#** I Do Not Know Youu and You Do Not Know Me ** like Genuinelyy/ Even in the Slightest !!!
ireallydohateyou2 · 4 months
if u ppl don't start listening to me + also realize that I'm not at alll whoeverr it is that you think i am/ might be ... i stg i'm going to delete ...
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ireallydohateyou2 · 3 months
ok,. ..so... I slept on it & I think I've determined that i ultimately am going to go through with the breather, for numerouss reasons, but chief of which being I just feel as though it's the best thing I could probablyy do for myself, as well as others, in this moment. I just wanted to let you all know just how much I rlyy trulyy, genuinelyy love & appreciate the majority youu + so hope that you can feel it through the screen (pls say u do, or I'll cry) & even moreso, I just wanted to reassure everyone that it's justt a breather (as mentioned)), and if all goes according to plan, i should return within a couple of weeks... I'm definitelyy not (at all) in a good place (hence the stepping away) rn, but I also reallyy want to clarify that it's not so serious + hope that no one gets too upset &/or overly concerned during my absence... I know I prev (albeit vv brieflyy) mentioned that the last time I was Seriouslyy considering/posting about such a hiatus was monthsss ago + i was mostt definitelyy on the verge of being admitted in-patient ((from anywhere between two weeks -- to a month (vv minimum)), at a nearby mental health facility... (just wanna reiterate) This website, obviouslyy, wasn't the (primaryy) cause (like nowhere nearrr evenn closee) -- I've simply had so soo muchh going on for the longesttt noww & if anythingg, it was just kinda like the little, tinyy cherry on top... So, it's not So serious,.. (Prettyy) pls don't be too worried abt me... Am in an entirelyy different space noww + (re)starting medication (& v hormonal :// (just to add a little spice))... Alwayyyss have far farrr too much to say to you all ((which i neverr do)), but don't wanna ramble on,... just Pleasee Be Good/Safe + I Love You.
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