#* closed starter .    /    a silent plea for adventure.
thoselips · 2 months
bc   i'm   wild   🤪   i've   re-added   a   bunch   of   spooky   dooky   muses   that   i   had   a   few   yrs   ago   apart   of   a   small   group   but   never   got   any   love   #rip   dfkjghdfg   .   anyway   . . .   my   babies   ,   introducing   decrypted   2.0      ⸻      a   small   crew   of   filmmakers   /   documentarians   that   go   to   explore   the   unknown   with   all   the   repercussions   .   
triggers   :   death   mention   within   blurb   ,   general   horror   /   paranormal   themes   for   future   threads   ,   musings   ,   etc   .
if   ur   interested   . . .   maybe   like   for   a   wee   starter   ?   🤲🏼
 established   in   2016   ,   decrypted   started   as   a   youtube   channel   with   film   students   that   had   a   knack   for   editing   ,   the   paranormal   and   adventure   all   in   the   same   .   within   the   fall   of   2017   ,   an   unedited   ,   raw   cut   near   2.5   hour   video   was   uploaded   to   their   channel   ⸻   where   at   this   point   ,   had   garnered   near   1   million   subscribers   ⸻   of   a   paranormal   happening   ,   which   included   the   death   of   all   members   ,   except   the   original   camera   operator   who   somehow   managed   to   escape   unscathed   .   some   would   call   it   fake   ,   a   challenge   of   editing   &   talent   that   they'd   become   known   for   ,   but   after   a   three   year   hiatus   ,   it's   safe   to   say   that   it   wasn't   fake   .  now   ,   the   group   is   back   producing   videos   with   a   whole   new   crew   ,   minus   stevie   ,   who   still   operates   the   camera   for   their   quick   wit   and   remarks   that   the   'fans'   love   ,   but   they   don't   .   rebranded   as   decrypted   2.0   as   if   to   catch   no   correlation   or   confusion   to   original   group   ,   but   instead   to   pay   hommage   .   either   way   ,   the   entire   group   spend   their   days   &   nights   in   new   locations   ,   documentation   and   producing   new   content   for   a   loyal   cult   following   of   fans   .
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 stevie   campetto   .   twenty5   ,   bisexual   ,   they/them   .   sophie   thatcher   .   the   only   remaining   member   of   the   original   crew   ,   doesn't   speak   of   anything   that   happened   to   them   but   tries   to   keep   it   up   for   the   camera   in   comparison   to   off   .   hates   their   own   job   ,   but   feels   as   if   they're   the   backbone   to   keeping   things   alive   ⸻   no   pun   intended   .   was   originally   weary   about   joining   ,   but   ever   present   in   the   act   of   persuasion   .
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 jia   chen   .   twenty2   ,   lesbian   ,   she/her   .   lukita   maxwell   .   sound   operator   and   the   baby   of   the   group   ,   her   older   brother   was   apart   of   the   original   group   and   she   wants   to   keep   his   legacy   /   memory   alive   .   recruited   by   stevie   as   a   sort   of   last   minute   decision   and   somewhat   of   a   plea   ,   as   she   was   the   only   one   available   at   the   time   .   become   a   staple   ,   but   majority   of   adventures   keep   her   up   at   night   ,   no   matter   how   much   she   wants   to   say   otherwise   .
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 castor   .   twenty7   ,   gay   ,   he/they   .   harris   dickinson   .   close   to   no   information   is   known   about   him   ,   in   fact   not   even   their   first   name   ⸻   of   course   ,   unless   to   the   rest   of   the   group   .   goes   by   his   last   ,   honestly   doesn't   want   to   be   perceived   so   that's   why   he   works   as   a   silent   secondary   camera   .   a   door   mouse   ,   but   a   bit   of   an   enigma   .
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 bryn   low   .   thirty   ,   bisexual   ,   she/her   .   jessica   henwick   .   researcher   ,   has   a   talent   for   finding   the   absolute   gritty   .   driven   through   money   and   success   ,   a   hard   knock   disbelief   system   behind   her   that   makes   it   almost   impossible   for   her   to   get   scared   .   unfortunately   a   bit   of   an   asshole   .
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 emmett   tyrell   .   twenty6   ,   bisexual   ,   he/him   .   brian   altemus   .  cocky   little   shit   ,   camera   hogger   and   all   round   attention   seeker   .   one   of   two   self   proclaimed   hosts   ,   even   if   he   wishes   it   was   a   solo   show   .   fans   ,   subscribers   and   followers   love   him   for   the   charm   and   humour   that   runs   naturally   ,   has   a   great   talent   for   bullshitting   which   works   well   for   his   job   (   or   not   )   .
