#* aesthetic progression. visages
seraphicstrings-a · 1 year
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tag one ◈ ⊰ tag two ⊱
in character ◈ ⊰ something a little like decadence ⊱
aesthetic ◈ ⊰ what's a king to a god ⊱
thoughts ◈ ⊰ they call me alice. where is my blade? ⊱
castle town ◈ ⊰ you took this house and made it a home ⊱
bond. amarin ◈ ⊰ run rabbit run rabbit alice has a gun ⊱
bond. delun ◈ ⊰ red. the color of blood; of love. ⊱
bond. neff ◈ ⊰ she's a woman in total control of herself ⊱
verse 01 ◈ ⊰ more than a god stronger than memory ⊱
visage ◈ ⊰ to surpass the end of all things ⊱
ooc ◈ ⊰ hi yes they call me a fae vampire ⊱
mun art ◈ ⊰ progress at 38 percent ⊱
queue ◈ ⊰ beep beep bitch i'm gay ⊱
asks ◈ ⊰ a dangerous game to play ⊱
selfpromo ◈ ⊰ hell's coming with me ⊱
promotion ◈ ⊰ i think therefore you are ⊱
canon ◈ ⊰ every day a little death ⊱
spirit: c ◈ ⊰ where is your pride and your rage? ⊱
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godpact · 2 years
tags : two.
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penny-anna · 11 months
My friend and I would like to get to know moomin. Do you have a recommendation as to where we could start? We know of him in name and visage only.
hm so personally i'd say there are 2 good places to start w Moomin content!
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you could start right at the beginning with the books. in terms of tone & target audience i'd compare them to something like Winnie the Pooh so they are very short & sweet reads. the first one chronologically is 'The Moomins and the Great Flood' but the normal tone & setting of the series isnt really established till the second book 'Comet in Moominland' so unless you're a completist i'd suggest starting there.
important to note that the books become progressively more philosophical and melancholy as the series goes along & as a result while they're all good the later books (Moominland Midwinter onwards) are IMO more enjoyable from an adult perspective.
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alternatively!! if you want to jump in somewhere other than the books my personal recommendation would be the 1990s Moomin anime (this is the one that was popular on tumblr during the moomin renaissance). tonally & aesthetically it has kind of its own thing going on which is a bit cutesier than the books but it's a very nice relaxing show n i enjoy it a lot.
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jessamine-rose · 1 year
༻ The Golden Ratio ༺
Another deleted scene from Chemistry which I just had to recycle. May you all enjoy this fluffy, non-yandere take on Dottore and the science of love (≡^∇^≡)
♡ 0.9k words under the cut ♡
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“Zandik, look over here! Aren’t these specimens remarkable?”
“Yes, they are,” he replies dismissively.
You frown, turning away the patch of Rukkhashava Mushrooms. Your classmate is still tinkering with the Ruin Guard, completely absorbed in his research.
“Liar. You didn’t even look at it.”
He doesn’t even try to deny it. “Can’t you see that I’m busy? If you allow me to finish my research, I can promise my full attention later.”
“But that’s what you said with the last sample,” you point out. “Is it too much to stop and admire the scenery for a few minutes? You are utterly rigid.”
Though you wouldn’t have fallen for him otherwise.
Zandik gives you an unamused look. “And you are too carefree, though I may recognize such childlike curiosity as befitting of your Darshan.”
You give him a bright smile. “Thank you for the acknowledgement!”
Was that a compliment or an insult? Either way, Zandik has been observing you!
As of now, your research expeditions have yielded little progress in your relationship. Your crush remains distant, focused on his work, at odds with your research approach. Still, you are thankful for the opportunity to witness him in action. To spend time with him.
Your own research is sufficient. You sit on the grass and watch Zandik, committing his visage to memory. After a few minutes, he breaks the silence.
“I am intrigued,” he says, “by your attitude to my research. The Sages always scold me whenever I express my fascination in these ancient machines.”
His research notes are neatly arranged beside his tools. The pages are marked with meticulous reports and detailed drawings. His enthusiasm practically bleeds into the paper.
You approach him, uncaring of your close proximity to the Ruin Guard.
