#*  plotdrop.  (  the battle.  )
inaducursehq · 3 months
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EVENT#001 : enchanted evening masquerade
update 6/20
the event was interrupted when screams were heard throughout the venue. the screams grew, echoing in the crowd before fear immerse among the guest . it was concluded that vervain was laced inside recent drinks for the hunter to scope out their targets. soon the hunters who posed as waiters suddenly removed their mask and set flight into the crowd. they had invoked chaos as they sought out to kill the vampires in the room who had been revealed. it was a plan made by a supernatural hunter by the name noah, who was brought back from the dead with vengeance, leading the regular human hunters into a battle. there were those who were able to escape the terror unscathed, but there were others who weren't so lucky, as the hunters plagued the masquerade ball with the plan to kill all the vampires.
hunter's curse: supernatural hunters of the five have the ability to inflict powerful and extremely realistic hallucinations onto vampire beings who kill them. once struck, the curse will consume said victim, tormenting them until they are driven to kill themselves. the only known way to lift the curse is to activate a potential hunter, by allowing them to kill their first vampire creature (whether a vampire or a hybrid) and grow hunter's mark. 
please follow @inaducursenpc , to see what our supernatural hunter is up to !
update 6/26
shots fired , as the attackers found one victim after another, yet while most guests ran for cover others stayed to fight, the threat of survival or lack thereof overshadowed the event . vervain grenade released as some ducked for cover. the smoke burned their eyes before they finally found the upper hand , taking down the supernatural hunters followers, before capturing the hunter who started it all.
the faction had taken care of the supernatural hunter by leaving him in the woods for the wolves, to avoid the hunter's curse. his death ultimately resulted in the enlarged claw marks to his torso. his body had been found in the woods earlier that morning after the event. yet the faction success was not without its loss. damon salvatore was killed by one of the hunters during the attack at the event, and the family is in mourning. yet, the new morning dew surfed over the city as the sunlight began to bring light to the shadows. now the terror is over and neighborhoods can finally breathe again.
the plotdrop and event has offically ended ;; please like once read !
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thirdwars · 4 years
the battle at diagon alley // erin figg
Mentions/features: Davina (and Catriona) Travers, Cassius Rookwood, Astoria Malfoy. Triggers: violence, blood, stabbing, murder.
To summarise: Erin comes to the event dressed in a half-assed costume, which is leveled up by Catriona’s make-up skills. She arrives with her, and her mother, Davina, and the three of them have a good time until chaos breaks out. Eventually, they get separated. Erin spends most of her time trying to get people to safety, until Cassius singles her out and the two of them have a short-lived duel, which ends with him making an attempt on her life. Astoria finds her before it is too late, and saves her life. After the battle, Erin spends two and a half day in St Mungo’s, before returning to work. She suspects Cassius, but has no proof.
THREAD 001: Davina and Erin (blood & dead body tw)
ERIN FIGG: Her costume is lacklustre, but it's leveled up by the make up that Catriona spread on her face earlier. A part of Erin hopes she won't bump into some of her colleagues, but she's happy, for once, so she tries not to care too much about her professional life. Tonight belongs to Cat, and Davina and her, and having fun. And they do, the pair of them being led by a bouncing, exciting Cat. Erin finds herself smiling, despite herself, for the first time in what seems weeks, and looks at Davina with happy eyes. "I needed this. Something .. good."
DAVINA TRAVERS: hogsmeade, in its own way, feels like more of a comfort than anywhere else. it brings a sitting in an armchair before a crackling fire kind of ease. like coming home to see catriona stirring a bowl of batter with honora, or walking past torch - lit windows as snow drifts to cobblestone. (davina considers that the warmth spreading in her chest when she sees erin's makeup, or cat's wide eyes, is what happiness feels like. she hopes it stays.) "yeah? i, for one, assumed that the auror office was the happiest place on earth. i stand corrected." but she's grinning back at erin as they meander along the stalls. "you know what would make this even better? candy floss. ooh! or playing one of those dodgy carnival games where it's basically rigged for you to lose."
ERIN FIGG: She's so thankful for Davina and Cat, for bringing something light into her life. That thankfulness has been there for longer, of course, and she supposed there's something mutual about it. But these days, when she's a creature of grief and fear, and not much else, she's needs it. It keeps her afloat. And so, she grins. "Let's do candy floss first, maybe a sugar rush will help us defeat the machines." It's strange, to have such fun in a world so dreadfully ruined, but she tries. And then— she's not sure how it happens, what triggers it, but chaos is spreading. Before Erin can even fathom what is happening, there are masked figures appearing, screams traveling through the air. Focus, she tells herself strictly. "Davina." She grabs her friend by the hand, and Cat too, rushing to the side of the street, hiding in a storefront. It's a wonder they don't trip, amidst the unfurling chaos, the scattering debris, the running of others present. She looks at her friend, and then at Cat. "You two need to get out of here." And she too, maybe, but whether her sense of duty or her cowardice will win out, she will figure out later. For now, there's Catriona to get out. She can hardly look the girl in the eyes. "I'll cover you."
DAVINA TRAVERS: "incredible plan. then maybe face painting? i think i'd look great as a --" in the air, apparating figures almost look like smoke from a bonfire, or clouds blocking out the moonlight. the scream of a banshee sends shivers down her spine, and it's like the wail is all there is. life is just dark apparitions and desperate, fearful cries, and the panic that ceases davina from moving. it's erin that's active, erin that she's gripping like a lifeline, erin still that has some semblance of a plan when she gets them aside. davina's never been more thankful for her as she is now. "i won't leave you here alone." the statement is resolute. she's stubborn, that much is frustratingly so, and it battles with the fear lodged in her throat when she sees cat. because erin's right, she does need to get her away, more than anything else. "i shouldn't apparate, she's too young, and -- and i might splinch." davina wishes she could will herself to calm, to think straight. eyes squeeze shut for a beat. open again to meet erin's. "where can we floo out? and i swear on salazar's bloody name, i'm coming back to find you."
ERIN FIGG: Her mind is working a thousand miles an hour. Erin is good at that: at thought, at thinking cleverly, at thinking up last-minute solutions. Bloodshed and fire are not her scene, and so she focuses on what she knows, the task at hand. Get Catriona out. Her eyes flick to the store they're standing in front of, and then the rest of their surroundings. "Magical Menagerie is closest," she says, and she grabs her wand, casting a concealment charm. They need time. "But ..." She doesn't want to say it with Catriona persent, wanting to shield her from the reality around them. On the route there, there's a body, and she knows it won't be the last they'll see tonight. But to move past it, with Cat in tow, terrifies her. She doesn't need to see such things (but she already is). "It's our best bet. Your best bet." She wants to tell the other that she will be fine, but Erin does not make empty promises, and so she looks at her friend, her fear now apparent. And then she is back, Erin Figg - clever, calm, collected, chin up. "You take Cat. Cat, don't look, okay? I'll cover you, it's not far."
THREAD 002: Cassius and Erin (stabbing, murder, blood, violence tw)
ERIN FIGG: Erin moves through the chaos, eyes wide and afraid, eyes peeled for Cat, for Davina, who she's lost. Part of her wants to leave, another part of her refuses to: a part that is honorable, dutiful, idealistic. It seems it's winning, as determination holds her wand, her anger at the injustice of this world overpowering. It forces her instincts to be sharp, looking for those who need help more than those who need to be fought (she's a good fighter, yes, but with words moreso than wand-waving). It seems that someone else finds her first, though.
CASSIUS ROOKWOOD: He’s been injured already - by Victoire of all people - so perhaps Cassius should think about leaving the fight. He won’t, refuses to do so, not when there are targets still to take out. And one in particular that catches his eye, Erin, who isn’t a strategic choice. No, this one is personal. He owes her this. And, Cassius figures, this will pay Victoire back for the shot she took at him, if her grandfather isn’t enough. “Looking for me?” The mask protects his face, not his voice, and yet he can’t resist the taunt as he casts a red jet directly at Erin, a Cruciatus he hopes she won’t dodge.  “No, I don’t think you were. Pity.”
ERIN FIGG: She doesn't know it's Cassius, but the thought crosses her mind when he speaks to her - but she can't think about it too long. She's caught off guard, and before she can even say anything, the jet of red light hits her. Pain is all there is, for a moment, and the one part of her that can still think is focused on holding onto her wand, her grasp so tight that her knuckles turn white. She screams. And when it's over, she scrambles back to her feet ( chin up, Erin, chin up, don't let them see the fear in your gut ), forces her mind to think of hexes, curses. She doesn't dignify the other's taunts with a response, but in stead goes for the simplest, yet most effective thing she can think of - "Expelliarmus!" 
CASSIUS ROOKWOOD: Her scream doesn’t last long enough, but it’s something. Time to stop playing though - a quick kill is all that’s needed. Anything more is indulgence Cassius can’t afford, but then he is enraged all over again by Erin’s attempt to disarm him. Like she hadn’t taken enough from him already. “I don’t think so,” he says, jabbing his wand in a blocking formation. She should have stayed on the ground. But no, Erin wants to fight back, just like her squib aunt. He hadn’t forgotten being stabbed, hasn’t forgotten his fury. If she won’t stay down, he’ll make her helpless. “Immobulus,” he snarls. 
ERIN FIGG: The determination of the other makes her think that it's personal, and fear hitches in her throat. She considers apparating, then, a cowardly but rational thought that soon disappears again. It's pure terror that has her in its grip, and Erin tries to remember the bravery she feels when she is at work. Straight backed, chin up, eyes proud, but she is a shell of that woman now. She tries, she tries to block his hex, but it hits her all the same and she is frozen then, helpless not just in her terror but in the literal sense. Her eyes are pleading, wide in fear, and whatever bravery she has left keeps her from dropping her wand. Like this, what is there to do but beg? "Please."
CASSIUS ROOKWOOD: He sees the moment she realises, gives up, and savours the victory, his sneer triumphant, “Your aunt wasn’t this weak. But you’ll pay for her mistake. Give her my best when you see her.” Cassius wordlessly conjures three knives - one for each stab wound Arabella Figg left him with - and sends them at Erin. Muggle inspired though it may be, they hone in on their target with the viciousness of any curse, Cassius’ eyes following their path with eagerness. He’s waited too long for this and now he has won, so decisively, so conclusively, that Erin can do nothing but wait to die, at his hand, by his will. It was as if her blood spilling would be the sealing of a vow - he would be denied nothing, ever again.
ERIN FIGG: At least she knows now that she was right to be afraid all this time, that these past months spent in fear of what might happen have been rational. "You -" Anger mixes with fear, a combination that makes Erin want to run both towards and from her attacker. But she is frozen. "You'll pay for what you did." Because if there is anything she has faith in, it is justice, even if this is anything but just. If she loses that faith, what will there be left of her but an aimless, terrified being? Knives pierce her skin and Erin gasps. She doesn't feel anything at first, shock washing over her as she watches blood seep from the slashes in her skin. Eyes wide, the curse breaks, and she staggers. This is it, she thinks, and she looks at the masked figure, terror and betrayal and a bit of fury, too, clear on her face. // blood and stabbing tw
CASSIUS ROOKWOOD There’s not even a flicker of fear as Cassius hears the threat. He feels untouchable, more now than ever with fresh blood spilt by his hands. His head shakes with arrogance. “Her death wasn’t significant enough. No one cared.” He sees now as life begins to drain out of her, where his attack has made its mark. His eyes narrow as she staggers. “Yours will mean nothing too,” he says, as he waves his wand in one last vicious circle meant to knock her to the ground. The ignominious death she deserves. Finally he can move on to worthier opponents and forget even the name Erin Figg. He’ll make sure the world forgets it too.
ERIN FIGG: "You're wrong, you're wrong, people loved her," she says, but her words are quiet, futile, even if she believes them. She's trembling as she looks at her hands, fear taking over everything else. They are covered in blood, hers hers hers, and she doesn't even see him cast his last curse, too wrapped up in the thought that this is it, she's going to die. His voice echoes in her head, and she can't help but thinks that it's him, that it's Cassius Rookwood who's killing her, and that scares her more than anything. The fact that he's won, so easily and that she's let him. That she's failed, so easily defeated. So weak. She's knocked on the ground, and Erin gives in to whatever might come next.
THREAD 003: Astoria and Erin (blood & nausea tw)
ASTORIA MALFOY: It's been a long, long while since she's seen this much  blood that isn't her own.  Astoria feels like it's been both seconds and years since this battle broke out — and with each beat of her thumping heart she is reminded that she is not safe here. Her condition and her position in government put her at risk every day, but she's never felt danger this acutely in her life. She's reluctant to just apparate out of there, both because she's lost her husband in the chaos and splinching herself would also mean a death sentence. In her hesitation, she spots a familiar pair of shoes...and when her eyes trace up the body on the ground to a familiar face, her heart shatters. "Erin?" she asks, rushing over. "Erin, is that you?" 
ERIN FIGG: There is only one thought in her head and it's I'm dying, I'm dying, I'm dying. It's a terrifying thought, because while Erin has known since this war started — since her grandmother was found murdered — that there is something of a mark on her back, this is something else entirely. It's one thing for it to be a far possibility, after all, and another when it comes so close that you can feel it. Ragged breaths slip past her lips and she tries to focus on her surroundings, keeping her head awake as she bleeds out on the cobbles. And then— Astoria's voice. "Yes," she croaks. It's relief she feels, but it crashes over her not like something warm and comforting, but a cool wave. She cries, then. "Help me." 
ASTORIA MALFOY: Erin's voice is faint, but it's there, and Astoria feels a mixture of horror and panic as she takes in the sight of the other woman's wounds. She sinks to her knees at Erin's side, the maternal urge to comfort momentarily winning over her good sense, and she takes a moment to push her hair back, lay a hand on her shoulder. "I'm here." In the next moment the urgency of the situation hits Astoria, and the side of her that is able to keep a cool demeanor in a frantic courtroom takes over. The gleaming silver necklace she wears has a compartment for her emergency dittany powder — it's not enough, but Astoria pours tiny amounts over the areas that seem most concerning; Erin's chest, upper arm, left leg. There's a tiny vial of blood replenishing potion in her robe pocket—again, it's not enough, but it's something. "Drink this."
ERIN FIGG: She doesn't feel shame as a few sobs burst past her lips, heart hammering. It's Astoria — Astoria who knows what to do, who she looks up to, who she might love, not just as a mentor but a friend, too. She's so scared, so scared of her close encounter with sheer ruthlessness, so scared of the blood pooling around her that is all hers, so scared of dying. As a feeling of safety slowly starts to replace that fear, crying seems to be all she can do. The situation gains clarity, as Astoria works on her wounds and she focuses on her. Her brain is fuzzy, clouded by blood loss and terror, but things become clearer with Astoria present. "Thank you," she says, her voice hoarse, taking the vial. What it is, she doesn't know, but she's not one to question Astoria: not on the workfloor, nor here. Erin drinks, and feels something like strength return to her limbs. Her attempt to sit up is, however, met with dizzying nausea and pain, and Erin closes her eyes, a shaky breath past her lips as she sinks back to the ground. She doesn't want to look at Astoria when she asks in a small voice, "Can we get out of here?", scared that the answer is no, and that this is not over yet.