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soren   ambrose   .   twenty5   ,   bisexual   ,   she/they   .   hunter   schafer   .   was   the   one   who   got   the   group   back   together   ,   even   if   she   doesn't   want   to   take   the   credit   for   it   .   extremely   passionate   and   dedicated   host   alongside   emmett   ,   face   on   camera   more   than   others   and   it   tells   .   wants   the   camera   to   keep   rolling   no   matter   what   happens   ,   even   if   it   affects   her   the   most   .
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foxwhip · 3 years
      The tyranny of a hot day was ridiculous. It made him almost jump into the ocean several times. Sometimes their assignments were really too much, but what could he do? He had already committed enough robberies to meet more than abrupt end so, on he marched. He wondered how they were all making it through. Hiei more than the rest, he was wearing the most heat absorbent color of all. An absolute madman. Kurama turns to Yusuke, hoping to hear something that will bring about relief.
      Are they fighting monsters in an icy swamp? A tundra of winter? Please. Anything than this. Maybe his long hair wasn’t helping anything. They all looked significantly cooler than him.
                        “Aren’t you hot? Tell me we’re fighting jokesters near a pool.”
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its-deputy-caleb · 3 years
does the vdl gang include sadie because 😢😢😢😢😢 my lesbian meow meow SKLSKDKSJS but if u do!!! i was wondering if you could write a post-game sadie (bounty hunting, gun-slinging, gaslight gatekeep girlboss)/female reader where sadie is being paid to bodyguard rich/high-profile reader thank u so much 😭
hell yess it does, now warning i've never written for sadie so this might be terrible but i gave it a go! i hope you enjoy this!! :))
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Gosh you absolutely hated your father sometimes. Not only had he ruined your plan for a relaxing weekend but he had dragged you off to one of his business parties again.
You had all these plans to get new dresses fitted at the tailor in Blackwater before heading home for a warm bath on your families Estate. You were so excited too, since the entire property would be yours for three days. Granted that didn’t include the array of maids, bodyguards and groundkeepers that worked on the Estate but for three peaceful days both your parents and siblings would be out of your hair.
That was until you received a letter from you father requesting you be dressed in your finest gown and make your way to Saint Denis immediately in order to arrive by sundown. Your family had been in the oil industry for many generations now and were extremely wealthy, even more so with the downfall of Leviticus Cornwall and these business parties were just one of the many responsibilities you had to attend to.
The whole point of the party is to make polite pleasantries with potential business partners and establish connections on to where your family’s company could grow. And it was so, so boring.
As you walk down the steps you see a young woman leaning against the carriage with a shotgun in hand. She’s dressed in slacks and a red waistcoat and a large leather jacket draped over her shoulders. Her beautiful golden hair is just peaking out from underneath her hat and her soft amber eyes match it perfectly. Wait a minute…beautiful??
“Who the hell are you?”
You hear her scoff before she rolls her eyes at your bluntness, some may call it rude but you’ve always preferred blunt or honest. Your father always told you that was more lady-like.
“Don’t get so upset Missy, I’m Sadie, your bodyguard until the regular guy comes back. I’m only here to take you to Saint Denis and I’ll be long gone.”
You huff angrily as you hold your hand out to her waiting for her to help you onto the carriage but she never does. Fine, you’ll do it yourself.
“It’s Madam to you and his name is Hamish.”
You hear her mumble a ‘whatever’ under your breath and get comfortable in the carriage. You signal to the driver up front to get the carriage moving as you watch Sadie mount her horse and ride up front. It was going to be a long ride to Saint Denis.
To say the ride was long was an understatement. You spent the first two hours staring at the seconds go by on your platinum gold pocket watch and twiddling with the ends of the ribbon in your hair. It was all rather boring until there was yelling from outside.
Fear wells in your stomach at the riders approaching, all heavily armed and with a murderous look in their eye. You anxiously grip the side of the carriage, looking out the window as Sadie and the two other guards aim their weapons high.
When the shooting starts, you hide between the lush velvet seats of the carriage, doing your best to avoid the gunfire. You’d never been one to defend yourself, its why your father had guards do it for you. You could’ve never matched to a woman like Sadie. So you’re complimenting her now? You’re in the middle of being shot at!