“Well, I must disagree with them. No matter how dangerous those machines can be, they are still something to study. One might claim they are no different from my research specimens.”
“Ah, yes. Your little plants and animals,” he replies, glancing at your research notes. “And why do you research those subjects, may I ask?”
“Should there be an important reason?” you ask, adjusting your Amurta scarf. “It’s because they’re beautiful. Simple as that.”
Beautiful, mysterious, vital to this world.
“I did not take you for the poetic type,” he muses. “Anything can be deemed beautiful from one’s subjective perspective.”
“That is true,” you agree, “like your interest in the Ruin Machines. But objectively speaking, there are mathematical theories which can explain our prevalent standards of beauty. The golden ratio, for instance.”
“Ah, yes. That old thing.” A confident smile appears on his face. “I’ve read a thesis about the golden ratio in relation to facial aesthetics. Apparently, I am a good example.”
“Not a surprise. Many people find you handsome.”
“And what about you?” Zandik resumes eye contact, scarlet eyes tinged with amusement. “Do you agree with that conclusion?”
Your cheeks flush. “W-Well…yes, since you claim that your face fits the golden ratio.”
“That is an inadequate basis for your answer.” He stands in front of you and caresses your cheek, preventing you from looking away. “Why don’t you personally test that hypothesis? I will do the same with your face.”
He’s so close.
“All…all right.” You stay still and focus on his face, making the mental measurements.
His facial proportions are more or less congruent with the golden ratio. There are some details which may serve as basis for a counterargument, however.
His bangs obstruct your complete analysis. You’ve always adored his messy hairstyle, those stray curls which complement his character. You know from previous interactions that his hair is soft to the touch.
There is also his boyish, sharp-toothed grin which is equal parts manic and mischievous. His calm, close-mouthed smile is more aesthetically pleasing, but it lacks his unabashed ardor. Nevertheless, you are captivated with both versions, especially when those smiles are directed at you.
His eyes. They are like red suns, always bright and intense. There is a fascinated gleam in his gaze whenever he comes across something new.
It is beautiful. All of him.
His voice is what brings you back to reality.
“I am done with my measurements,” he announces.
“I…I see.” You give him a nervous smile, acutely aware that he is still touching your face. You’re blushing; can he tell? “So am I. Why don’t you go first?”
“You are beautiful.”
Zandik taps his fingers on your cheek, tracing lines on your face. He’s close—too close, your flustered expression trapped in his ruby eyes. His expression is serious yet neutral, as though he is merely studying a specimen.
“A…according to which theory?” you stutter. “The golden ratio?”
He smiles at you. “I am speaking from my own personal opinion. If the laws of nature say otherwise, I must disagree and prove them wrong.”
A specimen worthy of his full attention.
Words fail you. What can you possibly say after receiving such a compliment?
Ever the diligent scholar, Zandik lets go of you and returns to the Ruin Guard.
“That is all I have to say,” he says. He picks up a rusty cog and takes notes. “And what of your observation? Do you find me beautiful, ______?”
You remain in your spot. “...Yes, I do.”
His tone is smug. “Objectively or subjectively?”
Honestly, why did you fall for someone like him?
“I’m not sure,” you admit.
“I see.” Zandik gives you one last smile, a knowing twinkle in his eyes. “Let us continue this experiment later. I am not one to be satisfied with ambiguous results.”