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nefelibatateaser · 4 years
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                                        𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐃𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐔𝐌
                          heavy chain mail, sworn to protect but  who protects you                           your muscles whine in  pain yet you push on, battles axes                           knows ways to disarm you non-violently, thread bare body                           tired parents handling one thousand irresponsible children                           you fight on day in and day out until equality comes for all
NEFELIBATAHQ  is  an  adventure  sandbox  roleplay  group  set  in  the  fictional fantasy  realm  of  vellaska,  more  specifically  the  oligarchy  of  illium. the  roleplay  is  designed  to  have  a  few  ‘chapters’  that  have  been  planned  and  hashed  out.  this  will be  a  highly  immersive  group  with  lots  of  inclusive,  action-packed  plotdrops.
                                                  PROTECT  YOUR  HEART
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1973hq · 5 years
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April, 2019
In retrospect, the plan was much easier said than done. It was a plan that had been formulated in the heat of the moment, the wounds of the struggles they had faced in the 1970s still fresh. With the many losses that the group had suffered up until now, they were determined to have another win under their belts. Now was the time to take risks. Now more than ever they had a better chance to make strides in their fight against Stryker and everyone who sided with him in opposing mutants and metahuman rights. They not only had those who offered aid in the resistance back in time but now that they had returned to their own time they had even more allies willing to stand in their corner.
It was a long, tumultuous battle, but eventually, the group was finally able to clear Genosha of any threat. The country which had at one time housed and protected thousands of mutants and allowed them to cultivate a community where they could all feel safe was once again there to safeguard them, this time along with any metahumans and otherworldly creatures who were not as easily accepted into society. While there was no government in place many agreed to hand the overseeing of the reconstruction to the Maximoff family, who had at one time been the royal family of Genosha. To which they suggested to put together a committee of X-Men and Avengers to help set up regulations. So that the resistance could once again have a safe place to call home.
characters are now free to travel to Genosha and use the space as a sanctuary for training their powers and abilities while avoiding arrest, but can stay in the USA if they choose to
they will be staying in 2019 for the time being, trying to figure out a way to fix this new disaster they’ve caused
which will involve more time travel
in the meantime, they can help rebuild Genosha, destroy the prisons and build an environment they can survive in, without the prying eyes of the law
the Maximoff family oversee the changes and plans to the country
there will be a follow-up plotdrop posted soon, so keep an eye out for that !
please like once you’ve read !
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retaliationz · 4 years
bring the battle.
Plotdrop: Panem et circenses;
Quando: 16/11/2020;
Com: Grupo 3;
Gatilho: Menções simples à feridas e violência.
Clique aqui para ter uma ideia da roupa da personagem e aqui para a lança. 
A proposta de um treinamento supervisionado por Loki de fato despertou o interesse imediato da filha de Ares. Ela conhece bem o mito do Deus das trapaças, se lembra perfeitamente quando na sua época no mundo humano fora obrigada a estudar sobre todas as entidades mágicas de todos os panteões, afinal, na organização na qual Elizabeth era membro existiam outros vários semideuses de pais diferentes e de mitologias diferentes. Eles deveriam saber sobre si mesmos e, ainda mais, as informações poderiam ser úteis para os trabalhos que faziam. 
Estava equipada com suas roupas de combate, aquelas que usualmente considera mais confortáveis e apropriadas para a situação. E na mão direita, carregava uma lança. A haste da arma era feita de metal, assim como a ponta afiada e laminada era de material incrivelmente resistente. Enquanto esperava o início do treino junto ao seu grupo, os olhos passearam pela réplica do Coliseu analisando cada partezinha e pode-se dizer que até ficou surpresa com o cuidado nos detalhes. Contudo, não teve o privilégio de mais alguns minutos para se familiarizar com o ambiente e logo diante da equipe, Esteno surgiu. 
Elizabeth aproveitou a distração que alguns dos outros membros do grupo fizeram para se posicionar no ponto cego da górgona. Pelas costas, a filha de ares buscava mirar seus golpes em pontos estratégicos, a lâmina da lança perfurando e rasgando a pele escamosa da criatura; os punhos e pontapés desestabilizando, por vezes, o equilíbrio da mesma. A princípio, optou por utilizar apenas seus conhecimentos em luta e estratégias de combate para enfrentar o monstro grego, a força sobre-humana auxiliando no sucesso das investidas com a arma no corpo alheio e persistiu nisso mesmo que a agilidade divina da górgona dificultasse o êxito de algumas das suas várias investidas. E da mesma forma que estava tirando proveito das distrações dos aliados para desferir seus ataques contra Esteno, esperava que suas ações fossem úteis para que os outros fizessem o mesmo. Até, enfim, finalizarem a inimiga e vê-la sumir diante dos seus olhos. 
O segundo monstro foi Draugr de Björn Ironside. A filha de Ares ainda não estava sentindo os sintomas de cansaço, na realidade, estava cada vez mais empolgada e ansiosa para batalhar, portanto, no instante em que a ilusão da criatura se materializou em sua frente, não hesitou nem um segundo antes de pegar impulso para correr na direção do inimigo. Diferente da luta anterior com a górgona, ela não precisaria ter um cuidado extra para não acabar encontrando olhares com o inimigo, mas Draugr é – ou era – um viking e além de ser monstruosamente forte, consegue regenerar quase instantaneamente os membros cortados. Ele seria um desafio e tanto, mas Elizabeth estava preparada para tal – foi para isso que ela nasceu, seus pais disseram. 
Com a ajuda dos seus aliados – como deveria ser –, ela conseguiu alguns golpes significativos. Investidas que foram úteis para derrotar o monstro, embora dessa luta ela tenha saído com mais danos do que gostaria. Nada que fizesse Esculápio intervir no prosseguimento do treino, afinal as pequenas escoriações e hematomas não incomodava nem um pouco a semideusa a ponto de ser necessário paralisar a situação para se recuperar. 
O terceiro inimigo fora Ammyt, que não intimidou a coreana com seu tamanho colossal de 3 metros. E talvez isso fora o que levou a mulher ao fracasso. Assim como havia feito nas outras duas vezes, Elizabeth não pensou duas vezes antes de disparar na direção do monstro para atacá-lo. E ela conseguiu chegar perto o suficiente para que a ponta da lança tocasse o corpo grotesco de Ammyt, mas isso provocou uma reação no inimigo que o fez erguer a pata contra a semideusa, lançando-a com força para longe. Nisso, o corpo de Liz colidiu com o de Ryan, o filho de Atena que trabalhava consigo no cyber café e que coincidentemente também fora selecionado para fazer parte daquele grupo. Os dois acabaram rolando juntos pelo solo arenoso, a filha de Ares colecionando mais alguns arranhões e cortes na pele, além do tombo ter feito dela se questionar se havia quebrado algum osso devido aos estalos que ouvira soarem de si mesma e a dor sentida – embora não fosse nada que ela considerasse um impedimento, acabou não participando do resto do combate. “Sorry.” Sussurrou para o colega, estendendo-lhe a mão para ajudar quando pôde finalmente se recompor. “Você está bem?” Ainda que fosse incapaz de sentir uma preocupação genuína, estava mesmo querendo se certificar se o rapaz estava bem ou não.
Ammyt ficou nas mãos dos outros seres da equipe e eles fizeram um bom trabalho na finalização. 
O quarto e último monstro foi Dullahan, e agora a coreana estava de volta na arena para enfrentá-lo. Dessa vez, infelizmente, sem a sua lança já que acabou perdendo a arma para a fúria de Ammyt no combate anterior a esse; e também por causa da luta com a criatura egípcia, Elizabeth foi mais cuidadosa em sua investida inicial evitando agir com imprudência para não repetir o mesmo erro. Nessa última fase, a aura vermelha que herdou do pai surgiu ao redor dela. Como estava dependente dos seus próprios punhos para lidar com o ceifador que, além de tudo, ainda tinha uma mobilidade ágil, decidiu por usar outras das suas habilidades. A aura desperta o lado sádico dela de uma forma… preocupante, se discutida em situações normais pois permite o aprimoramento físico a partir da absorção de energias negativas – na maioria dos casos, a dor. Principalmente quando é ela quem inflige isso em alguém. 
Batalhar com Dullahan ao lado dos aliados foi mais interessante do que ela esperava, sentia a sua força aumentar a cada milésimo de segundo enquanto as sensações negativas invadiam o seu âmago. Recebendo o boost desejado quando finalmente conseguiu desferir um golpe significativo no oponente. Em conjunto, ela e alguns dos aliados conseguiram anular a imortalidade do ceifador, o que acabou facilitando – mesmo que minimamente– a finalização dele e, assim, dando um fim àquele treinamento. 
No final, a mulher estava sentindo a exaustão consumi-la aos poucos em consequência de ter forçado o uso da aura por mais tempo do que seu corpo pode aguentar. Em outras circunstâncias, seria possível afirmar que ela estava verdadeiramente satisfeita com o desempenho próprio e do grupo – muito embora ela não seja uma pessoa que aprecie trabalhos em equipe – mas ter passado com êxito em todas as rodadas, apesar de parecer algo bom, não fazia diferença para ela. Fez o que ela deveria ter feito e só isso importava. 
Agora ela só queria voltar para o apartamento e aproveitar o resto do dia na cama. 
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thirdwars · 4 years
the battle at diagon alley // diomedes avery.
Mentions/features: Cassius Rookwood, Eden Dolohov, Juliet Avery, Davina Travers, Molly Weasley senior, Olive Longbottom, Jimmy Fletcher, Ronan Nott, Molly Weasley junior, Theodore Burke, Fiorella Longbottom.  Triggers: violence, torture, blood, death, loss of a child.
To summarise: Diomedes came out to attack and had so much fun. Pre-battle, he has a little huddle with Cassius and Eden, where they discuss their plans. He’s told Juliet to stay away. At the battle, he duels with Davina, who he injures mildly and who abandons the fight. He also comes across Molly Sr, who he fails to kill. When he sees Olive, he supposes that it’d be poetic to subject her to the cruciatus curse, and he does, but is confunded by Jimmy before being able to finish the job. This leaves room for Ronan to get some spells in, but once Jimmy and Olive have disapparated, the spell breaks and he duels the other for a while. He also comes across Molly Jr, who he intends to kill with the sectumsempra after having failed to kill her namesake. Unbeknownst to him until later, he fails at that too. He also comes across Theodore Burke and Fiorella Longbottom while they’re in the midst of their half-hearted duel, something he will keep in mind in the future. I’m not sure about the order in regards about all these events, I just know that Molly senior came before most of them! Ahhhh. Diomedes comes out relatively unscathed, to a rather furious Juliet ( which is played out on the dash, see here ).
THREAD 001: Eden, Diomedes, Cassius.
EDEN DOLOHOV: murder tw / "I'm going to take out the Minister,"  Eden announces. She's still as a statue, hands clasped under her chin in a perversion of prayer, eyes trained on the table in front of the three of them. It's an unfamiliar sight to anyone that doesn't know her well — this is her planning face. Granger-Weasley at the helm of government is a problem, after all, and even if she cares little for politics, it doesn't hurt to clear the way for the Death Eaters to assume control of the Ministry. "Killing Potter was the right move, of course, but he wasn't the only thing that gave mudbloods and blood traitors hope." 
Her eyes flit to Cassius and Diomedes, then. Her resolve is steel-firm, but she's accustomed to collaborating with the two of them — strength in numbers, and all that. 
DIOMEDES AVERY: murder, death of a child tw / Part of him wants to say, all child-like, that he wants to take out Hermione Granger, but he bites his tongue. Eden can have her glory: he'll find his own. "It looks like Lestrange junior will be focusing on Longbottom," he said, thinking out loud. He'd like to see all of them die, all of Potter's friends picked off. "So that leaves three more of them, if he succeeds." With them, he meant those who'd been there the last time Voldemort had been defeated, when his father had gone to jail. "I'm not sure, what would be more ... ah, satisfying. Most of them dying in one night, or drawing it out a little?" 
He shoves his chair back, folds one leg over the other. "I'll focus on their children, I think. Nothing like losing a child to make someone lose their fight." His mind thinks to the hole he ripped in the Bardon family, and he smiles despite himself. 
CASSIUS ROOKWOOD: He doesn’t like deferrring but it’s a necessary sacrifice. It won’t always be this way. But until then, it’s true enough that he find Diomedes and Eden valuable, feeds off their energy. There is, perhaps, purpose after all in letting the lines between alliance and friendship blur. “Come now, Dio, it’s not meant to be satisfying. We take life only to accomplish our goals,” Cassius makes as if to lecture but can’t hold back a sharp smile. “Though of course, I’ll take out any Weasleys I see with pleasure.” They both make valid points, a good team despite Cassius knowing in the end they each had their own agenda. “The Minister is the brains”, he agrees, nodding at Eden. It’ll be a challenge but he’s seen her in action, and he believes she’s capable of defeating Granger. He’d far prefer Eden have whatever glory would come attached to the deed than Rabastan. “And undoubtedly the most important target. But losing Potter didn’t break them. Victoire Weasley assured me of that personally. Apparently, it only made them want to to fight harder.” Cassius only just manages not to roll his eyes at that. “We need to kill as many of them and their people as possible. Destroy their numbers.” For the most part, he takes this planning session with utmost seriousness but once more he lets humour into his voice, “We could always make it a friendly competition.” 
THREAD 002: Molly Sr and Diomedes
DIOMEDES AVERY: death of a child tw / Eyes fall on the matriarch of what is Diomedes least favourite family, and he hardly hesitates as he approaches her, wand at the ready. "Shouldn't you be keeping your children indoors, Molly?," he asks, voice sharp, aiming his wand at the ground at her feet, where he lets the cobbles burst in an explosion. He's smiling behind his mask, feeling like he's getting the revenge he deserves, he has deserved for so long. "You already lost the one, after all."
MOLLY WEASLEY SR: Molly’s head swings around at the sound of her name. ‘’And shouldn’t you be in Azkaban by now?’’ She snaps in retaliation, jumping back as the ground beneath her feet explodes. A shooting pain explodes in her left leg. FURY takes over her body and she sees RED, she throws a scorching spell, watching the flames burst from the end of her wand and dance in the air as they move. ‘’ do not talk about my family. ‘’
DIOMEDES AVERY: He jumps aside as the fire shoots past him, missing him only just. Impressive. "Azkaban? You should know better than to put your faith in such a faulty prison." He lets out a cold laugh, then, sending pain-inducing hex her way. He wants to see her family burn, fall, eradicated. "But your family loves to be talked about, don't they? Weasley this, Weasley that, the fucking paper is filled with you red-haired nuisances. It's like you're asking for it."