All your thoughts are interrupted by a scream, one you’ve now realised is your own as the carriage is flipped and sent you flying. Your back hits the door which barges open under the force of your body hitting it, leaving you lying in a puddle of mud.
You’re frozen for a moment, your body still trying to catch up with your adrenaline riddled mind. What the hell just happened?
Eventually the shooting stops and Sadie is running over to you in a panic to see if you’re okay. Her hair has fallen from her pony tail and strands of her blond hair blow over red cheeks from running.
“Are you alright?!”
“You ruined my dress, look at it! I can’t go to the party like this— and my hair! Oh my god my hair!”
Sadie stops dead in her tracks. Here she was worrying over your safety after not only saving your life but putting her own at risk and you’re more worried about your hair.
“Now listen here Missy, I did not put my ass on the line to save you just so you could whine about your— Oh jeez you’re bleeding.”
She rips her leather glove off with her teeth before bringing her surprisingly soft hand to your face. Its then you realise the cut on your cheek bone that must have come from the shattered glass of the window when you fell out.
You’re lost for words, mumbling incoherently under her touch as she takes the ribbon from your hair and begins to use it to stop the small trickle of blood there. She’s so concentrated and focused on your wound that you can’t help but blush under her intense gaze, feeling like the fool for speaking out.
“I’m sorry…”
She sighs, dropping the bloodied ribbon and puts her gloves back on.
“Ain’t nothing to be sorry for Missy, common now, let’s get you to the party.”
She takes your hand and leads you to her horse which is huge up close. Much larger than when you saw it back at the Estate. Her arm comes to wrap around your waist so she can hoist you up and sit you side saddle on her horse before hopping on herself.
When she starts riding you nearly fall of the large creature and wrap your arms around her waist out of fear of slipping. Sadie voiced that she didn’t mind you holding on and the rest of the ride was spent making pleasant small talk.
You learnt that Sadie’s horse was called Hera and that she was her pride and joy. She worked in all sorts of jobs as a gun for hire, working as a bounty hunter and personal body guard most of the time, she even told you of her most recent bounty of Shane Finley.
You were amazed at how brave and wild Sadie was. How she didn’t fear working on a job that could get her killed at any moment, no she didn’t shy away from it— instead she ran straight towards danger.
“I feel like such a bore compared to you, all I do is attend parties and lounge around the Estate all day. When I’m feeling extra adventurous its a trip to the store for some cakes and maybe a new dress not hunting and killing.”
You can hear her smile in front of you, a little laugh coming from under her nose.
“I’ve met plenty’a boring rich folk Missy, you are not one of them. For starters most of them don’t find themselves falling out of carriage windows on their way to dinner parties.”
The playful tone is enjoyable for you both and it continues through the rest of the ride. It seems like ‘Missy’ is a nickname that’ll be sticking with you for the meantime but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t like the way it made you smile and your heart skip a beat.
It was dark by the time Sadie pulled up to the party, hitching Hera and this time, taking your hand to help you down. Her hand didn’t leave yours until you were standing out the front gates where she dusted as much of the mud off your dress as she could muster. Her hand came to her neckerchief and untied it before ripping it in half.
You gasp at what she was doing to the fine fabric before she was tying it in your hair where the ribbon had sat, tucking the loose strand behind your ear.
“Now you’re looking like a real lady.”
She gives you a gentle nod before making her way back over to her horse.
“Wait! You’re not coming in? I thought you were gonna protect me?”
Sadie gives you a soft but broken smile, one that says she’s trying not to hurt your feelings.
“I handle outlaws and thieves not parties for the rich, you’ll handle yourself just fine Missy. Ain’t no more for me to do I’m afraid.”
You take her hand in yours squeezing it in a silent plea for her to stay. Despite the rough beginnings, you’re actually enjoying her company and would hate to see her leave.
“Will you wait for me…please?”
When the party ends you sigh defeatedly. You’re tired and worn out from today’s attempted robbery and excruciating party. You’re expecting to do home in one of your father’s carriages when you spot Sadie leaning against wall with a cigarette in her hand.
“Common Missy, It’s my job to see you home safe.”
That night as Sadie led you home on the back of Hera, your arms came to wrap around her as they had before. You cuddled up to her as you let out a soft yawn and slowly began to drift off to sleep. Your head rested on her shoulder as you slowly let sleep consume you, a large smile on your face.