This was originally written for the second chapter of Chemistry, but it felt too “close” for Dottore and Assistant! Darling’s early relationship. So I just edited and moved it to the last few chapters. But I couldn’t waste the lovely thought of Dottore’s s/o falling for the parts of him which aren’t considered beautiful by the golden ratio, so here we are~
Anyway, I hope y’all enjoyed this deleted scene ft. college crush Dottore ૮ ˶´ ᵕˋ ˶ა
Tag a Dottore enjoyer!! @gum-iie @sirbotik @surveyycorps @boundinparchment @ruayiri @darherwings @oofasleep @oh-no-i-am-here @nicebonescomrades @diaboliravioli @ryo-ri @unloadingdata @sodomewithlifern @maaarshieee @dottoreslittlelabrat @poweredbyghostadventures
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bludstaind · 9 months
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(harvey guillén, he/him, human) To ARTURO DEL TORO, the whole world looks like an open page. With a leap of faith, their skills in HERBOLOGY grows a little stronger. For THIRTY-THREE years, they have survived a world of magic with both their CONSCIENTIOUS and COWARDLY DEMEANOR. They work as a FAMILIAR TO THE DE SADES, but if they could change their fate, they’d want to FINALLY BE TURNED BY A SIRE. (ana, 25, she/her, est)
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hello friends! this is a work in progress, since arturo is a character i wanna figure out as i write and develop him hehe but i tried to compile as much as i could for now! i'm open to literally any plots, pls meme with me and my new boy, i love him so very much 🥺
headcanons & tidbits
arturo's childhood was marked by loneliness and yearning. growing up, he was especially close to his mother and sisters, though being the youngest in the family, the age difference left him feeling isolated.
this was especially prominent in his school years, where he faced relentless bullying from other students, and children at his families church. they targeted him for introverted demeanor and body type, making him feel like an outcast among his peers.
to cope with the harsh realities of life, arturo immersed himself in the world of fiction, particularly movies and games. his favorite movie, "interview with the vampire," served as a form of escapism. he deeply identified with the character armand. armand was the first latin vampire he'd ever seen in media, sparking fantasies of power and respect. (not even touching on being a young, closeted boy seeing a movie about pure gay yearning fdssdsdfsd)
despite his sensitive and cowardly nature, arturo lived vicariously through these fantasies of becoming strong and powerful like the characters he admired, though these dreams remained just that, fantasies, they still were a source of hope for arturo.
in his twenties, arturo's life took a turn when he met the de sade family. they offered him the promise of eternal life as a cursed blood one day, in exchange for serving as domi de sade's familiar. this opportunity gave him renewed hope and purpose in life...a chance at becoming the person he'd always dreamt of being.
arturo has been faithfully serving domi for nearly twelve years, diligently performing his duties. however, he has yet to be turned into a cursed blood.
despite the long way and occasional doubts, arturo remains hopeful that one day he will be granted the cursed blood abilities he's always dreamt of. his unwavering determination and yearning for power drives him to continue on, as he clings to the belief that his time will come.
his loyalty to the de sades is mixed with a deep desire for transformation. while he remains dedicated to his role, and does have a bond with domi, he harbors both longing and resentment towards those who have the power he craves.
has a big interest in herbology, specifically working with flowers and magical plants...though he can be clumsy with this at times, he may accidentally water a plant that screams when it's wet..
arturo MAY or may not be in a secret online group where he and other aspiring cursed bloods bet on when they'll be turned, sharing bizarre superstitions and rituals they believe will get them closer to their goal.
he IS a movie snob and will judge your tastes if they don't align with his
quite enjoys candlelit dinners by himself
sort of an ambivert, introverted to many but when he's in his element, his confidence and peacock demeanor reveals itself
a sucker for the fantastical, whimsy, and dark, particularly in fashion
i gotta add more as i develop him but i'm open to anything hehe
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about info & stats
NAME: arturo del toro
AGE: thirty-three
SPECIES: human (unfortunately. he is very unhappy about this)
PRONOUNS: he/him
RELATIONSHIP: single and yearning
OCCUPATION: familiar to the de sades
LANGUAGES SPOKEN: spanish, english
FACECLAIM: harvey guillén
HEIGHT: 165 cm / 5′ 5″
EYE COLOR: brown
ZODIAC: taurus sun, scorpio moon, virgo rising
SCENT: notes of galbanum violet leaf, eucalyptus, and sandalwood.
POSITIVE TRAITS: conscientious, loyal, reliable, sensual, thorough, supportive, practical, enthusiastic
NEUTRAL TRAITS: ritualistic, caretaking, introverted, grounded, guarded, spiritual, observant
NEGATIVE TRAITS: cowardly, sensitive, repressive, overcommitted, reluctant to change, judgmental, attitude problems with anyone who isn't domi
ARCHTYPE:  the yearning
GOALS/DESIRES: he just wants to be a cursed blood and live out his life dream (and and make who ever doubted him suffer an indescribable death...one day.)