MOLLY WEASLEY SR: The pain hits her in the chest and for a moment she’s sure her hearts going to give way. She bends over in pain, hands over her chest, the others words echoing in her head. She will not back down. ‘’ You sounds almost jealous,’’ it’s said with a laugh as she sends another scorching hex his way.31 October 2020
DIOMEDES AVERY: "Oh, of what?" He laughs, even as the scorching hex hits him, and he points his wand to his aflame robes, putting out the fire. His actions are quick, but he hates the gap that he's leaving in his offense, and he soon points his wand at her again, returning her favour and sending a scorching hex back. "Two dead family members, in less than a month? Can't say that I am."
THREAD 002: Olive and Diomedes ( torture tw throughout )
DIOMEDES AVERY: Much like his shoes, he picks his duelling partners with care. Diomedes thinks not everyone is worth is time, considers the long-game. Short-term sadism isn't his style, after all: he much prefers to cause suffering that lasts. And so, when eyes fall on one of the Longbottom children, a plan clicks into his mind. What happened to their grandparents is legend, after all, a notorious fate: who is he not to try and show her what they went through? He's quick to act, wand at the ready, "Longbottom," he calls. "How's grandma?" And then, his wand whips. "Crucio." 
OLIVE LONGBOTTOM: in years past, olive had staunchly refused to attend the annual halloween fair that was held in diagon alley — she was never a fan of such large groups of people. but (one or two, certainly not all) her sisters and her parents had practically begged her to come along and she had reluctantly agreed. the night had gone by rather smoothly, much better than she could have expected, and she had been enjoying spending time with her family. then, all hell broke loose. the death eaters decided to do what they did best, turning a joyful event into a terrifying one. olive lost track of her family rather quickly, not by choice, but due to the sheer chaos happening around them. standing in the middle of the street (like an idiot), she scanned the area around her, desperately trying to locate her family. it was then that she heard the voice of diomedes avery and her stomach dropped. she swiftly turned on her heel, wand drawn, her eyes filled with a mixture of panic and rage. "she's saner than you are." olive spat, his allusion towards what had happened to her grandparents only fueling the anger boiling up inside her. when she noticed his wand she acted quickly, darting behind the nearest building in order to escape whatever spell he had in store for her. the failed cruciatus curse missed olive by inches and instead, connected with the brick of the shop that she had jumped behind, scattering debris on everything in the immediate vicinity, including her. "protego." she whispered, taking a moment to gather her breath (and her thoughts), before stepping out from behind the building, ready to face diomedes. "what the fuck is wrong with you?" she hissed before raising her wand once again. "sectumsempra!" 
DIOMEDES AVERY: As she hides behind the building, he's just satisfied at her cowardice. Let him terrify her. He doesn't care about the pain he causes, he cares about the power it grants him: the power that comes with being feared, with being run from. He wants to hold all the cards, to be the strongest piece on the board of chess and win. When Olive shows her face again — just when Diomedes was considering striding over, cloak billowing — he grins behind his mask. "Plenty," he snarls, waving his wand to dodge curse, redirecting it to the building. Debris covers his shoes, his cloak, but he hardly cares. In this anonymity, appearances hardly matter, after all. "Using dark magic, now? What would your dear father say?" He remembers the start of the battle, how Neville Longbottom had dropped, with a satisfied smirk. "If he can even speak after tonight, that is." One by one, all of them will fall. Harry first, now Neville, and hopefully Eden is taking care of their new minister somewhere, too. Perhaps after tonight, there'll only be three left. For now, though, he'll keep himself busy with one of their children. He focuses on Olive, wand waving again as he attempts a — "Crucio!" — again.
OLIVE LONGBOTTOM: as he redirected the spell into the nearest building, she cursed under her breath. she didn't want to admit it but he was talented, much more so than she had previously assumed. when she heard him talking about her father, she tightened the grip she had on her wand, knuckles turning white. "don't you dare talk about my father." she replied, attempting to keep her voice as calm and level as possible, not wanting to give diomedes the satisfaction of knowing that he had been able to get under her skin. on the inside, she was screaming, panicking, obsessing over what he had said about her father — why hadn't she spent more time trying to find her family? when he attempts another cruciatus curse, olive tries to redirect the spell, but she isn't fast enough. pain, a white-hot pain, floods throughout her entire body and she can't help but scream. "leave me and my family alone!" 
DIOMEDES AVERY: "Oh, what are you going to do about it?" His voice his a sneer, his expression filled with sickening glee. "Me keeping my mouth shut won't save him." The legacy of the Longbottom family is stuff of legend, and Diomedes feels nothing but satisfaction at the idea of building on that. Taking a part in it. He doesn't care about the causing of pain, per se, just the rammifications of it, the things it means. The Longbottom family will not know rest: that he promises. Not untill they all die. Her screaming echoes, and Diomedes' lips curl into a grin as he steps closer. "Actually, no, I don't think I will." His voice is a snarl — this is classic predator versus prey. "I'm just trying to give you something to bond over." Ruthless, merciless, twisted: Diomedes Aveyr is far removed from the polite man he presents himself to be, and that is where his danger lies. He is both, after all, a man of luxury and wealth and charity, as well as a monster. "Crucio."
OLIVE LONGBOTTOM: "why don't you just kill me?" she spoke through clenched teeth, still in excruciating pain. "kill me and leave my family alone." olive didn't want to die — in fact, she was afraid to die. there was so much that she still wanted to, so much that she still needed to experience, but she was willing to sacrifice that all for her family. 
THREAD 003: Davina and Diomedes 
DIOMEDES AVERY: On first look, a scene like this – chaotic, fiery, filled with debris and mess – doesn't seem like Diomedes' scene. It is, though: he'd been raised with an appetite for chaos, and it shows in moments like these. He carefully picks his sparring partners, not wanting to waste time on those who weren't worth it, and so when he sees Davina – estranged cousin, childhood friend, enemy – he chooses her. He intents to hurt. He intents for her to know it's him: it's not like she hasn't been able to guess. Diomedes gets close, wand pointed at her face – it's so familiar that he hardly needs look at it, "Kind of ballsy, to show up when you have so many enemies, Davina." His words are spat out, his eyes narrowed behind his mask.
DAVINA TRAVERS: she’s rattled. all she can think of is catriona, and getting away, getting back to her instead of staying trapped in this battle that isn’t her’s to fight. somehow, a voice cuts through the din. she knows that voice. so desperately wishes she didn’t.  “well, i’m not quite subscribed to the family newsletter anymore, so i didn’t have time to prepare.” but he’s right, he’s right, he’s right — how many people here would be just as quick to hurt her as they are to sneer blood traitor? there’s a pang in her chest for him. she can’t bring herself to put the name to the voice. she refuses. “if i’d known i was such a hot topic, though, i would have picked a better outfit to see everyone in.” grip adjusts on her wand, tightens. she doesn’t want this.
DIOMEDES AVERY: Good. She knows it's him. He hopes that his oncoming ruthlessness will instill her with a sense of fear, that she will refuse to reciprocate it. Davina is weak, he thinks. "I think you should have reconsidered your outfit regardless," he says, and he's unable not to think back to those days where they'd bantered as friends. Their history lies between them, so much lighter than whatever is between them now: a hatred, a deep-rooted anger, a feeling of betrayal, in all truth. He hates to admit it, but it's rather unsettling that she knows him so well. On the other hand, he knows her well, too. "Where's little Catriona, then? I should hope you brought her, to such a fun evening?"
DAVINA TRAVERS:  there’s something poetic about blissfully ignoring red flags for years, and then having all of those flags waved in front of your face in the form of a wand. one where the etching alone is familiar, evocative of school and big manors and laughter. once upon a time she wondered how they were so similar, but now she just thinks that they couldn’t be any more different. “i can think of a furry little thing you should reconsider too, but i suppose i’ll keep my mouth shut.” even still, she finds the desire to protect him lingering in her lungs. it was so fucking sad. “where she is is none of your business.” a shrug, like saying c’est la vie. “remind me, does your daughter know about your extracurricular activities?”
DIOMEDES AVERY: Even here, people seemed awfully occupied with his mustache. Eyes roll behind his mask, Diomedes' tendency to be annoyed not stilled by the chaos around him. "You'll keep your mouth shut? Then why, in Merlin's name, are your lips moving and making sound?" The taunts are childish, almost, but that's what he's used to when it comes to Davina. As adults, they barely talk after all, most of the words spoken between them either child-like remarks or their conversations before she left. "Hmm, she's my family, is she not? That makes it my business." His family loyalty hardly extents to her runt, though. He lets out a laugh, then, but it's cold, hiding the discomfort he feels as Davina addresses Helen. "Oh, come on now Davina, you must know enough about child development to understand that she is much too young to know, let alone understand, such things!"
DAVINA TRAVERS: "y' got me there. i've never been good at the whole quiet thing, anyway. think that runs in the family? i've always thought it was a rowle trait." just when she thought she had taken a step forward in her life, she's sent reeling five steps back. perhaps she shouldn't be surprised that it's him that has that impact on her, as stinging and abrupt as any hex to the gut. "so she's family now?" a click of her tongue. a tilt of her head. "i thought that was forfeited the day i was kicked out. might want to make up your mind, eh?" davina knows she's no longer precariously balanced on the edge of dangerous cliff -- when he laughs, she's falling headfirst into the canyon that had eroded between them over the years. he laughs, and a chill ghosts down her spine. he says her name, and it feels like a curse. the center of his attention was the last place she wanted to be. "sure. but you know as well as i do that even the best attempts at sheltering someone from the truth can fail. does she know about me? do you ever wonder if she did whether she would start questioning everything that daddy dearest told her?"
DIOMEDES AVERY: Her wit is sharp as a knife, as sharp as his, and he falls back into this way of banter easily. "At least there's one thing you didn't disappoint on." The list of reasons she did disappoint is endless, most of them labeled as personal betrayals in Diomedes eyes. No one breaks his heart and gets away with it. He's not built for pain like that, has not been raised to be familiar with things like nostalgia and perhaps even, deep down, regret. Because the truth of it all is, is that he misses Davina. And he can't have that. "Oh, only in the technical sense. Emotionally, she's nothing to me." He pauses. "Or, well - perhaps a little less than that." He hates that she speaks of Helen, hates how it gets to him, the thought of his daughter questioning him. He's doing this for her, after all, for her and all the children of his that might follow. Davina is clever, though, and knows how to point her arrows. Diomedes hates her for it, when he once loved her for it. "Helen will never be like you Davina." That has to be the truth, because anything else is unimaginable. He hates how she's able to get under his skin, and he tightens his grip on his wand. "She will value loyalty, family, unlike you."
DAVINA TRAVERS: "go on." when she looks down the path of the wand pointed at her, she meets the silver, emotionless face staring back at her. davina wonders if he feels the same noxious lump in his lungs that she does with every word that drags against her throat. "paint me all the ways that i ruined the family. how i let all of you down. how i am the disappointment. tell me whatever story you've created to vilify me because it can't be worse than anything i told myself when i was alone during that pregnancy." there's a certain breathlessness to her, now. she thinks she might hate him when he speaks of catriona. the challenge he makes of her loyalty. (hurt and ugly nostalgia root in her chest. it blooms, like an invasive thing that spreads and spreads until there's nothing left of her to claim.) davina's throat bobs when she swallows and spine straightens. fingers shift in their grip on her wand. "you say that, but i think part of you is afraid. it wasn't like my da' ever saw it coming, either. helen might not look like me, she might not sound like me, but there's always a chance she could become me."
DIOMEDES AVERY: The worst thing is this: Diomedes thinks, somewhere, that she is right. He does not like guilt, it's not an emotion he permits himself to feel, but as she speaks about being alone in those months, something eats at him. Still, he's been raised on a warped vision of history and has made that all his own, and even this - something so personal - is something he can twist. He is the one in the right. "Oh, boo-hoo, Davina. Must I remind you that you had options, and still chose to leave? I won't cry for you." Family loyalty is one of the things that is deeply rooted in Diomedes Avery's being, something that starkly opposes all that he does now. It stirs, as he looks at Davina, her emotions so much more easy to read than his are. He is glad for the mask, because he knows his face is revealing more than he wants to. He hates nostalgia, and it seeps through him like poison. He has no retort to the comments on Helen, because Davina is right, she's right, and it scares him, it throws him for a loop, so he just waves his wand in stead, "Diffindo!"
DAVINA TRAVERS: “you keep rattling on about loyalty, but where was that virtue when my parents were more loyal to appearances than their own daughter?” she had always worn her heart on her sleeve. hiding her emotions wasn’t something davina was familiar with, and this was a pitfall her mother had often found. but alisha rowle had also been the one to show her how to sharpen her words when she was angry — taught her to shoot to kill. davina’s been provoking him this entire time, that much she’s certain, and it’s a question of just how hard he’ll retaliate when it’s said and done. “i’m not asking you to pity me. i just think you’re so fecking sad, diomedes.” his name tastes like something decayed dripping off her tongue, and she wishes she could take it back. but she can’t, and she isn’t quick enough to completely sidestep the curse he directs at her — though she manages to avoid a direct hit to the chest, it still skims her dominant arm. coat sleeve and shirt beneath are ripped near her shoulder as the skin beneath tears open into a nasty gash. “expelliarmus!” she can’t be certain it’ll reach her mark. heart beats out a melody dissonant to the symphony of madness around her: run, run, run.
DIOMEDES AVERY: blood tw / "I am not your parents, Davina, if you have an issue with them I suggest you send them an owl." He says her voice like its a curse, something dirty that needs to be spat out. That he has regrets, about how things went back then, he doesn't say: such things he hardly admits to himself, after all. Diomedes is carefully skulpted lies and disillusions, it's how he's able to observe the world the way he does. "Well, I don't need your pity either," he snarls. "I'm quite happy, after all." And that he is, especially on a night like this, when power seems so easy to grab, every curse he sends that hits its target a rush. That is what he wants: pure power. He does not want this nostalgia or longing, this hidden curiosity in regards to how Davina is. When his curse hits her, albeit not too directly, he grins behind his mask. Sadism is easier than empathy, after all. He watches the blood with a satisfaction, considering how ruined hers is, despite the magic flowing through it. It's not a waste. He dodges her spell with a quick protego. "What, are you tired? You're not getting my fucking wand, Davina."