Needless to say you now have a new personal body guard.
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guessmonsta · 7 years
"Wow, you're hot." For Bokuto pls? 💙
(P.S this is the longest thing I’ve ever written for the blog, exceeding the Kuroo First Time™ thing by 93 words)((But I like it a lot I hope you like it a lot))
Bokuto loved nightlife. He loved the rhythm of The Night, the cool breeze and chirping of crickets, the wave of pleasure that ran through him when he looked up at the stars, the feeling of darkness surrounding him leaving him breathless, he loved it. He would go as far as calling himself a night owl, but he figured that was ridiculously corny, even for him. Sometimes, he pondered if he was part insomniac. The Night was always persistent, grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking him awake. The Night was like a clingy friend, it begged for him, pestered him, and he always, always gave into its pleas. As Bokuto grew older, The Night became more fun. The Night offered him parties, clubs and adventures, new things he never had the opportunity to experience before. The Night was more generous to him, sweeping him off to places divine, throwing him into a pit he could only describe as ethereal.
Today, The Night dragged him to a place he’s never been. A hipster club deep underground in the back alley behind an art studio. Fairy lights were draped around the railings down the stairs, incense and candles going off in every corner to hide the inevitable smell of cannabis. His heart raced, not out of fear, but of adrenaline, as he opened the rickety old door of the club. Well, now that he was inside, he wouldn’t necessarily call the place a club. It was more of a speakeasy, a fancy mahogany bar set up with whisky glasses lined up on the edge. A man with a handlebar mustache was playing the guitar while taking slow drags of a Havana cigar. Girls sat in the corner, all dressed in ripped jeans and flannel, drinking tall glasses of coffee flavored vodka and giggling. None of these people grabbed his attention, though. He slid towards the bar and ordered a drink, eyes scanning the room for someone interesting. The Night always taught him to make new friends, and he always did. Although, this place was different, stoic, a place he knew he would find someone different from the usual boisterous party goer. There was a girl down the bar, exactly four seats away from him, sitting by herself with a chardonnay in her hands. She wore a form fitting black dress with black heels, henna tattoos of flowers and hieroglyphics running down her arms. Her piercing eyes were focused on the the glass, and only the glass, as she began to swirl the liquid. Bokuto could tell she wasn’t here to drink. He caught himself smiling and standing up, taking the seat right next to her and clearing his throat. She didn’t look up at him, but he could tell she knew he was there. Her shoulders stiffened a bit, the tempest in her glass slowing to a halt. “Hello there.” He announced, balancing his elbows on the bar. Her eyes widened as she turned to him, every aspect of her body dark and mysterious. “Well, hello.” She smiled at him, although the smile didn’t seem sincere. It was barely a hairline, and she immediately turned away. He concluded that she was an introvert at its finest. She was probably a people watcher, he thought, because there was no other reason for an introvert to travel to a bar by themselves. She turned in her seat, crossing one of her legs over the other and leaning on her palm to face him. “I’ve never seen you before.” She muttered, catching his gaze. “What brings you here?”“Sheer curiosity, I guess. I never go to the same place twice.” She nodded, setting the chardonnay down on the bar and holding out one of her hands. So, she wasn’t an introvert. He was nervous to grab her hand, and he didn’t know why. She intimidated him a bit, he couldn’t pin her down, and it was frightening. He noticed that there was a long, silver and black henna tattoo of a snake running down her middle finger, drops of poison dripping off the snakes tongue. It was only until he grabbed her hand did he realize why she had such a thing. Her touch was like a poison itself, cold, intoxicating, something he wanted to hold onto. Her eyes locked with his as she shook his hand, her supple lips parting. “I’m __ __, it’s a pleasure.”“Bokuto Koutarou, ditto.”“I don’t introduce myself to boys I meet at bars very often, so consider it a compliment that I did so.” Bokuto barely missed it, but she winked, her hand sliding graciously away from his. “You seem like quite the character.” “A character?”“Mhm.” She hummed. “I want to know the story behind your hair, if it isn’t too much of a burden.”Bokuto found himself laughing, although what she said was not meant to be funny. He ran his hand through the crunchy strands, the gel residue a mess on his fingers. “I’ll tell you the story of my hair if you tell me what’s up with all those tattoos.”She looked down at her arms and flipped them over, exposing all the intricate designs running down them. “Well, for starters, they’re henna, so they’re not permanent.” She shrugged. Bokuto nodded. “Yeah, I figured.”