks forward to run after the man with the seat,  fighting against the brother that claimed he’d protect her ALWAYS   &  FOREVER.  Hybrid mother begging to be let go because her daughter NEEDS her.  She needs the loving embrace and gentle touches. Instead Hope has a mother that sobs loudly in the shoulder of a strong male in a suit,  hitting Elijah’s chest over and over again with her fists and to his credit he takes the punches in stride.  Always her to become a crumbled mess and carries her to bed,  where she falls asleep after hours of laying restless.    I DID THIS TO PROTECT YOU.  I LOVE YOU.
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           Warnings for this passage ;   kidnapping threat
SIX MONTHS OLD.               Hayley holds Hope close to her chest,  the small tribrid’s whimpers and whines at the tenseness of her mother’s embrace.  You’ve upset the child.  Dahlia tells her and the threat to enjoy the last few hours with her child are given before the other leaves.  Bile threatening to rise up in her throat with a pressure heavy as a tiny fist shakes in view from the tribrid.    ❝ Shh....shh...❞    Hayley sways her body back and forth trying to mimic the conditions in the womb,  as if it would bring Hope any comfort when her own mother can’t bring down her own anxiety.
❝ She’s not going to get you. I won’t let her. ❞     Hayley whispers to Hope.  Five minutes of tears from the sensitive child and one mother that ALMOST cries right along with her.  Hayley manages to calm her down enough by offering a finger that Hope takes into her mouth,  chewing on the side as if it was a pacifier.  A sigh of relief coming from Hayley as the arm that was holding her child up shifts slightly,  the baby’s head knocking against her chin slightly.  Hayley swears that her heart is beating fast and that if Jackson were to walk in at this moment?  She’d end up breaking down for the tenth time in the last three days.
Jackson is the one that suggests running fast and far.  The two of them leading a pack of wolves through the woods with just a book bag full of Hope’s belongings and a change of clothes for each pair.  It is by a fire the child sits content in her mother’s arms suckling at a bottle of formula     (  it smells horrible and Hayley can’t figure out how it tastes good ).  Jackson’s arm wrapped around them and for a moment in time,  Hayley wishes that it was Klaus even if it was just for the fact that Hope deserved BOTH of her parents right now. Elijah was her first choice when it comes to mates between the brother’s    (  or maybe he is the only one that has shown a large interest ).      ❝ Someday soon,  you will have a bedroom and so many TOYS that you can’t decide which to play with. ❞      Hayley tells her daughter,  who might not even understand any of this.  I’M RISKING EVERYTHING FOR YOU.     ❝ And some friends. Lots of people to enchant with your wisdom. ❞    a bias moment couldn’t hurt anyone.    Her daughter was going to be beautiful,  kind,  and smart.  The world around her filled with discoveries that hopefully they could explore together.  Right now?  Hope enjoys her feet and playing little games of peek a poo that always seem to make her laugh up a storm.
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          Warnings for this passage ;   near death experience
TWO YEARS OLD.            The hum of a moving van engine as the wheel turns slightly to merge into another lane.  Marcel trapped Klaus,  several bodies now in the back of her van inside coffins,  and just enough cash to start out with for a weeks stay at a hotel.  Hope is buckled up snug snoring softly while the radio plays country music. Jackson is dead and the world hardly feels like it is ever going to be the same.                       You're gonna see me coming by the selfish things that you did                              I'm gonna leave you guessing have this fun on this gonna hit                                                  I'm a tornado, looking for a man to break
Hayley knows the price that she is going to pay but doesn’t know whose hand it is going to be.  EVERYTHING IMMORTAL MUST DIE.  She assumes Elijah is going to be her true death.  The one that makes her throw one’s self into the other side to watch as her child grows old and makes her own choices.  Running away from her family,  or the found a family that she lead was for her DAUGHTER above all else.  If it had been JUST Hayley’s life hanging in the balance?  Without a daughter to come home to the stand and fight would be where she was now.  It is different now than it ever was.  A child needs her attention and love along with Hayley to do the RIGHT thing even if it hurts.
Leaving Klaus behind at the hands of Marcel was a choice that would haunt her for years even after the man was safe and off destroying his own life once more. Freya had years stolen from her only to be locked into a box once more not sure when she’d wake.  Every single Mikaelson’s fate now rests in her hands and Hayley knows what she has to do ;   never stop running.
Rain hits hard against the windshield to the point that Hayley has no choice but to pull over for the pure fact that others are driving that and exhaustion hits if only it being a mental one at best.  A hand going to grasp the small little fingers and Hope squeezes involuntarily the moment her mother’s hand holds hers.
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SEVEN YEARS OLD.        Hair pulled up into a loose bun with a few stray strands of hair coming from the sides in a way that appears elegant.  It was the FIRST night out that Hayley has taken in years and with Freya tucked away nursing a glass of wine and Hope fast asleep?  It should be an easy time.  The whole idea was to have ONE night away from the duties of a mother and come back in the morning refreshed.  Hayley reaches for her tub of cherry red lipstick and undoes the cap.  Head tilts to the side as if to think about how she wants to do this.  Would this be the color of the night?  Is it too bold?  Everything about this feels unlike her and maybe that is because she hasn’t done it in forever.  I remember when I used to party until the sun came up.
