#* guest muse {s'chn t'gai grayson}
starbcrn-kids · 2 years
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For @unbrxken​ - Here We Go Again, But This Time With a Little Flavor Starring Sienna, other Fantasia muses, any Orville OC crew Guest starring potentially any canon Orville crew
Nova doesn’t even look up from her work at first, barely glancing over the data from the computer and popping on comms. “Transporter to security, send Mackenzie and co, transporter out.” She clicks back off.
As she starts to look up, she begins, “All right, hi, welcome to the Orville, if I could have you just step off the transporterrrrr...”
But seeing the kid standing there Nova completely forgets and abandons the normal script. The poor little cutie looks scared out of her mind. Nova’s heart breaks as the girl sniffles. “Where am I? What’s going on?”
“Oh, sweetie, it’s okay,” Nova answers, going over and reaching out a hand to help the other down. “C’mere, I’ve got you, you’re okay.”
As Sienna Doe tears up, taking the strange woman’s hand and stepping off the thing she’d appeared on, before abruptly “collapsing” into the other’s arms and accepting the hug she’s being given, peaking her face out from the other’s arms a bit, her brain scrambles for a plan. She definitely hadn’t been counting on this happening to her. Not that it was necessarily a first at this point. She just didn’t know why her, why here, why this, why now...
A million “whys” and exactly no interest in dispelling her charm and finding out. Not yet. Not until she has a plan.
Grayson rolls out his neck as he goes to meet Mackenzie, who’d come to find him and some of the others outside Nari’s climate controlled cell. She’d been in for a while, though, so he just knocks on the outside and motions everyone inside on out. “Do we know anything?”
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fxirytxlcfxtc · 3 years
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@unbrxken​ - A Little Lost Starring, frankly anyone Guest starring S’Chn T’Gai Grayson
“That’s a problem,” Grayson remarks as he glances at himself, looking back up. “Uh-- get help?” He looks at Hale, especially since the other isn’t followi--
Looking around, Grayson dusts himself off, standing up and looking around. What... the... hell?
Where? Why? It’s... this is manicured nice. Almost uncomfortably so. He needs to figure out his situation and fast, needs to adapt and blend in till he gets pulled back out...
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unscrxpted · 4 years
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For: @starbcrn-kids
Muse: S'Chn T'Gai Tayen
Guest Star: Michelle Sanders
Michelle didn't want to do it.
She knew she wasn't supposed to, she knew she wasn't meant to try, but she'd done it anyway. She'd needed to know. But now she regretted it. She regretted searching Tayen's mind, she regretted looking for the nearly-Vulcan's memories.
And she regretted what she was about to do.
The empath hurriedly walked along the corridor, feeling out for Grayson. He needed to know. He needed to know. She had to find him.
"Grayson," Michelle said, grabbing his arm. She looked around and pulled him aside. "We need to talk. It's about Tayen."
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starbcrn-kids · 3 years
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@unscrxpted​ - Children Starring Dahlia, S’Chn T’Gai Grayson, Kyla McCoy, & all Orville muses Guest starring potentially any canon Orville muses & Sylvia Malloy
“No, no, I can’t believe I have to say this, but I don’t like the idea of you going over there,” James is telling Grayson and Brynn.
“Dad... if anyone’s gonna know what to look for, whatever it is we’re looking for, it’s gonna be us,” Grayson frowns. “Everyone else who went is going, too.”
“Yeah, I know, which means they don’t need you guys, too,” James answers, crossing his arms. “Can someone back me up here?”
“No, I think this is the right call,” Hannah says, sighing. “Sorry, James.”
“Look, I don’t like it either, but... I think it’d be some... healthy closure, honestly.”
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starbcrn-kids · 4 years
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@unscrxpted​ from x
Grayson smiles and rolls his eyes at Brynn’s comment, shrugging and shaking his head. “Whatever. Yeah.” He absentmindedly pets the cat for a moment, looking back at James and nodding again.
James nods and clears his throat. “Means you’ve got a few more sisters to meet.”
“So I was hearing,” Grayson nods. “Sorta. I didn’t get much out of her about them.”
James raises an eyebrow and laughs. “C’mon, class should be getting out, you’ll love the twins.”
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starbcrn-kids · 4 years
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@unscrxpted​​ from x
James smiles softly as he looks back at the kids... his, kids. Shaking his head, he sighs a bit, looking back in to check in on everyone, pausing and chuckling. “Well, I’ll be damned.”
Grayson groans, sitting up slowly, still chuckling a bit but taking deep breaths, trying to settle himself and get back on track. “What, what is it?”
Dahlia smiles a bit, looking satisfied in this situation, in its outcome.
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