“Smart boy.” She chuckled, continuing with her story. “I have a tendency to change my mind a lot, and my greatest fear is getting a tattoo and regretting it later on. Instead, I just get these, they last three weeks, and if I start to dislike them, they just wash away…” Bokuto found himself getting lost in her words. She was sophisticated, a being of dark matter, something that seemed so familiar yet so foreign at the same time. Her sharp eyes met his again and he found himself go cold. Her eyes were like stars, he thought, her face, like the full moon itself. It wasn’t until she cocked an eyebrow did he realize he was staring, and his eyes darted away. He cleared his throat, his hand running through his hair again. “There isn’t much of a story behind my hair.” He laughed. “Well my natural hair is black. When I was a first year in highschool me and my buddy Kuroo were messing around in the gym and I got a bunch of white chalk in my hair. He said it looked cool on me, and I kinda agreed and he dared me to die it like that permanently. And ah…” He paused, gulping, freezing up a bit under her tentative glare. “I’m not one to turn down a dare, so I did, and it’s been like that ever since.”“What about the ah…” She pointed to the little crevice between his hair. “What about the part.”“Oh! A little while after, I realized my hair kinda looked like the animal I’m named after, so I split it to resemble it a bit more. Wanna guess what the animal is?”She laughed, looking him over closely. “Oh geez… The only thing I can think of is a great horned owl…”Bokuto nodded excitedly. “Yeah, that’s it!”“Oh, that’s adorable…” She muttered, her eyes meeting his once more. He could feel his heart start to beat, his cheeks start to flush. For some odd reason he was so attracted to this girl, attracted in ways he couldn’t comprehend. He found himself talking to her for hours. The speakeasy had cleared out what seemed like a millenia ago, the bartender disappearing to the back room. It was 3:36 AM, and he could feel himself grow tired, but he didn’t want to be tired. If he went home, left this low key ramshackled getaway he’d lose her. He didn’t want tonight to be the last time he’ll see her. He didn’t want to take her home, he didn’t want a one night stand. He wanted his hand in hers again, he wanted her number. He wanted to know where she came from and what her name meant and all her dreams and aspirations. He wanted to be friends, he wanted to be more than friends, but she got bored, and he was scared. He found himself leaving with her ten minutes later. Cars still sped down the street, cicadas still sang from the trees, crickets and frogs their accompaniments. She looked more graceful under the streetlights, the black dress she wore fitting more. He wanted to stare, but he couldn’t, he feared he would walk into a pole or a car, or something. They journeyed back to her apartment, and she stopped in front of the steps. She asked if he wanted to stay, and she noticed him tense up. “It’s not like that. It’s too late to call an Uber and I don’t want you walking home by yourself.” She shrugged, slipping her cold fingers in his. He agreed, although staying a night with her didn’t seem like so much of a burden. Her place was so undeniably her. Mint green walls covered with black accents and foreign designs, black bowls and black pillows contrasting a white couch, the chiaroscuro effect leaving him breathless, almost. The balcony doors were wide open, the full moon casting upon her face as she lead him out to the balcony. They sat down at a little glass table, and just looked at each other. The moon light cast upon her face was magnificent, and Bokuto couldn’t believe he was in the presence of such a magnificent being. “Wow, you’re hot.” he muttered, absentmindedly, then froze up in his place. She cocked an eyebrow as he shook his head rapidly. “No, no, no I mean pretty! I mean, you are really hot but, oh, god.” He sighed, staring down into his lap. Why had he said that? She was probably going to kick him out now, due to unrequited opinions, but she only laughed. “You really think so?”“Yeah…” “Well, it’s an honor, thank you.” She proceeded to bow. “You’re pretty hot too, owl.”“Oh, did you really just call me owl?”“Yeah, its cute! Owls are cute. I don’t know, I just find it great.”“What does your name mean, then?”She shrugged, pulling her phone out of the mini purse wrapped around her shoulder. “I’m not quite sure, I’ve never gotten around to looking it up.” She was silent for a moment, her thumbs tapping away on the screen. Her tongue poked out when she did so, and Bokuto couldn’t help but feel even more attracted. Her eyes widened when she found something, a satisfied huff leaving her nose. “So I got something…” She muttered. “There’s a whole bunch of boring ones, but there’s one I like in particular.”“What is it?”“The Night.”
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foxwhip · 3 years
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