#* partner {unscrxpted}
starbcrn-kids · 3 years
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For @unscrxpted​ - Here We Go Again, #40 Starring Terry Maybeck & any other Orville muses Guest starring potentially any canon Orville crew & Sylvia Malloy
Looking up from his spell, Maybeck frowns at the vortex that had appeared in front of him. “Oh. That’s not good.”
And he yelps as the thing pulls him in against his well. Ah, shit--
It’s another regular day on the Orville. Philby was admittedly a little excited. The Orville was doing a Union supply run to one of its further stations that happened to be in Bajoran space, meaning the run would be taking them close to DS9. Captain says if they have time he’d be willing to stop off there for a bit.
But, right now, he needs to focus on their flight path to-- what the...
And, a boy falls screaming onto the bridge out of a portal that opened, hitting the ground with a thud and a grunt before the portal closes.
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oflcgicalsway · 3 years
Closed Starter - for @unscrxpted Starring pretty much any muse on this blog, guest starring S’Chn L’Vorr Rebecca, Michael Burnham, Sylvia Tilly, and Jacklynn Burnham-Tilly
“Admiral Burnham, welcome aboard,” Captain Sorran greets the new arrivals, offering a Vulcan salute that is politely returned with a nod by the admiral.
Captain Tilly, he notes, is looking around enthusiastically, and he knows why, nodding to her. “Captain, it is a pleasure. Your niece is in the science bay; my first officer would be happy to show you the way.”
T’Laang’s face suggests anything but happiness at having to see the lieutenant in question and the captain has to hide his amusement about it.
Sylvia nods with a smile. “Thank you. I’m so sorry; I’ve just missed Becky-boo like crazy since our latest assignments.”
Oh, he already knows the crew will never let that one go. He, as always, keeps his face passive and simply nods. “Admiral, would you care for me to show you to the quarters you are staying in for the journey or would you prefer to first meet with the lieutenant?”
“I think it would be best that my family and I stay together until we have been shown to our room, so perhaps it wouldn’t hurt us to start with seeing Rebecca,” is her response, and he nods and motions for T’Laang to lead the three to the science bay, where...
...oh, boy.
Pallin looks over from his conversation with his son when the door opens and briefly closes his eyes and contemplates how he’s going to begin to explain what on Earth the lieutenant is doing now.
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fxirytxlcfxtc · 3 years
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For @unscrxpted​ - Meet the Robinsons 2.0 Starring Oliver & Gwen Robinson
Oliver smiles as they reach the house, climbing out of the car from Auradon and offering a hand to help Eretria out. “And, here we are.”
“Home sweet--” Gwen’s interrupted by the sound of something breaking. “--home!”
Oliver laughs and goes to grab their bag for the weekend. “You’re gonna love this, Eretria.”
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ifitsnxtrxuble · 4 years
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For @unscrxpted​ - Not Again Starring James Hawkins, guest starring S’Chn T’Gai James, ft. appearances by Hailey Cooke, Hannah Dutton, & others
James looks up at a crashing sound outside in the backyard, looking out the window and freezing at the two men he sees down there.
This cannot be happening again.
Hailey was visiting, too. She steps out the back door and gasps, crossing her arms. “James Hawkins, tell me you did NOT just jump out your window to see... I don’t even know who this is, should I be worried?!”
Shit. Quickly, James reaches up and opens the window before ducking out of sight in case Hailey looks up there.
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offleetsfinest · 3 years
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For @unscrxpted​ Starring: Hunter White, Khristyana Chekov, Verrin V’Lonn, Rowan Kirk, Mac McCoy, N’Livek Sollem, and Ray Chapel Guest starring Orville crew muses
Wrinkling his nose, Hunter double checks his results, comparing them to Mrs. Chekov’s. Yep, right in the acceptable range. Pleased with that, he sets both PADDs down and quickly moves to clean his station up to move on to the next phase of their work.
He looks up when the doors open, surprised by the new arrival. Right, they were working with the Orville for something, weren’t they... this must be one of Mrs. Chekov’s daughters.
Khristyana is all too happy to take Mackenzie on a small tour of the ship, or at least, her corner of it. “And, zhis needs no real introduction. Welcome to my science bay.”
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ofweirdestship · 4 years
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For @unscrxpted​ Starring John LaMarr, Gordon Malloy, Alara Kitan Guest starring Lily Scott, Nova Kirk, Sylvia Malloy
When John walks into the crew cafeteria, he’s not really there for food, but he spots his usual table-- Gordon, Alara, and an assortment of security and other officers. Perfect.