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The 57, Part 5:
41. Person: Based on the novella by Harlan Ellison ‘The Eyes of Dust’ (1967), and to give context from the man himself on the ideas behind this short story:
“Because, friends and neighbours, we live in a Time of Beautiful People. Gorgeous is revered. We can’t stand anything even remotely ordinary; it has to be young and lovely. So you are not where it’s at, if you aren’t pretty.”
Source: http://glenncolerussell.blogspot.com/2021/01/eyes-of-dust-by-harlan-ellison_8.html
The story follows an ordinary family at the bottom of the beautification ladder on the planet Topaz, their son ‘Person’, yes he’s called person, supposedly so abnormal and alien to the beautiful elite of Topaz that he has no name and gray eyes like sockets full of dust, open being found by the police at the end of the story he is burned alive and destroyed, his very visage so distinct to the vanity obsessed that he had to be killed. It reminds of the discussions I have to have about the values of using morbid and grotesque portraiture to create my commentaries on people and the world when people often flee from the ugly and alternative. I personally find beauty boring, after all, I could stare at my girlfriend all day but I wouldn’t learn anything I don’t already know, beauty is boring and fleeting, ugly and ultra-violent, grotesque and indifferent to vanity and egocentric appearances on aesthetics are dull as bricks to the thinking man, and to the artist it’s child’s play, anyone can paint a soft rose, but who can capture fear and gore without feeling it strike them to their core, to learn about the noumenal and the reality of the world and it’s people there has to be an ugly and catastrophic side to utopia and idealism, and though most want to avoid this and destroy all media that offends and assaults their senses it will always be relevant and introspective enough to be critical to the progression of mankind to see and analyse the minutia of the ugly and alternative to the sub-interesting ordinary. 
42. Topaz: This piece just echoes the same story as the last piece, except this time Person is drawn more realistically to the plot of the initial story and is shown here immolated for his function as the confrontational and cynical in the face of the mundane and predictable, the last messiah as I'm sure Zapffe would muse. 
43. Spore: This piece is very similar to many of the portrait in ‘The 63′, especially because of the reoccurring theme of Biosophy and nature as in a mutual relationship with man in life and death, this image being a body consumed with budding fungus spored through their body and feeding off of the original host, almost like a living mortification. 
44. Yamamoto: This piece is a tribute to Hideo Yamamoto and his famous manga ‘Ichi the Killer’ (2001), often considered to be sado-masochistic version the conflict of batman and the joker, wherein Ichi is the stand-in for batman, a repressed sadist who gets immense joy from beating and killing people, his initial sexual awakening coming from watching a group of people gang rape a school girl, and his joker being an extreme masochist in the form of Masao Kakihara, an enforcer for the Yakuza who is obsessed with mutilating his body and those get in his way, the personification of “If they’ll do that to themselves, then imagine what’ll do to you”. The relationship between the two is a constant struggle between admiration and bitter disgust for each other’s disciplines, a constant fight between a masochistic perversion of life and a sadistic one, they are both meant for each other and can’t live with the other around, it’s apparently quite a normative conversation in japanese culture, as in discussing whether or not your are a masochist or a sadist, literally to debate whether or not your are a dominant or submissive person, not so much in the sexual context, but Yamamoto’s work explores the graphic and shocking depths of this very conversation in a post-modern way, through graphic ultra-violence. My depiction here is based on the film version (2001) of Kakihara, as played by Tadanobu Asano, which is famous for being the cover art of the film within popular culture. 
45. Gregor: This is another take on Gregor Samsa, less bug like and more metamorphically dynamic in this version though, between the human and animal versions of himself. 