DAVINA TRAVERS: blood tw / "then i guess my issue with you is that you're a coward. would you have really forgiven me if i'd gone with those plans, anyway? she still would have been born a half blood. all the lies in the world couldn't change that." chest rises and falls in heavy breaths. seeds of doubt linger at the fringes of her mind -- would she have been able to say anything she has tonight if he didn't have the mask? would she be able to look him eye to eye and lay herself bare? of all things she abandoned, diomedes is one of the ones she regrets the most. "are you? because, i gotta say, it really looks like you could use some new friends." she can feel the blood dripping down her arm. it's warm, and the fabric of her clothes clings to her skin. there's no way to tell how deep it is, but there's an inexplicable flash of pain against her nerves when she moves her arm again. fight or flight is a powerful instinct, and davina finds that the need to flee outweighs any desire to continue this twisted dance. she takes a slight step back. "not tired. out of practice, maybe." another step. just enough to give her room -- "confringo!" davina doesn't linger long enough to make sure that the blast hits the stone between them, simply hopes that it's enough to knock him back. then she runs straight into the bedlam, abandoning him again.
DIOMEDES AVERY: "I'm the coward? Didn't you take the easy way out? Speculate all you want Davina, but had you stayed, I would have had your back." And now he's ready to drive a knife into it, as if their history does not matter to him at all. Of course, a knife to the back is personal, and proves that he does care. It's clear, from the way he fights her with words rather than magic, that he does, from the way he considers their history out loud, albeit twistedly. He cares, and he hates himself for it. No: he hates Davina for it, and points all blame to her. "I appreciate the concern, but I'm quite satisfied in my interpersonal relations." His voice is dripped in sickening honey, a drawl made out of years of praise and prejudice. He watches Davina step back, and considers it a victory already. Part of him hopes she runs, another part will condemn her for it if she does —— and so when the confringo hits the street between them, Diomedes knocked back, he grins behind the mask. Weak, she's weak, just like she was years ago when she chose the easy way out. He does not follow Davina, if only because he knows he will have his revenge one day. And then, she will see his face.
THREAD 004: Molly Jr and Diomedes
DIOMEDES AVERY: It can't be said that Diomedes doesn't have an artistic touch to what he does. He considers himself a deliverer of poetic justice, or at the very least poetic suffering, and so when he sees Molly Weasley junior (as if one of them wasn't enough), he fights off his current duelling partner with a stunning spell and moves on. How poetic is it, after all, if he fights both Molly's in one evening? He sends a stinging hex her way - if only to get her attention - and then calls (because  a duel without a bit of dialogue is bland) to her, "All by yourself, Weasley? Is that wise, these days?" 
MOLLY WEASLEY JR: "Oh my god!" Molly yells as she jumps out of the way of the death eater's hex, more out of annoyance than desperation. Her makeup is smeared, and she supposes she looks not at all serious and fierce but rather pathetic in her bright pink, cheetah-spotted outfit. She readies a shield charm (her specialty, thick and sparkling) before shouting back. "Fuck off, you fucking muppet! Tarantallegra!"
DIOMEDES AVERY: "You want to dance?," he asks, dodging the hex. Diomedes, is in all truth, amused by the other's interpretation of a duel, and he almost wishes the other could see the way he's grinning. "This isn't second year duelling club, Weasley." He sends another pair of stinging hexes her way, relatively harmless yet effective enough for now.
MOLLY WEASLEY JR: "It's not? Because I feel like I'm talking to a twelve-year-old right now." The stinging hexes — well, they sting, but Molly knows this Death Eater is capable of much more. He's toying with her, in that fucked-up little way Molly's always heard about in stories of Bellatrix Lestrange, who likes to play with her food before she eats it. Her shield falls, and instead of recasting it she sends three Knockback Jinxes to the Death Eater in quick succession: "Flipendo!"
DIOMEDES AVERY: "You must have met some interesting twelve year olds, then." He'll give her one thing: she's quick-witted, and apparently quick with her wand too. He dodges the first two jinxes, but the third one hits him— he's knocked backwards in the rubble surrounding them, his fall broken by a quick non-verbal spell. She's got ... well, he doesn't want to say skills, but spunk at the very least. He rises, wand pointed at the ground near her feet, "Expulso," and he's moving forward, distance closing between the two. Then, a cutting hex, "Diffindo," for good measure.
MOLLY WEASLEY JR: blood tw / She only just manages to jump out of the line of fire of the Death Eater's expulso; it blows apart the stones where she was just standing, sending sharp stones cascading against her legs, sure to cause bruises. The cutting hex opens a gash on her calf as well. "Fuck you!" That's the least of her concerns, however, because it's quickly dawning on her that she's no match for this masked man as a duelist. 
Thinkthinkthink — Molly wracks her brain in an effort to think of a spell that can buy her time to run away. She sees a flash of red hair out of the corner of her eye — and it doesn't even matter that it's probably not her aunt, it just gives her the spark of inspiration she needs. The young witch aims her wand at the space between the Death Eater's masked eyeholes and rattles off Aunt Ginny's most famous spell: the bat-bogey hex. 
DIOMEDES AVERY: blood tw / Behind his mask, Diomedes Avery is showing his ugliest self. A twisted smile, watching the other dance around his curses and failing, eyes dark. He failed to kill the other's grandmother: maybe killing her namesake would be good enough for today. Determination takes a hold of him, and he's planning to end this. Sooner, rather than later. 
 Her hex takes him by surprise, and things go fast, then: bats force their way from his nose, his mask falls to make way, and then wings are slapping him in his face, leathery and quick. Indignant fury takes a hold of him, ice cold, the embarrassment inspiring a rage. He's never been one to shrink, when made a fool of: he's been fed too much pride for that. 
 He forces his mask back on, hoping she's not seen him ( and if she has, it hardly matters: she won't live to tell the tale ). "Sectumpsempra!" His voice is all ill-contained fury, as he slash, slash, slashes, not once or twice, but thrice. He watches the gashes open in Molly's skin with sickening satisfaction. A moment he waits, saying, "Say hi to your uncle, will you?", before retreating as she falls.
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thirdwars · 4 years
the battle at diagon alley // danielle goyle.
Mentions/features: Katarina Krum, Valeria Crabbe, Archie Fairfax and James Potter. Triggers: panic, psychosis, hallucinations, mentions of parental death.
To summarise: Danielle arrives at the battle masked and ready to prove herself. She gets hit by one of Katarina’s spells – a full body bind one – and is revived by Val, who is backed up by Archie. The three of them stick together for a while before being separated. She duels with James, which she ends up winning ( but she does not injure him gravely ). She comes out of the battle with a few minor injuries and a mild concussion. 
THREAD 001: Dani, Archie, Val.
DANIELLE GOYLE: Shit, shit, shit. If there's one thing that's unfortunate to be at a battle when you're a masked Death Eater at a battle, it's being fucking paralysed. Dani lies on the floor, hardly sure what even happened - she hadn't been dueling when this happened, just moving, moving, moving - praying for once that people don't see her, look away from her, ignore her. Dani does not like fear: it's paralysing, parasitic. Her thoughts are corrupted by the what ifs of the situation, all of them leading back to disappointment. She lies frozen, out of fear and magic, and hopes people think she's dead, as they step past, over, on her. 
VALERIA CRABBE: all this time and effort spent keeping her hands clean, amounting to nothing. valeria sees the mayhem building, building, building and as spells blast by left and right, she can no longer tell what’s magic and what’s festival lights. was that green in the distance a killing curse or just one of the booths? she knows this place inside and out now and maybe she’s a coward, but she wants to be gone. however, it’s a figure on the ground, bearing the tell-tale silver mask that has her pausing. “fucking hell.” time is no longer measured by seconds as she casts a spell to encourage people to look elsewhere if they happened to look in her direction, then crouches down to help. the figure is young, she can tell that much, and she thinks it’s dani. but she can’t be certain without taking the mask off, and that obviously can’t be done. “i’ve always been a bloody terrible healer,” val mumbles as she evaluates her, tries to guess what the worst of the problem is. locomotor mortis, maybe the body bind — she takes a guess. “finite incantatem.”
ARCHIE FAIRFAX: the air is saturated with screams, shouts, explosions. archie feels dizzy—too much to concentrate on—and yet, sure of himself. in the embrace of chaos and destruction, archie feels at home. but that in itself makes his stomach twist into knots of guilt and disgust. he's not sure if it's an advantage that he's so desensitized to the sight of blood and lifeless bodies. maybe it's that, or maybe it's the adrenaline that allows him to focus on two figures ( why's it so hard to focus? ) on the ground. two more silver masks like his own. that detail is enough to make him nearly turn and walk away. but another detail comes into consideration, their size. certainly not taller than himself, leads him to an anxiety inducing conclusion. what if it's someone i can't live without? they don't look older than me. now fueled by more than just bloodlust and adrenaline, anxiety crackling at his fingertips, archie approaches them, his not dominant hand finding the shoulder of the body crouched over the one on the floor. "get the fuck up! you can't stay here." not having observed enough to notice a body binding curse.
DANIELLE GOYLE: She knows that voice – she would know it in her dreams – and something like relief spreads through her, but also something that has nothing to do with tonight (Val's lips on hers, and all the things that followed after.) It's too much to think about, but in this frozen state it's all she can do. And then she's released, and Dani sits up, shaking, shivering, flexing her fingers. She registers Archie's voice – another one she knows so well – and her fear for her own life gets replaced with fear for them. "Val," she breathes. "Archie." Realisation hits her, then. "Fuck." Then, louder. "FUCK. My wand, my wand. I must have dropped it." A longing to leave overtakes her, for a second, and then Dani strictly tells herself that she has a job to do. Whether that job is following the Death Eater's instructions or keeping her friends safe, she doesn't know.
VALERIA CRABBE: her mind runs in certain thoughts: the first, she shouldn’t be seen with them without a mask. she prays the spell sticks and wishes she had time to pull together a better concealment charm. the second, archie was there. archie shouldn’t be in this situation. the third, her heart feels like it’s going to pound so hard that it’ll break right through the cage of her ribs. “are you hurt? was it just the body bind?” she’s remarkably calm. the spitting image of her mother in a crisis. “where? i can’t stay long, we have to get the hell out of here.”26 October 2020
ARCHIE FAIRFAX: the anxiety that previously only bubbled under his skin twists and reshapes itself into something more potent. he doesn't want his friends caught in this chaos, yet he has no say in it. his hand tightens on val's shoulder ( not that she needs any reassurance from him, it's more to comfort himself ) to ground himself in the reality of val is here to protect her too, i'm not alone. "shit. okay. shit. val, i'll be five minutes, yeah? you good for five minutes?" barely waiting for an answer before he turns the youngest of the group. "dani. where did you drop it? i'll go find it."
DANIELLE GOYLE: "I'm fine," she says to Val, hoping she comes accross reassuring. She's always been a good liar. Her eyes flit around the ground, panic in her chest. She has to find her wand: without it, she is useless, and to be useless is to be a liability. That doesn't fit. "It must be somewhere around here, I dropped it when I got hexed." Her voice is steady, calm, clear, while the rest of her seems to be trembling. She tries not to look at Val, because it's too fucking confusing to look at her face. She is standing on the edge of a cliff, and below it are the thougts she tries to void. Thoughts of what would happen if her wand was broken, what her father would say, how she wishes she could pull Val and Archie close and leave. "Try summoning it?"
VALERIA CRABBE: archie’s hand on her shoulder is warm but val feels like she’s running cold to the touch. “there’s a — a portkey, i was supposed to already be gone by now.” she can’t leave, knows that she can’t now that she’s found them. her mother’s voice rattles somewhere in her mind: stay calm, detached, composed. deal in facts, not emotions. but she’s all too aware of dani next to her, like she’s sucked into whatever orbit of gravity she created for herself — always, always, always attuned to her. val keeps her attention on archie. somewhere, behind her, valeria hears a boom! and stone grating against stone. instead of waiting to debate whether it would even work, she waves toward the battle. “accio wand.”
ARCHIE FAIRFAX: psychosis/hallucinations tw / he knew something felt wrong, why the fuck were they here to begin with? they're not fighters. ( they're not Evil, like you are. )  the explosion catches him off guard, so focused on them but when he turns back around the wand is in val's hand and his nerves feel slightly less taught for just a moment. now he allows himself to kneel at dani's side, still painfully aware of their surroundings. "where do you feel pain? did anything hit your head? you don't have concussion do you?" he's nothing like val, panic stains his words and his fingers tremble ever so slightly before he eyes turn to the older of the two. "are you okay? why don't you have a mask?"
DANIELLE GOYLE: panic tw / She can feel panic and tears rising in her chest and she tells it to stay down, that this is not the time, but seeing Archie in this state makes her ache. And then her wand flies towards Val's hands, and she snatches it, fingers curling around the wood and holding on tight. "I don't know, I don't fucking know, okay? What the fuck does a concussion even feel like?" She's being useless, talking like this, but her mouth always runs faster than her mind when she's stressed. Empty words, that's all she is. "I'm fine. Just a bit beat up." And then her eyes travel to Val, and guilt crashes down on her. What if it's because of her, that she is seen now? Her position compromised, life endagered. She can hardly breathe, choking on her guilt. "You can't be seen with us."  
VALERIA CRABBE: "because i wasn't supposed to be in the fight, archie." if her hushed tone sounds clipped, he'll have to forgive her. if her body feels like a clenched fist, her tongue a lash, perhaps it's something they're already acquainted with. adrienne crabbe's cruel princess, with dirt smeared on the knees of her trousers and the knowledge that she, too, was part of this. much like lady macbeth, valeria doubts her hands will ever be clean again. "like hell if i'm leaving you two alone."  was it some poetic retribution for walking away that she was here, now, the one most vulnerable? a hand flexes as if to touch the other witch, the briefest tell of an instinct to pull her friends anywhere but here. "can you walk?"
ARCHIE FAIRFAX: "like—like—i dunno, man, you either have one or you don't." he's struggling to keep his brain on track, it's trying so damn hard to fall down tangents that will lower his guard, he can't do that, not with both of them still here. now he places his right hand on dani's shoulder, an instinct more than a conscious decision, a brief squeeze that could translate into i'm glad you're not in worse shape. val's words are sharp and he drops eye contact, but he thinks he probably deserves that tone. not to mention, by the time it reaches archie's brain, her clipped tone has morphed into something with more disdain, just another trick his brain decides to play on him. archie stands again, turning to face their surroundings, wand drawn and ready as the fighting gets too close. "where's the portkey, val? i'll get you two out of here but i can't leave." or does he not want to leave?
