#*****editing to add i just sent her a vm asking her to clarify what and who she meant by beung a middle man
castielfucks · 30 days
dude actually i think I really don't like my mom
#her dad was disrespectful toward me and keeps trying to contact me through her and my cousin#even though i asked him to stop#my mom sends me a message saying “i know you told me not to pass on his messages but” and proceeds to pass on this nasty old dudes message#i tell her its disrespectful to my boundaries and im not interested in any contact or convo with this dude#and she sends me a vouce message CRYING ????? saying she hates being the middle man???#girl.... you are supposed to be the middle man for your child ? youre a parent ? thats not being a middle man thats parenting???#youre SUPPOSED to protect and defend your child from people they dont want to talk to#and your child getting frustrated when you fail to do so is not “throwing rocks” as she put it oh my GOD#get those fuckin tears out of bere man like i havent been the middle man the peacemaker for our family#since i was able to walk and talk#bitch PLEASE just be a parent!!! be normal about being a parent !!!!!!#how are you 50yo in a different state than your 80yo father and youre still scared of him ????#how do you let your father say some transphobic shit to your child and u shrug with “oh thats just how he is sorry”#youre grown as hell how does someone disown a 50 YEAR OLD ADULT CHILD LMAOOOO#please talk to your theraoist about it and not your youngest child !!! for once !!!!!!!! FOR ONCE !!!!!!!!#*****editing to add i just sent her a vm asking her to clarify what and who she meant by beung a middle man#if she says me im throwing hands verbally
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