No,  this isn’t right.   Hayley tells herself upon careful consideration of choices.  Settling for a swipe of chapstick against pump lips.  In the mirror stares someone that a few years ago would have NEVER thought motherhood was for her let alone living in a home older than she was and being able to go out to eat without counting her pennies the night before.  Klaus left her with a credit card that was used for MORE than just Hope.  It was the same card that had been swiped to buy her first pair of maternity pants only this time with an updated expiration date.  You managed to get involved with the most dangerous family in the world and now? Have to never worry about money again.
The lifestyle she lives was hardly a lavish one with parties every night and expensive trips.  The only time that Hayley wracks up a hefty bill is when it comes to Hope.  Speaking of which,  Hayley promised that she’d stop in and place a kiss to a forehead before leaving.      ❝ Mama, ❞   the sniffling little voice comes from behind the closed bedroom door.   Hope.   The hybrid rushes to the door and let’s it open.
❝ What’s wrong? ❞        concern laced voice as a gentle hand creases cheek to wipe the tears away.      ❝ Did you have another nightmare? ❞       Hope nods,  hair in a need of a brush running through curls.    It looks like I won’t be going out tonight.    It is her job to protect Hope against everything even her mind the best one could get.     ❝ How about you get into bed? We can watch a little movie. ❞   instead of making hope walk to the bed,  she simply uses her supernatural strength to lift her seven year old up and onto her hip. A kiss to cheek to show that she wasn’t upset.  This might be the easiest way to protect her child that she has to date but also the scariest because Hayley can’t soothe the mind.
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         Warnings for this passage ;   torture,  vomit,  final death.  Not going in depth with this one.
FIFTEEN YEARS OLD.     The burn of a heated stone on skin,  the point sending her smelling charred flesh that makes her throw up the moment the witch pulls away and as much as she wanted to pretend that this wasn’t BAD it seems her body has other thoughts.     ❝ Piece of cake. ❞       she coughs out head hung over the chair with a body that twists at an awkward angle.  The sniffles that she hears from her child is something that can’t be taken away.  Scent of death clinging to her more as time slowly runs out.  Hayley knows that the room smells horrid from blood and other bodily fluids that were released and this might be the worst thing Hope has ever had to deal with.
When Hope had suggested this plan to her it was a plan that Hayley knew would NEVER work completely.  The idea is that Hope would have time to run but the hybrid would stay behind and surely be put to her death     (  something that she prayed for in her head during her down time just so that the pain would end and now?  There felt like a hole was in her heart from the loss of something important to her  ).
❝ You, my sweet girl are their worst fear. ❞    the speech that is given with a throat raw and Hayley hates that look of desperation in her daughter’s eyes.  Don’t you dare stay.  Don’t you dare.
In the end none of the plans mattered because she couldn’t protect her child but upon seeing Klaus coming to the rescue it tells her that only ONE final act would matter in this world.  In order to save her child,  she must do what she has always done in giving up her life.  Hayley wouldn’t change her life for a moment because it brought her to her child and that gift was everything to her.  Hope gave her a family and a sense of purpose that had never been.  The only part that she wished could be different was this outcome of the Mikaelson family coming out on top.  Of Hayley hugging her daughter tonight even and promising that the world isn’t always this dark but that this is the weight of being a Queen.  Of assuring her daughter that she has nothing to be sorry for when it comes to this whole mess aside from kidnapping.  That she isn’t to blame for the torture as much as she knows Hope will see it as only her own.
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thesnowfelled-a · 3 years
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Concern etches the features of a hybrid back from the dead.  The hybrid mother had followed the tracks of fear in the area to her child that was draining a body almost completely empty before her child whined about being starving.      ❝ I think you had ENOUGH. ❞     but still the mother moves forward without any fear in her bones at her own child.
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❝ How about we PAUSE this snack and find another? ❞   cue the soft hum as Hayley crosses her long arms with her foot tapping the sidewalk ever so gently.  Her clothes are illfitting and not the ones she died in   (taking from some poor soul and making them naked was the highlight of her day)
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Mama ... I'm starving .     【. . .】  @apexmklsn​
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thesnowfelled-a · 3 years
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【 hayley marshall ; responds】. . . she was every inch a QUEEN
【 hayley marshall ; answered】. . . she was every inch a QUEEN
【 hayley marshall ; edit】. . . she was every inch a QUEEN
【 hayley marshall ; headcanon】. . . she was every inch a QUEEN
【 hayley marshall ; visage】. . . she was every inch a QUEEN
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thesnowfelled · 2 years
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This is a tag drop for  HAYLEY MARSHALL  from the Originals. It covers desires, interactions, answered, headcanon, isms, visage. 
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* … ( HAYLEY MARSHALL : desires. ) ⠀ › ⠀ she was every inch a QUEEN * … ( HAYLEY MARSHALL : interaction. ) ⠀ › ⠀ she was every inch a QUEEN * … ( HAYLEY MARSHALL : answers. ) ⠀ › ⠀ she was every inch a QUEEN * … ( HAYLEY MARSHALL : headcanon. ) ⠀ › ⠀ she was every inch a QUEEN * … ( HAYLEY MARSHALL : edit. ) ⠀ › ⠀ she was every inch a QUEEN * … ( HAYLEY MARSHALL : isms. ) ⠀ › ⠀ she was every inch a QUEEN * … ( HAYLEY MARSHALL : visage. ) ⠀ › ⠀ she was every inch a QUEEN
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