DANIELLE GOYLE: "That's fucking useless. I'll find out tomorrow, yeah?" Archie's squeeze grounds her for a moment, and she wishes she could be kinder, softer, but with this mask on her face she is a monster. Let the costume fit the role. "I can't leave either," she says in response to Archie's suggestion, and her words are clear and stern, but the look on her face behind the mask is something close to fearful. She wants to leave, of course she does, but when has what she wants ever mattered? She gets up, testing her legs as if she's a newborn. Fine, she's fucking fine. Bruises heal. "My dad's - my dad's here." And besides, Dani fucking Goyle does not disappoint: she is a star, who lives to expectations, even if they're horrifying. "We'll get you -" Val. "- to the portkey, and stick together, yeah?"
THREAD 002: Dani and James
DANIELLE GOYLE: In all truth, she feels rather lost. If life is a play, this is a scene that is too chaotic for her to wrap her head around: she needs a script, something to fall back on. When she sees James Potter, though, things become increasingly clear, as Dani considers how proud her father would be, how good this fit with her role of the Potter-hating Goyle. Vicious, cruel, devoted, ready to restore honour to the family name, to find glory once more. "Potter!," she shouts, her voice more confident than she feels. She's always been an excellent liar. She hates the words that leave her lips, but she's always considered words empty things anyway, so what does it matter? With this mask on, she is someone else. Whoever she is in truth, has long been buried. "Wouldn't it be really fucking sad if another one of you bit the dust tonight?"
JAMES POTTER: He wasn't here tonight simply to fight. He didn't want to protect or fight back or anything similar he was angry and wanted to avenge. It didn't matter who he was fighting, as long as they were in a mask they were the enemy and James was ready to attack. So hearing his name called quickly grabbed his full attention, head snapping towards the other person across the way. "It would be a pity." he said as he moved his wand arm, pointing it in her direction. "Almost as sad as when I finish you and you're entire little group of pathetic assholes."
DANIELLE GOYLE: Oh, it's so easy to slip back into that what she's always known. That the Potters are the enemy, those behind the fall down of the family she loves so very much. A nasty fairytale she was fed as a child, and no longer believes in until moments like these arrive. Then, it's easier to fall back into it all. "Oh, you're going to do it all on your own? That's impressive!" Her voice is loud, her enunciation clear. And her father said drama school was a waste of time. "Want to one up your late father? Kind of sad, to compete with the dead."
JAMES POTTER: He was seeing red. Everything around them was blocked out as the only thing James could focus on was the person in front of him. He raised his wand even more slightly, trembling with rage. "Don't you ever speak to me about my father!" he snapped, eyes narrowing in frustration. "Never."
DANIELLE GOYLE: She feels powerful. Dani is so used to people's words holding power over - those of Cassius, Diomedes, her father, her grandfather - that she likes being the one to lash out. "Or what?" She looks at his wand, daringly, defyingly. She feels better, fighting with words than with wand-waving, but she's ready if she has to. "What are you going to do about it? It's not going to make him come back."
JAMES POTTER: He was all talk. Always had been and it was one of the traits he disliked about himself the most. He had always talked a great game but it the end he seemed to fail to perform every time. Not anymore. He wasn't eleven years old and defending himself to a gang of third years who cornered him in the school hallway, he was a grown man who had lost his father because of this group of hateful sadistic people. Sometimes words weren't enough, this was war and sometimes you needed to fight. "If you don't shut up I'll make you." his wand arm was still shaky as he tightened his grip, blasting a spell quickly and carelessly in her direction. "Confringo"
DANIELLE GOYLE: She remembers joining Hufflepuff, and James being one of the people she shared a common room. Oh, how she had hated it. (Until she loved it, of course, but she has no room to think of the girl she had been, once, when Hogwarts had given her a place to grow. She's throwing it all away now, with every mean word, every curse.) "I dare you," she says, as if she's not in the slightest bit worried. As the curse blasts her way, she jumps aside, all fluid movements. She's a dancer after all, and this is her stage. Debris flies around her, for a moment, and her heart beats loudly in her chest. Her suppressed fear makes her messy, and her aim is off when she yells, "Stupefy!"
JAMES POTTER: This is no longer fear, it's a burning white hot rage and James is ready to fight with everything he has. Everything had started to blur together and for that moment he forgot entirely that there was a person under that mask, one who looked and sounded young, maybe someone he had known. Now anyone under that mask felt like one entity as if every person here tonight personally had a hand in Harry's murder and what little he had been taught about dueling and defensive magic flew out of his mind as he focused on vengeance. But a counter curse flew at him quickly and caused him to stumble, just barely jumping out of the way before turning the same curse back in her direction. "Stupefy!"
DANIELLE GOYLE: Oh, he's angry. To see what effect her words have is almost intoxicating to Danielle. Is this not what she wants? For her performance to influence those who listen? The world is her stage, and this is her best performance yet, so convincing it's driven someone to fury. She's smiling behind her mask, thinking that maybe, maybe she can do this after all, and she blocks his stunning curse. Not with ease, but with grace at the very least. She leaps, jumps, nearly twirls, a ballet dancer on a crumbling world. "Come on, then! Hit me!" She twists her wand and yells, "Flipendo!"
JAMES POTTER: His wand is still being held tightly in his hands, even if they are shaking as the two duel back and forth. He's opening his mouth to shout out another curse when one is shot in his direction, too fast this time as it knocks him backwards to the ground, causing James to drop his wand on the floor next to it. He scrambles to collect himself, reaching out quickly to grab his wand and begin to climb to his feet, shouting "Expelliarmus!" from his spot still halfway on the floor.
DANIELLE GOYLE: She only just dodges the spell, and Dani is reminded of those few moments where she was without a wand. Fear creeps in her throat, and she realises that maybe she shouldn't be here, that all her success is bravado and not real. "Come on now, trying to end this already?," she shouts, despite herself. She wants this to end, in all truth, but with her victory. To be defeated by James Potter, well that would just be embarassing. She twists her wand, sending a stinging hex his way.
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thirdwars · 4 years
the battle at diagon alley // luna lovegood
Mentions/features: Ginny Potter, Cressida Rayne-Karkaroff
To summarise: Luna arrives with Ginny, and the two end up fighting together for sometime before being separated. She duels with Cressida for a bit, which I think ends in them getting separated as well, it being a tie. She also rushes to Ron’s aid at some point. 
THREAD 001: Ginny & Luna.
LUNA LOVEGOOD: This evening was supposed to be a nice distraction, a bright light in a world ruined by loss. And it is, for the first bit, Luna and Ginny side by side as they walk through the carnival, pointing out costumes they like, and those they don't. But then - almost inevitably - chaos unfurls, and Luna grabs Ginny by the arm, eyes looking at her. "If you need to get James, Al and Lily and get out," she says, her voice uncharacteristically clear, forceful even. "That's okay." The last thing she wants, is for Ginny's family to be hit with more loss. For her to lose a child, or for one of her children to lose another parent: Luna won't allow it, if it's up to her. "If not, let's stick together."
GINNY POTTER: ginny felt, well numb. this didn't feel real. there was no way this was happening. for a second it felt like she was thirteen, back at the quidditch world cup again. but that wasn't the case. she was a grown woman, a mother. people were depending on her. she couldn't go hide no matter how strong the instinct was. "no. i'll stay with you. it's safer that way." she was worried more than anything about her family and friends. she wished harry were here. he would know what to do in all this chaos.
LUNA LOVEGOOD: It's not like she expected Ginny to say yes, but part of her wishes she had. The idea of losing her, or one of her children losing another parent makes Luna's world spin, but she quickly grounds herself. "Okay." She wants to tell the other how proud she is of her strength, and as Luna hasn't ever been someone to bite her tongue, regardless of timing, she does. "You're so strong." She thinks of Harry, for a second, and then grabs her wand, her white knuckles the only part of her that shows how tense she is.
THREAD 001: Ginny & Luna.
CRESSIDA RAYNE-KARKAROFF: Cressida had been itching for the battle, her usual battlefield may have been the mind but she relished the chance to utter curses and not just curse words. She walked through the battling crowd, sending hexes and curses at whoever was clearly the opposition. When it came to duelling Cressida preferred this style then one to one, creating a path of chaos. Most likely because it was a change of pace from her day to day. Narrowly avoiding as a bright spark of a spell cast towards her Cressida turned towards the attacker, twirling her wand in preparation. "Colloshoo," She cast in retaliation, a hex that was simply meant to ensure her opponent couldn't run away.
LUNA LOVEGOOD: She has always been good at focusing and remaining calm, perhaps eerily so. It's a defense mechanism, in truth, a way for her mind to shield itself from all the bloodshed, all the horror unfolding around her. It's simple: Luna sees a flash of a silver mask, and her wand is at the ready, sending flipping or tripping or stunning spells. (She tries not to think about how Harry taught her some of these, back when she was fourteen.) Her oppononent whips their wand right as she was about to cast another spell, and she's unable to block it, glued to the floor, staggering. Quickly, she points at her feet, "Finite Incatatem," and a burst of light and magic frees them. Soon, her eyes fly back to her opponent, wand ready to defend herself for anything that might have made its way towards her in the few seconds she was occupied
CRESSIDA RAYNE-KARKAROFF: A permanent smirk was hidden behind the silver mask, she was just having so much fun. Cressida was always the kind of person to stay in control, always carefully thinking about what she was going to say and do - even the curse words that so frequently fell from her lips. To just let go and be in the moment, it was a frivolity for Cressida that she relished.  It didn't come as much of a surprise that her opponent was able to escape the hex so quickly, Cressida would have been disappointed otherwise, she just wanted a few seconds to cast another spell. Aiming her wand towards the lamppost next to her opponent she uttered, "Reducto." Her aim was not to blast the object into a fine mist but to not use the curse to its full potential and blast it into large chunks instead.
LUNA LOVEGOOD: In her nature, Luna is not a fighter. But she knows that things like nature or instinct are just subjective, and when a situation calls for it, she's willing to fight. For what's right. She's thrown off when the curse isn't aimed at her, and as mist rains down around her, she squints before casting Ventus. A cold wind spirals from her wand, upwards, blasting the remaints of the lamppost up in the air, away from her, the Death Eater and everyone else. Then, her attention returns to the other. They're inventive, innovative: qualities Luna loves in most. Not right now, though. "Flipendo!," she yells, and for good measure, she adds a stunning spell, too.
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thirdwars · 4 years
the battle at diagon alley // dove longbottom.
Mentions/features: Longbottom family, Pippa Greengrass, Lucy Weasley, Lily Potter, Ronan Nott, Avalon Black, Roman Jugson, Susan Bones, Diomedes Avery. Triggers: violence, blood, murder. Genocide and fascism mentions.
To summarise: Dove arrived with her siblings, and they were wearing matching costumes ( greek mythology based ). She sees her father getting attacked, but because of the chaos that unfolds is unable to help but does know that Lydia helps him. Seeing Neville getting hurt makes her, well, even more ruthless, and Dove moves through the battle as a fury. She fights with Pippa who is helping Rahim, and knocks her off her feet and moves on. She also comes across Fiorella at a certain point, and the two fight side by side for a while. When she hears Lucy screaming while being hurt by Zelda, she and Lily and Ronan come to her rescue. Eventually, she and Avalon end up dueling Death Eaters together, and Dove ends up killing Roman Jugson to save Avalon’s life. After this, she gets corned by a number of Death Eaters, and Susan helps her out of that situation. She returns home post battle, where she finds no one, and then apparates to St Mungo’s where she finds the rest of her family. The day after the battle, she punches Diomedes in the nose and quits her job, which you can read about here.
THREAD 001: Pippa and Dove
DOVE LONGBOTTOM: She is wands and eyes blazing, moving through the battle as if she is a fury, thirsty for vengeance. In all truth, that is what she is. The image of her father, hurt, haunts her mind, and it feeds her anger, kindles her fire. Someone has to pay: for him, for her grandparents, for Harry, and for lack of one person to point a wand or finger to, she directs her fury to all Death Eaters. If they all want to look the same - masked, cloaked, anonymous - she will treat them all the same. When she sees a masked individual, unoccupied, she raises her wand, hardly thinking twice, "Diffindo!" 
PIPPA GREENGRASS: There is so much happening. Everywhere she turns she is met with FLASHING LIGHTS and BLOOD. The air is filled with the scent of CANDYFLOSS and BURNING and she is sure this is what the END OF THE WORLD feels like. Pippa has to stop or her legs are going to give way, she’s not sure how much longer she can keep going, how much longer she can FIGHT. So she stops, just for a moment, just to catch her breath, and that’s when she hears it. She hears the spell before she sees it and her head swings round to see a FLASH OF SILVER making its way to her. ‘’deletrius!’’ She fires quickly, watching the spell disintegrate inches from her face. eyes search for the culprit. PIPPA DOESNT WANT TO HURT ANYONE, but it’s clear Dove wants to hurt her. ‘’Everte Statum!’’ She yells, hoping to knock the other backwards, if not just to escape the situation.
DOVE LONGBOTTOM: Dove doesn't listen to the voices behind the masks: they do not matter to her. Anyone who chooses – because to her, it is always a choice – to hide behind such a thing, is the same. An enemy: someone to be eliminated, if necessary. She's out for blood, and perhaps it's her confidence that keeps her from dodging the other's curse. As the impact of hit hits her, and she flies back – landing with a nasty crack – she takes a few seconds to get up, her eyes blazing more now that the other has gotten a curse in. "What, trying to get out of this, you little coward?" She's snarling, moving towards the other, feet hit-hit-hitting the ground as she casts two diffindo's after one another. She wants to draw the blood she's out for. Fury has a hold of her tongue. "Fight me, that's what you came here for, didn't you?
PIPPA GREENGRASS: Pippa watches Dove crawl back up with childlike fascination. There is so much anger behind the others eyes. She understands why, she does, and the empath in her bleeds for the Longbottom girl. A part of pippa wants to lower her wand and allow Dove to do what she pleases. To tear her open, to watch her bleed out. It would probably serve them both. But she doesn’t, she moves backwards, her arm moving quickly to block the spells, ‘’ I don’t want to fight you, Longbottom, because I don’t doubt that your duelling skills are far superior - Immobulus - to mine. Why don’t we call a truce on this duel before it gets out of hand?’’
DOVE LONGBOTTOM: She blocks the other's spell, her wand movements fluid, and as the other moves backwards, she steps forward. The others words prove what Dove thinks of the Death Eaters: that they're all either pathetic cowards willing to look away from harm, or those happily causing it. "Tough shit, 'cause I do want to fight you," she snarls. "Call a truce? Call a fucking truce?" For a moment, she forgets about curses and hexes, and lets out an incredulous laugh. "Look around you, you fucking idiot, does this look like a place to wave a white flag?" And then, her wand aims like a knife again, Dove casting stinging hex after stinging hex, relentless. "Things have already gotten out of hand, and you're to blame." Well, all Death Eaters, or maybe those at the top, but Dove thought that was all the same anyway.