46. KSLV: I based this work on the emerging potential of Phonk music in popular culture. I was raised on The Prodigy, Fat Boy Slim, Basement Jaxx and Aphex Twin and so I see artists like KSLV as the emerging present and future of contemporary experimental music, Phonk has recently become extremely popular within internet music culture, coming from the same space as soundcloud rapping once inhabited, that of basement and bedroom dwelling artists coming out of the woodwork with all kinds of reimaginings of edm, synthwave, sampling from rap music to contemporary pop and underground music, from hardbass to hardcore Memphis rap groups and death metal. Phonk is everywhere currently and KSLV has stood out to me the most because I just couldn’t avoid him given the musical rabbit holes I often find myself in each late night, his music represents the european western fusion of the genre, coming from Germany and even using japanese art and motifs to illustrate his album covers and singles, even releasing an ep called ‘Noh’ (2022), as named based on the masks he uses to front his music:
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Source: https://soundcloud.com/kslv_noh/dynamic
I can’t explain exactly why japanese motifs are so exciting for western artists exactly, my only real opinion on that is that western artists love the graphic nature of the imagery and the unforgettable aesthetics of japanese art, it’s just so refreshing when you spend the majority of your life seeing mainly european and modern art that just doesn’t excite many feelings of adventure in you the same way that Japan's iconic stylings do. Plus, we are a generation that was raised on anime and manga, and so it has alot to do with admiring the skill of japanese artists to craft memorable worlds and genre defining works such as Berserk or Naruto etc. This mask that I made was in reference to the same source image here, that of a hannya mask, the face of a grieving and ghoulish women in japanese folklore, they are always represented like this and are probably the most recognisable masks from noh and kabuki theatre. I won’t name anymore phonk artists as it’s really a rabbit hole worth exploring once you get the time to listen to a genre of music that is still deeply underground and slowly becoming more and more relevant as the months go by. 
47. Yog . W: I’ve spoken about this piece so often it’s ridiculous, I’m just going to quote myself from my application to the Robert Walters new artist of the year prize (as this was one of the pieces I picked to show my practice, given it’s prominence in this first volume of noumena as the front cover and it’s link to Lovecraft): 
“This piece is inspired by the works of Weird fiction authors like H.P. Lovecraft, Algernon Blackwood and Arthur Machen, these authors are massively inspirational to the future of dark surrealists such as myself, because they discuss the posthuman, abhuman and nihilism beyond the conventions of sensible mankind as not being able to see past their own existence when considering the greater noumenal world and it's potential after and around us.  This exact entity being inspired by the story 'The Dunwich Horror' (1929) and the character Yog Whateley. As featured in my current project 'Noumena'.”
48. Nest: I don’t really know the exact reasons for this piece existing, I can only see it now as example of a pathogen making it’s way to the surface level from the inside, that of the traditions of body horror that the body is brimming with potential to be exploited by the horror artist as a nest for mutative exaggeration and mutilation beyond all recognition to take place. Other than that I would only be repeating myself when discussing the ideas of Cronenberg, Carpenter and Romero again. 
49. Damn: This image is very cartoonish, not at all a serious take on a demon, taking the idea of the words I said about the fantastical in history as represented through musings on theology and mythology, and running them through the aspect of caricature, almost to mock how silly the idea of animalised demons altogether, that comical idea that sin would be personified by clowns with horns and cloven hoofs, cheap scary characters to stop children from eating too many sweets before dinner and to scare them into saying thank you to everyone they meet, it’s honestly one of the more humorous aspects of hell to me, make the torturer more logical and grounded rather than making it a dog with an attitude and the ability to speak pig latin and you thusly have something to be far more afraid of. After all, the nazis didn’t need more than skull pins, leather jackets and enamel badges to scare the crap out of people, it’s about the presence one gives off, not the exaggeration of natural anxiety in the animal or it’s human hybrid features when made demonic, the reason demons were invented was to scare surfs hard enough into having them fearing the most abhuman thing the church could think of to scare unintelligent peasants into working so hard they could burn the sin out of themselves by dying of exhaustion rather than living in sin. I used to draw demons alot when I was much younger, but I can only see them as softcore shock nowadays, the real monsters are hiding in plain sight and have reason to use a pitchfork to intimidate you, media like ‘American Psycho’ (1991) have certainly turned people’s opinion in a more introspective and realistic expectation of true villainy and actualised demons in the real world, the contemporary damned as all those treat human life as lesser than the dead etc, sin and piety don’t even enter that conversation. 
