#* aoki is way more active with being like nobody can know i'm a freak SFKLSFD
carnivorarium · 2 years
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A really fun kind-of plot with Aoki would be a “they’re neighbors/in the same apartment complex and see each other fairly often, except it’s becoming more and more obvious that something is exceptionally wrong here.” Because, well, try as he might to blend in, the necessary habits he has for work make him stick out like a sore thumb. And there’s the fact that he’s a monster, not a human (which could play far less of a role if the given setting they’re in is more centered on the unnatural, but even then he tries to keep as much of his identity under wraps as I can, particularly the specifics of what he is). 
I just adore the idea of him getting into a bit of a routine with a neighbor, without really realizing it-- little things like seeing each other about the same time every other night while they smoke or just step out for fresh air, they come home/leave at similar times, frequent the same nearby shops, etc. And that’s what makes the cracks in the facade start appearing. The mundanity should help his cover, but it’s what would eventually start to peel it off little at a time. As much as he’d like it to be, the little nothings in every day life are not normal for him; try as he might to make it be so, he’s not very practiced at it. A number of things that could go wrong will go wrong. And it really all depends how the relationship develops as to how that will go. 
And also-- bonus points if the other party in question has a few skeletons in the closet or something more going on that they’re also hiding. Or bonus points if they’re just a fella! Just a person living their life!  
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