shapecrow · 2 years
*・゚ @obsessher​ liked!
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   bitterly and bad-temperedly, corey’s holding his hand close to his chest, having opened the stitches for what seems to be the third time this week. it seems all his new hobbies don’t afford him the ability to be so utterly careful. the pain is inevitable at this point, as long as he gets what he wants out of it.
   still, though, it’s stinging, dripping blood, as corey’s standing outside of the gas station. meekly, he’s calling over to the other man. halfway hoping he isn’t heard and halfway actually wanting help. “sorry to bother you... can you go inside and ask if i can borrow their first aid kit?” they don’t like me in there.
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shapecrow · 2 years
*・ @bastardstandard​ liked!
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   --okay, normal twenty-four-year-olds shouldn’t be so wary of fucking high schoolers, but corey’s had enough bad experiences with those little shits from back home that he’s avoiding him, avoiding his eyes. god, could he be any more pathetic? no, actually not. because... step on his toes. see what happens. i dare you.
   he’s changed. changed a lot since back then. if he’s at all harassed, he’ll just take preventative measures for next time. after all, the last one who thought his shit didn’t stink took a blowtorch to the face. hazel eyes evenly meet his. “what? what do you want? stop staring. you’re pissing me off.”
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shapecrow · 2 years
*・   @forthepple​ asked:  ❛ it’s the silence that scares me. ❜ | horror starters.
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   “really?” for corey, he can’t relate. silence is peace. silence is peace in the way no one is around to judge him, to harass him. to call him a psycho. psycho is also... a way of saying the job is done. that the bones have been snapped under his hands, that organs have been shredded under a kitchen knife. it’s the calm after the storm.
   --of course, that’s not what he says out loud to her. with furrowed brows, he plays the innocent doe as always, offering her a shrug. “i guess... it just depends on who you are. i find it can be very therapeutic. i can think.” more like, the buzzing of whatever disease michael passed to him stops after he’s killed. again, doesn’t say that part.
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shapecrow · 2 years
*・ @ofpsalms​ liked!
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   “--but... but i didn’t do anything, not on purpose.” yeah, okay, so what are the odds? what are the odds that people not even local to haddonfield recognize his own ugly mug? it’s not even as if his case had been highly-televised. in fact, from what he heard from his stepfather, it was barely televised at all. sure, it’s interesting for some people who weren’t there who swear on their lives corey is a monster. but most people don’t find manslaughter cases that interesting.
   “it was an accident. it was all just an accident. i never meant for any of this to happen. just... leave me alone.” everything afterwards? not so much of an accident. but she doesn’t have to know that.
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shapecrow · 2 years
*・゚  @scarecrowstabs​​ asked :  kiss corey? kiss corey. he is currently kissing corey.
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   the sudden barrage of kisses from his double have him bashful, laughing, lowering his head. heat settles beneath his face, and he shyly adjusts his glasses, pushing them further up on his nose. corey reaches to idly twirl fingers through his own messy curls, warm with affection for his mirror image. his other half. his soulmate.
   corey rests his hands on his shorter double’s chest, leaning in to nuzzle just slightly into his neck before peppering a few kisses across the sensitive skin. if they’re not careful, they’ll get swept away again. but corey’s particularly okay with not being careful today.
   “i love you.” one kiss. “i love you, i love you.” more kisses to his neck. “i’ll remind you any time you need me to.”
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shapecrow · 2 years
*・゚@chmerical​ asked:  “My hobbies include knowing and being right.” - dani ! | shit tumblr people have said.
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   seems like... dani’s at least got a hint more confidence than corey does? wouldn’t have thought it at first glance, she seems to be just about as meek as he is. corey offers her a slight nod, knowing things are still awkward between them after her first exchange. 
   he’s making the attempt to be more friendly, but becoming a recluse after the past three years hasn’t done him any favors. haddonfield hasn’t done him any fucking favors.
   “see, i can’t call that my hobby because even when i think i’m right, i’m usually wrong. i guess... you know what they say about broken clocks and being write twice a day... or whatever...” he sighs, gesturing nonchalantly, or rather, trying to be nonchalant. probably failing. definitely failing.
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shapecrow · 2 years
@finalslay​ asked:  “  woah—  hold up you’re bleeding.  ” // from nancy !
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   brows furrow when she exclaims, the slightest bit of warm red trickling down from the gash above his eye. once before, he didn’t have to play it off like he’d gotten jumped just as an excuse. now, though, in a town that hates him for breathing, it’s a perfect excuse for when his prey victim starts to fight back.
   “oh... this?” he raises one bandaged hand, placing it above the cut. “it’s all right, i’ve dealt with much worse.” with all his wounds, though, he’s starting to look like a cut of flayed meat.
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