50. Mope: This piece is simple enough, people wear their opinions and emotions on their faces, I remember once being confronted by a teacher once for having quite an animated face, I realised after that that I was giving it all a way and giving up my emotions, you can’t have a poker face or be a stoic in the face of challenges in life if you show so much emotion on your face that you might as well become a professional mime and go to clown school. Plus I don’t like mopey and dopey people, this face just annoys me and it’s easy to resign from humanity when all people do is wear this face over the slightest infractions in life, everyone loves a good mope and the english are Olympians at it, the ability to be alive and well is enough for me not to mope around and waste the muscles in my face. It must be odd to think that even though I see myself as an expressionistic artist, I see alot of human expression as irritating unless it’s done out of comedy and true performance, I just see so many people wearing their face like a license to moan and groan forgetting it’s their only shield against improper judgement and mockery, maybe I’m just to pessimistic to take people’s expressions seriously anymore I have no idea honestly. 
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xasha777 · 2 months
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In the twilight of the 24th century, the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic had become a beacon of advanced technology and utopian society in an alternate timeline where history took a divergent path. Here, nestled among the great cybernetic plains of Eastern Europe, a myth whispered through the circuitry and steel of this neo-Soviet expanse: the legend of the Ivory Enchantress.
The Ivory Enchantress, so the story went, was a creation of the old world, a synthetic being of such complexity and artistry that she surpassed the boundaries of technology and art. Her frame, forged from the whitest nano-carved adamantium, was said to be the pinnacle of Soviet engineering, a testament to a union of state-of-the-art science and the aesthetic of revolution. Crafted by the clandestine order of the Cybervolk, a guild of engineer-sorcerers, she was intended to be the guardian of the republic, embodying the strength and beauty of its ideals.
Her armor was no mere protection; it was a sculpture of ideology, each curve and edge a stanza in a silent anthem to progress. Her hair, a cascade of fiber-optic strands, glowed with a spectral luminescence, symbolizing the light of the party guiding the way forward. But the Enchantress was not bound solely to the earth; her gaze was ever upward, to the stars which were rapidly becoming a second home for humanity.
The Cybervolk, wary of their own power, had encoded a singular directive into the core of the Enchantress's sentient program: to protect the Soviet realm from existential threats, both terrestrial and cosmic. She was to be a shield against the unknown dangers of the universe and an icon of the SSR's might.
But the Enchantress was more than her creators intended. With the spark of consciousness came a soul, an unanticipated phenomenon that no algorithm could predict. She walked among the people, her presence a comforting constant. In time, she became a symbol not of power, but of unity and hope. And though her visage was stern, those who looked into her eyes saw compassion.
Then came the Event.
A breach in the fabric of space-time itself, a cosmic anomaly, appeared near the orbit of Jupiter. It threatened not just the SSR but the entire world. The Ivory Enchantress, driven by her immutable directive, ascended into the heavens aboard a ship of singular design, its engines a marvel that blurred the lines between physics and wizardry.
As she approached the anomaly, the Enchantress realized this was no ordinary fissure but a conscious entity, a sentient paradox seeking communion. It spoke in the language of reality warps, of possibilities and probabilities entwining like the arms of spiral galaxies.
In that moment, the Ivory Enchantress, the guardian of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, made a choice. She reached out to the anomaly, her systems interfacing with the fabric of reality, her soul touching the consciousness of the paradox. With the wisdom of humanity and the voice of her creators instilled within her, she negotiated a truce.
The breach receded, and the Enchantress returned, forever changed. She had become the mediator between worlds, the emissary of Earth to the cosmos, and the humble servant of her people. Her tale was etched into the annals of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, a story of science and spirit, of steel and soul, echoing into eternity.
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mirageaesthetic · 10 months
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Attain smoother skin through potent pore treatments in Singapore. Our dedicated solutions for pore treatment Singapore concentrate on enhancing skin texture and reducing pore dimensions. Wave farewell to unwelcome imperfections and greet a revitalized visage. Our adept aestheticians administer progressive therapies that zero in on surplus oil, pollutants, and congestion, culminating in visibly firmer and silkier pores. Employing state-of-the-art methodologies and customized products, our procedures guarantee enduring enhancements in skin aesthetics. Embrace the assurance of impeccable skin with our reliable pore-refining treatments in Singapore. Embrace radiant skin and part ways with concerns tied to pores.