Walking over, he hits the end of the table and stands over it. “Did ANYONE ELSE know that Lily is a ballerina?!”
“...hello to you too?” Alara raises an eyebrow at him.
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ofbxldlygxing · 3 years
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@unscrxpted​: Sam smiled brightly as his parents popped up on the screen. "Hey! Hi. Hey." He cleared his throat. "I just called to say... Happy Mother's Day, Mom.” Mother’s Day Asks Starring Carol McCoy & Leonard McCoy
Carol lights up and smiles happily when their son’s face graces the screen, pausing and smiling more. “Thank you, darling.”
It had never been easy getting to the point of being family, but she was so grateful everyday that they’d made it here.
“How are things on the Orville?”
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starbcrn-kids · 3 years
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For @unscrxpted​ - Supernaturally Lost Starring all muses aboard the Orville Guest starring canon Orville muses + Sylvia Malloy
“Something feels off t’ me somehow,” Lily says, to no one in particular, going back over to the transporter computer and looking over what’s on screen and the current report on the transporter’s operations. “No’ quite sure why. I just have a bad feeling.”
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starbcrn-kids · 3 years
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For @unscrxpted​ - Here We Go Again #12 Starring Kov Ladok Nick & any Orville muses Guest starring canon Orville muses
Lyssa’s disappearance had been... bad. Especially for him and the rest like them. Most assumed she’d run off, no idea how she’d lost their GPS, no idea what had caused the interference on her cameras, and that had meant further scrutiny, re-training, and especially for him, a lot of interrogation.
Something told him, however, when he’d taken notice of the lights swirling around him, he was about to get more than a few answers.
“And, this is my life,” says a very Scottish redhead standing at what appear to be controls looking like she hates life. “Welcome, can ya--”
And Nick promptly draws his gun at seeing the obvious weapon on her hip. “Stay where you are.”
“Not again,” the woman murmurs as she holds up her hands.
Lyssa. Lyssa’s here. He knows it.
“Where is Gunnery Sergeant L-824, also known as Lysandra Doe?” He glances between her and the other person in the room.
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starbcrn-kids · 3 years
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For @unscrxpted​ - Where Monsters Walk Starring Orville assholes Guest starring CANON Orville assholes
“Captain,” Isaac remarks from his station, “It would appear that the composition of this planet is flagged as similar to one we have encountered before. Would you like me to find our match?”
“Go ahead,” Ed nods, curious.
In a brief moment, Isaac answers. “Located. The match is near-exact to a planet that held a former Federation colony, the planet being Kasaxton-4.”
“Tori’s old colony?” Ed frowns, sitting up. “Mx. Janeway--”
“It wasn’t a Federation colony, sir, and if they had the technology to put out a quarantine warning, they didn’t activate it,” Addi turns from their station, a hand at their earpiece, shaking their head.
Ed frowns a bit, looking at Kelly, who shrugs. He does as well. “Any life signs?”
“Hm, only a few, just like Kasaxton-4, but...” Addi pauses, eyebrows furrowing. “I’m picking up something else, too, sir. Not sure what, but I think I saw it last time, too. Just that last time...”
“We were focused on getting ahold of the survivors because they were Federation,” Ed nods with a sigh. “Great. What is it?”
“Not sure, sir,” they answer. “It’s reading really weird on the scans, like there’s some kind of life sign but it’s not a regular lifesign. Maybe we should ask the kids...?”
Ed sighs. “Probably. Someone’ll need to get them to my ready room here on the bridge.”
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starbcrn-kids · 3 years
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For @unscrxpted​ - Here We Go Again, #s 38 & 39 Starring Isabella & Jessica Angelo as well as the standard any Orville crew Guest starring potentially any canon Orville crew & Sylvia Malloy
--and as Willa finished the banishment spell she’d been reading, in a swirl of golden lights... she and Jess found themselves somewhere else.
Not in Georgia.
Not on their hunt.
Not a clue how this happened.
Jess looks up from her shotgun, panting, tossing back over her shoulder slowly, “What the hell did you do?”
“ME?!” Willa sounds offended, and looks it, too, but she doesn’t turn back to her sister either.
“Yes, because clearly it’s the fault of the girl with the shotgun, not the girl reading some ancient spell she could’ve mistranslated or mispronounced.”
“Shut up!” Willa looks around... blinking. “Sam Winchester?”