PIPPA GREENGRASS: Pippa can't help but roll her eyes behind her mask at Dove’s words. She foolishly hoped she would be able to get through this battle unscathed but clearly the other seems intent on popping that bubble. As the elders words become nasty, Pippa feels her frustration grow. Over the last few months, she has been continuously mocked for her seemingly low IQ. It’s a touchy subject. ‘’ wanting to call a truce doesn’t make me a fucking idiot. I. am. not. an. Idiot.’’ Each word is punctured by the motions her arm makes to defect the string of hexes. She had to admit, Dove is a talented dueller. She wonders for a moment if they would have been put against each other had they been in the same year at school - FUCK. Always a mistake to let your mind wander, but she realises that a moment too late when she feels an invisible knife cut through the skin of her cheek. ‘’ fuck - protego!’’ It’s quick but too late. ‘’Expelliarmus!’’
DOVE LONGBOTTOM: genocide and fascism cw / She doesn't care if she hurts the other's feelings: she just wants to hurt them more. "You are, though! You are! You and your masked, cowardly friends decided to attack a fucking halloween festival, and you want to call a truce?" Her words are spat out, the violence she wants to commit on her tongue, too. "Maybe if you don't want to fight, don't be part of a genocidal band of fascists, it's really not that fucking complicated." In her black and white world, it's awfully simple, after all, and the fact that the Death Eaters hid behind masks made it all the more easier for Dove to see them all like the same. She deflects the disarming charm, which painfully reminds her of Harry, and she gets closer, closer, closer. "Fight me," she snarls, her wand aimed at the shorter Death Eater, flames curling at the tip. "Stop defending yourself and fight me, you fucking coward." 
PIPPA GREENGRASS: blood tw / “to be fair, hosting a carnival in the middle of a war? What did you guys expect to happen? I’m not sure our side are the idiots in this particular situation. ’’ It’s snappy, she’s on the edge. She knows she’s wrong, of course, she does, but Dove's words cut deeper than the invisible knife. Pippa knows that she is a coward, she knows the doesn’t belong here, but she also knows she’s scared and she knows she’s being watched. So fine. If Dove wants her to fight, she will. But she won’t give in and cause the hurt the other craves. Standing straight, she fires several stinging hexes and a freezing spell for good measure. Nothing to cause any serious damage, just enough to hopefully get Dove off her back (it probably won’t.) she can feel the blood oozing from her cheek, leaking down and over chapped lips, the metallic taste filling her mouth as she tries to remain composed. She’s never been good with blood. 
DOVE LONGBOTTOM: "What, you think the Order of the Phoenix wasted their precious time organising this? Any spare second we have left is mourning the people your kind has murdered. But sure, blame us for wanting some happiness amidst all the sheer terror you and your band of off-brand Death Eaters are spreaing." In all truth, Dove had thought the carnival a bad idea, and had not been in the mood. She had gone for her sisters, though, because she had to at least try to be a human being. She doesn't feel like one, though: she feels like a person assembled from fury and rage, bits of debris and fire. The leftovers of previous wars reunited. One of the stinging hexes hits her, and she winces, and then she's advancing, switching her wand to her non-wand arm. There's something poetic about hitting Death Eaters with muggle fighting, she thinks: let her dirty muddied blood move her. Her fist collapses against the mask, and it's less satisfying than hitting someone square in the nose, but she doesn't care. This Death Eater infuriates her, with their lack of fight, and she is in no way able to comprehend why they might be hesitant. She shakes her hand, relaxing her knuckles. "As if you guys need a carnival to kill. You need no reason, and it makes me sick."
THREAD 002: Pippa and Dove
DOVE LONGBOTTOM: She doesn't know if her father is okay, and it makes her want to scream. And she does. Curses and hexes leave her mouth in screams, and she is nothing but her fury. Eventually, she finds her sister, and it does nothing to still her rage: it just furthers it. "Fiorella," she says, halting a moment to look at her face. "Are you alright?" She doesn't mean in the all-encompassing sense, what she means is are you unhurt?, because no one is alright now, not emotionally at least. "Did you see what happened to dad? Stick with me." There's a raw desperation there, that shows the fear Dove feels beneath it all. "Okay?"
FIORELLA LONGBOTTOM: Fiorella has no idea what is going on, who's okay and who isn't. All she knows for certain is her father was somehow caught up in it all and all she needs is her family together. Her wand is drawn but she's still trembling slightly, only countercurses and defensive spells leaving her lips for the time being until she hears Dove's voice and stops entirely. She turns to face her sister complete, hair bouncing slightly from side to side as she shakes her head, focusing in only on what she had to say about their father. "Did you see him? Are you okay?"
DOVE LONGBOTTOM: She casts a protego charm after pulling Fiorella near a wall, hidden in the shadows for a bit. Dove has no interest in taking a break, but this deserves one. "He got - he'll be fine. He got hit by something, but he's gonna be fine, yeah?" It's not a promise she can make, but she'll carry the burden of being wrong if she has to. "I'm fine, I'm fine." She is, mostly. She feels like she's made for this, for this chaos unfurling in front of her, and it should concern her, but it doesn't just yet. "You're not hurt, are you?"
FIORELLA LONGBOTTOM: she pressed herself even closer to Dove's side, glancing out at the chaos around them before looking back towards her sister, feeling as though her heart dropped to her stomach. "What if he's not? What if they hurt him and he's not okay?" she looks up at her, taking a shaky breath. "I'm okay. Or I will be as long as everyone else is. I can't promise in that case I won't do anything stupid."
DOVE LONGBOTTOM: She can't think such things. If she starts to think about the possibility of her father being dead, she'll lose it, she's sure. "He'll be okay, Lydia took care of him, and Ginny. We can't do anything about it now, Fi," she says, stroking her sister's face for a moment. How strange, that she can still be soft despite it all. "Don't do anything stupid, okay? Leave that to your big sister."
FIORELLA LONGBOTTOM: She nodded silently, less out of assurance he would be okay, but a need for their family to come out of tonight unharmed. They all had to be okay, she couldn't handle any other alternative. "Lyd and Ginny will make sure he's fine. We're all fine, yeah?" She agreed softly, laughing despite everything coming down around them. "If I'm not allowed to do anything stupid you aren't either."
DOVE LONGBOTTOM:  She nods at that. Any other time, she would have her bitterness seep through and say no, we won't be, because that is the truth. But now, she thinks Fi can use a white lie, a bit of faith. "We will be. It'll have to end, sometime, right?" Dove looks at Fiorella, a bit incredulous and amused too, despite it all. "I've never done anything stupid in my life, ever." She nudges her, and then looks over her shoulder at her protection charm. "Stick with me, okay?"
THREAD 003: Avalon and Dove
DOVE LONGBOTTOM: It's like fate, the way the two crash into each other. "Avalon," says Dove, her voice forceful. "Hurt?" That's all she says, the chaos surrounding them too much to catch up properly. Hex after curse leaves her wand, some of them darker magic than the other, as she ends up side-to-side with her friend, her roommate. Together, they could be invincible, she thinks, and a grin almost creeps on her lips as they seem to have the upper hand. "Let's get these fuckers together, yeah? Show 'em what we're fucking made of."
AVALON BLACK: in all of the chaos avalon was grateful to end up side by side with dove. "no, you?" she replied. when the attack started avalon hadn't wasted any time to start throwing hexes back at the masked cowards. avalon felt no shame in fighting dirty, she knew the death eater's didn't. her and dove made a good team, neither one of them holding back any punches. "fuck yeah."
DOVE LONGBOTTOM:   "Unscathed." Physically, that is. She feels a boost of confidence from being with Avalon, the two of them so in tune, and she hardly needs to look at the other to know she's okay. Her wand moved in quick succession, dodging curses and sending new ones, ruthless in every sense of the word. She wants to hurt them, wants to damage them like they have damaged her and her family.
AVALON BLACK: avalon fought like she had something to prove. she wanted to make her parents, and her godfather proud. the three of them had dedicated their lives to fighting the evil that was the death eaters and avalon was ready to do the same. she felt like she could conquer the world with dove by her side. the quidditch player was smug as she continued to dodge curses. she sends them back just as quickly as they're sent at her. "on your left!" avalon yells to dove, over the noise as she spotted a wand pointed at her roommate.
DOVE LONGBOTTOM: Dove hasn't doubted herself most tonight - she, creature of confidence and fury - but with Avalon on her side she feel invincible. They are a machine, two pairs of eyes and two skilled wand arms dueling. Avalon's words register immediately and Dove turns, wand at the ready. A curse heads her way - she doesn't know what, but what does it matter? - and she deflects it, but only just. "Thanks," she yells back, her eyes focused on her new opponent, well aware that Avalon might've just saved her.
THREAD 004: Susan and Dove
DOVE LONGBOTTOM: Dove does not like to be helped, but as more masked figures than she can defend herself from corner her, she knows she need it. Fear climbs in her chest, wand lashing out to dodge curses and cast shields, but she's surrounded, being backed up to a storefront. She knows why, the way she stepped over the body of the Death Eater she killed still fresh in her memory. For a slight second, she allows her eyes to travel past the masked faces, her focus faltering. And then, she sees her - "Susan!" Her call is close to desperate, and she hears one of the masked figures chuckle, her fury building in her stomach once more. It's acidic, but she knows it's worth nothing if she is dead. A spell hits her, slicing at her leg and she curses, refocusing on those in front of her, not knowing for sure if Susan has heard her, but holding out hope as if it's all she has left.
SUSAN BONES: the screams and cries of battle play on loop in her head, even while moving through deserted parts of the neighborhood. she's trained for this before, when she was barely fifteen and now. she's seen war and felt war but not a battle, not yet. the small cuts on her face and the shaking of her entire body made the woman look victim like and did not show the amount of enemies she'd left behind, holding onto breaking skin or burnt pain. for a moment she swears her name echoes in the explosions, stopping mid breath, something familiar - it takes some seconds for the reality to set in, and when it does, she searches almost frantically for the source. holding onto the wall of the building she's hiding behind, voices get clearer, curses and pain get louder. one, two, three... off her want shoot spells in rapid succession, a couple wand repelling ones hit. "protego!" susan moves closer, eyes and wands partly focused on the new threat. with dove in the corner of her view, something scared grew in susan, something fiery. "i got you." her eyes stop on dove for just a moment, forcing a thin and beyond short lived smile on her lips before the woman turned around and with a pointed wand casted a non verbal expulso on the ground beneath two masked enemies between them, their bodies sent flying and slamming into the buildings around them. perhaps she could be ruthless after all
DOVE LONGBOTTOM: She's here she's here she's here. Dove has tasted death tonight, but not her own, and she is not planning on tasting that any time soon. She is a creature of fury, worth something only when her heart beats loudly. "Thank you," she says, her voice tense, her wand moving faster than her mind, spell after spell leaving her wand. She's glad for Susan, for her sheer talent with a wand, and she almost wants to pause to look at her. As the other casts an expulso and the bodies fly, Dove looks at her though, in awe, before returning to the job at hand. She stuns one of the Death Eaters, his body dropping ( she thinks of the masked man who had fallen, quite similarly, but in a more definitive way ), and feels relief, relief, relief spread through her and something like victory too. She's grinning, then, her fear replaced by adrenaline and glory, and perhaps that's not the wisest but Dove has never been wise to start with. "You're fucking amazing, Susan," she says inbetween spells, eyes flicking to her aunt as the two seem to gain the upper hand.
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thirdwars · 4 years
the battle at diagon alley // penelope brown-patil
Mentions/features: Raphael Brown-Patil
To summarise: Penny and Rafe come dressed as Celestina Warbeck & Lorcan D’Eath, determined to win the costume contest. Once the battle breaks out, Penny has a panic attack and Rafe takes her home. That’s where she stays the remainder of the battle. When she finds out Rafe got hurt, she decides to join the Order.
THREAD 001: Raphael & Penelope. (panic attack tw throughout)
RAPHAEL BROWN-PATIL: it was supposed to be fun. with such a packed schedule, rafe finds less and less time spent with loved ones, so he makes sure he gets this day off. the twins spend hours perfecting costumes ( really it's just raphael keeping penny entertained while she does all the work. ) they even entered the costume competition, so much hope and joy and pride was just out of reach. before the winners are announced, the carnival erupts into chaos and violence. rafe's immediate reaction is to grab penny's hand and start running. he's seen what losing a twin does to someone, he will not be that person. but danger is at every turn, they can't run far enough. instead, rafe finds a quiet spot, ( one that won't be quiet for long, and he knows that ) holds penny's face in his hands, makes her look at just him. "i'm taking you home." not we're going home. 
PENELOPE BROWN-PATIL: As the chaos and violence unfurls before her eyes, her heart starts hammering. Penny feels like a child whose birthday party is ruined, wanting to sink down and cry, legs pulled up, all despair. But Rafe's hand grabs hers and he pulls her with him, and all she does is focus on her steps, trying not to wobble on her heels. Panic has a hold of her, making it hard to breathe, hard to think, hard to hear what is going on while also not being able to not hear it. "Please." It's said as she gasps, eyes wide, tearful. She wants to ask Rafe to stay with her, but she knows she can't ask him that, because he'll say no and it'll just hurt. "I can't apparate, not like this, I'll just -- I'll just splinch." 
RAPHAEL BROWN-PATIL: he hates watching her slip into states like this, his sister deserves to be smiling, excited, happy. rafe's grip is firm and he doesn't break the pressure for even a second. "penny—penny, listen to me—" being interrupted by explosions isn't helping, none of this is fucking helping. "i know. i know. that's why you're gonna have to follow me out of here, okay? i told you, i'm getting you home. don't let go of my hand." another explosion, except this time it's louder, they keep getting louder.
PENELOPE BROWN-PATIL: She lets out a squeal when there's another explosion, her heart racing so fast that she thinks she might have a heart attack and she tries to focus on Rafe, Rafe, Rafe, his hands, his words, his eyes. Her instincts beg her to close her eyes and curl up, but she follows her twin and tries to focus on her breathing, which is growing faster and faster with every explosion. Jets of light fly over their heads. "How? Where are we going? Where will you go? You can't stay here, you can't stay here, Rafe." Her voice is desperate, high, filled with barely suppressed sobs. She scrambles for her wand. She can't lose him. 
RAPHAEL BROWN-PATIL: her fear is like a spiked collar around his heart, tugged tighter with every sob. how does he end this? how does he give her strength? if he had time, he'd sit with her until her breathing slows again but in this hell of a place, that isn't a luxury they have. "i—" he doesn't know where they're going, he's barely figured out where they are, where the nearest exit is. "just follow me." a firm kiss is placed to her forehead before he grasps her hand tight. rafe runs, pulling penny along with him, finally he recognises where they are and an escape plan begins to form. it's cut short by a spell that hits his feet. rafe catches the next one with a protection charm, pulling penny tighter behind him shielding her. but it'll be no use if he doesn't do something more, their masked attacker sends spell after spell, advancing. "penny—” he keeps his voice quiet but it's strained with urgency, "stupify him."