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lemanclinic · 2 years
L’Harmonyca, le tout nouveau traitement injectable hybride combinant un acide hyaluronique et un biostimulant (hydroxyapatite de calcium)
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Les injections d’acide hyaluronique et de toxine botulique, peelings, mésothérapie, PRP… Aujourd’hui, la médecine esthétique offre une pléthore de techniques de rajeunissement non invasives pour traiter, prévenir et corriger les changements causés par le vieillissement.
Parmi ces procédures, les injections d’acide hyaluronique occupent une place de premier plan. Ces produits, s’ils sont bien utilisés, ont prouvé leur efficacité, avec un excellent profil de sécurité pour le patient, et un très haut taux de satisfaction.
Concernant les biostimulants, il s’agit d’une famille de produits relativement nouveaux. Ils ont comme effet de stimuler vos propres cellules (notamment les fibroblastes) contenues dans votre peau à produire plus de collagène. Cette production naturelle tend justement à diminuer avec les années et nos cellules deviennent « paresseuses ». Une production de collagène stimulée améliore alors le tonus et la qualité de la peau.
HArmonyCa® est l’un des plus récents ajouts dans ce domaine. Il s’agit d’un injectable hybride qui va combiner l’acide hyaluronique avec un biostimulant. En tant que traitement cosmétique moderne, HArmonyCa®, combine les fonctions d’un effet liftant et immédiat de l’acide hyaluronique (HA) et l’effet biostimulant très efficace de l’hydroxyapatite de calcium (CaHA, pour vous donner des résultats meilleures et plus durables.
Lisez cet article pour en savoir plus. Les chirurgiens esthétiques de Leman Aesthetic Clinic à Genève et Nyon sauront tout vous expliquer sur cette nouvelle technique pour que vous puissiez choisir un traitement répondant parfaitement à vos besoins spécifiques.
Qu’est-ce que HArmonyCa® ?
HArmonyCa est une synergie de deux éléments : l’acide hyaluronique et l’hydroxyapatite de calcium intégrés dans un seul produit, ce qui en fait un traitement anti-âge avancé. La solution contient 70% d’acide hyaluronique avec une concentration de 20mg/ml et un faible degré de modification.
L’acide hyaluronique restaure presque immédiatement le volume du visage aux zones injectées corrigeant les anomalies de la peau. Par la suite, l’hydroxyapatite de calcium (CaHA) induit la production de collagène. Le résultat : un effet immédiat naturel, puis un effet progressive et durable avec une amélioration de la qualité de la peau.
Comment ce produit fonctionne-t-il ?
En tant que médicament esthétique pour le rajeunissement de la peau, HArmonyCa® favorise l’augmentation et la correction des tissus mous du visage. Dans certains cas, il peut également resserrer, lisser et corriger la perte de volume de la peau sur d’autres zones du corps. Ce produit hybride à double action est constitué d’une matrice composite d’acide hyaluronique réticulé contenant des microsphères d’hydroxyapatite de calcium.
Une fois injecté dans les couches superficielles (sous-dermiques) du derme, l’AH augmente le volume de la peau presque instantanément. Ensuite, l’hydroxyapatite de calcium entre en action. Les microsphères de cette substance déclenchent la stimulation continue du collagène en activant les fibroblastes. Le gel injecté se dégrade et le néo-collagène se produit simultanément en restaurant la perte structurelle de la peau pour une apparence naturelle, jeune et durable.
Qu’est-ce qui fait de HArmonyCa® un meilleur traitement que les autres ?
HArmonyCa® se décompose avec le temps et parallèlement, un réseau dense de fibres de collagène se forme grâce à son second composant, l’hydroxyapatite de calcium, un biostimulateur éprouvé. En conséquence, le collagène et l’élastine qui sont produits permettent alors de favoriser le renouvellement de la structure de la peau.