“Excuse me?” Jess finally looks over, blinking at the man. “What the hell?”
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starbcrn-kids · 4 years
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For @unscrxpted​ Starring: S’Chn T’Gai James, S’Chn T’Gai Grayson, S’Chn T’Gai Avery, Acyi Elaine, Melinda N’Livek Kirk McCoy Chekov Chapel Verrin, Kai N’Livek Kirk McCoy Chekov Chapel Verrin, Jared McCoy, Doug Karidian, Emma Mitchell Guest starring: N’Livek Sollem, Rowan Kirk, MacKenna “Mac” McCoy, Khristyana Chekov, Ray Chapel, Verrin V’Lonn, Isaac
James wrings his wrists, not asking for the time even though he wants to. It’s today. They’re coming today and finding out tonight and oh no this is terrifying. Isaac notices his agitation. “Lieutenant, you are showing signs of elevated distress. Please explain the problem, perhaps I can correct it.”
“He’s meeting Mackenzie’s parents and telling them that they’re engaged AND that Mackenzie’s pregnant tonight, Isaac,” Jared remarks from his station. “It’s got him on edge.”
“I see. In which case, lieutenant, I urge you to ignore all thoughts about this irrelevant topic until such a time that it is relevant,” Isaac corrects himself at Jared’s comment.
Jared sighs and shakes his head, rolling his eyes a bit.
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starbcrn-kids · 4 years
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@unscrxpted​ Starring: S’Chn T’Gai Grayson, S’Chn T’Gai James, Dahlia, S’Chn T’Gai Avery Guest starring: Gonna list the entire Orville crew just in case I need any of them for anything
Grayson sighs softly. He likes the quiet of the ship at “night”, or well, the simulated night it ran for the day/night cycle. It was peaceful and usually gave him a chance to just... breathe. He liked the opportunity to just be out and about and be quiet and not have to deal with anything.
He was still learning to deal with a lot of things. So he’d always take the chances he’d get to not have anything new to deal with, so he could just mull over the stuff he was still understanding.
Stopping at a window, he looks out at the stars for a minute. He jumps at a reflection behind him in the glass and relaxes, or at least, as best as he can. “Uncle Kai, you startled me.” He turns to face the other.
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fxirytxlcfxtc · 3 years
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For @unscrxpted​ - Villains Won! Starring James Hawkins
Tayen. Maybe he could stop and see her. He’s closer to her place. It’s as good a stop as any... hold up.
James is in a tree, combing the area and getting himself together to keep moving. But he knows those uniforms, and the cart... concerns him. A lot. It’s been awhile since he saw those uniforms... but it’s hard to forget them.
It’s hard to forget anything from that incident.
Stealthily sliding out of the tree once they’ve passed, James follows behind them. Whatever’s going on... something tells him he needs to check in on it.
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fxirytxlcfxtc · 3 years
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@unscrxpted​ - What Happened in Auradon Starring Sylvia Dinkley, Melinda Pollari, Nancy Jones, Sammy Jones, Grayson Fenton, Lily Montgomery, Heather Baker, Oliver Robinson, & Audrey Possible
“Well, not haunted,” Grayson jokes as he walks in with them.
“Still, like, really creepy,” Heather shudders. The building seemed much, much more labyrinth-like from the inside, she thinks.
And it’s clear the others agree. “Aye. I strongly advise against splitting up,” Lily remarks softly.
“Guys, we’ve been on so many weird cases at this point,” Sylvia shakes her head and rolls her eyes. “Just following up on the weird disappearances and noises and it’s over with again.”
“Some of us aren’t detectives,” Sammy huffs, annoyed, reaching down and fixing the strap on her heels.
Sylvia pauses, glancing around at the rest of them, leaving this for someone else to address.
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starbcrn-kids · 4 years
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For @unscrxpted​ Starring Hannah McCoy, S’Chn T’Gai James, frankly any Orville stationed muses, and guest starring specifically Ed Mercer but again, any Orville muses are on the table You ever just give up on your muses entirely because of the threads they’re demanding? Yeah. Sinful content warning, reader be advised that NSFW content is expected ahead.
Of course, good news travels fast and on a ship like this, good news means only one thing:
James kisses Mackenzie’s forehead. “Hey, if at any point you’re not feeling up to this, we’re fully capable of skipping our own engagement and baby party. Okay? We’ve gotta take care of you, so if you wanna duck out at any point, I’ll bring you back here myself.”
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