PENELOPE BROWN-PATIL: She trusts him, blindly, and that is what she focuses on. Ground yourself, she tells herself strictly, even if it's hard with her feet hitting the ground in quick succession and the entire world a blur of flashing lights and sound. And then the flashes reach them, and Rafe is so quick to act and she stands there cowering. Frozen. Useless. Penny watches a masked figure advance and that's all she does Rafe's voice shakes her awake. She squeezes the wood of her wand, and points, "Stupefy!" Her voice small, but the yet of red light leaving her wand nonetheless. The figure blocks it, and if it wasn't for Rafe being next to her, for the urgency in his voice, she might have given up. But if she fails now, it's not just on her life, but on his too, and she won't let that happen. She takes a step away from Rafe, improving her aim, and repeats herself: "Stupefy!" And this time, the hex hits its target, and the masked figure drops. If terror didn't have a hold of her, Penny might have looked at Rafe with a look of victory, but in stead her eyes are just wide, with both disbelief and fear. "Did you get hit? Are you okay?"
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thirdwars · 4 years
the battle at diagon alley // jimmy fletcher.
Mentions/features: Fleur Weasley, Reyna Nott, Olive Longbottom.
To summarise: Jimmy arrives with Nik & Dana, but is soon separated from them. He ends up helping out Fleur, who is in turn helping out a wounded man. He duels with Reyna, and ends up winning, or at least getting the hell away. Jimmy comes across Diomedes torturing Olive, and confunds him before taking Olive to St Mungo’s, where he stays the remainder of the night before going home.
THREAD 001: Fleur & Jimmy.
FLEUR WEASLEY: Chaos. Complete chaos, but Fleur immediately had sprung into action. Her wand was clutched in her hand to defend herself when she saw someone lying on the ground. She rushed to their side, but knowing there were Death Eaters all around, she called out to the first order member she saw - “Jimmy! Cover me!” - and hoped that he would as she started to try and help the person lying on the ground.
JIMMY FLETCHER: His ears pick up his name, and he turns around, quickly, his instincts more than sharp. He sees Fleur, a body on the ground, and he shakes off a Death Eater by hitting them with a stunning spell before rushing over. "Gotcha, Delacour!" That's not her surname any more, but who cares about such details at the moment. He casts a shield charm, eyes considering their surroundings. "They alive?"
FLEUR WEASLEY: Grateful to know that he was watching her back, Fleur now focused on the man lying on the ground. "Yes. Yes, I should be able to help." She took a deep breath before waving her wand over him, muttering spells to at least get him well enough to apparate to safety.
JIMMY FLETCHER: He releases a breath of air he didn't know he was holding, eyes flicking to Fleur for a moment. He doesn't like death. He doesn't like any of this. Empty words fall from his mouth as he says, "Great, cool, yeah - great," his mind and mouth not connected. "Fuck, not great." A Death Eater approached, and Jimmy focused on defense more than offense as he tried to block Fleur from their view.
FLEUR WEASLEY: Fleur's managed to stay calm this far, but she was nervous that there would be casualties they couldn't help. "He'll be fine," she spoke, not entirely sure if it was to convince herself or Jimmy. But it was his next words that drew her attention and she noticed the Death Eater. "Merde." She started working quicker, hoping it wouldn't take much longer.
JIMMY FLETCHER: He focuses on defense, not on clever words or distracting taunts, but getting this Death Eater away from here as soon as possible. Stunning spell after stunning spell leaves his wand, but his opponant sends curses right back, debris flying near his foot. In the end, though, one of his red jets of light hits the other square in the chest, and he drops. "Clear, for now." He casts a concealment charm, a shield, and turns to Fleur. "How's it going?"
FLEUR WEASLEY: Hearing all the commotion around her had Fleur nervous, likely not the best for her situation. "Thank you," she replied, turning to look at him. "He'll be fine. Everything severe is at least patched up. But we need to get him off the street. Inside somewhere safe."27 October 2020
JIMMY FLETCHER: He registers her words but doesn't reply immediately, eyes seeking for a safe place. "Got it," he says, and he moves to the first door he sees - belonging to the junk shop - casting alohomora non verbally. Jimmy hasn't ever been opposed to breaking and entering, especially not in moments of need. "Here, Fleur!" He stands near the door, wand at the ready for defensive spells.
FLEUR WEASLEY: Fleur keeps working as he moves away, not wanting to waste any time. A quick charm helps the (more conscious now) man to stand and they nearly run to the door, her own wand casting a shield around them. Once they were all inside, she shut and locked the door before getting the man to some semblance of a seat. "Rest a moment," she told him before turning to Jimmy. "Thank you for you help.”
JIMMY FLETCHER: He doesn't say no to that suggestion, and leans against one of the pillars in the store, eyes flicking to the door every now and then. Most of the time, though, he looks at Fleur. "I should get better at healing," he says. "I mean, I carry potions with me all the time - speaking of, need something? Dittany? - but the spells? I'm shit." Jimmy squats for a moment, rubbing his eyes. "Fucking hell, Fleur. This shit's crazy."
FLEUR WEASLEY: Fleur wiped a bead of sweat from her brow as she took a few deep breaths. For the moment, at least, they could breathe. “Do you have dittany?” she asked, knowing if he did, it would be incredibly useful. “They take practice, and they’re certainly not everyone’s strong suit.” She shook her head. “I know. I know. And I haven’t seen my family since all this started.” She couldn’t think about that now. “I don’t think they’re going to stop anytime soon either.”
JIMMY FLETCHER: "Yeah, give me a second." He digs in his pockets, and takes a while as they're magically enlarged, and produces a vial. "Here." Jimmy hands Fleur the potion, and stands near her now, watching her at work, impressed. "Oh, shit. I'm sorry about that." He thought about those he'd come with that he cared about, and felt a pang of fear. "I've not seen Dung either, but I'm sure he's ghosted." All the others he cares about, he doesn't mention, as the thought scares him too much. "Yeah. Me either. They're really out for blood."
FLEUR WEASLEY: “Ah, thank you.” Fleur offered a very small, but grateful smile. One of the cuts she’d thought she’d healed was open again. She put a few drops over the wounds she saw, watching as they started healing. She knew it had to sting, but it was better than bleeding out. “I’ll find them when this is over.” And she couldn’t think about any alternative, not now. “This is only going to get worse isn’t it?”
JIMMY FLETCHER: He thinks it's interesting how well Fleur knows what she's doing. Jimmy knows of course, that appearances are just that, but still: it's an intriguing image. "If I see any of them, I'll tell them you're okay, yeah?" What else is there to do? Hope, he supposes, but that's not something he's familiar with. "If you're looking for something optimistic here I can't help ye. Because yeah, yeah. It probably will."
FLEUR WEASLEY: “Yes. Yes, that would be great, thanks.” She nodded. She’d not been a part of this the first time around, and she was starting to think they’d been lucky then. “If someone can be optimistic about this, I envy them.”
JIMMY FLETCHER: "No worries." Jimmy didn't say that he had a feeling that some of her family members might not be okay, the Weasleys such notorious opposers of the Death Eaters. She probably already knew that. "I dunno. It'll probably bite them in the arse, y'know?"
FLEUR WEASLEY: Fleur nodded. She knew it was foolish to think they’d all get out unscathed. There were too many of them, the odds were against them. “Yeah, it probably will.”
THREAD 002: Reyna & Jimmy.
JIMMY FLETCHER: This isn't where he functions best: on the forefront. Jimmy Fletcher is good at acting in the shadows, behind the scenes, at sneaking around when no one is watching. If it wasn't for the Order and his sense of duty, he would have apparated moments ago, but here he is. Faced with a Death Eater, wands raised. "Can ye even breathe in that fuckin' thing?," he shouts, all bravado and distractions as his wand twists in his hand, sending a nonverbal stinging hex their way. "Seems real uncomfortable."
REYNA NOTT: Reyna cared little for battlefield taunts, but why not have a bit of fun? “Well enough to do my job,” she countered. Though in advancing upon him, his hex hit her shoulder, causing her to stumble a bit before she sent one right back.
JIMMY FLETCHER: His face winces as the stinging hex hits him, but he's had worse. "You call this a job? When d'you get off, then? How's the pay?" He's an easy talker, worse duellist, quick on his feet in both senses. Jimmy points his wand at his opponent, shouting, "Impedimenta!"
REYNA NOTT: "As if you care." The talk was... less than stimulating (though perhaps simply because she wasn't much for conversation anyway). "Protego!" she shouts, raising her wand to protect herself before, "Flipendo!"
JIMMY FLETCHER: "But I do! That's why I asked," he says, rambling as if it's all he knows to do. His mouth and wand move with ease: running his mouth is nature, after all, and so is survival. "See, always on the look out for new job opportunities." And still, the knockback jinx gets him, blowing the air from his lungs. Jimmy scrambles up, though, yelling, "D'you get a bonus for that? Locomotor Wibbly!"
REYNA NOTT: "As if we would accept scum like you." Rey was grateful for the mask that hid her face as her legs buckled beneath her, caught off guard enough in her pride. She sent a blasting curse to the ground in front of his feet as she gathered herself again.
JIMMY FLETCHER: "Oh, come on now, you must have some more original material than the whole scum thing by now!," he exclaims, before scrambling back from the blast, blocking debris flying his way with his wand. "Doesn't it get tiring, calling people scum?"
REYNA NOTT: "What would you prefer I call you?" she nearly shouted, sending yet another blast - laughing at how he scrambled. "No, it gives a good rush."
JIMMY FLETCHER: He defects that one, and sends a pain-inducing curse her way. "Fuck, that's what gives you a rush? Have you tried bungee jumping? Being in love? Something other than boring insults?"
REYNA NOTT: Reyna let out a cry as the curse hit her. It was pain enough that she wouldn't be surprised if he used the opportunity against her. "Love," she scoffed. "It's overrated."
JIMMY FLETCHER: "Flipendo!," he yells, taking advantage of the situation before adding, "I mean, try something else then. Go on a bender, if you want a rush."
REYNA NOTT: Reyna groaned as she hit the ground. “Fuck,” she mumbled. She threw a stinging jinx his way as she got back to her feet. “Oh, no. This is much more fun.”
JIMMY FLETCHER: He winces as the stinging hex hits him, face contorted. He doesn't like this: he hates dueling in all truth, prefers curses that take hours to crack than those fired at him in quick succession. He wants out. "You've got a fucked up idea of what fun is, mate." Jimmy points his wand at the ground before Reyna, "Confringo!"
REYNA NOTT: In all truth, the man was probably right in saying she didn’t really know what fun was. Her own family was so rigid and the one she married into wasn’t much easier. It was because of these thoughts that she was thrown back by the ground blasting in front of her. She laid on the ground, trying to catch her breath.
JIMMY FLETCHER: As the Death Eater fell, Jimmy saw his chance. He was no fighter: the muscle work in both Nik's crew and the Order was left to others. He gripped his wand, pulled up the hood of his hoody and turned, sprinting away from the scene and onto whatever next this battle might hand to him.
THREAD 003: Olive & Jimmy.
JIMMY FLETCHER: The screams are haunting, in all truth. If he was a more cowardly man (which doesn't say a lot, really), he would have turned a blind eye, but he doesn't. He finds the screams belong to one of the Longbottom girls (her name, for now, lost on him) and he takes a moment to assess the situation. Jimmy has always been good at quick thinking, and he observes the masked Death Eater, who's saying, "I just might," in a tone that makes this seem like a fucking game. He creases his eyebrows in concentration as he points his wand at him, "Confundo." His priority isn't with causing harm, but with helping, and as he's particularly skilled at the charm, the masked figure seems to lose focus, glancing at his wand as if it's the first time he's seen it. It's almost comical. Jimmy rushes over towards Olive, casting a protective charm around the two of them. "Hey, hey, I'll get you out, yeah? Can you walk? Stand?" He knows that this amount of questions isn't helping, but he's always been a rambler. "What d'you need?" 
OLIVE LONGBOTTOM: everything happens in slow motion, or so it seems. she watches a man, who she doesn’t know, cast a spell in diomedes’ direction. and in moments, the pain stops coursing throughout her body. she’s able to sit up, her hands pressed hard into the ground beneath her, and take a good look at the person who saved her. “i’m okay, i think...” she trails off, clearly still shaken up from the effects of the cruciatus curse. “i can stand... just help me up.” olive holds out her hand, waiting for him to pull her to her feet. “get me out of here. please.”
JIMMY FLETCHER: He takes one glance at her and knows she's not okay, that whatever just happens is fucked up in more ways than one. He doesn't address it, though, his focus on getting her out of here. He takes her hand, and pulls her up. "You good to side along apparate? I'll get you to St Mungo's." Jimmy's eyes look around, checking if his protego is still holding up, before looking at the Longbottom kid again. Fucking hell, he thinks, this world is rotten.
OLIVE LONGBOTTOM: "st. mungos is perfect." she nods before leaning down to pick up her wand, stuffing it into her pocket. she doesn't remember dropping it, but she can only assume that it had fallen out of her hand after diomedes had hit her with the cruciatus curse. "i think i'll be okay to apparate..." she trails off, struggling to concentrate on anything, really. she can feel herself shaking and she tries to steady herself but it's no use. both her body and mind are still reeling, unable to fully proccess everything that had just happened.  "we need to hurry, though. he'll come back to his sense soon enough."
JIMMY FLETCHER: He looks at the Death Eater for a moment, but he's still confunded. Jimmy Fletcher might be a rather cowardly dueller, but not much bad could be said about his confundus charms. "Alright, alright. Hold on tight, yeah?" Jimmy looks at the other, so startingly young, and his heart feels heavy. When he was that age, his life wasn't particularly filled with sunshine either, but he wasn't doing this, at the very least. He gives her a count down, three to zero, and then apparates. They arrive in the reception area, and Jimmy staggers, struggling to hold up Olive before moving to a pair of chairs. "I - er. I'll talk to the Welcome Wix, if you want. But I have to know what's wrong."
0 notes
thirdwars · 4 years
the battle at diagon alley // felix jordan-weasley
Mentions/features: Pippa Greengrass, James Potter, Archie Fairfax,  Fred Weasley II
To summarise: Felix challenges a masked Archie for a duel, without knowing who he is. Archie refuses to fight him, and Felix is a Gryffindor about it for a bit before hitting him with a tickling hex and running off. He then comes across James, and the two fight side by side by a bit before being separated. The next Death Eater he stands across is another ex, this time Pippa, throws the fight by dueling with her left hand. He also stumbles upon Fred at WWW.