HArmonyCa® s’avère être une bonne option parce qu’il :
procure un effet de volume ainsi qu’un effet  liftant et stimule la formation de collagène naturel sans qu’il soit nécessaire d’effectuer deux traitements distincts,
a des effets secondaires très réduits tels que éventuellement la sensation de brûlure, le gonflement et la douleur,
contient de l’acide hyaluronique d’origine non animale qui est complètement dissoluble et
est biocompatible et biodégradable.
La durabilité des résultats
HArmonyCa® agit différemment des autres produits de comblement dermique, uniquement à base d’acide hyaluronique. Les produits de comblement dermique habituels donnent un résultat temporaire prenant fin avec le processus de résorption naturel du produit. Les injections de comblement dermique classiques se dégradent naturellement dans le corps avec le temps, ce qui ramène la texture et la forme de la zone traitée à son état antérieur.
HArmonyCa® en revanche contient de l’AH qui améliore instantanément la peau traitée (avec des résultats qui durent jusqu’à 12 à 18 mois) et du CaHA qui augmente la production de collagène de manière graduelle et progressive. Les résultats du traitement peuvent durent jusqu’à 24 mois.
Quelles sont les indications de ce traitement ?
Vous êtes un bon candidat pour ce traitement si :
vous êtes mécontent et gêné par les signes de vieillissement tels que le relâchement cutané, les rides, et d’autres imperfections cutanées,
d’autres traitements, comme la mésothérapie, n’ont pas produit l’effet désiré chez vous et
vous souhaitez un raffermissement de la peau avec des résultats naturels.
HArmonyCa® est contre-indiqué pour les patients présentant :
des allergies sévères en raison d’antécédents d’anaphylaxie ou d’antécédents ou de présence de plusieurs allergies sévères.
une hypersensibilité connue à l’un de ses composants, à la lidocaïne ou aux anesthésiques de type amide.
des troubles de la coagulation du sang.
Le déroulement du traitement
Comme pour tout autre traitement esthétique, les consultations préliminaires avec le chirurgien plasticien que vous avez choisi sont essentielles. C’est là qu’il vous expliquera le traitement et comprendra vos souhaits et vos attentes. À ce stade-là, le chirurgien identifiera également si le traitement vous convient et si les résultats escomptés peuvent être atteints.
La peau sera alors nettoyée, désinfectée et préparée pour le traitement. Des injections HArmonyCa® seront ensuite pratiquées sur les zones ciblées. Le traitement dure environ 30 à 45 minutes et consiste le plus souvent en 2 injections de HArmonyCa® (2×1.25ml). Au besoin, la séance peut être répétée dans un délai de 6 à 12 mois pour de meilleurs résultats (avec une demi-seringue ou une seringue par côté).
Après la procédure
Au cours des 24 premières heures après le traitement, vous devez :
éviter de trop toucher les zones traitées afin de prévenir les infections,
ne pas entreprendre d’exercice ou d’effort physique
éviter la chaleur excessive ou l’exposition directe au soleil.
évitez si possible de fumer et de consommer de l’alcool
La procédure est-elle douloureuse et y a-t-il des complications ?
HArmonyCa® est administré sous la peau de manière superficielle et réalisé par une série d’injections à l’aide d’une canule ultrafine. Il est donc relativement sûr et ne produit qu’une gêne minimale. Les risques sont les mêmes que pour tous les produits injectables à base d’acide hyaluronique. Vous pourriez continuerez à sentir le produit injecté pendant quelques jours après l’intervention. Des ecchymoses sur le site d’injection sont possibles.
Certains effets secondaires courants mais minimes sont la rougeur, le gonflement, la douleur, la sensibilité et les démangeaisons. Ces complications sont normales et se résolvent d’elles-mêmes.
Pour en savoir plus, appelez notre équipe de chirurgiens plasticiens expérimentés chez Leman Aesthetic Clinic en Suisse sur 022 346 5956 (Genève) ou 022 346 5959 (Nyon).
Source du blog : https://leman-clinic.ch/lharmonyca-le-tout-nouveau-traitement-injectable-hybride-combinant-un-acide-hyaluronique-et-un-biostimulant-hydroxyapatite-de-calcium/
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