#* .   ✦ . ˚ verse 07  ˗ˏˋ kingdom hearts ˎˊ˗
turnabovt · 4 months
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@nortborne testified :
" sorry, I couldn't hear you over my internal monologue. " from xembas :3
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Stopping mid - sentence , Phoenix clears his throat at the interruption. Alright. Sure. He can’t say he’s never been guilty of the same : missing parts of conversations because he was thinking to himself , but he would never admit it out loud. He can hardly hear the man himself , both because of the distance and because the blinding brightness of the white room was just so loud.
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❛ Uh - right. ❜ He shifts his weight on his feet awkwardly before continuing. ❛ What I came here to ask is , well , what exactly is it that you want me to do here ? I wasn’t just hired to do your taxes , right ? ❜ Because if he was , then he’s got a lot of stuff to learn. It’s not like he can back out now , and he’s still not sure why they chose him over an actual accountant.
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turnabovt · 4 months
( witnessing the most horrible workplace beef known to man ) oh my god
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