THREAD 001: Archie & Felix. (blood & psychosis tw)
FELIX JORDAN-WEASLEY: For someone who values honesty quite a lot, Felix thinks these mask are a rather frustrating thing. Not knowing who hides behind them, not knowing who he might be duelling with ... it leaves his mind thinking in endless loops of who is this, who is this, who is this. But when he starts doubting himself too much, he thinks of Annette Bardon, of uncle Harry, of all those the Death Eaters have killed. And so, when he's faced with an anonymous Death Eater, he's willing to fight, even if his thoughts go a thousand miles an hour.
ARCHIE FAIRFAX: archie wasn't ready to face the reality of his savagery a year ago and today is no different. he doesn't keep count of the bodies that fall from his actions and worst of all, he finds he doesn't care. why should he? when he's been shown so little of it, why do others deserve that from him? that notion dies a swifter death than archie could ever deserve when a far too familiar face appears as his next opponent. felix. ( he can't see you. that would be kinder than killing him with your mask off. ) that voice sounds an awful lot like cassius, almost as if the parasite is right there next to archie. but he's frozen, wand pointed directly between fee's eyes. powerless.
FELIX JORDAN-WEASLEY: He's staring down the barrel of a wand, and for a moment Felix thinks this is it. He wants to close his eyes, let whatever happens next happen. It's not like he wants to just give up, but if he is to die he'd rather do so peacefully. But nothing happens, and his eyes remain wide open, staring, staring, staring. He can't help but wonder who's behind the mask, and as he starts thinking of potential names, he wants to scream. Perhaps that scares him even more: that those he knows could be wrapped up in this. That his ability to see the good in people has just made him blind to the reality of war. He grips his wand, but feels conflicted. Hesitation is contagious. "Do it, then," he says in stead, all Gryffindor and no sense.
ARCHIE FAIRFAX: he's frozen. voices of varying pitches, mostly telling him to fucking do it, others pleading with him to put his wand down. both so loud and all encompassing and terrifying that archie is reduced to a stiff, defenseless board. archie wants to say something, to tell felix he means no harm ( that he never meant any harm ) but not even his jaw will bend to his will. ( what is your will? are you sure you'd feel guilty? maybe if he's dead, the guilt from hogwarts would wash away. ) stiffness begins to morph into the slightest of trembles, barely visible. if felix could see behind archie's intricate mask, he'd see tears gathering.
FELIX JORDAN-WEASLEY: He doesn't understand what is happening, not with himself or the person in front of him. You know them, he thinks, that must be it. He thinks of Theo, guiltily, but immediately casts that thought aside, not even wanting to accuse his friend of such things in his mind. He aches. He fears. Felix knows he should move his wand, that he should fight, but he finds himself frozen too, not out of fear but out of feeling. His hand moves up - his free one - and he pushes the wand out of the way, hesitantly.
ARCHIE FAIRFAX: why is he hesitating? felix, do something. you can't be treating death eaters like this. none of us deserve it. words he'd like to say out loud but his traitorous body won't comply. then felix advances, in a way so incredibly fee, with no desire to do harm in his eyes. and yet, his body fights back. archie moves away from fee's reach, takes a few steps back, wand still pointed at his friend, arm straighter, feigning more conviction. still not a word from a jaw fused shut from overwhelming confusion.
FELIX JORDAN-WEASLEY: His heart his hammering in his chest and he knows he's being stupid, he knows, but his compassion has always made him blind. As the other steps back and stretches their arm, he's afraid for the first time. What if his naivety lead to him getting hurt? He's selfless, yes, but to get hurt just because of this heart that makes his head an emotional maze he can't navigate? That's nonsense. And so he raises his wand, too, and all he can think is that he doesn't want to hurt them, and how fucked up that is. Is he strong, for such compassion, or is he weak? Is it unfound, or does he feel it for a reason? He doesn't know, he doesn't know, and he's sick of it, so he flicks his wand, "Titilando!", and sends a strong tickling hex towards the other.
ARCHIE FAIRFAX: he's just waiting at this point, watching felix's wand. the suspense is debilitating, he wants this awful little standoff to the over with. but being unable to force his wrist against his friend, there's only one choice left: wait for felix to make a move. the time it takes feels like seconds and an eternity all at once and when the spell finally comes, archie doesn't so much as flinch. he expected violence, to be launched back from a blast but instead he's caught in a tickling hex. immediately he drops his wand, trying to bat the curse away, his yells stained with a strained, forced laugh. archie stumbles back, body convulsing against the sensations until the back of his heel is caught on rubble. his skull makes a dull thud as it meets cobblestone and his body stops convulsing, blood oozes slowly from the point of impact. 
FELIX JORDAN-WEASLEY: He watches how the impact of his spell unfurls. Felix feels sick: this spell had been funny to learn once, in Charms classes, but feels oddly cruel now. And then there's that thud, and something unmistakenly red flowing behind the mask. His heart rises to his throat, beating beating beating, and Felix curses himself because this should feel good: he's beaten a Death Eater, hurt one even, but he only thinks himself cruel. It wasn't like he was defending himself, after all, repaying offense with offense. Guilt eats at him, and then guilt over his guilt eats at him too, and suddenly all Felix can do is run, away from this, away from his thoughts. And all the while, one thought plays on repeat in his head: they must have known me they must have known me they must have known me.
THREAD 002: James & Felix. 
FELIX JORDAN-WEASLEY: James!" The name falls from his mouth, a shout in all truth, and he rushes over to his cousin. He's been trying to find family members, wanting to hold them all close, wanting to know that they're okay. (They aren't of course, but they all haven't been for quite some time.) "You okay? Hurt? Seen anyone?" He's rambling, his eyes moving through the crowds. He's a creature made to build, to create, not to be caught in such sheer destruction. "Wanna stick together?"
JAMES POTTER: "Felix!" James spun quickly towards the sound of his cousin's voice, tripping slightly over his own feet and he gripped tighter to his wand so he wouldn't drop it or lose it in the crossfire. He was more relieved than he could put into words to see him there, he couldn't manage to lose any more family like this, he didn't think he could take it. "I'm fine." He wasn't, but none of them were. He was okay in the sense of the question however. "What about you? Are you hurt? Is everyone okay, I haven't found anyone else yet! Stick with me."
FELIX JORDAN-WEASLEY: Seeing James is both a relief and something that makes it feel like Felix is falling. The other has lost so much already: he doesn't wish any more loss upon him. And yet, they are caught in the midst of the crossfire, and Felix has no idea where the rest of his family members are. "I'm okay, I'm okay," he says, blinking heavily. "I haven't seen anyone since everything started." He places himself on the other's side, eyes flicking around the scene, wand at the ready.
THREAD 003: Pippa & Felix.
FELIX JORDAN-WEASLEY: He has been raised with chaos, but the chaos he knows is nothing like this. All flashing bangs and destruction, too much pain for him to even take in at once. The world seems to twist underneath his feet, his steps uneasy. He's quite sure he's twisted his ankle, while running to or from something. Felix doesn't remember: he doesn't even know how long this has been going on. All he knows is keeping an eye out and making sure he doesn't die, and so when he comes across another Death Eater (that there's so many of them, startles him so deeply that he feels he might be sick), he raises his wand, determined.
PHILLIPA GREENGRASS: She is standing face to face with FELIX, mere inches between them, and she wants nothing more than the ground to open up and swallow her whole. This feels like a cruel joke. She wants to scream, she wants to rip off her mask and fall at his feet. She wants to beg for forgiveness for her sins. Her eyes are fixed on the raised wand. Hers remains lowered. she physically can’t lift it. Pippa’s world, whether she cares to admit it or not, still very much centres around this boy. She wouldn’t care if he took her life. She almost wishes he would. It would be easier. The sounds surrounding them, the screaming, the yelling, the crying, all remind her of the current setting and she realises she must fight. She must duel him. But only because if the wrong eyes are watching, they will see that this boy is her biggest weakness. Do it to protect him.She moves the wand from her right to her left hand, hoping that her arms will stay STEADY. ‘’Rictumsempta’’ the spell is CLUMSY, it misses by a mile.
FELIX JORDAN-WEASLEY: It's a confusing night, in all truth. Felix knows he's not a good duellist, and yet he's won one against a masked Death Eater, and now another is being clumsy. He expects these masked folks to be ruthless, unstoppable, and while that is certainly true for a lot of them, a certain few have not been. He doesn't understand it. But then, what is there to understand about these kinds of people in general? Felix knows he should not try to, that there is no use, but his compassion eats away at him. Do they even want to be here? He can't think of such things now, and he focuses on the masked individual in front of him, on what the mask stands for, on all that his family has lost because of people like this. He casts a tripping hex, lost in his confusion and unable to think of proper spells.
PHILLIPA GREENGRASS: She can’t stop staring at him, wondering what is going through his head. Wondering who he thinks is behind the mask, what his suspicions are, or maybe, she thinks, he doesn’t think. Maybe all he sees is the mask and what it stands for. Hatred, violence, bloodshed. Everything she never wanted to be, and yet here she is, reduced to such labels. Maybe she is all those things. Hatred, violence, bloodshed. Looking at Felix, she wishes she hadn’t let it get this far. She wishes she had been braver, that she was braver. She wishes she could have stood up to her mother like Phoenix had, she wishes she was standing by Felix’s side, not as his enemy. Can you hear the cracking of her heart? The spell hits her and she falls backwards, head hits the ground but she gets back up. Wand still in the left hand. Pippa fires Ventus and a jet of cold wind surrounds her, it almost dances across the space between them. But her aim is off, the spiralling wind flies too high, right over the others head, vanishing into the clouds. He can’t see the smile behind the mask.
FELIX JORDAN-WEASLEY: These masks have haunted his family for decades. They took his grandmother's brothers, they took his uncle, they caused havoc upon havoc with every war they started. He hates them, he does, and he holds so much anger that sometimes he thinks he might explode. But Felix Jordan-Weasley has always been a creature of compassion; not per se of understanding, but a deep desire to want to. And there are many Death Eaters he won't ever want to understand, but his earlier interaction with a masked figure and now this, make it seem like the world topples. Are they even trying? He knows he isn't a good dueller, lacks the focus and coordination and the magical prowess, and yet he seems to have the upper hand. But all his thoughts won't keep him from fighting, because the other hides behind a mask and his family is in immediate danger, but still. It twists his stomach. "Expelliarmus!"
THREAD 004: Fred & Felix.
FELIX JORDAN-WEASLEY: "Fred, Fred!" He rushes over to his cousin, eyes wide and startled. "Fuck, have you checked - have you checked the shop? I ..." His mind is filled with fear, thinking about how these Death Eaters can take anything they love and crush it like it's nothing. His father's shop is right there, and so is the place he calls home. "Are you okay? Hurt?" His mouth and mind are moving a hundred miles an hour, and he looks over Fred with a worried expression. He's unscathed, inexplicably, except for his heavy heart - but he's sure that is not the case for all his family, and the thought makes him mad.
FRED WEASLEY: fred's heart was racing with adrenaline. he had been in the shop when the attack had started. "the shop is fine. i got people inside to floo out." fred had refused to leave the shop or the general vicinity of it until he could get as many people as he could inside to safety. "i'm fine. have you seen my parents or sister? i don't know where anyone is."
FELIX JORDAN-WEASLEY: "Oh - that's brilliant." For a moment, he beams at Fred, but his expression falters soon when he asks about his family. He wants to say yes, but he has to shake his head. "I haven't. You mine? Anyone? I've seen James, that's it." He's all worry, now, thinking about all the things that could have happened. "Fuck."
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nefelibatateaser · 4 years
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                                        𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐃𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐔𝐌
                          heavy chain mail, sworn to protect but  who protects you                           your muscles whine in  pain yet you push on, battles axes                           knows ways to disarm you non-violently, thread bare body                           tired parents handling one thousand irresponsible children                           you fight on day in and day out until equality comes for all
NEFELIBATAHQ  is  an  adventure  sandbox  roleplay  group  set  in  the  fictional fantasy  realm  of  vellaska,  more  specifically  the  oligarchy  of  illium. the  roleplay  is  designed  to  have  a  few  ‘chapters’  that  have  been  planned  and  hashed  out.  this  will be  a  highly  immersive  group  with  lots  of  inclusive,  action-packed  plotdrops.
                                                  PROTECT  YOUR  HEART
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nefelibatateaser · 4 years
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                                        𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐃𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐔𝐌
                          heavy chain mail, sworn to protect but  who protects you                           your muscles whine in  pain yet you push on, battles axes                           knows ways to disarm you non-violently, thread bare body                           tired parents handling one thousand irresponsible children                           you fight on day in and day out until equality comes for all
NEFELIBATARPG  is  an  adventure  sandbox  roleplay  group  set  in  the  fictional fantasy  realm  of  vellaska,  more  specifically  the  oligarchy  of  illium. the  roleplay  is  designed  to  have  a  few  ‘chapters’  that  have  been  planned  and  hashed  out.  this  will be  a  highly  immersive  group  with  lots  of  inclusive,  action-packed  plotdrops.
                                                  PROTECT  YOUR  HEART
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nefelibatateaser · 4 years
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                                        𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐃𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐔𝐌
                          heavy chain mail, sworn to protect but  who protects you                           your muscles whine in  pain yet you push on, battles axes                           knows ways to disarm you non-violently, thread bare body                           tired parents handling one thousand irresponsible children                           you fight on day in and day out until equality comes for all
NEFELIBATAHQ  is  an  adventure  sandbox  roleplay  group  set  in  the  fictional fantasy  realm  of  vellaska,  more  specifically  the  oligarchy  of  illium. the  roleplay  is  designed  to  have  a  few  ‘chapters’  that  have  been  planned  and  hashed  out.  this  will be  a  highly  immersive  group  with  lots  of  inclusive,  action-packed  plotdrops.
                                                  PROTECT  YOUR  HEART
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nefelibatateaser · 4 years
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                                        𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐃𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐔𝐌
                          heavy chain mail, sworn to protect but  who protects you                           your muscles whine in  pain yet you push on, battles axes                           knows ways to disarm you non-violently, thread bare body                           tired parents handling one thousand irresponsible children                           you fight on day in and day out until equality comes for all
NEFELIBATAHQ  is  an  adventure  sandbox  roleplay  group  set  in  the  fictional fantasy  realm  of  vellaska,  more  specifically  the  oligarchy  of  illium. the  roleplay  is  designed  to  have  a  few  ‘chapters’  that  have  been  planned  and  hashed  out.  this  will be  a  highly  immersive  group  with  lots  of  inclusive,  action-packed  plotdrops.
                                                  PROTECT  YOUR  HEART
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